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1. 动词时态
(1)(2003全国卷)She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was... 84. read
(2)(2004江苏卷)At once I apologize and controlled myself... 83. apologized
(3)(2004全国卷) Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class,... 82. talk
(4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)I will write again and send you the photos we take together. 85. took
(5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ) There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. One of them was that they can earn money. 77. is
(6)(2005江苏卷)We named him Jack and keep him for about three years. 76. kept
2. 名词单复数
(1)(2003全国卷)Their word were a great encouragement to me. 85. words
(是把word改为words 还是把were改为was,根据名词前的修饰限定词their来决定。)
(2)(2004江苏)that was a dinner we had waited for several month. 85. months
(3)(2004全国卷Ⅰ) a few minute on the Internet. 77. minutes
(a few修饰复数名词)
(4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)But one and a half year later. 79. years
(one and a half意思为一年半,故判断此处year应为复数形式)
(5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)There are advantage for students to work... 76. advantages
(从there are 判断应该用名词复数)
3. 句子结构
(1)(2004 全国卷)I won’t be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon. 78. because/as
(2)(2004 全国卷Ⅱ) I don’t know that they don’t like t

o talk with me. 81. why
(3)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)For the most part, students working to earn money for their own use. 78. work
(4)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything if they like. 79. allows
(主语是动名词短语Earning their own money,谓语应该用单数)
(5)(2005江苏卷)But the most wonderful thing about Jack were his musical ability. 84. was
4. 赘述
(1)(2003全国卷80)I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. 80. should
(2)(2004 全国卷)Can you tell me about what I should do? 85. about
(tell sb about/of sth或tell sb接从句)
(3)(2004重庆卷)I had to look up to the same word many times, ... 78. to
(look up a word查字典)
(4)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)Some students may also to save up for their college or future use. 84. to
(5)(2005江苏卷) But for the most wonderful thing about Jack was his musical ability. 83. for
5. 固定结构(固定句型、固定短语、固定搭配)
(1)(2003全国卷81)Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was ... 81. talking
(enjoy doing为固定短语)
(2)(2004 全国卷Ⅰ)I am sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. 79. at
(laugh at sb. 固定短语)
(3)(2004 浙江卷)from friends can all provide you for stamps from all over the world. 82. with
(provide ... with为固定短语)
(4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)I am writing to thank you with your kind help. 76. for
(thank sb for sth)
(5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ) or for permission to do things by money. 83. with
(with money)
6. 冠词
(1)(2004 全国卷Ⅲ)I will have to decide what I want to do over a weekend. 77. the
(2)(2004江苏卷)When I was ∧boy, ... 76. ∧a
(我是一个男孩,应用不定冠词 a.)
(3)(2004 辽宁卷)This was my first visit to a English family. 78. an

(4)(2004重庆卷)I started writing down words from ∧ books that I read. 82. ∧the
(5)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)I hope you’ve had∧pleasant journey home and will come to China 83. ∧a
7. 代词
(1)(2004 浙江卷)And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of your own ... 78. their
(2)(2004湖北卷)You have to be friends with your pupils and take good care of him. 83. them
(pupils 是复数,后应该用替代复数名词的代词。)
(3)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)Some students may also save up for our college or future use. 85. their
(4)(2005江苏卷)We often play a trick on himself. 79. him
(play a trick on sb)
8. 连词及与并置问题
(1)(2004江苏卷)My grandma was the best cook in the world but could make the most delicious dishes. 79. and (从句意可知,此处表并列关系,应用and)
(2)(2004全国卷Ⅳ)My class will be over by then or I will pick you up there. 82. and
(3)(2004全国卷Ⅱ)I would describe myself as shy and quietly. 77. quiet
9. 易混淆的词或词组
(1)(2004全国卷Ⅰ)Finding information on the Net is easily. 83. easy
(be easy 非常容易,形容词做表语)
(2)(2004福建卷)She called 119 immediate. 84. immediately
(3)(2003全国卷)I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English. 78. everything
(4)(2004 重庆卷)...but I had terribly problems memorizing them. 77. terrible
(5)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)My pronunciation was terribly. 78.terrible
2、名词 的数与格的误用。

7、形容词、副词的混用及其比较等级的误用。形容词一般在句中作定语修饰名词或代词,作表语说明主语的性质、特征;而副词的作用较复杂,常常修饰形容词 、副词 、介词短语、动词或全句。形容词和副词比较等级的误用现象:①省略不当;②自身比较;③修饰语的误用;④than连接的两个比较对象不一致或不平行。
8、关联词语的误用。关联词分并列连词 and,but,or,so,when等,从属连词——各种从句的引导词。关联词语的误用除涉及到其基础知识,还涉及至行文逻辑关系。短文改错题惯用的命题手法是:①and,but,or,so等之间的混用;②because与so并用;③although与but并用;④why 与because并用;⑤come与go混用;⑥here与there混用。
9、平行结构的误用。平行结构是指用一连串作用和结构相同的或相似的成份表达同一范畴或同一性质、密切关联的内容。平行结构有词之间的平行、词组之间的平行、句子或从句之间的平行、段落之间的平行。在平行结构中常用的并列连词 有and,but,or,than等。
10、成分的多与少——多一词或少一词。多或少的词语,常见于冠词、介词、不定式标记to等,不过有时也可能是实义词。在短文改错中常出现repeat back,serve for等错误。这类错误大多由于学生受汉语表达习惯的影响,或对英语词义的理解不够准确造成的。
①多冠词。I caught a sigh of my English in the crowd。[析]sight是不可数名词,且cath sight of是固定搭配,意为“看见”。故应去掉a。
②多介词。We practice for three times every week。此例中是作时间状语的名词短语多了介词,故应去掉for
③固定搭配中多词。I was used to watch it 。此 例属于used to do 与be used to两个固定搭配的误用,据句意应去

