当前位置:文档之家› 埃及金字塔英文版介绍



Today, I want to introduce the pyramids[?pir?mid] to you all !

1.Near the modern city of Cairo lies the largest and most imposing concentration of pyramids in the world,

2.Here ,we just focus on some of them to simplify .And in this picture ,Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egyptian desert remain the most great buildings ever constructed.

3.And of course .Pyramids functioned as tombs for Pharaohs.

4.The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader,

5.speak of the leader ,we must remember the pharaohs ----khufu and The biggest pyramid——Khufu

6.The great pyramid, also known as Khufu, is 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall .

7.In order to build the great pyramid, 2.3 million blocks of stone were cut ,transported and

assembled to create.of course there are also some study show that this stone are man-made ,for they once found a wisp of hair in the stone ,and they believe that ancient people are aready able to prduct these man-made stone.


8.Internal structure


?You may do not know the second largest pyramid,but you will do soon.

?The second great pyramid was build by the son of Khufu——Khafre

?9.At the east of pyramid, it is The Great Sphinx[ 'sfin?d?i;z ]. He attracts tourists all over the world ,by the magic of his

temptation. when the Egyptian king Khafre哈夫拉came to tour the tomb which would completed, he found there was a stone leaft. He promptly ordered the masons to carve a sphinx,according to his face.在最大的胡夫金字塔东侧,便是狮身人面像,他以诱惑的魔力,吸引了各地的游客。法老卡法瑞来到这了巡视自己快要竣工的陵墓——金字塔时,发现采石场上还留下了一块巨石。他当即命令石匠们,按照他的脸型,雕一座狮身人面像。

?10.There's a common message in the pyramids. The pyramids belong to Egypt, but the pyramids also belong to the world. That's why we can all identify the pyramids as an early monument of human greatness

?11.How ancient builders managed to build these? Nobody can answer it .But it’s sure that it needs brains and strength.

?12.now in has been a man made wonder that has survived the sands of time,


介绍埃及金字塔的作文 金字塔,想必人人都知道吧,那里面有许许多多的传说。好奇心不断驱赶我赶紧去看看。终于有一天,我按捺不住,叫上伙伴,带上了指南针、手电筒等物品,轻装上阵,踏上了探秘金字塔的旅程。 到了埃及,我们就立刻奔向金字塔,找到了入口,刚进去,只见里面漆黑一片,伸手不见五指。有几个胆小鬼立马放弃,准备离开时,只听“啪”一声,刚才进来的石门关上了,我们陷入了一片恐慌之中。我的心一颤,心中明显加速,心想:这下完了,出不去了。没法出去,我们只好硬着头皮往前。 走了一会儿,忽然,耳边传来了一声尖叫,眼前出现了一个黑影,我赶紧拿手电筒照去,居然是一个巨大的吸血蝙蝠。它贪婪地望着我,不知道多少天没吃东西了,不知道是幻觉还是真的,我看见它居然笑了。我大叫一声,拔出匕首,冲它刺了一刀,它被我激怒了,立马把我打翻在地,向我扑来。我本能地闭上眼睛,忽然,只听一声惨叫,只见它

躺在地上,不停地翻滚。原来,我的伙伴在那个节骨眼上,照它眼睛上刺了一刀。我们趁这个时候赶紧飞也似地逃走了。 我们糊里糊涂地跑进了国王墓室,立马被眼前的一幕惊呆,数不胜数的宝藏堆在那里,有不会生锈的武器,能弯曲而不破碎的玻璃器皿,数不清的耀眼黄金,还有让人不可思议的符咒、黄金圣甲虫、法老王的木乃伊……也不知道过了多久,我忽然觉得肚子好饿,一刻也不想呆在这里,没办法,在金字塔里,你非常渴,非常饿。这时,一个人给你两样东西,一个水和面包,另一个是黄金,你会选哪个?我赶紧叫同伴离开,可怎么出去呢?这时,我想到一个办法——用火烧石头,再倒冷醋,石头就变得松脆易裂。我们就这们顺利地出去了。 这时,太阳升起来了,这的日出,简直和泰山的一样,太阳的光芒使开幕由黑转鱼肚白、红色,直到金黄,最后一轮火球腾空而起。比起刚才,现在真是天堂,我不禁说道:“这真是一场惊心动魄的大冒险!”

