当前位置:文档之家› 外研社全国英语演讲比赛即兴演讲题目资料讲解




1.What would be your major consideration in choosing a job and why?

2.What is the best book you have ever read and why?

3.Do you think pets should be allowed in university dormitories?

4.If you’re required to introduce University to freshmen, how will you

introduce it?

5.Can you talk about your own dream?

6.What makes a good English teacher in your opinion?

7.What is the biggest effect of the internet on our lives?

8.Discuss the most memorable experience in your life.

9.Describe your favorite holiday.

10.A s a university student, do you think it is worth spending a lot of time


11.T he expression "Never, never give up" means to keep trying and

never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

12.S hould university student start their own business as soon as they grad

uate from universities?



英语教师即兴演讲稿 英语教师即兴演讲稿1 How to Be Popular Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appearance. We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. When we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. In addition, we should smile and appear friendly. After all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. If we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence. Another important step is developing more consideration for others. We should always put others first and place their interests before our own. It’s also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. However, no matter what we do, we must not gossip. Above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity


2014“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛内蒙古大学赛区决赛评分细则 一、比赛环节(总分100分) 1.自我介绍:要求选手用英文进行自我介绍(限时30秒,本环节10分); 2.定题演讲:要求选手以“Change the Unchangeable”为题,并于本题目 下加副标题,进行定题演讲(限时3分钟,本环节40分); 3.即兴演讲:选手现场抽签决定话题进行即兴演讲,场上给出30秒准备时 间,演讲限时1分钟(共限时1分钟30秒,本环节30分); 4.现场问答:由评委围绕选手在定题演讲和即兴演讲中所涉及的内容向选 手进行现场提问,要求选手在1分钟内完成作答。评委提问完毕,计时开始(限时1分钟,本环节20分)。 二、比赛赛制和报分情况 本次比赛共设有两个阶段:第一阶段包括自我介绍和定题演讲,第二阶段包括即兴演讲和现场问答。在第一阶段,每位选手上台后共有3分30秒的时间进行自我介绍和定题演讲两个环节。选手结束本阶段比赛后由礼仪收分并报分。第一阶段结束,中场节目后进入第二阶段。在第二阶段,选手依次上台进行即兴演讲,即兴演讲结束,选手停留在台上直接进入现场问答环节。晋级选手结束本阶段比赛后由礼仪收分并报分。 三、奖项设置 一等奖一名 二等奖一名 三等奖三名 最佳风采奖和最佳人气奖各一名 优秀学院组织奖两个

四、评分标准 (一) 自我介绍:标准发音、语言准确(5分);自然表达(5分)。 (二) 定题演讲 1.内容要求: (1)内容清楚、结构清晰、中心突出(8分); (2)合理展开、阐释充分(4分); (3)证据相关、逻辑性强(4分); (4)内容生动、不枯燥,能吸引听众注意力(4分)。 2.语言要求: (1)使用标准英国英语或美国英语(5分); (2)语言准确(发音清晰,音调、音高合适,用词准确、相关)(5分); (3)语言流利(注意连读、词重音、句重音、语调和节奏等)(5分)。 3.技巧要求: (1)自信,有感情与气势(2分); (2)注意手势、眼神与身体语言(2分); (3)适当使用修辞手段(比喻、类比等)(1分)。 4.时间控制:在自我介绍和定题演讲的3分30秒之内,时间剩余30时 有举牌提示,时间终止时有响铃和举牌提示,超时适当予以 扣分。 5.道具使用:定题演讲中允许使用实物、图片等辅助道具,但仅限使用 一次道具,使用道具过多将被酌情扣分。 (三)即兴演讲 1.内容要求: (1)内容清楚、结构清晰、中心突出(3分);


