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Lesson 16 A polite request

一. New words and expressions

1. park ①n.公园the Central Park中央公园

②v. 停车parking lot停车场car park No parking!禁止停车!

eg: You cannot park in this street.你不能在这条街上停车。

2.traffic un.交通

a traffic accident交通事故traffic lights 交通信号灯

traffic regulations交通法规traffic policeman交通警察

traffic jam/ heavy traffic交通堵塞

3.ticket ①cn.票(机票,车票,电影票或入场券)

eg: Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你想要单程票还是往返票呢?

②cn.(交通违章)罚款单get a parking ticket 违章停车罚款单

4. note ①cn. 笔记,摘记(通常用复数)make/take notes做笔记

eg: He never forgets to make notes for his speech.


eg: Students are busy taking notes in class.学生在教室里忙着做笔记。

②cn. 短信,便笺leave sb. a note 给某人留个便条note paper便条纸

5.area n. 地域,地区,地段

a desert area沙漠地区 a residential area住宅区

6. sign n. ①记号,符号+ - ×÷

②牌子,指示牌traffic signs交通指示牌street signs街道指示;牌

③手势sign language 手势语,手语body language肢体语言

v. Sign your name here please.签名请在这签上你的名字。

7.reminder n.提示,提醒

remind v.提示

eg: Remind me to answer that letter.提醒我回那封信。

eg: Do I have to remind you again?还需要我再提醒你吗?

remind sb. of sth. 令某人回想起某事

eg: This song reminds me of my desk mate.这首歌曲令我想起我的同桌。

8/ fail v.失败反义词succeed

fail in doing sth. 在··方面失败,考试不及格

fail to do 不能,没有做到

eg: I passed in mathematics but failed in French.我的数学及格了,但是法语没及格。

eg: She failed to reach the final.她没能进入决赛。

9. obey vt. 服从,顺从,执行obey the law遵守法律

obey rules 遵守规章制度obey orders /obey commands服从命令

二. Text

1.If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.



对于集体名词,如police, party, crowed, family ,team, committee等,谓语动词视情况而定。



The committee was made up of ten members.这个委员会由10名成员组成。

The committee are not of one opinion.这个委员会没有统一的意见。

2. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.如果他没给你罚款单就放你走了,算


lucky 幸运的unlucky不幸的luck 运气

let 使役性动词let sb. do sth.让某人做某事

eg:Don’t let this happen again.别让此事再次发生。

let 表示建议或命令Let’s go to the park我们到公园去吧。

let alone更不用说,更别提

eg: He can’t ride a bike, let alone a motorbike.他都不会骑自行车,更别提摩托车了。without prep.没有without doing sth.

eg: I cannot live without you.没有你我活不下去。

eg: You cannot go without paying the bill.没有付账的话,你不能走。

3 However, this does not always happen.然而情况并不都是这样。

however: 转折副词,作插入语,用逗号与其他成分隔开。


eg: later, however, he made up his mind to go.可是,后来他决定去了。

4.Traffic police are sometimes very polite.警察有时也很客气。


some times 几次,几倍

some time表示一段时间


5. During a holiday in Sweden.有一次在瑞典度假

Sweden n.瑞典Swedish 瑞典的Swede瑞典人

6. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs.


=you will enjoy yourself here/You will have a good time here.

pay attention to 注意Please pay attention to the blackboard.

7.This note is only a reminder.这个便条仅仅是个提醒。

remind v.提醒

eg: I reminded him to post my letter.我提醒他去寄我的信。

Remember v. 记得remember to do sth.记得去做某事remember doing sth.记得做过某事eg: I remembered to post your letter.

eg: I remembered posting your letter.我记得寄过你的信。

eg: Remember me to your mother.带我问候你的妈妈。

8. If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it.如果你收到这样的恳求,你是不会不遵照命令的。


eg: You are not allowed to smoke here.此地不许抽烟。

fail to do 不能,没有

eg: We waited half an hour, but the bus failed to arrive.我们等了半小时,但公交车没有来。

三.Key structure

if 引导的条件句:条件句主要用来询问或谈论将来可能的事情,主句中是将来时。条件句中,将来时通常用现在时表示,即:主将从现。