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Sherlock homels 神探夏洛克英文读后感

Sherlock homels 神探夏洛克英文读后感

Sherlock is a British television series that presents a contemporary update ofSir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes detective stories.

This TV drama is based on the famous detective novel of the British novelistArthur Conan Doyle. It took the background from the 19C to the 21 century. And thefashionandtalentdetectiveSherlockHolmeswithhisfantasticassistantJohnWatson are facing a series of dangerous and unusual events in London.

It contains six stories up to now, such as a study in pink, the blind banker, thegreat game, a scandal in Belgravia, hounds of Baskerville, and the reichenbach fall.

As for the characters, first, Sherlock Holmes, he is brilliant, aloof and almostentirely lacking in social graces; second, Dr john Watson, SH’s assistant and bestfriends,heisbrave,resourcefulandpractical;third,MycroftHolmes,Sherlock’solderbr other,butthereislittlebrotherlylovethere;fourth,detectiveInspectorLestrade, Sherlock’s friend, he is the only po licemen who Sherlock has any respectfor, often call in Sherlock to examine a case; fifth, Jim Moriarty, consulting criminal,the biggest Villain character, he is brilliant but crazy.

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神探夏洛克电影介绍英语 Sherlock is a British television crime drama that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. It stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Doctor John Watson. Six episodes have been produced, the first three of which aired in xx. Three additional episodes began production in March xx. The series has been sold to over 180 territories. The show was conceived by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss during train journeys to and from the Doctor Who production base in Cardiff, where they were both writers. They aspired to produce a modern-day version of Conan Doyle's stories in which Sherlock uses the technologies that are available to him today in order to help him solve crimes. Credited as co-creators, Moffat and Gatiss each write one episode per series, with the other written by Steve Thompson. Hartswood Films produced the series for the BBC and co-produced it with WGBH Boston for its Masterpieceanthology series. The series is primarily filmed in Cardiff, although the production also uses a variety of other locations. North


1明斯克白俄罗斯 Minsk Belarus 2从头开始源源本本告诉我 Just tell me what happened from the beginning. 3(东欧口音)我们去泡吧 We had been to a bar, 4酒吧不错我开始和一个女招待搭讪 nice place, and, er, I got chatting with one of the waitresses, 5凯伦她很不高兴后来回到酒店 and Karen weren't happy with that, so...when we get back to the hotel, 6我们吵起来打了一架 we end up having a bit of a ding-dong. 7她老是讽刺我说我不似个真爷们 She's always getting at me, saying I weren't a real man. 8不"是"个真爷们 Wasn't a real man. 9什么? "不是" 你说的"不似" What? It's not "weren't", it's "wasn't". 10接着说 Go on. 11然后我也不知怎么回事 Well...then I don't know how it happened, 12 突然我手里就多了把刀 but suddenly there's a knife in my hands... 13我老爹是个屠户所以我会使刀 ..and me old man was a butcher, so I know how to handle knives. 14他叫我们肢解野兽"教" He learned us how to cut up a beast. Taught. 15什么? "教"你们肢解野兽 What? Taught you how to cut up a beast. 16嗯反正我就动作了 Yeah, well, then I done it. 17"动手" 动手捅了她 Did it. Did it! Stabbed her, 18一刀一刀又一刀等我低头看她经已... over and over and over, and I looked down, and she weren't... 19"已经" ..wasn't... 20不会东了 ..moving no more. 21"不会动了" Any more. 22老天我真不知道怎么回事