最新英语教师即兴演讲 各位老师、各位同学: 大家好! 在这世上,有一种最能体现无私意蕴的情感叫做爱心,它能清除悲伤 的瓦砾,推倒绝望的断壁,也能点燃希望的灯。做一名人民教师首先 就要有一颗爱心,因为教育本身就意味着一棵树摇动另一棵树,一朵 云推动另一朵云,一颗灵魂唤醒另一颗灵魂,是以德育德,以行导行,以智启智,以性养性,以情动情的过程。 对于学生来说,教师的爱是一种神奇而又伟大的力量,是除了母爱之外,世界上又一伟大的爱。这种爱是无私的。但师爱不同于母爱,因 为师爱是一种理智与心灵的交融,是沟通师生心灵的桥梁。师爱能够 引导学生产生巨大的内动力,去自觉地、主动地沿着老师指出的方向 迈出。只有当教师给学生以真挚的爱,给学生以亲近感、信任感、期 望感,学生才会对老师产生依恋仰慕的心理,才能向教师敞开内心世界,我们才能“对症下药”,收到应有的效果。所以,教师必须用自 己的爱心去感化学生,做到动之以情、晓之以理、寓理于情、情理结合,才会产生动情效应,从而收到较好的德育。 的教育家陶行知先生曾对教师说过一句名言:“从你的教鞭下有瓦特,你的冷眼里有牛顿,你的讥笑中有爱迪生”。同时陶先生还用自己的 言行为我们诠释了“爱”的涵义。有一天,陶行知先生看到一位男生 欲用砖头砸同学,就将其制止,并责令其到校长室。等陶行知先生了 解了一下情况回到办公室,见到男生已在等他。陶行知掏出一块糖递 给他:“这是奖励你的,因为你比我按时来了。”接着又掏出一块糖 给男生:“这也是奖给你的,我不让你打人,你立刻住手了,说明很 尊重我。”男生将信将疑地接过糖果。陶行知又说:“据了解,你打 同学是因为他欺负女同学,说明你有正义感。”陶先生遂掏出第三块 糖说。这时男声哭了:“校长,我错了,同学再不对,我也不能采取 这种方式。”陶先生又拿出第四块糖说:“你已认错,再奖你一块,


第12届“外研社杯”全国大学生英语演讲大赛江西赛区即兴演讲话题 1.it is great to be great, but it is greater to be human. ----------rogers 2.failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience. ----------elbert green hubbard 3.no man is enough rich to buy back his past. ----------wilde 4.behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image. ----------goethe 5.character is what you are in the dark.. ----------moody 6.if you would be loved; love and be loved. ----------franklin ----------bacon 8. laughter is the shortest distance between two people. ----------borge 9. it is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do. ----------churchill 10. to go for great goals, you have to start from minor ones. ----------sukhomlinsky 11. the shortest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time. ----------smiles 12. education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ----------yeats 13. the world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down. ----------anonymous 14. all the advantages isn’t in running fast, but rather in getting an early start. ----------rabelais 15. happiness, l have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work. ----------grayson 16. the farther a man knows himself to be from perfection, the nearer he is to it. -----------groote 17. a mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. ----------fisher 18. the more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. 19. we must be prepared to displease the dearest ones for the sake of principle.. ----------gandhi


英语老师即兴演讲话题 英语老师即兴演讲话题 发布时间:XXX-05-26 英语老师是学校教给学生英语知识的专业人员,今天宝岛优品小编给大家分享一些英语老师即兴演讲的话题,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语老师即兴演讲话题 1 The fit English class I taught 2 Teacher and students 3 Body languages 4 Our English textbook 5 I know what my students need 6 Happines 7 Being a teacher 8 My students enjoy my class

9 What can we do when a student fail in 10 The teacher`s role in the class 11 How to make your students confident 12 Teaching is learning 13 How to assess the student in class 14 Group work in English learning 15 How to make your student successfull 16 Traveling 17 My family 18 How to face a poor student(后进生) 19 My life as an English teacher 20 Morning reading 21 Games in English learning