神秘金字塔 英文介绍

神秘金字塔英文介绍 古埃及金字塔是奴隶制帝王的陵墓,最宏大的当为吉萨三座大金字塔。塔基呈方形,每边长230米,高146米,用230余万块巨石(每块平均重达2.5吨)垒成,国王墓室用一块400吨重的石板垒成。整体规模雄伟壮观,设计科学,构造复杂,历时30年建成。古希腊时即被称为世界七大奇迹之一,1980年列入世界遗产名录。 Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egyptian desert remain the most colossal1 buildings ever constructed. The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader, whose title was Pharaoh2. There was a sequence of Pharaohs culminating3 around 2615 B.C., with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing ever built, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khu?fu. Cheops built a pyramid 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall. How ancient builders managed to build these massive structures has never been fully answered but the effort clearly required brains and brawn 矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建于4000年前,它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。 金字塔是埃及人在他们的领袖——名为法老——的命令下建造的。在公元前2615年左右,几任法老相继统治埃及,基奥普斯法老建造了有史以来最大的金字塔——大金字塔,也被称为胡夫金字塔。胡夫金字塔每边长770英尺,高481英尺。古代的建筑者是如何建造这些庞然大物的,这一直是个未解之谜,但很明显它需要付出大量的脑力和体力。


金字塔决策交易系统简要介绍 金字塔是一款集期货程式化交易、看盘分析为一体的全功能综合软件。国内独家支持图交易表程式化交易、后台程式化交易、高频交易、趋势线程式化交易等多种自动交易模式,公式模型编写和操作兼容国内主流分析软件,容易学习上手。支持一键下单,图表下单等多种手工下单模式。支持套利和多帐户交易和动态止赢止损功能。支持板块指数、自定义数据等横向统计功能,以及基于OFFICE 架构下的宏二次开发功能。 一、上海金之塔信息技术有限公司简介 上海金之塔信息技术有限公司位于上海陆家嘴软件园内,是一家新成立的软件公司,我们专注于为中高端证券期货投资者提供优秀的程序化交易平台,旨在帮助客户完善并实现其程序化交易策略。在公司成立之初,我们便与上海澎博网络公司和美国盈透证券建立了合作关系,我们的合作伙伴在公司运营、资金支持、产品功能方面我们的合作伙伴提供了大量必要的帮助和咨询建议。经过5年时间的精心打造,我们于2010年11月正式推出了第一款主打产品“金字塔决策交易系统”,本款软件平台面世以来受到众多专业机构投资者的关注和研究使用。 在金字塔决策交易系统设计过程中我们专注于中高端客户的实际需求,走访了大量机构客户和专业投资者,听取了众多高质量高专业性的建议,设计并研发出了这款集分析看盘和程序化交易于一体的程序化交易软件平台。研发过程中,我们根据用户实际需求将业内众多常用功能进行优化,改进了多账户下单、套利下单、函数支持等,使其更加符合专业程序化投资者的使用习惯,极大的提高了对交易策略的实现性,让原本复杂的程序化过程变得简单高效,降低了程序化进入门槛,同时我们还新增了指标远程调用、外盘下单、VBA二次开发等优秀功能,这些功能远领先于业内其他同类软件。在未来的时间里,我们将努力把金字塔决策交易系统打造成为国内乃至世界上最优秀的程序化交易软件。


Mayan Pyramids in Mexico 南美丛林中的玛雅金字塔. By Murrant Rotz 金今选译难度等级:medium Deep within the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala and extending into the Yucatan peninsula lie the mysterious temples and Mayan pyramids. The Maya pyramids were chosen as one of the seven New Wonders of the World not only for their magnificent physical presence but also for the intellectual achievements of the people. While Europe was still in the midst of the Dark Ages , these amazing people were masters of mathematics. They invented the calendars we use today. Without metal tools, beasts of burden or even the wheel they were able to construct vast cities across a huge jungle landscape with an amazing degree of architectural perfection and variety. The Maya were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools. The ancient Mayans built two types of pyramids, those that were meant to be climbed and those that were not. The first type was used for holding sacrificial rituals. The other type was not meant to be touched and was sacred. The steps on these structures were too steep to climb and many times they had doorways leading to nowhere. Among the most famous of the Mayan Pyramids are those at Chichen Itza . Most of these Mayan pyramids had a platform on the top on which was constructed a smaller building, dedicated to any of the Mayan deities. When the priests or kings performed their rituals, they ascended the pyramid on staircases, which symbolized rising from the earth to the heavens, since they started from the ground level right up to the temple on top. While some pyramids had two staircases, on either side, others had four, one on each side. Certain Mayan pyramid-like constructions were also built as burial places for rulers, containing burial chambers within these giant structures, which usually contained treasures like jade. According to some historians, one of the reasons the Mayan pyramids were built so high was that they served as landmarks for the Mayan people, since the tops protruded from the jungle. Also, they served to remind the populace that the gods were always present. Since they were excellent astronomers, some think that they also used their pyramid structures as observatories.


