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Unit 1 Friendship

1. 把…加起来add up

总计共达add up to

把……加到……里add sth. to sth

2. 平静/ 镇静下来calm down

3. 关心/ 挂念(某人/ 某事)be concerned about

4. 应该/ 有责任做某事have got to (do sth.)

5. 经历/ 经受……;穿过;浏览go through

6. 躲/ 藏起来hide away

7. 一连串/ 一系列的a series of

8. 写下/ 记下set down

9. 受痛苦/ 受损失/ 受折磨suffer from

10. 和某人(很好地)相处get along (well) with

11. 爱上某人/ 某物fall in love

12. 对……着迷be crazy about / on

13. 渴望某物/ 迷恋某人be crazy for

14. 按照,根据……according to

15. 参加(游戏/ 活动)等join in

16. 如此……以至于……so … that…

17. 面对面face to face

18. 有目的地/ 特意(做某事)on purpose

Unit 2 English Around The World

1起着重要的作用play an important part/ role in

2因为,由于because of

3在某些方面in some ways

4母语native language

5即使even if/though

6与某人交流communicate with sb 7基于…,以…为基础be based on 8出席be present at

9走近,上来come up

10接近于get/be close to

11利用make use of

12大量的a large number of

13….的数目the number of

14例如such as

15信不信由你believe it or not

16玩得开心have fun

17请求make a request

18命令give commands

19解决问题solve problems

20一个讲英语的国家an English- speaking country Unit 3 Travel Journal

梦想做某事dream of/about doing sth

1毕业于(某大学)graduate from…

2说服某人做某事persuade sb to do


3说服别人不要做某事persuade sb

not to do sth

4使某人对某事感兴趣arise one’s

interest in sth

5做某事的最好方式the best way to

do sth

6坚持做某事insist on doing sth

7坚持要某人做某事insist (that) sb

(should) do sth

8改变主意change one’s mind

9在…的高度at an altitude of…

10下定决心做某事make up one’s

mind to do sth

11向某人屈服give in to sb

12穿过深谷pass through deep


13像往常一样as usual

14鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to

do sth

15扎营make camp

16搭帐篷put up a tent

17迫不及待做某事can hardly wait

to do sth

18首先其次For one thing,…..For


19人对某物熟悉be familiar with …

20某物为某人所熟悉be familiar to


21创纪录set a record

22破纪录break a record

23把记录下来record sth

24向某人问候say “Hello” to sb

从别人眼中看世界see the world

through somebody else’s eyes

Unit 4 Earthquakes

1.握手­­­­shake hands

2.照常as usual

3.爆发break out

4.立刻,马上right away

5.大量的,许多的a number of

6.在---的北边to the north of

7.搭起,建造put up

8.为---而自豪be proud of

9.由---来判断judging from

10.作为---而闻名be known as

11.从---出来come out of

12.太---而不能--- too---to---

13.分发,发出(气味等)give out

14.被困在废墟中be trapped under

the ruins

15.代替,而不是instead of

16.纪念---,向---表示敬意in honour


17.数以万计的tens of thousands of

18.超过,不仅more than

19.掉下,倒塌fall down

20.结束,终结at an end

21.挖掘,发现dig out

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a

modern hero

1.把……送进监狱­­­­put …into


2.事实上in fact, as a matter of fact,

3.同……作斗争fight against

4上台come to power

5犯法break the law

6无偿的without pay

7失去信心_ lose heart

8在活跃be active in

9乐意做某事be willing to do


10失业be out of work

11被阻止做某事be stopped from

doing something

12以暴制暴answer violence with


13领某人参观某地show somebody

over some place

14健康状况良好be in good health

15爆炸blow up

16要求得到ask for

17处于不幸中be in trouble

18为什么而死die for

19建议某人做某事advise somebody

to do something

20作为什么的报酬in reward for


等)set up

22被判处……徒刑be sentenced to