22 My favorite 23 Health 24 Love 25 How to make my class active and interractive 26 English homework 27 Sports 28 Friendship 29 The cultivation of the learning habits 30 How to keep a good mood in class 推荐阅读:中学英语老师竞聘演讲稿范文参考中学英语老师家长会发言稿家长会英语老师发言稿范文九年级英语老师家长会发言稿家长会英语老师发言稿五篇范文英语老师家长会发言稿范文 英语老师即兴演讲话题相关内容:英语老师家长会讲话稿精选


英语教师即兴演讲稿范文 各位老师、各位同学: 大家好! 在这世上,有一种最能体现无私意蕴的情感叫做爱心,它能清除悲伤的瓦砾,推倒绝望的断壁,也能点燃希望的灯。做一名人民教师首先就要有一颗爱心,因为教育本身就意味着一棵树摇动另一棵树,一朵云推动另一朵云,一颗灵魂唤醒另一颗灵魂,是以德育德,以行导行,以智启智,以性养性,以情动情的过程。 对于学生来说,教师的爱是一种神奇而又伟大的力量,是除了母爱之外,世界上又一伟大的爱。这种爱是无私的。但师爱不同于母爱,因为师爱是一种理智与心灵的交融,是沟通师生心灵的桥梁。师爱可以引导学生产生巨大的内动力,去自觉地、主动地沿着老师指出的方向迈出。 只有当教师给学生以真挚的爱,给学生以亲近感、信任感、期望感,学生才会对老师产生依恋仰慕的心理,才能向教师敞开内心世界,我们才能“对症下药”,收到应有的效果。因此,教师必须用自己的爱心去感化学生,做到动之以情、晓之以理、寓理于情、情理结合,才会产生动情效应,从而收到较好的德育。 著名的教育家陶行知先生曾对教师说过一句名言:“从你的教鞭下有瓦特,你的冷眼里有牛顿,你的讥笑中有爱迪

生”。同时陶先生还用自己的言行为我们诠释了“爱”的涵义。有一天,陶行知先生看到一位男生欲用砖头砸同学,就将其制止,并责令其到校长室。等陶行知先生了解了一下情况回到办公室,见到男生已在等他。陶行知掏出一块糖递给他:“这是奖励你的,因为你比我按时来了。”接着又掏出一块糖给男生:“这也是奖给你的,我不让你打人,你立刻住手了,说明很尊重我。” 男生将信将疑地接过糖果。陶行知又说:“据了解,你打同学是因为他欺负女同学,说明你有正义感。”陶先生遂掏出第三块糖说。这时男声哭了:“校长,我错了,同学再不对,我也不能采取这种方式。”陶先生又拿出第四块糖说:“你已认错,再奖你一块,我的糖分完了,我们的谈话也该结束了。”故事有些内容值得大家深思和玩味,有些老师从“后进生”身上找不出可赞扬、可夸奖的理由,除了不会多角度思考问题之外,缺少爱心不能说不是一个原因。 步入菁菁校园,迎面几个大字:立师德,铸师魂,练师功,树师表,是我们共同的心声,更是一中人坚定的誓言!我永远不会忘记自己身上的责任,在播撒知识的同时也把爱种在孩子们的心间,因为我知道:在这世上,有一种最能体现无私意蕴的情感叫做爱心,它能清除悲伤的瓦砾,推倒绝望的断壁,也能点燃希望的灯。 谢谢!


小学英语教师即兴演讲 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《小学英语教师即兴演讲》的内容,具体内容:演讲是一门艺术,好的演讲自有一种激发听众情绪、赢得好感的鼓动性。有哪些英语演讲稿比较经典呢?以下是我为你整理的,希望能帮到你。篇一people are like tea... 演讲是一门艺术,好的演讲自有一种激发听众情绪、赢得好感的鼓动性。有哪些英语演讲稿比较经典呢?以下是我为你整理的,希望能帮到你。 篇一 people are like tea bags—you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are." i can still remember the words that dad said to me years ago. when i was young, i used to be very naughty. life then was like a glaball ,shining with bright colours. i had once gone down to the river bank, catching a great many worms and was afterwards punished by mum. i had ever cut the pillow towel into pieces in order to make clothes for my dolls. similarly, i was then blamed seriously. once i even put the hot iron on the floor which immediately burnt a big hole on the carpet. although i had done so many annoying things, my childhood seemed to be rather colourful. however, i had never had a clear definition about myself. but then something happened. it had made a great difference to my life and made who i am now.