高三英语作文:介绍埃及金字塔 Egyptian pyramid introduction The king of the method always ancient Egypt, the pyramid is the method old emperor's mausoleum.The method is old why want to construct pyramid?The huge pyramid sets up how of?Someone says the pyramid is what Alien builds out, fact how actually? The pyramid is the emperor's mausoleum that the ancient Egyptian king builds for himself.The pyramid of Auspicious Zagreb of Egypt is praised for one of ancient seven greatest miracles in the world.At Egyptian all of the pyramids, the great majorities all are constructed in the third to the sixth dynasty in Egypt.These have for more than 4000 years, the pyramid of history mainly distributes in the grounds, such as capital city Cairo and Nile upper stream west coast giza etc Auspicious Zagreb The left side of the pyramid belongs to card man to pull a king, the right side belongs to a database man king, neighborhood connect a sphinx.main building materials is limestone, part is granite. Egypt discovers pyramid 80 totally, among them most a pyramid of grand view is set up in around 2600 B.C. of the pyramid of Auspicious Zagreb, all set up to from the artificial.How ancient


世界七大奇观是由马其顿王国(Macedonia,公元前4世纪中叶至前2世纪中叶)的亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Greater,公元前356-前323)统治时期建于西亚、北非及爱琴海地区的七处规模较大的雄伟建筑与雕刻品,被古希腊和古罗马的观察家们认可为古代遗迹中最非凡的艺术品和建筑作品。世界七大奇观的名单有时会有所不同,以下以古代西顿(Sidon)作家安提帕特(Antipater,公元前398?-前319)在他的一本游记中所列举的七大奇观为准。它不但被广泛使用而且还是标准的名单,七大奇观中除金字塔外,其他六个均未完整保存下来。 1.埃及金字塔(Pyramid) 世界七大奇观之一。金字塔是古代所建的一种方锥形建筑物,因其外形像汉语的“金”字,在中国译称“金字塔”。墨西哥、希腊、苏丹等国都有金字塔,但名声最为显赫的是埃及的金字塔。埃及金字塔是古埃及文明的代表作,是埃及国家的象征。古埃及的金字塔目前保存下来的约有80座,是为古埃及法老(Pharaoh——古埃及国王的称号)修建的陵墓。最大的一座是古埃及第四朝法老胡夫(Khufu)的金字塔,称为“大金字塔”(The Great Pyramid),位于开罗近郊吉萨(Giza),建于大约公元前27世纪。它的底座成方形,每边长约232米,高约146米,用230余万块(每块重约2.5吨)巨石叠成。塔内有墓室、石阶及甬道等结构。据说建塔时,每天投入80万劳动力,历时30年方建成。就当时的生产力水平而言,其设计与建筑水平已达到相当惊人的程度。“大金字塔”附近建有法老哈夫拉(Khafra,约公元前20世纪)的金字塔及斯芬克斯巨型石雕像。现存于吉萨的70余座金字塔大都残损破朽,墓室里的财宝也被盗劫一空。 2.巴比伦空中花园(Hanging Garden of Babylon) 巴比伦空中花园在古巴比伦王国(今伊拉克南部)首府巴比伦城王宫内,是国王尼布甲尼撤二世(NebuchadnezzaⅡ,公元前604-公元前562)建造的。为了安慰患上思乡病的王妃安美依迪丝(Amyitis),仿照王妃在山上的故居兴建的。其实,它并非真正的“空中花园”,而是建在一系列塔庙的平台顶上的几层土坛,坛上遍种花草。远望时,它像一座花草覆盖的小山,近看时,则给人以花草悬空而植的感觉,故名“空中花园”。 3.以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯神殿(Temple of Artemis of Ephesus) 世界七大奇观之一,阿苔密斯(又译为“阿耳忒弥斯”)是希腊神话中的月亮女神和狩猎女神。古代以弗所(在今天的土耳其境内)的居民对阿苔密斯的崇拜甚盛,并建造了不少纪念她的神庙。公元前4世纪建成了这个最大的神殿。它用白色大理石建造,有不少廊柱用金、银、宝石缀饰。这座雄伟的大理石神庙是由昌底亚的国王克里萨斯出资筹建,由希腊建筑家车西夫若恩设计。神庙中装饰着由当时技艺最精湛的艺术家们所塑的青铜雕像,这个神殿被视为七大奇观中最美的一景。 4.奥林匹亚的宙斯神像(Statue 0f Zeus at Olympia) 世界七大奇观之一,它原在奥林匹亚的宙斯神庙(the Temple 0f Zeus at Olympia)里,由古代希腊著名雕刻家菲狄亚斯(Phidias,雅典人,主要活动时期在公元前448-前432)雕成。雕像为木质,高约10米,全身饰以象牙、金箔和宝石等昂贵材料,眼睛也是用宝石雕

