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Some people say that students should study many lessons during a semester, but others say that it is better for students to just take three or four lessons. Which do you think is better?


Workers would be much happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their

workday than doing the same task.




1. 长期从事同样的工作会使人们对于工作失去积极性,变得像机器一样。

2. 长期接触同样的工作会限制人们的眼界与思维。

3. 从事多种工作会激发人们的创新意识,推动社会发展与变革。


1. 专注于一项工作才能最有效的保证工作质量。

2. 如果人们从事一些他们并不擅长的工作会影响他们的工作质量,长此以往会影响他们的


3. 如果每个人都从事多样的工作会使得工作竞争变得更加激烈,人们的工作压力变得更大,



The world we are living in has seen drastic changes during the past decades, thanks to

the fast development of science and technology. In such context of technological

development, more employment opportunities have been created. While, in the meantime, many problems have arisen, a perturbing one of which is the discussion about whether

people should simultaneously pursue various jobs. Some people who favor it significance maintain that various jobs are favorable for people to improving their career prospect.

Nevertheless, some others with a converse opinion insist that focusing on single work can is more sensible choice. Personally, I am in favor of the later viewpoint.

In some senses, a life-time career has its merits. First, if you stick at taking a post, all angles of the job will have appeared; after some time, you will definitely have a good command of it. Consequently you may become a veteran of the field and earn respect or prestige from others. Second, you can establish an extensive social connections relating

to the field, helping you tear down most of the barriers standing in the way of your working endeavor. Finally, mistakes of the routine tasks would be minimized because you have learned the lessons.

However, as the modern society develops, experiencing different jobs has its advantages. Initially, we look at the issue of bribery. Many high-level staff is inclined to accept bribes via power in hand. However, if he knows that someone else will soon take his place, such acts can be avoided. We then look at work motivation. If one works for the same company for a long time without promotion, he may get sick and tired of doing the same daily routine. Nonetheless, a manager should have qualities of a sense of teamwork and the capability of coordination. Therefore, to try various positions can help you gain ground to be promoted.

In summary, staying in the same post can cultivate one to cut out for the job but involve one in a boring career while changing jobs frequently can be both advantageous by

keeping bribery away and providing one with more opportunities of promotion and disadvantageous by making mistakes occasionally. In my opinion, people should seek a decent and good-paid job and pay little attention to changing it.

(377 Words)


1、People who have learned many different skills are more likely to succeed than those who focus on learning only one skill.

2、Students should not take part?time jobs while they are studying in the university.

3、Younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.







托福作文185题 【篇一:托福官方作文185题库范文【全】】 目录 toefl.ibt 高分作文思路+范文完美重排版 (3) 本部分填补了目前网络ibt 备考资料的空白。根据李笑来老师提供的作文思 路与《ibt 高分作文》原书范文重排。本部分对ibt 考试的独立写作部分与 口语部分均具有重要的参考作用。 范文中加粗部分均依为原书所有。 附录一 185 题库按关键词分类 (184) 照录原书附录 附录二李笑来作文笔记(独立部分) (185) 根据本人新东方听课详尽笔记整理而成 附录三句法多样性专题 (193) 附录四例证表达法 (199) 时间匆忙,欢迎指出错误,将在后面的版本中修正。 感谢笑来老师给我们提供了如此之好的备考材料,一切版权归笑来老师所有。 仅供广大ibt 考生备考参考,建议购买原版以更好使用。 lost lawyer 2006 年11 月10 日 page 2 of 201 toefl.ibt 高分作文思路+范文完美重排版 1. why people attend college? people attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). why do you think people attend college or university? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.『分析』