篇一:教师即兴演讲稿 5号话题:怎样理解教育质量 每个老师对于教育质量有不同的理解,那么根据他的理解会做出相应的教学行为。 有的老师追求教学内容的最大化,所以我们往往可以看到在他的课堂上总是侃侃而谈,论古博今,恨不得把所有知识都灌输给学生;有的老师以学习成绩为重,经常带着学生去找文中的重难点,反复学习、大量练习,在这种情况下不考高分都难。但这样就能就能达到教育质量的最高化吗?我不这样认为。在我的观点里,使学生学有所成,把学生培养成社会所需要的人才,让学生拥有正确的价值观,人生观,世界观,这才是教育质量的最高化!我们经常可以看到当今社会上的那些不良商贩、电脑黑客、贪官等,你能说他们不聪明吗?他们很聪明,他们所拥有的知识和智慧是高于一般人的,但是才能越高,他们所拥有的力量也就越大,给社会带来的破坏力也就越强。这是曾经教导他们的老师愿意看到的吗?我想不会是的。 我经常在班级里对学生说:“成才使人安身,而成人使人立命!老师一直认为学会做人大于他所拥有的才能!”我们从日常的教学管理中可以看到,有的学生成绩不错,但恃宠而骄,甚至对班里其他同学大呼小叫,这是我们要培养的学生吗?我们也可以看到有些学生虽然成绩一般吗,但团结同学,尊老爱幼,乐于助人。这才是我想要的学生,我不渴望把学生培养成在社会上事业很成功,很有名气的这样人,我所期盼的是把学生培养成对社会有用的人,对社会有贡献的人!即使他从事着最平凡的事业!我立志让学生“养正毓德,学做真人”!使得我的教育质量达到最大化,这也是我所追求的! 印度大诗人泰戈尔说过:“花的事业是甜蜜的,果的事业是珍贵的,让我干叶的事业吧,因为叶总是谦逊的垂着他的绿茵的。”我愿默默地帮助学生成为一个社会所需要的贡献性人才!篇二:教师即兴演讲题答题技巧 教师招考面试之演讲题答题黄金结构 第一,谈认识。阐述对论点的认识和理解。(是什么) 第二,摆论据,证明论点。(为什么) 第三,扣题目,小升华。任何一个演讲都不能就事论事,而应该在最后呼应题目的结尾部分对论点进行升华。(怎么办) 【示例】 一、作为一名教师,请以“教书育人,无怨无悔”为主题发表演讲。 ①教师不仅仅是知识的传播者,更是美好心灵的塑造者。教书育人是神圣职责,无怨无悔是终身信念。 ②“为师者,或如良医知症去病救人,或如庸医用药钝刀杀人;教育,具不可重复之属性,定形定性,时过境迁,难能更始重来”。作为一名教师,要深知教书育人工作的重要性,如何做好此项工作,在很大程度上取决于教师对学生是否了解,是否有爱心。教师应该是学生生活中最好的监护者、指导者和知心朋友。在教学工作中,教师首先要有满腔的热情,要用真心去爱护学生,要像爱护自己的兄弟姐妹、亲生儿女一样去爱护他们、关心他们、教育他们。在课余时间尽可能多地和学生接触,了解他们在学习和生活上的困难,了解学生在想什么、做什么、有什么爱好、特长以及他们的家庭状况等,在了解的基础上,给予他们及时的指导与帮助。教师对学生的爱还应体现在他对学生充分的尊重、信任以及建立和谐的师生关系等方面,教师要做学生的“生活导师”和“人生顾问”,使学生有心里话想和你说、愿和你说、敢和你说。 ③在教育岗位上,我对自己充满了信心,我深知自己不是最优秀的,但我会努力地踏着无数前辈的脚印,继续立足于三尺讲台,用辛勤的汗水浇灌求知的心灵,用灵动的智慧音符去弹奏学生的“心灵之乐”。 二、对四川大地震中出现的范跑跑事件,你是如何看待的? ①范美忠是四川大地震中在地震发生时至学生于不顾,独自逃生的一位老师。因其临危脱逃,被网友们称为“范跑跑”。②范跑跑如果作为一名普通人临危逃生是一种“求生”本能,无可厚非;但是作为一名人民教师,却有违《中小学教师职业道德规范》,在危难中应当让体力和经验不如自己的学生走在前面。因而他受到了舆论的普遍谴责。