英语畅谈世界文化Lesson24 金字塔 The Pyramids (埃及)

Lesson24: 金字塔 The Pyramids (埃及) 原文: T: Traveller G:Tour guide T: Could you tell me about these pictures? G: The pyramids were built at around 3000-2500 BC and are one of the most impressive monuments of the ancient world. They were built as tombs for the Pharaohs, the rulers of Egypt. The first Pharaohs built simpler tombs, called mastabas. These mastabas were square buildings with a room inside for the coffin and the mummy and some things to take with you to the afterlife. T: Like this over here in the picture? G: Yes. Then they began to build mounds of earth on top of their mastabas, to make them grander. Ordinary princes and other aristocrats went on being buried in mastabas. The Step Pyramid is one of the first of these new fancy tombs. T: But, the pyramids we know all have filled in steps. G: Yes, a short time after these were built, the Egyptians decided to fill in the steps, and then made them more pointed on top. T: The ones in Giza arc this style, right? I think they are 1


埃及金字塔导游词 金字塔在埃及和美洲等地均有分布,古埃及的上埃及、中埃及和 下埃及,今苏丹和埃及境内。 埃及金字塔导游词1 HI ,你们好!我是你们的导游,我叫xx,大家请叫我倪导游,我们等一下就看到埃及的金字塔,大家到了之后,我会给大家详细介绍埃及以及金字塔有关资料。今天我要在大家去埃及金字塔,希望大家不要损坏古物,也希望你们在埃及金字塔茶中过得愉快,让我们来游览着古老的金字塔。 游客们,来听听我的介绍:埃及金字塔建于四千五百年前,是和埃及法老王和王后的墓室。是用巨大石块砌成的方锥形建筑,似汉字金;印做金字塔。埃及迄今发现大大小小的金字塔一百一^座,大多建于古埃及王朝时期。在埃及已发现的金字塔中最大最有名的是位于开罗西南面的吉萨高地上的祖孙三代金字塔,他们是胡夫金字塔海弗拉金字塔和门卡乌拉金字塔,与其中为众多的小金字塔群,为埃及金字塔建筑艺术的顶峰。 游客们,介绍完了,就让我们去和一起去看看吧。胡夫金字塔是世上最大的金字塔,是个国王胡夫的陵墓,建于公元前二千六百九十年左右。原高一百四十六点五厘米,因年久风化,顶端剥落十米,现高一百三十六点五米;底座为每边长二百三十多米,现长二百二十米三角面斜都五十二度,塔底面积五万二千九百平方米;塔身由有2300000 块石头砌成,每块石头平均种二点五吨,最大的送达一百六十吨;据说,十万人用了三十年的时间才得以建成。该金字塔内部通道对外开放,该通道