英剧《神探夏洛克》的叙事艺术分析 摘要 《神探夏洛克》是一部以阿瑟·柯南·道尔的著作——《福尔摩斯探案集》为原型创作的英剧。推出之后,收到了世界各地观众的欢迎。本文简介了《神探夏洛克》这部英剧。对《神探夏洛克》的伏笔细节进行了分析,包括揭示身份的前后呼应,一语双关的语言。本文还对该剧的镜头语言进行了探讨。它用镜头表现推理过程,用色彩代表人物形象等的特点,都值得后来的剧集借鉴学习。 关键词:神探夏洛克;福尔摩斯;镜头语言;叙事艺术 英剧《神探夏洛克(Sherlock)》是近年来风靡全球的电视短剧。它刷新了自2001年以来的英国收视纪录,并且在200多个国家和地区播放。2013年12月,时任英国首相卡梅伦访华,中国网友们向他提问,请他催促《神探夏洛克》的剧组更新。卡梅伦也在视频中做出了回应,表示自己虽然无法直接插手《神探夏洛克》剧组,但感受到了中国粉丝对此剧的热情,会尽自己最大努力催更。这部走红全球各地的剧集,一定在叙事艺术上有上佳的表现。本文将对《神探夏洛克》的叙事艺术进行分析。 一、《神探夏洛克》简介 2010年,英国广播公司BBC推出电视系列剧《神探夏洛克》,第一季于2010年7月25日首播,第一季共3集,每集时长90分钟。此后保持约每两年更新一季的速度,每季的集数和时长不变。2016年推出了特辑电影《神探夏洛克·可恶的新娘》。最新的第四季在2017年1月1日播出。 史蒂文·莫法特和马克·加蒂斯是该剧的两位主创;本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗瑞曼分别饰演影片中的两位主角——夏洛克·福尔摩斯和约翰·华生。很明显,这部剧是改编自阿瑟·柯南·道尔的侦探小说《福尔摩斯探案集》。莫法特和加蒂斯两位主创都是原著《福尔摩斯探案集》的忠实粉丝,两人在之前的合作中逐渐萌生了翻拍这部著作的想法。但是,编剧突破了往日同类改编剧种的翻拍做法,而是把时间放在了21世纪,夏洛克成为了一名时尚潮人。在21世纪伦敦禁烟的大环境下,夏洛克不再吸食烟斗,而是改用了尼古丁贴。他的身影也


英剧《神探夏洛克》学习笔记1.1 地道英式骂人话 1. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 根据阿瑟柯南道尔爵士作品改编; ——这是开篇字幕最后一段,也作为我们学习笔记的第一个知识点。算是对伟大的柯南道尔表示一点敬意吧!请大家注意“改编自……”这样的说法是"Based on..." 2. What do you mean there's no ruddy car? 你说没辆破车(来接我)是啥意思? ——我们都知道在美式英语里常把"damn" "darn"这样的字眼加在名词前以表愤怒,比如"Where is my darn watch?"(我那该死的表哪儿去了?),而在英式英语中则用"bloody",比如"You dont' have a bloody plan!"(你们没个倒霉计划!)。"Ruddy" 是"Bloody"比较委婉的说法,就像"freakin' "是另一个F开头的字较文明的说法一样。 以下是英文的说明: ruddy: In the United Kingdom and some other parts of the Commonwealth, "ruddy" is also used as a mild curse (rather like "damn" or "darn") in place of the more offensive "bloody". 3. My husband was a happy man who lived life to the full... 我的丈夫,是一个努力生活的乐观男人…… ——live life to the full,也可以说成live a full life,意思是努力生活。 4. I'll be just two minutes, mate. 我只要两分钟,哥们儿。 ——“我只要两分钟”的地道口语表达不是"I need two minutes",注意用这个"I'll be just..."的句型;另外男性之间称呼非常要好朋友,可以说"mate", "man" 或是 "buddy"。 5. Junior Minister for Transport 运输部副部长 ——副部长这里的“副”用的是junior这个字;副经理则应该用deputy manager;副总统用vice president。 学习笔记1.2 为自己做打算 1. In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked. 据此,我们认为这些案件是相互关联起来的。 ——in the light of this, 在这里翻译为“据此”或者“由此收到启发”,light本身是光的意思。 2. The poison was clearly self-administered. 很明显是他们自己服毒的。 ——administer最普遍的意思地球人都知道,那就是“管理”,而它还有一个比较偏门的意思: [正式]服药、用药。所以self-administered在这里不是自我管理,而是自行服毒。 3. bright young things like we used to be. 聪明的年轻人,就像我们当年一样。