小学英语教师技能比赛英语即兴演讲题 目参考 1. What do you think about the teacher’s roles in the classroom? 2. How to make your class active and interactive? 3. How to use body language in the classroom ? 4. What can we do when a student fail in talking? 5. Say something about your first English class you taught in your teaching life. 6. Which one is more important to Primary school students’ English learning , accuracy or fluency? 7. What’s your opinion about Practicing of Group Work? 8. Say something about the Relations between Teachers and Textbooks 9. How do you think about the position of Part A in Oxford Primary English Book? 10. How to let students enjoy your English class? 11. How to be a good observer in the class? 12. Do you talk too much in class? Why? 13. Do you often ask your students to use classroom


即兴演讲题目190题 即兴演讲题目190题 即兴演讲题目(一): 1、有人认为:青春像一座山背负一路感伤;郭敬明也曾说:青春是道明媚的忧伤。请围绕青春这一主题,即兴演讲。 2、请根据没有比人更高的山这句话,自定主题,即兴演讲。 3、你心中对朋友的定义是什么?请围绕朋友这一主题即兴演讲。 4、有位哲人说:真正让我疲惫的,不是遥远的路途;而是鞋子里的一颗沙。体会其中的深意,并以此为话题演讲。 5、清晨―微风―草坪(展校园一景:柳条依依,绿草青青) 注:(1)以上给出的词为即兴演讲的主题关键词;(2)括号内给出的是参考演讲方向,便于各位选手更好理解主题关键词,并非要求。 6、责任―义务―自豪感(使命感,主人翁精神) 7、请您以人生处处是考潮为话题进行演讲。 8、寻找幸福的人,有两类。 一类像在登山,他们以为人生的幸福在山顶,于是气喘吁吁、穷尽一生去攀登。另一类也像在登山,但他们并不刻意登到哪里。一路上走走停停,看看山岚、赏赏虹霓、吹吹清风,心灵在放松中得到某种满足。尽管不得大愉悦,然而,这些琐碎而细微的小自在,萦绕于心扉,一样芬芳身心、恬静自我。 请以站在烦恼里仰望幸福为话题演讲。

8、生活里人们往往力求改变,以让人生向自己的目标更加靠近。大多数人想要改变这个世界,但罕见有人想改造自己。请以此为话题演讲。 9、张爱玲女士曾经说过这样一句话:对于三十岁以后的人来说,十年八年不过是指缝间的事;而对于年轻人而言,三年五年就可以是一生一世。(选自《十八春》)请以此为话题进行演讲。 9、人生的道路上,处处可能遇上不可磨灭的创伤。有句话却说:每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。您同意这种说法么?说说你的看法。 10、不凡是瞬间的风景,平凡是永恒的罗兰。谈谈你对这句话的理解,若要你选择,你会选择瞬间的风景还是永恒的罗兰? 11、曾经有这样一首小诗,饶有趣味: 你不可以左右天气,但你可以改变心情; 你不可以事事顺利,但你可以事事尽力; 你不可以改变不公,但你可以展现笑容; 你不可以与之明天,但你可以把握今天。 细心品味这首诗,然后针对此诗谈谈你的看法。 12、现在我们所看的每场晚会都经历过了精心的彩排。然而人生却没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。请说说你对这句话的理解。 13、请谈一谈对没有比人更高的山这句话的理解。 14、常有人说:单独思考往往会创造奇迹。请针对智慧总是在孤独中生根这句话,谈谈你的见解。


