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Lake of Autumn

I remember quite clearly now when the story happened. The autumn leaves were floating in measure down to the ground, recovering the lake, where we used to swim like children, under the sun was there to shire. That time we used to be happy. Well, I thought we were. But the truth was that you had been longing to leave me, not daring to tell me. On that precious night, watching the lake, vaguely conscious. You said:" our story is ending."

The rain was killing the last days of summer, you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago. I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story. You took it all away from me. And there I stand, I knew I was going to be the one left behind. But still I'm watching the lake, vaguely conscious, and I know my life is ending.


These Things Shall Never Die 这些美好不会消逝

By --Charles Dickens/查尔斯.狄更斯

The bright,the beautiful, 一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的,

That stirred our hearts in youth, 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的, The impulses to wordless prayer, 推动着我们做无言的祷告的, The dreams of love and truth; 让我们梦想着爱与真理的;

The longing after something's lost, 在失去后为之感到珍惜的, The spirit's yearning cry, 使灵魂深切地呼喊着的,

The striving after better hopes- 为了更美好的梦想而奋斗着的- These things can never die. 这些美好不会消逝。

The timid hand stretched forth to aid 羞怯地伸出援助的手,

A brother in his need, 在你的弟兄需要的时候,

A kindly word in grief's dark hour 伤恸、困难的


That proves a friend indeed ; 就足以证明朋友的真心;

The plea for mercy softly breathed, 轻声地乞求怜悯,

When justice threatens nigh, 在审判临近的时候,The sorrow of a contrite heart- 懊悔的心有一种伤感--

These things shall never die. 这些美好不会消逝。

Let nothing pass for every hand 在人间传递温情

Must find some work to do ; 尽你所能地去做;

Lose not a chance to waken love- 别错失去了唤醒爱的良机----- Be firm,and just ,and true; 为人要坚定,正直,忠诚;

So shall a light that cannot fade 因此上方照耀着你的那道光芒 Beam on thee from on high. 就不会消失。

And angel voices say to thee---你将听到天使的声音在说----- These things shall never die. 这些美好



Why doesn't Aunt Jennifer tell anyone how old she is?

My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-colored dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!'

Has Big Ben ever gone wrong?

When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the

If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been