英剧《神探夏洛克》学习笔记 【剧集简介】 这部英剧是经典名著、柯南道尔爵士的《福尔摩斯探案集》现代版。由BBC拍摄,7月25日刚刚上映,总共三集。每集讲述一个完整的小故事。故事的基本题材都取材自福尔摩斯探案集,但结局和原著不同、并且加入了新鲜的现代元素:比如原著中的华生医生以笔记的形式记录了他和福尔摩斯遇到的案件,而在新版中华生改写博客了;在原著中,福尔摩斯和华生一见面就通过他的怀表判断出华生生平的桥段,在新版版中则把怀表变成了手机…… 《神探夏洛克》第一集取材自福尔摩斯系列中最为著名的那本《血字的研究》,A Studyin Scarlet ——现代版则有点恶搞般地将第一集命名为《粉红的研究》,A Study in Pink!让熟悉福尔摩斯的观众对这种英式幽默会心一笑! 我们的英语学习笔记会通过这部新上映的英剧学习地道的英式口语。讲解相关的单词和用法。 更新中的节目地址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/6214354932.html,/new/topic/334/

1.1地道英式骂人话 1. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 根据阿瑟柯南道尔爵士作品改编; ——这是开篇字幕最后一段,也作为我们学习笔记的第一个知识点。算是对伟大的柯南道尔表示一点敬意吧!请大家注意“改编自……”这样的说法是"Based on..." 2. What do you mean there's no ruddy car? 你说没辆破车(来接我)是啥意思? ——我们都知道在美式英语里常把"damn" "darn"这样的字眼加在名词前以表愤怒,比如"Where is my darn watch?"(我那该死的表哪儿去了?),而在英式英语中则用"bloody",比如"You dont' have a bloody plan!"(你们没个倒霉计划!)。"Ruddy" 是"Bloody"比较委婉的说法,就像"freakin' "是另一个F开头的字较文明的说法一样。 以下是英文的说明: ruddy: In the United Kingdom and some other parts of the Commonwealth, "ruddy" is also used as a mild curse (rather like "damn" or "darn") in place of the more offensive "bloody". 3. My husband was a happy man who lived life to the full... 我的丈夫,是一个努力生活的乐观男人…… ——live life to the full,也可以说成live a full life,意思是努力生活。 4. I'll be just two minutes, mate. 我只要两分钟,哥们儿。 ——“我只要两分钟”的地道口语表达不是"I need two minutes",注意用这个"I'll be just..."的句型;另外男性之间称呼非常要好朋友,可以说"mate", "man" 或是 "buddy"。 5. Junior Minister for Transport 运输部副部长 ——副部长这里的“副”用的是junior这个字;副经理则应该用deputy manager;副总统用vice president。

Sherlock homels 神探夏洛克英文读后感

Sherlock is a British television series that presents a contemporary update ofSir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes detective stories. This TV drama is based on the famous detective novel of the British novelistArthur Conan Doyle. It took the background from the 19C to the 21 century. And thefashionandtalentdetectiveSherlockHolmeswithhisfantasticassistantJohnWatson are facing a series of dangerous and unusual events in London. It contains six stories up to now, such as a study in pink, the blind banker, thegreat game, a scandal in Belgravia, hounds of Baskerville, and the reichenbach fall. As for the characters, first, Sherlock Holmes, he is brilliant, aloof and almostentirely lacking in social graces; second, Dr john Watson, SH’s assistant and bestfriends,heisbrave,resourcefulandpractical;third,MycroftHolmes,Sherlock’solderbr other,butthereislittlebrotherlylovethere;fourth,detectiveInspectorLestrade, Sherlock’s friend, he is the only po licemen who Sherlock has any respectfor, often call in Sherlock to examine a case; fifth, Jim Moriarty, consulting criminal,the biggest Villain character, he is brilliant but crazy. 1/ 1

神探夏洛克[BBC]第一季01 中英对照台词 [未完待续]

Sherlock Holmes[BBC]第一季01 中英对照 [W--John Watson] [S--Sherlock Holmes] [A--] [L--Lestrade] [] [] [] [] ( )内为短信内容 ——How's your blog going? 你的博客写得怎么样了 W——Y eah, good. V ery good. 很好真的 ——Y ou haven't written a word, have you? 你一个字都没写吧 W——Y ou just wrote "Still has trust issues". 你刚写了“依然存在信任危机” ——And you read my writing upside down. 而你在倒着看我写的字 Y ou see what I mean? 明白我的意思吗 John, you're a soldier. 约翰你是个军人 And it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life. 你需要一段时间才能适应正常生活 And writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you. 把你的一切遭遇写进博客对你会有很大帮助 W——Nothing happens to me. 我没什么遭遇 {October 12th} {十月十二日} ——What do you mean, there's no ruddy car? 没车是什么意思 ——He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry. 抱歉他开车去了滑铁卢 ——Get a cab! 叫的士 ——I never get cabs! 我从来都叫不到的士 ——I love you.