托福独立写作:六篇高分范文推荐 写作题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People spend too much money on their pets even though there can be other good ways to spend money. Give details and examples to support your response. 人们花了太多的钱在宠物身上,而实际上有其他更好的消费方式,用细节和例子支撑你的观点。 写作范文 With the rise of the middle class, more and more people spend money on things that are not essential to their daily needs. As the average wealth of households has increased, many trends have emerged. One trend that has appeared recently in my neighborhood is the increase in the amount of money people spend on their pets, and for me this is definitely the truth. The reason why people spend too much money on their pets is because they believe their pets to be more than just animals. They assign to them many human characteristics. This does not mean that I do not like pets. I love pets. My father is a biologists and growing up our house was always filled with lots of strange and unique pets. Pets play a very important role in families and I think we should take care of animals. I love volunteering for the local animal shelter and helping find homes for stray pets. I like taking care of animals and I will be the first to help an animal in need. I do not, however, believe that we should treat pets like humans. My neighbors, on the other hand, have a different opinion. They love their dogs, but I think they are a rather extreme when it comes to taking care of their dogs. For example, their dogs have their own feather beds that cost 300 dollars each. I think tha t’s how much all of the furniture in my bedroom costs! My neighbors claim that their dogs have back problems and that the dogs need these beds. I am not sure the dogs realize this, because last time I visited my neighbors I saw that the dogs had ripped a bunch of holes in these beds. Maybe humans think these dog beds are more comfortable, but I highly doubt that dogs know the difference between a several hundred dollar mattress and a ten dollar mattress. Buying these kinds of luxury items for pets is very silly. Spending exorbitant amounts of money on one’s pet is not only pointless, but it’s also wasteful. It’s pointless because pets can’t determine the quality of an object. It’s wasteful, because there are so many better things on which to spend


新托福独立写作必背分类话题词汇 一、Education教育 二、Technology科技 三、Media媒体 四、Success 成功 五、Work 工作 六、Government 政府七、Friends 朋友 八、Old vs. Y oung 九、Transportation 交通 十、Environment 环境 十一、Money 金钱 十二、Leisure 休闲 十三、Family 家庭 十四、Animals 动物 十五、Food 食物 十六、Safety安全 十七、Health健康 十八、Food 食物 一、Education教育 作业n. assignment(可数)与homework不同选修课n. elective course 学分n. credit 青少年n. ;青春期的adj. adolescent 适应adapt to sth. / become accustomed to sth. 应用v. apply 团队精神team spirit 独立思考think independently 在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding 学生的反馈students’ feedback 学生评价老师的教学students appraise/ evaluate their teachers’ performance 通才n. generalist 专才n. specialist 全面发展的adj. well-rounded 多才多艺的adj. versatile 为社会健康发展做贡献contribute to societal well-being (or welfare) 工科n. engineering 学科(通称);纪律n. 管教vt. discipline 互动vt. interact 自制力n. self-discipline 小(中、大)学教育primary-level (or secondary-level/ tertiary-level ) education 职业教育vocational education 学校给学生的教育n. schooling 学校提供的课程总称n. curriculum ( pl. curricula) 心理的adj. psychological 参与n. participation 熟练掌握……be proficient in 榜样role model 同龄人n. peer 对孩子/弱者过度保护adj. overprotective 家长给小孩的教育n. parenting 批判眼光看问题能力critical thinking abilities 有创造力的adj. creative/original 表现出色perform well 为…打好基础lay a solid foundation for 评估n. evaluation 对…非常好的掌握n. mastery 好奇心n. curiosity 精英n. elite 应试教育test-oriented education 富于想象力的imaginative 无知的adj. ignorant 误入歧途go astray 文盲(的)n.&adj. illiterate 给人动力的adj. motivating 未成年人n. minors 溺爱vt. spoil 青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 欺负(n. “喜欢欺负人的孩子”)vt. bully 植物学n. botany 天文学n. astronomy 培养v. cultivate/ foster/ nurture 促进学生身心发展promote the student’s physical/mental (or intellectual) and emotional development 心理健康psychological soundness/ well-being/ welfare 给学生以动力give the students motivation to do sth/ motivate the students to do sth 传授知识impart/ inculcate knowledge 灌输高尚的道德观instill high moral values 给学生以灵感give the students inspiration 学生对老师所教知识的掌握students’grasp (or command) of what has been taught 就业技能employable skills 填鸭式教法教学生force-feed the students 死记硬背learn things by rote 责任感sense of obligation/ duty/ responsibility 记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws 盲从follow sth. blindly