④行文逻辑上多词。First,let me tell you something more about myself .由first可知是刚刚开始向别人讲述自己的事情,故只能说something ,而不要加more.
⑤词义重复。I’ll spend all the whole weekend reading and preparing for it. the whole weekend 意为“整个周末”,再加上all ,词义重复。故去all.
⑥出现冗言现象。Today I visited the Smiths __my first time visit to an American family . 本句中first 修饰visit ,vsit 此处为名词,意为“我的第一次访问”,time多余。
①名词前缺限定词。The day before the speech contest English teacher talked to me .根据上下文分析,此处English teacher 是有所指的,指的是“我的”英语教师,故应English teacher 前加上my ,表达一个更确切的概念。
②缺动词不定式符号to. I’d like very much come but I have an examination on Monday morning .would like 后面不能直接加动词,需to,构成固定搭配would like to do something,意为“想做某事”。
③缺系动词。What your favorite sport ?本句缺谓语动词,应在What后面加is .
1、通读短文,把握文意。快速阅读短文,了解短文大意,利用短文大意攻克文中的错误,切忌拿到短文提笔就改。2、依据句意和语法逐句判断。错误是按行设置的,但找错不是以行为单位寻找,必须依据句意和语法分析,逐句或跨行寻找错误。3、先易后难,逐类排查。先找出比较明显的错误,逐步缩小 错误的范围。十行之中有一行是正确的。4、利用行文逻辑,突破改错难点。有些行文逻辑错误,从词法、句法的角度看是正确的,但是通过上下文的逻辑分析就会发现是错误的。
2、发现有平行结构,就要检查是否有用词不一致或因成分短缺而引起的句子不平衡错误。如:She was eating her sandwich and drank her milk at the table when I arrived .此句中并列的平行结构是两个语法上相同的谓语,故应把drank改drinking.
3、发现有比较结构,就要检查是否有形容词、副词的比较级,比较的对象等方面的错误。如:In some places you can borrow many books as you want ,根据上下文不难发现该句含“as……as”结构的句子,所以应在many前加上as。

行文逻辑方面的错误。如:His company publishes books and he buys books all over the world .按行文逻辑,应把buys 改sells.又如:I like singing ,my brother likes dancing .英语中两个分句之间不能仅仅用逗号,而要用合适的连词连接。故以上两个分句之间要加上连词while 表示对比。
5、发现句子有多重结构,就要检查是否有时态、语态、连词或成分短缺等错误。如:He wrote to me immediately as soon as he got there .该句犯了连词重复使用的错误,应去掉immediately.
6、发现有特殊疑问句结构,就要检查是否有疑问词使用不当的错误。如:---How many was the price of your car ?---I bought the car at cheap price ,only S2,000.英语中问价格时,可用what price 或how much 提问。回答时常用high price low price .所以应把句子中的How many 改为What ,把答句中cheap 改为low.
7、发现有名词和代词时,就要检查是否有数、所有格或指代不一致的错误。如:Some people read the books or watch TV, while others have sports .去掉books前的the ,books在此表示泛指。
8、发现有固定短语时,就要检查副词、介词、冠词是否使用错误。如:Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd .caught sight of (看见)是固定词组,所以要去掉a.
9、发现并列主语、从句、不定代词、集合名词、非谓语动词、时间、金钱等作主语,together with, as well as 等引导的成份修饰主语时,就要检查是否有主谓不一致的错误。如:Playing football not only makes us grow tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit .but also 后面的分句的主语也是playing football,其谓语动词应当用单数,故give应改为gives .
10、发现有特殊动词结构时,就要检查其特殊用法是否正确。如:He made me to post a letter for him .英语中的感官动词see; look at ;watch ; notice; observe ; hear; listen to 等,使役动词let ;make ; have 等后面所跟的复合宾语中,如果由不定式的短语作宾语补足语,不定式须省去to.故应去掉句中的to.
11、发现有非谓语动词作状语、表语或定语时,就要检查是否有非谓语动词和逻辑主语不一致的错误。如;The box is too heavy for the little boy to carry it .该句型中不定式to carry 逻辑上的宾语就是句子中的主语,所以句中的it是多余,应去掉。
1、如果该动词在句中作谓语,可考虑其时时态和语态。如:Anyone may borrow books ,and it cost nothing to borrow them (cost----costs) 如:Books may be keep for two weeks (keep kept )
2、如果该动词不作谓语,可试着改成非谓语动词形式。如:I look forward to hear from you soon .(hear -----hearing ) 如:play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also (play-------playing )

1、名词单复数误用。She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success. 根据句意分析,schoolmate应改为复数形式。
2、非谓语动词误用。I was often a little tired after a day’s work and watch TV demands very little effort .根据句意分析,and连接两个不同的事情,故watch 应以动名词watching 作主语。
3、连词误用。It looks as if my parents treat ,me as a visitor and a guest !分析后各知。本句话意思为“看起来我的父母亲把我当成了visitor或gust 了。“二者为选择关系,而非并列关系,故应将 and改为or.
4、关系代词与关系副词误用。I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China.此句后一部分是非限制性定语从句,应用关系代词which作主语。
5、限定词误用。We may be one family and live under a same roof .same 意为“同样的”,前面应加定冠词the ,而不是a。
6、词义辨析误用。They did not want me to do my work at family .family 侧重指“家庭这个结构或家里人”,而home 则侧重指“家庭的所在地”。因此“在家里”应用at home.