英剧神探夏洛克学习笔记全.txt(English drama detective Sherlock learning notes, all.Txt) 我的眼睛在伦敦中部的一个好地方… 我相中了伦敦市中区一个不错的地方...... 字幕组这里把”--我的眼睛”翻译成”找到了”,私以为翻成”看中了、相中了”更为确切。 三.猛冲。 我得走了。 ——英版的“走”。短跑本身是猛冲、飞奔的意思。 4。我想我把马鞭在太平间。 我想我是把鞭子忘在停尸房了。 ——太平间,停尸房,这个字比较偏门,既然这里看到各位就记下来吧。 5。…更可能是因为他最近抛弃了自己的妻子。 更有可能是他刚抛弃了自己的老婆。 --抛弃某人。抛弃某人。 6。嗯,很明显我可以呃…拉直了一点东西。

额......好吧我可以把东西收收好。 ——整顿,收拾、整理东西。 7。哦,别担心。这儿到处都是。 哦,别担心。这里啥人都有的。 --本身是种类的意思,各种这里表示各种各样的人--显然误会福尔摩斯和华生的不止俺们观众......关于排序这个字还有一个很好用的俗语叫:它以各种。——可以翻译为”林子大了什么鸟儿都有。” 1.4警察玩儿不转学习笔记 1。冷的东西可以。 冷的东西也行。 “会做”这个句型比”什么的就好了”要随性一点,在口语中很好用。 2。但你的坐式,我可以告诉。 但我看得出,你是那种比较沉稳的人。 坐下来,沉稳的人。 三.一杯茶就好了。 给我杯茶就好。

——可爱的这个单词基本意思是”可爱的”,但在英式英语中它的使用范围非常广泛。可以单独使用、对对方的意见表示赞同;也可以像剧中那样,表示”很好、满意”。 4。我不喝茶了。关了。 我不喝茶了,走啦! ——跳过,跳过的意思;出来的,表示”走了”,经常可以听到上级对下面的人说“去吧。”意思就是”散了吧”或者”该干嘛干嘛去”。 5。当警方从他们的深度,这始终是,他们问我。 意思就是每当警察玩儿不转了,他们经常这样,就会来找我咨询。 “不深”的解释是”没有知识、经验或技能,以应对一个特定的主题或情境”,简单说就是”搞不定了、玩儿不转了、找不到方向了”。 6。不是你父亲,这是一个年轻人的小玩意儿……你不可能有一个大家庭… 不是你爸送的,因为这是年轻人的玩意儿......你也不太可能有个大家族...... ——小工具,意思是小玩意儿、精巧的小装置;大家庭,大家族,指那种包括了堂兄表妹在内的家族。 1.5你个怪胎学习笔记! 1。在黑暗中射击。不过不错。


很多烤鸭都喜欢Sherlock Holmes这部英剧,enjoy the show的同时学点地道的英式英语,何乐而不为? Sherlock Holmes Season 01 Episode 01:A Study in Pink 1. How’s your blog going? 这是剧中Dr. Watson的心理医生问Dr. Watson博客写得怎么样时的对话。 “How’s ……going?”是典型的口语问候,意思是“……进行的怎么样了?”如,在国外读书,同学见面经常会互问“How’s your essay going?”即“你的作业进行的怎么样了?”国外大学作业繁重,可见一斑。 也可以直接用作口语见面打招呼,老外见面打招呼时常用“How’s going?”或者“How’s everything going?”,可替换乡土气息浓厚的“How are you?”。 2. It’s going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life. “it takes sb a while to do sth”意思是“做……需要一段时间”。如,“It’s going to take me a while to process the fact that I was dumped.”意思是“我需要一段时间来接受我被甩掉这个事实。”另,这里“process”意为“消化,接受”;“dump sb”意为“甩掉某人,与某人分手”。 原句里面的“adjust to civilian life”意为“适应平民生活”,因为Dr. Watson之前是军人。 3. In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked. “in the light of……”意思是“根据……”或“鉴于……”,类似意思的还有“in view of……”或“based upon……”,也可用于写作中。 4. Like that's going to happen! “Like”后面跟一句话,且语气激烈,意思是“好像……是真的似的!”。如,当你想表达你不可能相信某人,你可以说“Like I would trust you!”蕴含讽刺意味,意思是不可能相信你。 5. Sometimes I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you? “on end”意思是“连续”,也可用“in a row”,如“it has been raining for three days on end”“已经连续下了三天的雨了”。另,本集也曾出现“in a row”这个词组:“Four people, in a row? It's not chance.”这是最后杀人犯出租车司机说的话,意思是“连续死了四个人了,这已经跟运气无关了。” “bother”可指“让某人讨厌”,如例句的意思就是“有时候我会连续几天都不说话,你会觉得讨厌吗?”。“bother”也可指“麻烦某人”,如,“I don’t wanna bother you”,即“我不想麻烦你”。 6. Wasn’t a difficult leap. 意思是“不难推断”。Leap本身为“跳跃”,这里为思维的跳跃,可理解为推测。 因为剧中Sherlock是个推理能力很强的人,所以对他来说神马都不难推断,他还有一句口