TPO40-48全部分托福独立写作文本题目汇总 对于托福考试,相信大家对于TPO托福模考软件都不陌生,现在市面上可以下载到免费的TPO模考软件。虽然TPO模考软件里的题目是不会出现在考试中,但是考生可能通过它了解托福考试的题型以、考试模式及题目的难易度掌握,所以TPO托福模考软件对考生十分的重要。 最近TPO托福模考软件更新了40-48套题,这也是ETS为了考生适应未来考试而放出的题目,所以练习这几套题十分重要。这里小编为大家整理了TPO40-48全部托福独立写作文本题目,希望对大家托福写作备考有帮助,快来看看吧。 TPO40独立写作题目文本 Independent Writing Directions Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words. Question: Essay Topic Some parents offer their school-age children money for each high grade (mark) they get in school. Do you think this is a good idea? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. TPO41独立写作题目文本 Independent Writing Directions Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words. Question: Essay Topic Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teacher were more appreciated and valued by society in the past than they were nowadays. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


托福独立写作满分范文下载 托福独立写作可谓是托福考试中的一道拦路虎,在这里为大家整理一片托福独立写作的满分范文,供同学们参考。 Does technology make children less creative than in the past? Are our kids becoming lazier and less creative, less imaginable than before as a consequence of highlyadvanced technology? My answer is no, and just the opposite, technology has apparently assisted our kids tobecome more creative. First and foremost, technology has provided children with easy access to scientific and liberal art resourceswhich is their best source of inspiration. For example, children could now easily gain access to academic databasesthrough iPad screen, read classical works on Kindle, or watch historic documents on Internet. These great worksare essentially helpful to arousing their curiosity and prepares them with key knowledge necessary for any creation.However, these wonderful equipments and facilities are never as handy in the past, when kids could only reachlimited resources in public libraries or schools. In this sense, technology has provided the possibility for children tobe more creative. Second, technology has equipped children with professional apparatus which could finally realize theirimagination. This takes form particularly as computer softwares and applications, such as Photoshop for creativegraphic design, Overture for easily composing a piece of music, 3DMax for building up a virtual world, etc.. Allthe software were never as handy as they are at present, and this would absolutely provides our children aneffective tool for realizing their creativity. Third, technology itself is a market place where creative ideas are economically encouraged. Steve Jobsearned millions of dollars a year for his unparallel creation, and Mark Zuckberg gained his reputation for thegenius social network. Therefore, technology has provided children the internal motive to develop their creativity. However, it is undeniable that technology might make children become lazier and be comfortable with whatis already available because everything are so convenient nowadays and there seems to be no way to improve them.Children lost in


托福独立写作八大话题 众所周知,托福独立写作是托福写作的一部分,涉及到的题材也非常多。下面是文都国际教育小编给大家整理的8个常见的写作话题,希望能给大家提供帮助。 教育类话题 教育类话题主要涉及到学生的一些基本情况,包括选课、就业、学校活动以及课下作业等很多方面。此外,学校的一些决策、设备变更、教师选择等也都有涉及。教育类话题在托福写作中的占比很高,在历年托福写作考试中大概占据25%左右的题目。 高分句型:现在,除了学习以外,还应鼓励学生们在其他很多方面培养兴趣,例如体育,绘画和音乐等。 —>Today, in addition to_____, a student is also encouraged to _____ 满分词汇:培养(某种素质) —> cultivate/foster/nurture(vts)心理健康—> psychological soundness/well-being/welfare(nouns) 社会类话题 社会类话题涉及的范围很广,主要是指一些社会话题、事件以及观点类问题。例如:Do you agree or disagree that society benefits more from works of greatartists than from political leaders.是否同意:艺术家比政治家对社会的贡献大。 高分句型:摩天大厦造的环境问题,很多人开始反思摩天大楼是否必要. —>With these problems and the effect _____ has exerted on _____,many people have begun to wonder _____. 满分词汇:生活节奏加速—> the tempo/pace of life has accelerated导致人与人的疏远—> create alienation between people 科技类话题 说到“科技”,我们可能会想到现在日益发展的手机、电脑以及各种各样新出现的科技产品等。这些科技产品使得我们的生活变得更加便利,高效。 高分句型:互联网对人们的生活方式产生了深远的影响,它变革了人们生活方式以及思考问题的方式。 —> _____ exerts such a profound effect on _____that _____. 满分词汇:尖端的技术—> cutting-edged(adj) technology信息爆炸—> information explosion/ information overload


