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1、()A、MN B、UN C、VW

2、()A、bd B、pq C、rb

3、()A、TPR B、ijk C、OPQ

4、()A、30 B、13 C、33

5、()A、fifteen B、fourteen C、five

6、()A、family B、farmer C、fridge

7、()A、kitchen B、chicken C、knife

8、()A、yellow B、pink C、brown

9、()A、photo B、picture C、phone

10、()A、spoon B、school C、classroom

二、Listen and number.(听录音,给图编号)(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、Listen tick or cross.(听音,与听到相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”)(10分)

1) 2) 3) 4) 5 4) 5)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四、Listen and number.(按听到的顺序给句子编号)(10分)

( ) You are right!

( ) I have a new friend.

( ) He’s tall and strong.

( ) He’s John.

( ) He likes painting.


一.、Read and choose.(看图,找出相应的单词,把单词的编号填在图下的括号里。)(10分)

A. computer

B. spoon

C. dog

D. soup

E. hamburger

F. kitchen

G. key

H. lion

I. zipper

J. lamp

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、Look, read and tick.(看图,打“√”或打“╳”)(10分)

( ) ( )

1) I have two Chinese books. 2) This is a board.

( ) ( ) ( )

3) I like sports. 4) He is thin. 5) He is a farmer.

三、Read and choose.(读问句选答句)(10分)

()1、Is she in the bedroom?

A 、No, they aren’t.

B 、Yes, she is.

()2、What’s your father?

A、He’s a doctor.. B 、Yes, he is.

()3、How many people are there in your family?

A.、Three B 、They’re my parents and me.

()4、What’s his name?

A 、His name is Zhang Peng. B、He is tall and strong.

()5、What colour is it?

A 、I t’s an orange. B.、It’s orange.

四. 、Read and write (读一读,写一写)(10分)

1、I have a blue .

2、He likes to eat .

3、My mother is a good .

4、The book is on the .

5、Welcome to my .

五、Read and choose .(根据A栏所给的问题,在B栏中找出相应的答句,


( )1. What’s in your schoolbag? A. His name is Jack.

( )2. Can I have some rice , please? B. I have twenty.

( ) 3. How many hats do you have? C. Three books and two erasers. ( )4. What’s his name? D. It’s under the chair.

( )5. Where is the ball? E. Sure. Here you are.

六、Read and tick or cross.(读短文,判断下列句子的正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”)(10分)

Hello, I’m Mike. I’m a teacher. I’m tall and strong. I like music and sports. I often read story-books.

Look, this is my family photo. I have a brother. We are good friends. He is twenty-seven. He is thin. He is a driver. He likes rice very much.

1. Mike is a doctor . ( )

2. Mike is short . ( )

3. Mike likes science and music . ( )

4. Mike’s brother likes rice very much . ( )

5.Mike’s brother is thirty . ( )