《神探夏洛克》第三季经典台词盘点中英文对照 刚刚结束的《神探夏洛克》第三季是不是还在你脑海中萦绕呢?我们就一起来回顾一下里面的经典台词吧。以下是小编给大家整理的《神探夏洛克》第三季经典台词盘点中英文对照,希望可以帮到大家 the thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world. 追寻罪犯的快感令人血脉喷张,我们两人对阵整个世界。 i won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you. 我就不给你解释了,省得说我侮辱你智商。 marriage changes you as a person in ways that you can't imagine. 婚姻会用一种你想象不到的方式改变你。 you are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away. 你结婚了,老朋友们就会慢慢溜走。 the one person he thought didn't matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most. 在他眼中那个对我来说最无足轻重的人,其实是对我最重要的人。 john, i am a ridiculous man. redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship. 约翰,我是个荒谬的人,却被你的热情和对友谊的忠贞拯救了。 the problems of your past are your business. the problems of your future are my privilege. 你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情;你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。 to the very best of times, john. 致那些最好的时光,约翰。


Ladies and gentlemen,I’m glad to stand here to make a simple presentation.Today I’m going to talk about an famous English detective TV series.I think some of you have guessed the name of it.Yes,it’s Sherlock.I dare say many of you have heard or even watched it.But I still want to introduce it to you not only for the exciting plot but also for its charming characters shaped by this serial. First,I’ll introduce the Settings & Backgrounds of Sherlock. Sherlock is a British television series that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. In the new series,Sherlock takes taxi instead of carriage.He writes blogs,he even becomes a hit on twitter.The fashion and telented detective sherlock holmes and his assistant John watson are facing a series of dangerous and unusual events happened in London. There is quite a lot of differences between this fashion sherlock and the classical novel:Sherlock writes blog,he even became a hit on twitter(博客).But the same thing is that he is thin and tall,sagacious(睿智的)and shows quick first response all the time.He is also good at biology and his incredible outsight shocks the audience.The change of the new sherlock dosen't make us fell uncomfortable,but the quick plot and the mixture of many stories of the novel in every episode makes an impression to Holmes' fans.All of the changes show that this Holmes belongs to our times. Let’s focus on the content of Sherlock.Up to now, Sherlock has filmed 3 seasons.From the screen we can see,every season tells three different stories. These are first season… Every season is independent with each other,but all the stories have the main plot.I think it’s just fighting with a series of high IQ criminals. Then who is Sherlock Holmes?A demon or an angel? Sherlock Holmes The world's first consulting detective. He is observant and calm.He is not only good at detective but also boxing,fencing and violin. In the serials,we can not easily figure out his characters,since he is multifaceted.Intelligent brilliant, aloof(冷漠的)and almost entirely lacking in social graces. Dr.John Watson He is Sherlock’s assistant and best friend.He has a history of military service as a doctor in Afghanistan(阿富汗). He has strong moral principles. Nerves of steel. Brave, resourceful, practical. Jim Moriarty consulting criminal


