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英语一 2020年西交大 考试题库及答案

英语一 2020年西交大  考试题库及答案

1、There’s a lot of public concern about dangerous toxins recently found in food.

2、Who is that speaking? This is Tom speaking

3、This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of emergency

4、Students should be encouraged to use the Internet as a resource

5、I was worried about my math,but Mr.Brown gave me an A. Congratulations!That’s difficult course.

6、Many local shops will be forced to close if the new supermarket is built

7、Can l get you a cup of tea? That’s very kind of you

8、The insurance doesn’t cover household items

9、Contrary to expectations,the film was successful instantly when it was released

10、One potential danger is that the information could be used by others to your disadvantage

11、The girl is something of a film star

12、Please prepare the medicine for me according to this. Prescription

13、l had my meals brought when l was ill in bed with a bad cold

14、My birthday is tomorrow Many happy returns of the day!

15、She’s part of a team of scientists who are engaged upon cancer research


中考英语综合填空练习题 一. 阅读下面短文,然后从文前方框内所给的词中选出适当的词,并用其正确形式填空(每空限选一词)。 (一) ----------------------------------------------------------- call , swim , anything , clever , bear , can , his , give , girl , something , read , take ------------------------------------------------------------- Many years ago , there was a family ___1___ Franklin . They lived in Boston . There were five ___2___ and six boys in the family . On a January day in 1760 , another baby boy ___3___ . They boy’s mother and his father ___4___ the boy a name — Benjamin . Benjamin was the ___5___ of all the children . He could read when he was five and he ___6___ write by the time he was seven . When he was eight he was sent to school . In school Benjamin had been good at ___7___ and writing but not good at maths . He read all of ___8___ father’s books . And whenever (每当)he had a little money , he bought a book with it . He liked books . They told him how to do ___9___ . At that time he invented the paddles (脚蹼)for ___10___ . (二) ------------------------------------------------------ say , surprise , do , in , friend , to , visits , we , usual , or , welcome , time , for , but , ideas ------------------------------------------------------- Manners are important in every country , ___1___ people have different ___2___ about their manners . What is good in one country may not be ___3___ in another . Chinese people are ___4___ to know the fact that an Englishman ___5___ stop to talk and shake hands with his friend ___6___ the street . They just say hello ___7___ each other and then pass on . English people think that ___8___ Chinese end our ___9___ to friends all of a sudden . They ___10___ begin to show that they want to go 15 ___11 20 minutes before they leave their ___12___ house . And they do this two or three ___13___ within 20 minutes . It is important ___14___ people to understand each other . Here is a ___15___ , “When in Rome , do as the Romans do .” (三) ---------------------------------------------------------- need , animal , I , put , make , except , find , end , look , since , little , enough


00015英语二试卷及答案 发布日期:2016-01-04 10:09 来源:未知阅读:6927 【字体:大中小】 本套单元测试共 10 题,共 100 分。答题得分:100 分 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [1] I should like to rent a house,modern,comfortable and ___ in a qiuet environment. 得分:10分 答: D A before all B first of all C after all D above all 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [2] His few personal belongings make it possible for him to move from place to place ___. 得分:10分 答: C A in ease B at ease C with ease D with easiness 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [3] Could you lend me some money? I'm very ______of cash at the moment. 得分:10分 答: B A need B short C scarce D empty 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [4] It ______ exactly thirty years since I graduated from college. 得分:10分 答: B A was B has been C will be D had been 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [5] He was completely ______ by her tale of hardship.


填空题Unit 1 1.This research seems to lend some validityto the theory that the drug might cause cancer . 2.In a number of developing countries , war has been an additional impediment to progress . 3.Anthea was about to play her trump card : without her signature none of the money could be released . 4.I flunked my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college . 5.I didn't want to lose my composure in front of her . 6.The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority. 7.For three hours a committee of state senators listened to a parade of local residents giving their opinions. 8.Thousands of lives will be at stakeif emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon. 9.Brierley's book has the meritof being both informative and readable . 10.I think there was a conspiracyto keep me out of the committee . Unit 2 1.It is not easy for Chinese people to respond properly to others' compliments and equally difficult for them to accept criticisms gracefully. 2.We should be truly thankful to Mr Deng XiaoPing for taking the plungeand initiating the economic reform in china .