设计精巧,计算精密,下面就尽情观赏吧。 游客们,参观完胡夫金字塔,接下来就让我们去瞧瞧吉利金字塔吧。吉利金字塔他被誉为古代世界七大奇迹之手,建造西元2550年前后。吉利金字塔旁边有三座金字塔,那则是王后的金字塔,做为墓室的我是个深十点五公尺、宽五点二公尺的宽敞房间。现在,游客们可以开始观赏啦。 接着,让我们来弯曲金字塔瞧一下吧。弯曲金字塔约建于公元前二千六百年,位于距离开罗西南二十七公里处的萨卡拉地区,是埃及的四王朝第一位法老萨夫罗再为时期修建的。底部边长约一百八十九米的正方形,高约一百零五米。其特别之处在于,在塔身超过一半高度的时候,角度发生变化倾角由于下半部的五十二度向内弯成四十三点五度,这样的话金字塔看起来是弯曲的。 各位游客们,本次旅游即将结束,如果想拍照留念,可以啦。是不是还恋恋不舍啊,如果有机会,我下次还带领大家去有其他各种著名的景点,也感谢大家的参与。



"学习金字塔"理论简介 1、“学习金字塔(Cone of Learning)”是由美国学者埃德加.戴尔(Edgar Dale)1946年率先提出的,也有人翻译成“经验之塔”。美国缅因州的国家训练实验室做过类似的研究,并提出了学习金字塔(Learning Pyramid)理论,结论跟戴尔差不多,只是把阅读和听讲交换了次序,认为阅读比聆听记住的东西更多,这个结论与我们的经验更加贴近一些。下图是美国缅因州国家训练实验室提出的学习金字塔(Learning Pyramid)。


第二种,通过“阅读”方式学到的内容,可以保留10%。 第三,用“声音、图片”的方式学习,可以达到20%。 第四种是“示范”,采用这种学习方式,可以记住30%。 第五种,“小组讨论”,可以记住50%的内容。 第六种,“做中学”或“实际演练”,可以达到75%。 最后一种在金字塔基座位置的学习方式,是“教别人”或者“马上应用”,可以记住90%的学习内容。 学习效果在30%以下的几种传统方式,都是个人学习或被动学习;而学习效果在50%以上的,都是团队学习、主动学习和参与式学习。 2、转录一节课堂实录

下面,我们结合一个课堂实录(选自《直击美国课堂》)来详细了解一下学习金字塔的应用。 我们听的是6年级的历史/ 语文课。6年级在这所学校里已经算初中了。老师讲的内容是前历史时期。 首先,老师给每位学生发了一块石头和一些油彩,让学生假设手中的石头是化石,让学生在石头上画画,想画什么都可以,但必须是学生对前历史时期的理解。学生们很兴奋,开始埋头在石头上画画,有的学生嫌不过瘾,还拿了两块石头。有些学生画的是前历史时期的原始人,有的画的是前历史时期的洞穴,有的画钻木取火的场景。有一个学生最有意思,画的动物非牛非兽,可能这就是他对前历史时期的理解吧。(萧愚注:亲身体验,动手做能够记住90%) 在学生们画画的时候,我在教室里随意转了转,发现教室的四周摆满了不同历史时期的场景,有的是生活场景模型,有的是学生收集来的图片资料,有的是学生手工制


The Egyptian Pyramids: Houses of Eternity To many people throughout the world, some of the most remarkable and puzzling monuments of ancient times are the pyramids of ancient Egypt. You know, almost nothing at all remains of the great cities of the kings of Egypt, the pharaohs. Time and weather have been really hard on ancient Egypt's cities and towns, but several of the temples, statues, and, most important of all, the pyramids have survived. Even though many of the pyramids are in ruins, they still give us some idea of the magnificence of ancient Egypt's civilization-a civilization that, after all, lasted for more than 3,000 years. Remember, when we're talking about ancient Egypt, we're talking about at least thirty consecutive dynasties. A dynasty is a series of kings or queens of the same royal family--something like the Romanovs of Europe, the Ming dynasty of China, or the Al-Sauds of Saudi Arabia. As many of you probably already know, the pyramids were constructed as tombs or burial places for the Egyptian kings and their family members. You see, the ancient Egyptians passionately believed in life after death. In fact, their entire culture revolved around that belief. The kings, queens, and state officials often spent an entire lifetime preparing for their life after death. They did this by collecting possessions or "grave goods" by building tombs, and so forth. The Egyptians believed that they could be assured of an afterlife only if their bodies could be preserved from decay or destruction. So when a person died, and especially when a pharaoh died, in order to ensure his eternal life, he had his body embalmed or mummified. In other words, he had his corpse dried out and wrapped in linen to preserve it from decay. Then he had his mummy hidden. This whole idea may seem quite strange today, but the ancient Egyptians really believed that if one's mummy was destroyed, then his or her soul would be destroyed, and if, on the other hand, the mummy-the dead body-was preserved, the soul would be immortal. Let me repeat that. If one's mummy was preserved, the soul would go on living. For another thing, the ancient Egyptians believed that the dead person could take his or her earthly possessions along to the next world--this is just the opposite of the Western idea that "you can't take it with you when you go." Anyway, the dead person was provided with food, clothing, furniture, weapons, and even servants. It was not at all unusual for the pharaoh's slaves to be put to death so that they could serve him in his afterlife. So you can see why the pharaohs wanted to have their bodies and their possessions hidden to protect them from grave robbers. Before they died, they had special tombs built for this purpose-to hide their bodies and their treasures. In the early years of ancient Egypt, these tombs were the pyramids-the vast burial chambers that were built to fool the grave robbers. Unfortunately, the grave robbers almost always outsmarted even the most powerful and the most careful of pharaohs. They broke into most of the pyramids or tombs and stole the food and other treasures they found. They even desecrated and destroyed the mummies of the dead. Needless to say, they would not bother a poor person's grave. These grave robbers even banded together into organizations or brotherhoods. Just imagine, a grave robbers' union! Now, as for the actual construction of the mighty pyramids, it was during the First and Second Dynasties that the kings and nobles of Egypt began to construct the type of tomb called the "mastaba". The First and Second Dynasties lasted from about 3100 until 2665 B.C.E. Mastaba, by the way, comes from an Arabic word meaning "bench" or"long seat." A mastaba looked like a low, flat-topped rectangle--something like a low bench or a shoebox. Essentially, the pointed