怎么样姑娘们走啊走啊走啊 '..Don't you think, girls? Off, off, off, off, off, off, off!' 比常人想象得更普遍 It's more common than people think. 破伤风菌广泛存在于泥土中 The tetanus is in the soil, 人们被玫瑰花丛园艺叉锄 people cut themselves on rose bushes, garden forks,诸如此类的东西割伤后若放任不管 that sort of thing, and if left un...treated... -我现在六神无主-我理解 - I don't know what I'm going to do now. - Right. 她把这个家留给我体贴至极 I mean, she's left me this place... which is lovely... -但少了她已家不成家-所以 - ...but it's not the same without her. - That's why... 我报想要取得 My paper wanted to get the, 消息来源确切可靠的第一手资料 um...the full story straight from the horse's mouth. 你确定现在能承受采访吗 Are you sure it's not too soon? -能-好的 - No. - Right. 你尽管问 You fire away. -约翰-听着你赶紧过来 - John. - Hi. Look, get over here quickly. 我想我有所发现 I think I'm onto something. 你得先找一些器材有笔吗 You'll need to pick up some stuff first. Got a pen? 我能记住 I'll remember. -一定是他来了-谁 - That'll be him. - What? -普林斯先生吧-对 - Ah, Mr Prince, isn't it? - Yes. -很高兴见到你-哪里客气了 - Very good to meet you. - Yes, thank you.


Good morning ladies and gentleman. First, I am glad to have this opportunity to introduce something I’m interested in and share my feeling about it. So today, I’d like to introduce you something interesting. I know some of you are crazy about American or British TV series. Maybe you have fall in love with The Big Bang Theory, and some of you are the big fans of Downton Abbey. Or The Arrow, or The Flash. But this one, you can never miss it, and I know in fact, some of you are also its fans. That’s Sherlock. We both know Sherlock Holmes. The play is adapted from Arthur Conan Doyle writing detective stories Sherlock Holmes set, but the difference is the original time background from the 19th century to the 21st century, in the busy bustling metropolis of London, the fashion of the great detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend John. Watson suffered a series of dangerous adventure in the unusual events. Look at this, by this brief introduction; you can clearly know the relationship between the lecture and the play. Now let me tell you about the character of this play. Of course, the hero is Sherlock Holmes, a consulting detective who is brilliant, aloof,strong and self-confidence, and averse power. Now this character is also famous about its poison tongue. He always persists in his own way, and offended many police officers. In addition, he is often considered a monster. This is John Watson, the other important hero. He is a doctor retired from Afghanistan. He is Sherlock’s assistant and only roommate. Compared with Sherlock, John is an affinity, brave and intelligent man. Every time, he tries his best to help Sherlock to find out the truth, even Sherlock seldom told him what’s his propose. Thus it can be seen, they are really best partners and best friends. Every story has a bad guy, and then Jim Moriarty is the one in this play. He is a veteran criminal who is Sherlock's biggest rival. Everyone who has watched this play will leave a

神探夏洛克 第二集 中英对白

1=破烂熊乐园倾情奉献 2茶道中人曾语茶壶经过多道茶的浸润 The great artisans say the more the teapot is used 3将愈加温润如玉焕然有光 the more beautiful it becomes. 4养壶在于重复多次地用老茶汤汁浇壶身 The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. 5陶土吸入茶汤的沉淀 The deposit left on the clay 6形成深厚温润的表面光泽 creates this beautiful patina over time. 7有些茶壶焕发的典雅的幽光 Some pots, the clay has been burnished 8是经四百年前的茶汤浸润而成 by tea made over 400 years ago. 9博物馆将在十分钟后关门 This museum will be closing in 10 minutes. 10四百年的古董他们允许你用来泡茶喝呢 400 years old, they're letting you use it to make yourself a brew. 11有些东西注定不该空坐在玻璃护罩里 Some things aren't supposed to sit behind glass, 12它们生来就该被人触碰 they're made to be touched. 13为人所用 To be handled. 14这些茶壶需要关爱 These pots need attention. 15陶土有裂纹了 The clay is cracking. 16我不觉得浇一丁点儿茶汁会有多大帮助 Well, I can't see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help. 17有时候一些东西需要你仔细地观察 Sometimes you have to look hard at something 18才能品味其价值 to see its value. 19看到么 See? 20这一只的光泽稍微亮些 This one shines a little brighter. 21不知道... I don't suppose... 22我是说... Um, I mean... 23你愿意跟我出去喝点东西么

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