托福独立写作新题库—188题库 一、教育类 1.Teachers are appreciated and valued nowadays not as much as they were before.(Students nowadays do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.)难度4考频4 2.University should spend more money supporting social activities rather than improving the food students eat.难度4考频3 3.When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day, or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation难度5考频3 4.Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why4/2 5. In order to attract good students, many universities spend a lot of money in society 3 6The student should be required to take history courses in the university no matter what their field of study 3 7Students can get as much benefits from participating student organizations or club activities as from their academic studies. 4/3


托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1) Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others ’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with group ’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village. Asking others’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their saying in turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other. Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrasedfrom John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do. 托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(2) Case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others' advice contribute greatly


新托福独立写作21类题目 1.体育类: 2008.11.14—Children should only play sports for fun rather than play sports in competitions or contests. (Education) 孩子们应该为了乐趣而去参加体育活动而不是为了竞争或者比赛。 体育在现代生活的重要性有: 1.体育可以在身体得到锻炼,使身体素质得到提高; 2.体育活动让朋友和家人聚集一起参加锻炼,有社会意义,是一种积极的休闲和团体活动; 3.体育可以调节生活,让人们获得心理上的健康和快乐,更好的缓解压力; 4.体育可以提高人的意志和韧性; 5.体育是一个大的产业,给国家带来收入; 6.体育体现了人类社会的精神,可以促进世界和平。 体育运动的优点: 1.增加体质(increase physical strength),有益于身心健康; 2.加快脂肪燃烧(accelaerate fat burning),有助于减肥(lose weight); 3.有助于保持体形(stay in shape),提高自我的形象(improve self image); 4.有助于缓解压力(relieve stress),调节心情(improve mood),减少失落的情绪(reduce the chance of depression); 5.有助于保持旺盛的精力(keep energetic),从而提高工作效率(increase productivity)。 孩子参加体育项目是为了获得快乐:因为体育活动可以让他们得到精神上的放松,可以是他们和朋友交流的一种方式; 而获得乐趣并不是体育活动的唯一目的,参加比赛也是一种目的,因为比赛获胜可以让他们获得一种成就感,输了可以学会逆境成长的精神。 2008.12.5—Sports teaches us lessons about life. 运动教会我们一些生活道理 运动教会我们要养成健康的生活方式和积极的人生态度; 体育比赛告诉我们竞争是生活的一部分,但友谊同样重要; 团队运动教给人们要合作,在生活中和工作中也要学会合作,这样做事情才会能有效率,比如,在足球篮球比赛中,你不能时时都争着进球,要注意合作才能获得更高的分数,一个全都是优秀球员的球队并不一定能给打败一个球员很平庸但是合作的很好的球队,在生活上也是如此,我们不必事事争第一,和别人合作往往能达到共赢的目的。 棋类运动教给我们许多生活道理,比如我们下棋的时候必须瞻前顾后,考虑很多步,生活上也是,凡事三思而后行 2.专业知识类: 2006.11.19—It is more important to choose a subject of your interest than to choose subjects which prepare you for a job or a career.(Education) 选自己感兴趣的学科比选有前途的学科更重要(支持该观点) 中间段写作思路: (一)Reason 1: 因果链接:资源有限—竞争激烈—压力大—就业压力—就业竞争中脱颖而出—有前途的专业(举例) 首先:学习对于未来的职业有用的学科之后才能更容易找到工作。当代社会每个人都渴望取得成功,但是资源是有限的,所以竞争激烈,每个人承受的压力都很大,其中大学生面临的最现实的问题就是就业问题。