1)There are advantage for students to work while
2)studying at school. One of them was that
3)they can earn money. For the most part,
4)students working to earn money for their own
5)use. Earning their own money allow them
6)to spend on anything as if they please.
7)They would have to ask their parents for
8)money or for permission to do things by
9)the money. Some students may also to save
10)up for our college or future use.
1、 这是一篇议论文,探讨学生是否应该打工。主体时态是现在时。第2)小题的局部时态和主体时态发生冲突,而且经过进一步判断,属于时态错误。
2、 文章的第一句是这篇议论文的论点,它明确了全文的立足点:打工有好处。因此,第7)小题虽然没有任何语法错误,但其逻辑和全文的整体逻辑恰好背道而驰。
3、 文章是作者站在第三方对一个一般现象进行的评论,主体叙事角度与“我”、“我们”无关。第10)小题的代词“our”有错误嫌疑。
第1)小题,There are advantage for students to work while中,系动词are和主语advantage的单复数一致性出现了问题,但此时还不能贸然判断究竟是哪一个出现了问题。通过阅读下文,我们得出至少有两个层面的“好处”,因此把advantage改为advantages;
第2)小题,studying at school. One of them was that中,我们已经解释过了,时态错误,应将was改为is;
第3)小题,they can earn money. For the most part,中,没有错误,for the most part为习惯表达,表示“最主要的原因是”,且语法无误;
第4)students working to earn money for their own中,working是非谓语形式,导致该句没有谓语,是一个典型的不完整句,因此要将working改为work,还原其谓语功能。
第5)小题,use. Earning their own money allow them中,主语为动名词形式的earning

第6)小题,to spend on anything as if they please.中,从句引导词错误,导致含义混乱,应将as if改为as;
第7)小题,They would have to ask their parents for中,如上文中的解释,改为should not;
第8)小题,money or for permission to do things by中,介词使用有误,这主要还是一个语法问题。将by改为with;
第9)小题,the money. Some students may also to save中,情态动词和不定时的语法问题,应该将to去掉;
第10)小题,up for our college or future use.中,我们解释过了,这里的代词our与全文的叙述角度发生冲突。经判断,将其改为their。
Exercise 2
Dear students,
The Students’ Union was going to hold an English Speech 1. _______
contest in the evening of December 30. The purpose 2. _______
is increase the students’ interest in learning English and 3. _______
improve their spoken English. Which is going to be held in4. _______
the school main hall and will begins at 7:30. And the 5. _______
best five students of this English contest will be given6. _______
prizes. Someone in Grade Three will be 7. _______
welcome to take part in it. Those would like to take part 8. _______
in this contest should go to the office of the Students’9. _______
Union and sign it up your names and the topics of your 10. ______
English Speech.
Welcome to this great fun!
1. was改为is。
2. in改为on。指具体某一天的晚上, 要用介词on。
3. is后加to。此处为不定式作表语。
4. Which改为It。此处应用it指代前文的an English Speech contest, 如用which指代则无主句。
5. begins改为begin。will后需用动词原形与will共同构成谓语部分。
6. 此行无错。
7. Someone改为Everyone。everyone侧重整体, 指“每个人”; someone侧重个体, 意为“某个人”。
8. Those后加who。此处用who引导定语从句。
9. go改为come。根据文章第一句话可知, 此通知发出者是the Students’ Union。所以要用come而不用go。
10. 删去it。此句中已有宾语your names, 不需用it。
Exercise 3
Listening to foreign broadcast easier 1. _______
if we know something about. There are clues 2. _______
that can help us. One clue is the time of 3. _______
day. Morning programs usually contains many 4. _______
short items of news, informations, etc. The 5. _______
items are short because of most of us are 6. _______
getting ready to going to work in the

7. _______
morning. Often we do not have time listen 8. _______
to long programs. There are time for more 9. _______
details about the subjects discuss in evening programs.10. ______
1. easier前加is。此处应构成“主语+系动词+表语”句型。
2. about后加it。about是介词, 后面应接名词、 代词、 动名词作宾语。
3. 此行无错。
4. contains改为contain。主谓一致错误。主语programs为复数形式。
5. informations改为information。information为不可数名词。
6. 删去because后面的of。because后面应接一个句子; 而because of后面应接名词、 代词、 动名词。
7. going改为go。be ready to do sth.为固定短语, 意为“准备做某事”。
8. listen前为to。have time to do sth.意为“有时间做某事”。
9. are改为is。主谓一致错误。主语time为不可数名词, 谓语应用单数形式。
10. discuss改为discussed。非谓语动词错误。此处动词discuss与其逻辑主语subjects应为被动关系, 故用discussed作定语。

