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Large vocabulary
long sentence & passage
Complicated grammar
High criteria writing
the difference between middle school English and high school English
1. 目的不同:初中英语其实只是培养 语感,记忆一些简单句子;高中英语强 调语法的贯通,长难句阅读分析能力, 基本的听力和表达能力
Self-introduction 自我介绍
Chinese Name: 何瑞雪 Winny
Motto: Where there is a will, there is a way.
What about you?

对 决
player kill
败东西 buy
watch sister 表妹
搞 cousin
no door
笑 没门儿 no way
colour wolf 色狼 lady-killer
英 go and look 走着瞧 We will see. 语 Love who who 爱谁谁 I don’t care.
You give me 你给我站住!Stop!
Just so so.
horse horse tiger tiger 马马虎虎
雪碧 Sprite 精灵 乐百氏 Robust 健壮的 飘柔 Rejoice 欣喜
汰渍 Tide 潮流
纳爱斯 Nice 美好的
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
品 牌
舒肤佳 Safeguard 保护
2. 难度不同:初中基本上以简单句为 主,初步涉及到个别宾语从句或定语 从句,状语从句;高中基本上以复合 句为主,要求学生深刻理解句子结构 和语法成分,以便清楚地划分出句子 的主干。除此之外,在时态方面也多 学了好几种时态,虚拟语气也是语法 的一个重要内容,词汇量也增多增难。
What is the difference between senior middle school and junior middle school English class?
My hobby is…./ My hobbies are…..
...is my favorite sport/subject/star. qualities I am a person who....
Hello, everyone. I’m ______and I graduated from_________. As a 17-year-old boy/girl, I’m fond of _____. In my free time, I spend much time in_(d_o_i_n_g_s_t_h)_. In a word, I’m a person who____________.
Whether you like English or not ,you must learn it well if you want to graduate and go to college 3years later.
Some interesting and common English in our life.
About English
Do you like English? Do you think it difficult? why? Learning English is a big challenge(挑战
) or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟)
In fact , learning English is interesting.
Something about the new term
1.Self-introduction 2.About English 3.Overview of Senior English Course 4.Suggestions of learning English 5.Homework
• Vocabulary: 2000---3500, more difficult. E.g. 1. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his
eyesight was beginning to . A. disappear B . fall C. fail D. damage (If someone’s health or eyesight is failing, it means they
标 识
标 识
微博 Micro blog
山寨 copycat
网 络 裸婚
naked wedding
热 骨感美女 boney beauty
词 人肉搜索 flesh search
English Study
---- some advice for every student
Characteristics of Senior English 高中英语特点
Name I am .../ My name is…
I’m 16 years old. I’m a 16--- year--- old girl.
I like/love/enjoy(doing sth)...
I am fond of...
Hobbies I am interested in…
Why should we study English?
Most widely used language in the world. One of the official languages in the UN. English examinations in our student life. English is used in our daily life and future work.
