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3、关于职业生涯规划的问题:请谈谈你 3 - 5 年的规划

对于一个未踏进职场的学生而言,有非常明晰的职业规划也不大现实。 HR 之所以这样问是希望挖掘你应聘的深层次动机,看你是否具有稳定性。建议回答不要过于具体,如“ 3 年成为主管, 5 年要成为经理。”在不清楚对方职级和晋升条件的情况下,此类过于具体的回答都不明智。


4、你认为大学时代最成功 / 失败的一件事是什么?”“你最遗憾的一件事是什么?为什么?

对于这类问题, HR 主要是从你的回答中来判断出你的价值观,即在你眼里什么最重要;对你而言,什么才是成功。对于这类题,回答有一个基本思路,就是“ STAR ”原则。

S=Situation , T = Target , A = Action , R = Result 。你完成某事或者做出某决定是在怎样的背景下,当时你具有怎样的资源,面临怎样的问题、事情或者决定最终的目标是什么;你是如何行动的 ( 利用资源、克服困难、解决突发状况等等 ) ;最后的结果是



The most unforgettable experience for me is Postgraduate entrance examination in 2011, and I got the first place. The biggest challenge for me is that I must get a high score to past the preliminary test and convince the teachers that what I have learned meet all their needs. At last, I do it. The experience is as follows: 1、Once you set up a goal, never give up; 2、Establishing a clear plan and using all the resources around you to complete the plan







7、Where do you see yourself in five years?

I can't say for sure where exactly I will be in 5 years, but I do know that I will have stronger skills, be more able to tackle problems head-on. Also, I feel that I will have built up a reputation, and I know that whatever it is I am doing, •I will feel more confident than I am now, and I will be a better more rounded individual, and I hope to achieve that with your team.

8、What salary would you expect for this job?

Based on your job description,which mentions that you prefer someone with a master's degree inengineering,I hope youconsider the fact that my skills meet your highest standards.Therefore,I'd expect a salary at the high endof your pay range for the position classification.Can you give me some indication of your range?

9、Yes, I am very interested in in-house training. What kind of training do you offer your employees?

10、Four key qualities employers look out

Ambition without ambition, it’s impossible to build successful company

Initiative to organize our workload and go about our business without the need of constant supervision;

Commitment sticks at it even when times are tough, and will go that extra mile for myself;

Personality a litter bit of personality can make a big difference to the atmosphere in the workplace.

P&G Questions:

1.Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.

Post-graduate entrance examination

2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.

The innovation practice program for college students

3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.

Post-graduate entrance examination,choose the most suitable school according to all aspects of myself, make a detail plan to prepare the examination, interact with other classmates to face the problems

4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.

The national college mathematical modeling contest, who will write the paper for the contest, I list the facts as follows: 1、the paper is the only one material we submit, all our work is on the paper, so we must write it well. 2、you are the only one person who has the similar experience, so you are the most appropriate candidate