研究生英语视听说教程 Unit 11

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综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11 10
1. What are the key criteria of buying cars for American drivers? Big engines and spaciousness. 2. Why does the Clubman attract more drivers? It’s so small that it has only nine inches long.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11 8
1. A
6. D
2. C
7. A
3. B
8. B
4. A
9. A
5. C
10. D
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11
1. You fell like this specialized that you are going into the metro and the country is all to going up. 2. Since Delhi is crammed with more than 14 million people and a few animals, the Delhi Metro rail is a far cry from what usually awaits commuters here. 3. And everyday about 9 hundred vehicles are added to the already chocked roads.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11 13
3. I don’t think it is any surprise that the Chinese are saying that they are going to build their own aircraft in due course. 我认为中国人说他们在不远的将来要建造他们自 己的飞机,这一点都不奇怪。 4. But I think it would be at least a couple of decades before they have an aircraft that makes any meaningful dent in the market, and quite possibly several decades. 但是我认为,他们要生产出一架在市场上有任何 一点影响力的飞机,至少要20年,而且很可能要 几十年。
vehicle and the key is in which opens the 6) _______ the glove box. The company takes care of insurance With routine maintenance and 7) __________. gas, it’s all about courtesy. If the tank is low, 8) fill it up _______ for the next driver.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11 12
1. China has never hidden its desire to become a major force in the aviation and aerospace industries. 中国从来没有隐藏其成为航空航天工业主力的愿望。
2. And Sunday’s announcement that it plans to challenge Airbus and Boeing’s current duopoly by building big passenger jets isn’t exactly a shock. 本周日中国宣布其计划生产大型喷气式客机以挑战 目前空客和波音的双垄断市场,这并不完全令人吃 惊。
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11
3. It improves air quality, it reduces 9) congestion _________,
it improves green space because now we
accommodate parking. It’s don’t have to 10) ______________ great for development. They can have lower 11) parking ratios now. You don’t have to provide _____________ huge parking for every new development. I
insurance. It's 4) _________saving you some definitely
money now.
综合英语视听说教程 UnitHale Waihona Puke Baidu11 3
2. Each vehicle has 5) ________________ assigned parking . The
device on the windshield reads your card
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11
1.Cadillac 6.Toyota
2.Chevrolet 7.Peugeot
3.Suzuki 8.Mazda
4.Buick 5.Lexus 9.Ferrari 10.Honda
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11
1. Last year David Emory ditched his car. Now he mass transit or his own two feet to relies on 1) ___________ transportation get around. He works in 2) _____________ _________. planning So it seemed appropriate. It's nice upkeep of a not to have to worry about the 3) ________ car. You don't worry about parking or the
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11
3. What did customers think of the mini cars in the past? It’s not big enough. 4. When was the US version of Smart Fortwo launched? In January. 5. What types of cars are popular in US market now? Big vehicles like pickup trucks.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11 14
5. And that is an incredibly difficult engineering task to do, and a lot of that technology came out of the military in the first place, it is really inconceivable, that in any kind of foreseeable time frame, that the Chinese will be building their own engines which will be economically competitive with those coming out of the West. 同时发动机的生产任务的难度大得令人难以置信, 因为很多那方面的技术首先出自军工,所以中国 人如果在任何可以预测的时间框架内能制造出他 们自己的发动机,并且与西方的产品具有经济竞 争力,这简直就是不可思议的。
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11 6
F 6. With more U.S. cities facing major transportation ___ challenges and congestion, car-sharing just may be far from a viable option. F 7. Flexcar has 4,000 members in nine cities and it’s ___ expanding. ___ F 8. But if you're a member in one city, you can’t borrow a set of wheels in another market. ___ F 9. The Atlanta Regional Commission estimates a total of 2.2 million people will move into the Atlanta Metro area over the next 25 years. T 10. Programs like car-sharing could be critical in ___ helping unclog congestion here and in other cities across America.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11 7
1. What was one of the newest transportation means in Delhi? Metro/ Subway. 2. How long does it take people from the center of New Delhi to the heart of Old Delhi by metro? 5 minutes. 3. How many passengers will Delhi metro carry each day by 2010? 2.6 million riders per day.
just think it’s a 12) ________.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11
___ T 1. David Emory joined a car-sharing network when he needed to go the distance to the suburbs of Atlanta or shop for something too big to haul on the commuter rail. T 2. Flexcar members sign up online for the car. ___ ___ F 3. The Seattle-based company, launched seventeen years ago, relies on smart card technology to track trips. T 4. The smart reservation system wouldn’t allow two ___ people to reserve the same car at the same time. T 5. A reservation is the key to open and start the car. ___
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 11 15
China’s aviation and aerospace industry development China’s announcement that it plans to challenge Airbus and Boeing’s current duopoly by building big passenger jets isn’t exactly a shock. To help realize the ambition, China can draw on technical expertise developed over 50 years. It has already demonstrated ability for replication complex, highly technical manufacturing systems. China intends to target export markets in Asia, Africa and South America. Now China is the world’s second largest market outside the US. Sales are booming as the country’s airlines race to meet the surge in demand for domestic air travel. In technology, China will be building their own engines which will be economically competitive with those coming out of the West. There will be decades before China can realize its ambition to mount a serious, big jet challenge to global dominance of Boeing and Airbus.