Exercise 4
Life on earth depends the sun. Day after 1. _______
day we see its light and feel its warm, but we 2. _______
do not often consider about its origin. 3. _______
Yet there are many remarkable things about the 4. _______
sun. One is their distance from the earth. Even 5. _______
if it could be made, a trip to the sun would spend a long 6. _______
time even by the fastest rocket. 7. _______
The sun is a large satellite. The planet 8. _______
earth is very small in comparison. The sun make 9. _______
us to feel hot, even at a distance of 93 million miles. 10. ______
1. depend后加on。此处depend为不及物动词, 应与on连用, 表示“依赖, 依靠”。
2. warm改为warmth。warm为形容词, 在its后应用名词warmth作feel的宾语。
3. 删去about。此处consider为及物动词, 直接接宾语。
4. 此行无错。
5. their改为its。依上文此处指代“太阳的”。
6. spend改为take。take应由物作主语, 表示时间或金钱的花费, 而spend则通常用人作主语。
7. by改为in。in the fastest rocket为固定用法, 表示具体的运输工具。
8. satellite改为star。satellite意为“卫星”, star多用来指恒星。
9. make改为makes。此处make应与主语第三人称单数the sun保持一致。
10. 删去to。当不定式作make的宾语补足语时, 应省略to。

Exercise 5
After I finished the school this year, I began to 1. _______
look for work. Now several month later, I still hadn’t2. _______
found the job that I was interested. Last Sunday morning3. _______
I received a phone call from a man calling him Mr. Smith. 4. _____

He said to me on the phone, “I hear you do very 5. _______
well in your studies. I may provide a job for you.” I entered 6. _______
his office with a beaten heart. How I hoped that I 7. _______
will go through the job -hunting talk today and he would8. _______
take me on as a lab assistant. But to my surprised, 9. _______
what he said disappointing. He only needed a model. 10. ______
1. 删去the。冠词错误。finish school意为“完成学业, 毕业”, school为抽象名词, 前不加冠词。
2. month改为months。名词单复数错误。several修饰可数名词复数形式。
3. interested后加in。介词错误。be interested in是固定词组。
4. him改为himself。代词错误, 根据文意应为“自称是”。
5. do改为did。动词错误。句意应为“我听说你(过去)学习不错”, 因为现已毕业。
6. 此行无错。
7. beaten改为beating。非谓语动词错误。a beating heart相当于a heart which is beating。
8. will改为would。动词时态错误。主句是过去时, 宾语从句要用相应的时态。
9. surprised改为surprise。to one’s surprise/joy为习语搭配, 只能是名词。
10. said后加was。动词谓语漏用错误。What he said是主语从句, was disappointing是谓语。

Exercise 6
Once an old man saw a bag on his way to home. 1. _______
In the bag there was a wolf. It was catching and put in 2. _______
the bag by a shepherd(牧羊人) a few minutes ago.
The wolf asked the old man to let him out.3. _______
The old man took pity on him and opened bag.4. _______
When the wolf got out, said to the old man, “I am very hungry. 5. _______
I want to eat you.” The other old man could do nothing 6. _______
and cry for help. Just then the shepherd came and saw this. 7. _______
He beat the wolf to death by a stick. Then he said to the 8. _______
old man, “wolves want to eat men all the time. It’s nature 9. _______
will never change. We should took this as a good lesson.” 10. ______
1. 删去to。home是副词, 前面不能接介词。
2. catching改为caught。主语it与catch的关系为被动关系, 故用was caught。
3. 此行无错。
4. bag前加the。bag在此重复提到, 为特指。
5. said前加he。代词漏用错误。此句缺少主语, 并且要与上文him保持一致。
6. 删去other。接上下文没有“另一个老人”。
7. and(cry)改为but(cry)。can do nothing but意为“只得做”, 为习惯搭配。
8. by改为with。介词错误。“用……工具”常用“with...”。
9. It’s改为Its。同音词混淆错误。此处应为“它的本性”。
10. took改为take。情态动词后应接动词原形。

xercise 7
Dear Sir,
I’m glad to recommend (推荐) to you my friend Li Ming.
Li Ming was born on July 15, in 1974 in Beijing. 1. _______
He graduated from Xisi Primary School in 1986. 2. _______
When he was in the middle school, he did good in maths, 3. _______
physics and chemistry and fond of art. After graduating 4. _______
from No.4 High School, he entered into Beijing 5. _______
University study physics. After four years of hard 6. _______
work there, he went to the United States for farther7. _______
study. Because of his excellent work, he get a doctor’s 8. _______
degree in physics this year. He is now in good
health but would like to make contributions to our 9. _______
country. I should be most grateful if you would favorably
consider my recommendation.
Looking forward to receive your early reply.10. ______
Yours truly,
Wang Li
1. 删去1974前的in。时间状语是年、 月、 日的只需用一个介词; 但若是年、 月、 日、 时的, 则要用at six thirty, on the morning of May 4th, 2001。
2. 此行无错。
3. good改为well。固定词组be good at, do well in意为“在……学得很好”。
4. fond前加was。动词谓语残缺错误。fond是形容词, and引导并列谓语结构, 故用词组was fond of。
5. 删去into。动词enter是及物动词, 直接接宾语。
6. study前加to。此处用不定式短语作目的状语。
7. farther改为further。farther意为“更远的”, 表示实际距离; further意为“深远的, 进一步的”, 指抽象概念, 这里为“深造学习”, 应用further study。
8. get改为got。时态错误。
9. but改为and。根据上下文逻辑, 前后两分句为并列递进关系, 而非转折关系。
10. receive改为receiving。look forward to中的to为介词, 后面应接名词或动名词。

