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纳米材料和纳米科技被广泛认为是二十一世纪最重要的新型材料和科技领域之一。1992年,《Nanostructured Materials》正式出版,标志着纳米材料学成为一门独立的科学。自1991年Iijima首次制备了碳纳米管以来,一维纳米材料由于具有许多独特的性质和广阔的应用前景而引起了人们的广泛关注。由于纳米材料的形貌和尺寸对其性能有着重要的影响,因此,纳米材料形貌和尺寸的控制合成是非常重要的。作为高级纳米结构材料和纳米器件的基本构成单元,纳米颗粒的合成与组装是纳米科技的重要组成部分和基础。而电化学方法制备纳米材料的研究,经历了早期的纳米薄膜、纳米微晶的制备,直至现在的电化学制备纳米金属线、金属氧化物等过程,为纳米材料的研究做出了极大的贡献。

摘要:纳米是指特征维度尺寸介于1-100 nm范围内的粒子微小粒子,又称作超微粒子。当粒子尺寸小至纳米级时,其本身将具有表面与界面效应、量子尺寸效应、小尺寸效应和宏观量子隧道效应,这些效应使得纳米材料具有很多奇特的性能。本文简单综述了纳米材料的合成与制备中常用的几种方法以及简单的一些应用,着重综述了



Electrochemical preparation of nano materials


Introduction:Nobel Prize winner in the s Feyneman prophecy: if we tiny scale of objects arranged to some control of words, we can make the object have a lot of unusual characteristics, you will see the properties of materials have a wealth of change. What he said is the material of the nanometer material now.

Nano materials and nanotechnology is widely thought to be the 21 st century the most important new materials and one of the areas of science and technology. In 1992, the Nanostructured Materials "the official publication, marked the nanometer material science into an independent scientific < /gongxue/ >. Since 1991, the first time the Iijima preparation since carbon nanotubes, a one-dimensional nanomaterials due to the nature of the has many special and broad application prospects and caused the people's attention. Because the morphology of nanometer material and size of its performance has the important influence, therefore, the size

and morphology of nanometer materials control synthesis is very important. As a senior nano structure materials and nano device the basic constitution unit (Bui1ding Blocks), nanoparticles of synthesis and assembly is an important part of the nanometer technology and the foundation. And electrochemical methods preparing nanometer material research, the experienced early nano, film, nano microcrystalline preparation, up until now the electrochemical preparation nanometer metal wire, metal oxide process, for nano materials made great contribution.

Abstract: nano is refers to the characteristic dimension size between 1-100 nm range of particle of tiny particles, called particle. When a particle size is small to the nanometer level, its will have face and interface effect, quantum size effect, small size effect and the macroscopic quantum tunnel effect, these effects makes the nano material has many strange performance. In this paper, the author briefly reviewed the synthesis and preparation of nanometer materials used in several ways and simple some applications, nanometer material reviewed emphatically the electrochemical preparation methods and the influence factors and the development situation to do simple explored.

Keywords: nano materials Electrochemical preparation Characteristics application