英语老师即兴演讲话题 英语老师是学校教给学生英语知识的专业人员,今天给大家分享一些英语老师即兴演讲的话题,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语老师即兴演讲话题 1 The first English class I taught 2 Teacher and students 3 Body languages 4 Our English textbook 5 I know what my students need 6 Happines 7 Being a teacher 8 My students enjoy my class 9 What can we do when a student fail in 10 The teacher`s role in the class 11 How to make your students confident 12 Teaching is learning 13 How to assess the student in class 14 Group work in English learning 15 How to make your student successfull 16 Traveling 17 My family 18 How to face a poor student(后进生)

19 My life as an English teacher 20 Morning reading 21 Games in English learning 22 My favorite 23 Health 24 Love 25 How to make my class active and interractive 26 English homework 27 Sports 28 Friendship 29 The cultivation of the learning habits 30 How to keep a good mood in class


英语教师即兴演讲稿 讲稿可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。而要达到这些效果,不单单是看演讲者的体魄和演讲方式,还体现在演讲稿上,到底该如何写演讲稿呢?下面是演讲稿频道的和大家分享的演讲稿,其中还包括竞聘演讲稿、教师演讲稿、领导讲话稿等内容。想知道更多信息可以点击。 大家好! 在这世上,有一种最能体现无私意蕴的情感叫做爱心,它能清除悲伤的瓦砾,推倒绝望的断壁,也能点燃希望的灯。做一名人民教师首先就要有一颗爱心,因为教育本身就意味着一棵树摇动另一棵树,一朵云推动另一朵云,一颗灵魂唤醒另一颗灵魂,是以德育德,以行导行,以智启智,以性养性,以情动情的过程。 著名的教育家陶行知先生曾对教师说过一句名言:“从你的教鞭下有瓦特,你的冷眼里有牛顿,你的讥笑中有爱迪生”。同时陶先生还用自己的言行为我们诠释了“爱”的涵义。有一天,陶行知先生看到一位男生欲用砖头砸同学,就将其制止,并责令其到校长室。等陶行知先生了解了一下情况回到办公室,见到男生已在等他。陶行知掏出一块糖递给他:“这是奖励你的,因为你比我按时来了。”接着又掏出一块糖给男生:“这也是奖给你的,我不让你打人,你立刻住手了,说明很尊重我。”男生将信将疑地接过糖果。陶行知又说:“据了解,你打同学是因为他欺负女同学,说明你有正义感。”陶先生遂掏出第三块糖说。这时男声哭了:“校长,我错了,同学再不对,我也不能采取这种方式。”陶先生又拿出第四块糖说:“你已认错,再奖你一块,我的糖分完了,我们的谈话也该结束了。”故事有些内容值得大家深思和玩味,有些老师从“后进生”身上找不出可赞扬、可夸奖的理由,除了不会多角度思考问题之外,缺少爱心不能说不是一个原因。