托福独立写作四种高频话题在托福独立写作考试中,我们常见的就是根据话题来写作文,那么有哪些常见的话题作文呢?今天文都国际教育小编就给大家介绍一下托福独立写作四种高频话题。 托福独立写作四种高频话题应不应该题 这类题目在题目中一般都会含有should一词,或者含有“应该做”或“不应该做”的意思,问你如此做应不应该。考生要根据这些“应该”和“不应该”来写作文章。 例如,这个题目就是应不应该题: Do you agree or disagree with following statement: all school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.(120114 CN) 托福独立写作四种高频话题绝对题 这类题目中常常会带有绝对的语气词,例如only,must,always等;通常这类命题的题目比较明确且语气比较强烈,就是来问你同不同意这种说法,按照这个思路去构思文章。 下面这个题目就是托福独立写作绝对题: Do you agree or disagree with following statement: only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth.(110828 CN) 托福独立写作四种高频话题现象证明题 在这一类托福独立写作题目中,主要是在讨论一个现在可能存在的或者是将来可能会发生的现象,问你这个现象有没有或者是会不会出现,考生按照这个思路去拓展写作文章。


1.1026:Which of the following ways do you think is the best for a person to find a job? ask opinions or seek advice of others; write a letter or send applications to the companies; find information on the internet or the publications. 1.1019: Pompeii古城在地下完好无损,挖掘后倒塌的原因 Since it works well to use technology (like computers) in school days some people think that the time young students (6-12 years old) spend using technology in school should not be limited; while others claim that there are disadvantages and the time should be limited (one hour or less). Which do you prefer? 1.0922: 探险队员铅中毒源头是否是罐装食品(TPO28) Some companies provide important products or service but also damage the environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalty higher tax and larger fine of these companies while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer? 1.0927下午场:考拉(20190113;20190907) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: When some students enter university they have poor study habits. Some people think that the university should require students to take courses on study habits. (20190907) 1.0927上午场:buy food from local store. The town government has got some money to develop a piece of land. Which one of the following is better? The land should be developed into a garden that everyone in the town can enjoy or a sports field for the students in the high school who don’t have one. 1.0907: 考拉decline及threats (farming; automobiles; fencing & dog attack) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When some students enter university they have poor study habits. Some people think that the university should require students to take courses on study habits. 1.0901: congestion price解决交通问题 1.0825:建Irish towers的三个目的


【必备资料】托福独立写作满分范文-现在人更容易保持健康 对于托福写作来说,最为重要的额就是积累中不断的借鉴别人的经验,灵活运用,才能使自己的文章锦上添花。下面点课台教育就为大家推荐一篇高分范文,希望能为大家的托福写作带来帮助。 托福独立写作题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past. Use specific examples to support your answer. 托福独立写作范文: Currently, the average life expectancy of the Earth’s population is at an all--‐time high. Many factors have contributed to this, but the main reason people live longer now than ever before is because it is easier to live a healthier life than in the past. The main reason people live longer now is that the overall diet of modern society has improved. This can be attributed to advances in agricultural production. Thanks to more efficient and cost--‐ effective machinery and transportation, food is more abundant and cheaper now more than ever. Fruits, for example, are more readily available than before. In the past, summer fruits such as strawberries and oranges were not available during the wintertime. Now, because of refrigeration and greenhouse technology, we can buy any kind of fruit, regardless of the season. This allows people to have a wider variety of vitamins in their diet, increasing their overall health. In addition to the advancement of agricultural science, there have been great advances in nutritional science. Scientists and dietitians understand more now than they did in the past about what is required in our daily diets. Issues like vitamin deficiency were not properly understood in the past, so people would have several complications without understanding the cause or the cure. People also better understand what foods to avoid. For example in the past, gout was a serious problem among men, who did not understand that a diet of rich and oily foods with few vegetables was the cause of this health defect. Now, proper nutrition is common knowledge and each year advances are made in understanding health. We know more know, so it’s easier for us to maintain

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