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高中英语 口语情景对话 介绍最爱的食物和季节素材

高中英语 口语情景对话 介绍最爱的食物和季节素材
高中英语 口语情景对话 介绍最爱的食物和季节素材



Todd: Selvam, what is your favorite food?

Selvam: My favorite fruit is grapes.

Todd: Grapes.

Selvam: Yeah.

Todd: Oh, really!

Selvam: Yes.

Todd: OK. Do you like wine? Do you drink wine?

Selvam: No, no, I don't drink anything, but I like grapes, the taste is very good.

Todd: Do you like...?

Selvam: It's very sweet that's why I like them.

Todd: Do you like green grapes or purple grapes?

Selvam: Green, Green grapes.

Todd: Green grapes.

Selvam: Yeah.

Todd: OK, are there many grapes around your hometown in India?

Selvam: Yes, yeah. We have, I used to eat everyday grapes, because I like them very much that's.

Todd: OK, actually in my home in America we have many grapes where I live also.

Selvam: Oh.

Todd: Yeah, and how about what is your favorite season?

Selvam: My favorite season is winter.

Todd: Winter.

Selvam: Yeah, because in India, most of the days will be summer. Winter will come for only two months. That's why we love winter season.

Todd: Really?

Selvam: Yeah, it is very summer, very hot. That's why people are very black as a reason.

Todd: You like the cool, cool weather.

Selvam: Yes.

Todd: Oh, nice. I'm the opposite. I like warm weather

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