Exercise 8
Sept. 10th Wednesday Fine
Today is Teacher’s Day. I attended a celebration1. _______
meeting hold by our school. At the meeting, 25 2. _______
advanced teachers were praised and those had3. _______
completed 30 years of teaching were given medals.4. _______
My the first English teacher was one of those praised.5. _______
After the meeting, my classmates and I went to see them.6. _______
Seeing us, the grey-haried teacher looked
exciting. When we said we all wanted to be teachers 7. _______
and devoted ourselves to education in the future, he8. _______
nodded with satisfaction. He said in firm voice, 9. _______
“teaching is a noble job. Man would be stupid with 10. _______
education.” We all agreed and were greatly encouraged by his words.
1. Teacher’s改为Teachers’。“……(人)的节日”

一般用名词复数表泛指。如: Children’s Day, Women’s Day等。
2. hold改为held。此处为过去分词作定语表被动关系。
3. had前加who。仔细分析句子结构便可知此处应为定语从句, those或all等词后只能接who, 不能用that。
4. 此行无错。
5. 删去the。序数词前有my等形容词性物主代词时, 不需要用定冠词。
6. them改为him。代词指代应一致。根据下文the grey-haired teacher看出, 此处应为him。
7. exciting改为excited。人作主语时, 表语一般用过去分词; 物作主语则用现在分词。
8. devoted改为devote。根据句意可知, and后的devote应与不定式短语be teachers并列。
9. in后加a。in a loud/low voice为固定短语。
10. with改为without。介词逻辑错误。根据常识可判断, 该处想表达的原意为“没有教育, 人类将会愚昧无知”。

Exercise 9
The other day my brother Tom was beginning his 1. _______
motorbike then our neighbor, Mary came out and asked 2. _______
him if he was going near the station. So he offered her a lift.
She got at the back of the motorbike and3. _______
they drove away. Just before they reached to the station4. _______
a policeman waved to them to stop. “Excuse me, sir,” he
said. “You are not sitting on that motorbike properly.”
“What’s matter with the way I’m sitting?” my brother5. _______
asked in surprise. “Not you, sir. It’s a young lady,” said 6. _______
the policeman. “In this country side-saddle(偏座) is not 7. _______
permitted when one ride a motorbike.” Mary made an excuse 8. _______
that she was from Italy, where it isn’t considering to9. _______
break the law when people take the side-saddle.
The policeman shook head and drove away.10. ______
1. beginning改为starting。begin和start都有“开始”的意思, 但start还可指开动机器等。该句中表示“开动, 发动”, 因此应用start。
2. then改为when。当前一个分句动作正在进行时, 突然又发生了另一动作, 应用连词when。
3. at改为on。get on为固定的动词短语, 意为“上车”。
4. 删去to。reach为及物动词, 其后不接介词。
5. matter前加the。“What’s the matter with...?”是日常生活中常用口语句型。
6. a改为the。这里的young lady特指上文的青年妇女, 其前应用定冠词the。
7. 此行无错。
8. ride改为rides。在when引导的时间状语从句中, 主语为第三人称单数, 谓语为一般现在时态, 也应用动词第三人称单数。
9. considering改为considered。在where引导的非限制性定语从句中, 主语是谓语动作的承受者, 应为被动语态。
10. head前加

his。head为可数名词, 其前应加限定词。
Exercise 10
Japan is a beautiful country, covering with many1. _______
tiny rivers and high mountains. Japan is also a pleased 2. _______
country. It is known for “the land of the cherry blossom3. _______
(樱花)” because of the spring of the year the cherry 4. _______
trees are so beautiful. Everywhere there are hundred of 5. _______
different kinds of wild flowers. Where there are
not natural gardens, the Japanese 6. _______
has made their own. Because the islands are so hilly7. _______
there is a great shortage of the soil, so very little bit 8. _______
is used. No matter how tiny may be, every home has its 9. _______
own little garden. Japan is a country worthy of a visit. 10. ______
1. covering改为covered。be covered with是固定搭配, 意为“为……所覆盖”, 此处过去分词短语作后置定语, 修饰country。
2. pleased改为pleasant。pleased意为“感动高兴的”, 通常用来指人; pleasant意为“令人高兴的”, 通常用来指物。
3. for改为as。be known for是“因……而众所周知”的意思; be known as意为“以……知名”。
4. of改为in。此处because引导原因状语从句, 从句中in the spring of the year作时间状语。
5. hundred改为hundreds。固定词组hundreds of意为“数以百计的”。
6. not改为no。not为副词, 不能修饰名词; 修饰名词gardens应用no。
7. has改为have。the Japanese指的是日本人民, 应用复数形式。
8. 删去the。soil为物质名词, 其前不用定冠词。
9. tiny后加it。此处让步状语从句缺主语。
10. 此行无错。