《埃及金字塔》教案 一、教学目标: 1、正确、顺畅地朗读课文 2、本课的7个生字认识并会写,两条绿线内的2个字只识不写。 3、懂得作者是怎样写工程的宏伟与精巧的,体会这样写的好处。 4、感受古埃及人的勤劳和智慧,懂得尊重人类共同的文化遗产。 二、教学重难点: 1、懂得作者是怎样写工程的宏伟与精巧的,体会这样写的好处。 2、感受古埃及人的勤劳和智慧,懂得尊重人类共同的文化遗产。 三、教学步骤: (一)导入新课 1、回顾《秦兵马俑》 ①上节课我们学习了《秦兵马俑》,咱们一起来回顾下这篇课文的主要内容? 这篇文章介绍了秦兵马俑的规模宏大、类型众多、个性鲜明和神态各异,突显了秦兵马俑举世无双的地位。 ②作者采用了哪些方法来说明秦兵马俑的规模宏大,类型众多与个性鲜明的? 在语言上采用短句,短语和四字词语,使文章的节奏感强,富有气势 使用了列数字、分类别、作比较等说明方法;比喻、排比等修辞手法;描写主要外貌特征+写感受相结合的方式来突显秦兵马俑的规模宏大,类型众多和个性鲜明。 ③从秦兵马俑的举世无双、规模宏大、类型众多和个性鲜明、惟妙惟肖的雕塑技艺,大家能感受到什么?

感受到中华民族悠久灿烂的文化和古代人民的智慧超群。 2、引出课题: 看来大家上节课学得很扎实,我们要经常复习,经常巩固前面所学,才能增强记忆,才能温故知新。我们从《秦兵马俑》中领略到我国古代人民雕塑技艺的高超,感受到我国古代人民的智慧无穷,今天我们再学习一篇课文——《埃及金字塔》——一起到古埃及去领略古埃及人民的智慧与勤劳吧。 3、书写课题,齐读课题。 你们预习了课文后,会发现这篇课文与《秦兵马俑》在语言上、写法上既存在很大的不同,又存在一定的相似性。 下面就请同学们自由朗读课文,想一想,这篇课文与《秦兵马俑》相比,在语言上、写法上有哪些相同点与不同点? (二)初读感悟 1、指名朗读课文并正音。 2、讲解生字词:学生开火车朗读;提醒学生注意容易读错或写错的词 语。 3、思考问题:《埃及金字塔》与《秦兵马俑》在语言上、写法上的相同 点与不同点? ①语言上:(引导学生发现语言上的不同) 《秦兵马俑》:语言生动,多用短句、成语、短语等;节奏感强。 《埃及金字塔》:语言平实,多用长句。 ②写法上:(这个问题有难度,是这节课的重点问题。)可以先请学生说说 初读印象,再在精读品味中解决问题。 学生初读后,可能会发现以下两个方面的相似之处:


Today, I want to introduce the pyramids[?pir?mid] to you all ! 1.Near the modern city of Cairo lies the largest and most imposing concentration of pyramids in the world, 2.Here ,we just focus on some of them to simplify .And in this picture ,Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egyptian desert remain the most great buildings ever constructed. 3.And of course .Pyramids functioned as tombs for Pharaohs. 4.The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader, 5.speak of the leader ,we must remember the pharaohs ----khufu and The biggest pyramid——Khufu 6.The great pyramid, also known as Khufu, is 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall . 7.In order to build the great pyramid, 2.3 million blocks of stone were cut ,transported and


著名景区英文介绍:神秘的埃及金字塔 古埃及金字塔是奴隶制帝王的陵墓,最宏大的当为吉萨三座大金字塔。塔基呈方形,每边长230米,高146米,用230余万块巨石(每块平均重达2.5吨)垒成,国王墓室用一块400吨重的石板垒成。整体规模雄伟壮观,设计科学,构造复杂,历时30年建成。古希腊时即被称为世界七大奇迹之一,1980年列入世界遗产名录。 Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in theEgyptian desert remain the most colossal1 buildings ever constructed. 矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建于4000年前,它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。 The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader, whose titl e wasPharaoh2. There was a sequence of Pharaohs culminating3 around 2615 B.C., with the PharaohCheops who built the biggest thing ever built, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khufu. Cheopsbuilt a pyramid 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall. How ancient buil ders managed to build thesemassive structures has never been fully answered but the ef fort clearly required brains andbrawn4. 金字塔是埃及人在他们的领袖——名为法老——的命令下建造的。在公元前2615年左右,几任法老相继统治埃及,基奥普斯法老建造了有史以来最大的金字塔——大金字塔,也被称为胡夫金字塔。胡夫金字塔每边长770英尺,高481英尺。古代的建筑者是如何建造这些庞然大物的,这一直是个未解之谜,但很明显它需要付出大量的脑力和体力。 Was there engineering genius involved? Yes, there was. For example, when you're puttin g theblock right at the top, how are you going to lug5 a block of stone that weighs sever al tons 480feet up a structure? How are you going to do it, and how are you going to do it without leavingscratches6 on all the rest of the structure? And how many people does i t take to drag a blockweighing several tons 480 feet up into the sky? Approximately, 2.3 million blocks of stone werecut, transported and assembled to create the Great Pyra mid. 有工程天才的参与吗?是的,有。比如,当你要把一个石块放在顶端时,你该如何把一个几吨重的石块提升到480英尺的高度呢?应该怎样做?怎么做才不至于在塔身留下刮痕?把几吨重的石块提举到480英尺的高处又需要多少人力呢?为了建造大金字塔,人们切割、运输、垒砌了大约230万块石头。 The Pharaohs may have set out to build magnificent tombs for themselves, but in the en d theycreated monuments to human potential. There's a universal message in the pyrami ds. Thepyramids belong to Egypt, but the pyramids also belong to the world. That's why


埃及金字塔中英文导游词 金字塔是埃及人在他们的领袖名为法老的命令下建造的。究竟它有多么神秘呢?下面是准备的埃及金字塔中英文导游词,欢迎阅读。 埃及金字塔中英文导游词篇1 Egypt is at the centre of the Arab world and has played a central role in the region’s political situation in modern times. After three wars in 1948, 1967 and 1973, peace was achieved with Israel in 1979 leading to Egypt’s expulsion from the Arab League (they were restored in 1991). Egypt has since played a vital role in the Middle East Peace Process. 埃及在阿拉伯世界的中心,并发挥了在该地区的近代政治局势的核心作用。经过三年的战争在1948年,1967年和1973年,和平是实现在1979年导致埃及的阿拉伯联盟驱逐(他们在1991年恢复)与以色列。埃及自起到了中东和平进程发挥重要作用。 Pyramids of ancient Egypt is the emperor’s tomb of slavery, the most ambitious of the three when the Great Pyramid of Giza. Taki was a square, each side length 230 meters, 146 meters high, with more than 230 million pieces of stone (each weighing an average of 2.5 tonnes) Lei Cheng, the king tomb with a stone weighing 400 tons Lei Cheng. Overall size of the magnificent, design science, structure is complicated, which lasted 30 years

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