一、单选题(共26 道试题,共52 分。)V 1. 资本周围速度()、 A. 与周转时间成正比,与周转次数成反比 B. 与周转时间成反比,与周转次数成正比 C. 与周转时间成正比,与周转次数成正比 D. 与周转时间成反比,与周转次数成反比 标准答案:B 2. 把剩余价值看成是全部预付资本的产物,剩余价值就转化为()、 A. 成本价格 B. 利润 C. 生产价格 D. 利息 标准答案:B 3. 社会资本简单再生产的基本实现条件是()、 A. I(c+v+m)=I(c+△c)+II(c+△c) B. I(v+m)>IIc C. I(v+m)=IIc D. I(v+m)<IIc 标准答案:C 4. 划分固定资本和流动资本的根据是()、 A. 生产资本不同部分在价值形成中的作用不同 B. 生产资本不同部分在剩余价值生产中的作用不同 C. 生产资本不同部分的价值转移方式不同 D. 生产资本不同部分的价值周转方式不同 标准答案:D 5. 我国在发展对外经济关系中必须坚持的根本方针是()、 A. 独立自主自力更生 B. 自筹资金没有外债 C. 大量进口不怕逆差 D. 自给自足剩余出口 标准答案:A 6. 生产关系的基础是()、 A. 产品归谁所有 B. 人们在生产中的地位及相互关系 C. 生产力 D. 生产资料所有制 标准答案:D 7. 农业雇佣工人创造的剩余价值中,土地所有者获得的是()、 A. 全部剩余价值 B. 租金 C. 平均利润 D. 超额利润 标准答案:D 8. 社会主义制度的经济基础是()、 A. 股份制

B. 国家所有制 C. 多种经济形式 D. 生产资料公有制 标准答案:D 9. 资本主义经济危机的实质是()、 A. 生产绝对过剩 B. 生产相对不足 C. 生产相对过剩 D. 资本主义基本矛盾 标准答案:C 10. 国家垄断资本主义的实质是()、 A. 国家政权同私人垄断资本相结合 B. 国家直接掌握垄断资本 C. 国有资本和私人资本在企业内、外部的结合 D. 私人垄断资本利用国家机器来为其服务的手段 标准答案:D 11. G-W…W`-G`是()、 A. 货币资本循环公式 B. 生产资本循环公式 C. 商品资本循环公式 D. 流通资本循环公式 标准答案:A 12. 垄断资本主义阶段,资本主义对外经济关系的一个重要经济特征是()、 A. 商品输出 B. 原料输出 C. 资本输出 D. 劳动力输出 标准答案:C 13. 社会主义按劳分配的对象是()、 A. 生产资料 B. 个人消费品 C. 社会总产品 D. 生存资料 标准答案:B 14. 垄断资本主义阶段,价值规律发挥作用的形式是()、 A. 商品价格围绕价值上下波动 B. 商品价格采取垄断价格形式 C. 商品价格围绕生产价格上下波动 D. 价值规律已经不再起作用 标准答案:B 15. 职能资本家使用借贷资本所获得的平均利润可以分割为()、 A. 利息和企业利润 B. 产业利润和商业利润 C. 利息和超额利润


Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3 . In a series of four experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago and the Wisconsin School of Business tested. Student’s willingness to 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. For one 5 each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens would 6 an electric shock when clicked. Twenty-seven students were told which pens were electrified, another twenty-seven were told only that some were electrified 7 left alone in the room, the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would 8 subsequent experiments reproduced, this effect with other


00015英语二试题及答案 发布日期:2016-01-04 10:09 来源:未知阅读:6927 【字体:大中小】 本套单元测试共10 题,共100 分。答题得分:100 分 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [1]I should like to rent a house,modern,comfortable and ___ in a qiuet environment. 得 分: 10分 答:D A before all B first of all C after all D above all 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [2]His few personal belongings make it possible for him to move from place to place __ _. 得 分: 10分 答:C A in ease B at ease C with ease D with easiness 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [3]Could you lend me some money? I'm very ______of cash at the moment.得 分: 10分 答:B A need B short C scarce D empty 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [4]It ______ exactly thirty years since I graduated from college. 得 分: 10分 答:B A was B has been C will be D had been