I was only about six that he held his hand 1. _______
out to me. I took it in me and we walked. Then 2. _______
I ask him, “Grandpa, how come you have 3. _______
so much lines on your hand?” He laughed and 4. _______
said, “Well, that’s a big question!” He was 5. _______
silent for a moment. So he answered slowly: 6. _______
“Each these lines stands for a trouble in my 7. _______
life.” I looked at his other hands. “But Grandpa, 8. _______
what do you have more lines on that one?” 9. _______
“Because there are more the honors and joys 10. _______
in my life.”
1. that→when2. me→mine
3. ask→asked4. much→many
5. √6. So→Then/And
7. each后添加of8. hands→hand
9. what→why10. 删除the
We had guests last night who have not stayed 1. _______
in a B&B hotel ago. They did not want breakfast 2. _______
because that they were going out early in the 3. _______
morning. They came back la

tely and had some 4. _______
tea. I came into the living room and saw one of 5. _______
them just go through the kitchen door but turn 6. _______
on the light. He was looking for a glass the 7. _______
cupboard. He had no ideas that the kitchen was 8. _______
not for guests. I just smiled to me and thought, 9. _______
“What can I do? We are guests after all.” 10. ______
1. have → had 2. ago → before
3. 删除that 4. lately → late
5. 此行无错误 6. but → and
7. glass后添加in 8. ideas → idea
9. me → myself 10. We → They
An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the sea
between France and England in the balloon in 1784. High 1._______
over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon. The 2._______
hole became bigger and bigger. The air keeps the 3._______
balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was 4._______
coming up. The two men threw all their equipment into5._______
the water to make the balloon light. It started to rise 6._______
higher again. So it was still too close to the water. 7._______
Finally, the men threw away most of his clothes to 8._______
save themselves. The crowd waiting for to greet them in 9._______
England was very surprised see this when the balloon 10.______
landed in front of them.
1. the → a 2. discover → discovered
3. keeps → keeping 4. √
5. up → down 6. light → lighter
7. So → But 8. his → their
9. 删除for 10. see前添加to

NMET 2005
There are advantage for students to work while 1. _______
studying at school. One of them was that 2. _______
they can earn money. For the most part, 3. _______
students working to earn money for their own 4. _______
use. Earning their own money allow them 5. _______
to spend on anything as if they please. 6. _______
They would have to ask their parents for 7. _______
money or for permission to do things by 8. _______
the money. Some students may also to save 9. _______
up for our college or future use. 10. _______
1. advantage改为advantages。应使用可数名词的复数形式。
2. was改为is。时态和整篇文章的时态不一致。
3. 此行无错误。
4. working改为work。此句缺少谓语动词。
5. allow改为allows。主谓不一致, 动名词做主语谓语用单数。
6. 删除if。此处please作不及物动词, 意为“喜欢, 想要”, as引导定语从句, 修饰先行词anything。
7. would 后添加not。上下文逻辑有误。
8. by改为with。by表示“使用”时, 其后不能使用定冠词the, 故改为with。
9. 去掉to。may为情态动词, 其后应使用动词原

10. our改为their。代词的指代不一致, 指代第三人称复数形式的物主代词应为their。

 NMET 2004
Dear Ralph,
I’m a newcomer here of a small town. I would 1. _______
describe myself as shy and quietly. Before my classmates, 2. _______
it seems always difficult for me to do things well as3. _______
them. I’m sure they will laugh to me and see me as4. _______
a fool. So I feel unhappy every day. 5. _______
Besides, I have few friends. I don’t know that they 6. _______
don’t like to talk with me. Sometimes, we talked to each other7. _______
very well in class, but after class we become stranger at 8. _______
once. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesn’t 9. _______
seem to work. Can you tell me about what I should do? 10. _______
Yours, Xiao Wei
1. of改为from。of表示所属意义, 此处应为“来自一个小城镇”。
2. quietly改为quiet。describe后接名词或代词+ as +名词或形容词, 其中as +名词或形容词作宾语补足语, 表示“把…描写成什么/什么样子”。
3. well前加as。as well as“跟…(做得)一样好”。
4. to改为at。laugh to...意为“对…大笑”。laugh at...意为“嘲笑”, 有明显的、 有意的敌意的含义, 根据后文and see me as a fool, 故应用laugh at才对。
5. 此行无错误。
6. that改为why。that引导宾语从句, 本身无意义, 只起连接作用。
7. talked改为talk。整篇文章叙述的都是现在的情况。改为现在时, 使其与上下文一致。 8. stranger改为strangers。与句子主语we一致。
9. since改为but。根据上下文, 前后句之间为转折关系。
10. 删除about。tell的结构为:tell sb. sth. “告诉某人某事”, 表示直接意义; tell sb. about sth. “告诉某人有关某事的某些内容”, 表示间接意义。
If there are much more people in the world, then there 1. ________
must have more food to feed the people. But food is already 2. ________
a serious problem today. One-thirds of the world/'s population 3. ________
is starving, because there is not enough food. Ten thousand 4. ________
people die of the hunger every day in some parts of the world. 5. ________
So in other parts of the world, people become ill or die because 6. ________
they eat too much food, and they are too fat. Some country 7. ________
have no food, but others have too much, and they throw away. 8. ________
How can tomorrow/'s world feed its people? The world needs 9. ________
to produce more food than it is now. 10. ________
Nowadays, almost every family have a TV set, and almost 1. ________
everyone likes watching the TV. TV becomes part of our life. 2. ________
TV has many advantages, such as, it in

forms us the latest 3. ________
news that happened in the world; it can open our eye, 4. ________
enlarge our knowledge and also helps us to see more about the world. 5. ________
At the same time, it also has some disadvantages. People waste very 6. ________
much time in watching TV and their normal life and work are affect. 7. ________
To those children which spend too much time in watching TV, 8. ________
it can do harm for their sight and health. In a word, we should take 9. ________
the advantage of TV and control our time of watching TV. 10. ________