即兴演讲的题目【二十篇】 ⑴曾经有这样一首小诗,饶有趣味: 你不可以左右天气,但你可以改变心情; 你不可以事事顺利,但你可以事事尽力; 你不可以改变不公,但你可以展现笑容; 你不可以预知明天,但你可以把握今天。 细心品味这首诗,然后针对此诗,自定主习题,即兴演讲。 ⑵请根据“没有比人更高的山”这句话,自定主习题,即兴演讲。 3.你心中对“朋友”的定义是什么?请围绕朋友这一主习题即兴演讲。 ⑷有人认为:青春像一座山背负一路感伤;郭敬明也曾说:青春是道明媚的忧伤。请围绕“青春”这一主习题,即兴演讲。 ⑸清晨—微风—草坪(展校园一景:柳条依依,绿草青青) 注:(1)以上给出的词为即兴演讲的主习题关键词;(2)括号内给出的是参考演讲方向,便于各位选手更好理解主习题关键词,并不是要求。 ⑹责任—义务—骄傲感(使命感,主人翁精神) ⑺请您以“人生处处是考潮为话习题进行演讲。 ⑻寻找幸福的人,有两类。 一类像在登山,他们以为人生的幸福在山顶,于是气喘吁吁、穷尽一生去攀登。另一类也像在登山,但他们其实不刻意登到哪里。一路上走走停停,看看山岚、赏赏虹霓、吹吹清风,心灵在放松中得到某种满足。虽然不得大愉悦,然而,这些琐碎而细微的小自在,萦绕于心扉,一样芬芳身心、恬静自我。 请以“站在烦恼里仰望幸福”为话习题演讲。 ⑻有位哲人说:“真正让我怠倦的,不是遥远的路途;而是鞋子里的一颗沙。”领会其中的深意,并以此为话习题演讲。 ⑼张爱玲女士曾经说过这样一句话:“对于三十岁以后的人来说,十年八年不过是指缝间的事;而对于年轻人而言,三年五年就可以是一生一世。”(选自《十八春》)请以此为话习题进行演讲。 ⑼人生的道路上,处处可能遇上不可磨灭的创伤。有句话却说:“每一种创


2021年外研社杯英语演讲比赛(1) Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success. However, as a person’s whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. Is fortune success? Is fame success? Is high social status success? No, I don’t think so. I believe success is the realization of people’s hopes and ideals.Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the successful. And the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life. So most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. But the problem is wether it is real success. We all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. If we keep chasing them, where is the end? What will satisfy us at last? Therefore, we can see, to get the real Success we must need something inside, which is the realization of people’hopes and ideals. Different people have different ideas about success; cause people’s hopes and ideas vary from one another. But I am sure every success is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, cause in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility. These are the best treasures. So now I am very proud that I have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you. It is my success, cause I raise up to challenge my hope. What is success? Everyone has his own interpretation as I do. But I am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. So ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life! Wish you all good success! 2021年外研社杯英语演讲比赛(2) Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:


精品文档 1.now in the age of the internet, reading books does not seem as important as it once was. do you think people can learn as much on the internet as they can by reading books? which method do you prefer? 2.its been said that technology creates more problems than it solves and may threaten or damage the quality of life. is this statement reasonable? what problems does technology bring us? use specific examples in your answer, please. 3. literature is a significant part of human culture and some say it can help form aesthetic taste. however, is it necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, and other types of imaginative literature? 5. do you agree that the people who make important contributions to society are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others and please give examples to illustrate your views. 6. most people agree that buildings represent a valuable record of the past for any society, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground which modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. in such situations, should modern development be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served? 7.it is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit.however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. do you think university education should be more open-minded and free? and what aspect of your university life should be improved? 9.strict laws are important for the security of our society, but there are many cases of injustice based on rigid laws. should laws be fixed or flexible? please explain your vies with examples. 11.which qualities do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? 12.what would be your major consideration in choosing a job and why? 13. what is more important in your career, to make money or to be satisfied with your work? 14. which is more important for you: knowledge from books or personal experience: 15.if you could live in a different time and place, what time and place would you choose? 16. what is your view on public displays of affection such as kissing on campus? 18. do you think married couples have a better life without children? 20.could you please tell us, in your opinion, what makes life worthwhile? 21.are we allowing the internet to intrude too far into our private lives? 22.do we need so many television channels? 23.is it time to scrap the may and october golden week holidays? 27.do you think people today are any closer to achieving a peaceful and harmonious future or harmonious world than confucius, who lived 2000 years ago? 28.should bargaining be outlawed and traders be required to advertise a fixed price for what they sell? 29. should it be left to university students to balance their private lives and their studies? 30.can the sacrifice of modesty in the interests of achieving success be justified

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