(I) 1. much→more。形容词的比较级修饰的中心词是可数名词people, 此时应该用many表示/"... ... 得多/"。
2. have→be。此处是/"there be/"句型。
3. One-thirds→One-third。分数词的构成规则是:分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子大于1时,在分母的序数词词尾加/"s/"。
4. 第一个is→are。本句的主语是指/"三分之一的人口/",是复数概念,谓语动词应该用复数形式。
5. 去掉第一个the。此处的hunger表泛指,其前面不用定冠词。
7. country→countries。由句子的谓语动词have可知,此处的名词应该用复数形式。
8. throw后面加it。throw away是及物动词性质,应该有宾语。
9. 本行无错。
10. is→does。does指代的是动词produces。
1. have→has。family被every修饰,指单数,谓语动词用单数。
2. 去掉the。TV在此处表泛指, TV前面不用加定冠词。
3. us后面加of。inform sb. of sth.是固定词组。
4. eye→eyes。此处的名词应该用复数形式。
5. helps→help。open, enlarge 和help是三个并列的谓语动词。
6. very→too。too much修饰名词time,而very much是用来修饰动词的。
7. affect→affected。此处是被动语态。
8. which→who / that。先行词是children,指人,故关系代词应该用who或that。
9. for→to。 do harm to sb.是固定词组,意为/"对某人有害/"。
10. 本行无错。

Nowadays, many and more people like traveling, for it has 1. ________
many advantages. The first one is that they can both broaden 2. ________
our horizons and expand our scope of the knowledge. This is 3. ________
because when we visit different places, we would surely have 4. ________
different experiences, as meeting different people and 5. ________
taste different food. The second one is relaxation. After a 6. ________
long period of hard work, we need relax and rest. Only in 7. ________
this way can we renew ours energy. In addition, traveling can 8. ________
build our body, for when we travel, we might have to go on foot 9. ________
or climb mountain. This is a good form of exercise. 10. ________
My hometown has changed a lot of in the past five years. First, 1. ________
more high buildings have been appeared

, which are modern and 2. ________
beautiful. Many overpasses have been set up, but it has become 3. ________
very conveniently for people to travel. Besides, many families 4. ________
have got cars of their own. People lives here have become 5. ________
rich and colorful. People can enjoy themselves traveling 6. ________
on holidays. In my delight, I can taste delicious food from 7. ________
different country such as the food of America, Japan and 8. ________
South Korea. And now, it is easier for me to keep touch 9. ________
with my friends as before, for I can email them from my office. 10. ________
(I) 1. many→more。more and more表示/"越来越多的/"。 2. they→it。it指代traveling。3. 去掉the。knowledge在此处表泛指,其前面不用定冠词。4. would→will。根据上下文的时态,此处应该用一般将来时态。5. as前加such。such as是固定词组,表示列举事物。6. taste→tasting。tasting和meeting是并列关系。7. relax前加to。need在此肯定句中是实义动词,后面接带to的动词不定式。8. ours→our。此处应该用形容词性物主代词作定语。9. 本行无错。10. mountain→mountains。此处的/"山/"表泛指,应该用名词的复数形式,或在mountain前加a。
(II) 1. 去掉of。a lot是副词性短语,在此处作状语;而a lot of作定语,后面应该有名词。2. 去掉been。appear是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。3. but→so。此处表因果关系。4. conveniently→convenient。形容词作表语。5. People→People/'s。此处应该用名词所有格作定语。6. 本行无错。7. In→To。to one/'s delight是固定词组,意为/"令某人高兴的是/"。8. country→countries。应该用复数形式来表达/"不同的国家/"。
9. keep后加in。keep in touch with是固定词组,意为/"与......保持联系/"。10. as→than。由上一行的easier可知,此处应该用than。
( I )
A survey basing on 1,000 students found that half of the pupils and 80% 1. ________
of the middle school students sleeps less than nine hours every night. 2. ________
And too many homework given by school teachers and parents is 3. ________
the main reason. Other reason lies in students/' bad habits. Some 4. ________
students, for example, are absent-minded while doing his homework, 5. ________
and some waste their after-class time. The third reason is that some 6. ________
students have to get up early on weekdays to get school far away 7. ________
from home. Experts are calling at schools and parents to cut down on 8. ________
the amount of homework. And students should make a good use of their time. 9. ________
And it would be well if they could choose to study in a nearby school. 10. ________
( II )
Yesterday afternoon I went to the Summer Palace. It was happened that I saw 1. ________
a touched event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake. 2. ________
Among them

was a family of three. They were taking photo 3. ________
while the girl fell off the boat into the river. She was struggling 4. ________
and her parents cried out, /"Help! Help!/" That was obvious that they couldn/'t 5. ________
swim at all. From nearby, a young man immediately jumped into the water, 6. ________
without taking off his clothes. He quickly swam towards girl, 7. ________
that was already tired out. At last, he carried her to the bank. 8. ________
She was saved! How excited the parents were! They were too excited9. ________
and grateful to the young man that they don/'t know what to say. 10. ________
(I) 1. basing→based。过去分词作定语。 2. sleeps→sleep。本句的主语是pupils和students,谓语动词应该用复数。3. many→much。homework是不可数名词,应该用much修饰。 4. Other→Another。此处指/"另一个/",而不是指/"其它的/";others作定语时,常修饰复数名词。5. his→their。此处的代词指代前面的名词/"students/",故用their。 6. 本行无错。 7. 第二个get后加to。get to意为/"到达/"。8. at→on。call on是固定词组,意为/"号召/"。 9. 去掉a。make good use of是固定词组,意为/"充分利用/"。
10. well→good。well作形容词用时,指/"身体好/",用在此处不合适。
(II) 1. 去掉was。It happened that...意为/"碰巧....../",happen是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。 2. touched→touching。 touched意为/"感动的/",touching意为/"令人感动的/"。 3. photo→photos。根据语义判断,此处的名词应该用复数。 4. while→when。when在此处表示动作的突然性。 5. That→It。It作形式主语,that they couldn/'t swim at all是主语从句。 6. 本行无错。7. girl前加the。此处的girl表特指。8. that→who。who引导非限制性定语从句。 9. too→so。全句使用的是so...that...句型。10. don/'t→didn/'t。根据上文情景,此处应该用一般过去时态。
It was very fine when I got up on last Sunday morning. 1.________
So I decided to go for a walk and took some photos in the 2.________
beautiful country. After breakfast, I carried my camera with 3.________
me and set off. Everything went smooth. I enjoyed my trip 4.________
so much that I didn/'t realize the weather had been turned 5.________
bad. I began to run and it was too late. I was caught 6.________
at the rain and was wet through. I kept on running until 7.________
I get to a bus stop. I stood there waiting a long time for the 8.________
bus, shivering in cold. Shortly after I got home, I had 9.________
high fever, which made me stay in bed for a whole week! 10.________
My mother was born in a small town in Italian. She was three 1. ________
when her parents settle in the USA in 1926. They lived in 2. ________
Chicago, that my grandfather/'s work was making ice cream. 3. ________
At 16, my mother graduated a high school, went on to

a 4. ________
secretarial school , and finally worked as secretary for a 5. ________
railroad company. She was beautiful. When a local photographer 6. ________
used some of her picture in his monthly window display, 7. ________
she was very happily. One of her favorite photos showed her 8. ________
sitting by Lake Michigan. My mother was used 9. ________
to say what she was the most beautiful in the town. 10. ________
(I) 1. 去掉on。名词被this, that, next, last等修饰后,其前面一般不用介词。 2. took→take。take与go是并列关系。 3. 本行无错。 4. smooth→smoothly。副词作状语,修饰went。 5.去掉been。turned在此处是系动词,不用被动语态。 6. and→but。此处表转折关系。7. at→in。表达/"被雨淋了/"时,常用短语be caught in the rain, 介词常用in。8. get→got。根据上下文,此处应该用动词的一般过去时态。9. in→with。shivering with cold意为/"冻得浑身发抖/",介词with表示原因,意为/"由于/"。 10. high前加a。have a high fever是固定短语,意为/"发高烧/"。
(II) 1. Italian→Italy。此处应该用名词,表示国家/"意大利/"。2. settle→settled。由上下文可知,此处应该用动词的一般过去时态。 3. that→where。where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Chicago,where在定语从句中作状语,相当于in which。
4. graduated后加from。graduate是不及物动词,表达/"毕业于某学校/"时,graduate后应该用介词from。 5. secretary前加a。secretary是可数名词,其前面应该有冠词a。 6. 本行无错。7. picture→pictures。some of后的名词应该用复数形式,另外,下文也有提示,橱窗里陈列的照片不止一张。8. happily→happy。这里应该用形容词作表语。 9. 去掉was。本句使用的是/"used to + 动词原形/",表达/"过去常常....../"。10. what→that。that引导宾语从句,that只起连接作用,that本身无词义。
The village was always very quiet. The people lived 1. ________
there were busy working in their many field during the day, 2. ________
and went to bed early at night, tiring after a long day/'s 3. ________
hard work. All of them had lived in a village 4. ________
for all their lives but had never left for less than 5. ________
one day at a time. When they did left, they had to get up 6. ________
early in the morning. They filled their carts of 7. ________
fruit, vegetables and sheep and went the market in the town. 8. ________
They returned back in the evening with things, perhaps 9. ________
presents for their children. That was their life. 10. ________
I have a very embarrassing experience this evening. 1. ________
I saw a man at a bus stop when I was on my way back 2. ________
home. Though I saw him from behind, but I was sure he was 3. ________
a friend of mine whom I hadn/' t seen him for a long time. I gave 4. ________
him a tap on the shoulde


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