【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [5]He was completely ______ by her tale of hardship. 得 10分 分: 答:B A taken away B taken in C taking away D taken up 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [6]The team doctor insisted that the route _____ because of the possible danger. 得 10分 分: 答:C A could be changed B would be changed C be changed D might be changed 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [7]Problems can _____ when people have no knowledge of the law. 得 10分 分: 答:C A rise B jump C arise D lift 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [8]The _____ lady is believed to be the thief wanted by the police. 得 10分 分: 答:A A beautifully dressed B dressed beautifully C beautiful dressing D beautiful dress 【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [9]The manager did not offer him the job because of his untidy _____.


中考英语综合填空题专项训练05.附详解 根据上下文和括号里的汉语提示,在下面的空白处写出正确的单词和短语,使短文意思完整。 Most of American businesses are open five days a week. American school children attend school five days a week as well. American families usually have a (1)______(两天) weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday. Over the weekend people spend their time (2)______(以许多不同的方式)。 Many families enjoy weekends (3)______(一起)。 They may go shopping, go for a drive or visit friends. They may also invite friends over and (4)______(聚会) at home. Many American families participate (参加) in sports during the weekend. (5)______(跑步), biking, playing volleyball and swimming (6)______ (流行) in summer. Skiing and skating are the (7)______ (最喜爱的) winter sports. Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or in (8)______(他们的) houses. Many families plant flowers and have vegetable gardens. Some families use the weekends (9)______(粉刷) or repair their houses. (10)______(对大部分美国人来说), weekends are very busy. 「答案与解析」 本文讲述美国人是如何过周末的情况。


西安交通大学课程考试侵权行为法作业考核试 题 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。) V 1. 患者在诊疗活动中受到损害,医疗机构及其医务人员有过错的,由()承担赔偿责任。 A. 医务人员 B. 医疗机构 C. 医疗机构负责人 D. 医务人员和医疗机构 满分:2 分 2. 受害人和行为人对损害的发生都没有过错的,() A. 受害人自行承担责任 B. 行为人承担责任 C. 可以根据实际情况,由双方分担损失 D. 由受害人和行为人平均承担责任 满分:2 分 3. 劳务派遣期间,被派遣的工作人员因执行工作任务造成他人损害的,由()承担侵权责任;劳务派遣单位有过错的,承担相应的补充责任。 A. 劳务派遣单位 B. 被派遣的工作人员 C. 当地人民政府 D. 接受劳务派遣的用工单位

满分:2 分 4. 侵害他人财产的,财产损失按照()的市场价格或者其他方式计算。 A. 提出请求时 B. 判决生效时 C. 损失发生时 D. 财产生成时 满分:2 分 5. 请求赔偿精神损害必须是造成他人()。 A. 严重精神损害 B. 一般精神损害 C. 精神损害 D. 身体残疾 满分:2 分 6. 因抢救生命垂危的患者等紧急情况,不能取得患者或者其近亲属意见时,经谁批准可以立即实施相应的医疗措施() A. 经治医生批准 B. 所在临床科室的主任批准 C. 医疗机构负责人或者授权的负责人批准 D. 医疗机构职工代表大会批准 满分:2 分 7. 药品不合格导致患者损害时,患者可以向谁索赔()


2019年10月髙等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷 (课程代码:00015) 本试卷共8页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。考生答卷前必须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在答题卡上。必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上的答案无效。 第一部分:阅读判断(第1?10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 To Lease(租赁) or Not to Lease Planning tolease a car because you don't think you can afford to buy? Think again. Leasingcan end up being just as expensive as buying. Most peoplethink about leasing because they believe it will cost them less money. They'reright-it is cheaper, but only in the short term. For example, if you were tolease anew Subaru Forester, you might pay $300 per month for the car. If youwere to buy the same car, you would pay about $400per month. Over a three-year, you would save $3600-a big savings. But afteryour lease is over, you have to give the car back. Many peoplewant to lease because they can drive a more expensive car than they might otherwisebe able to afford. For example, if you spend $300 monthly on a car, you mightbe able to lease a new Ford Explorer. For the same price, you might have to buya used Explorer, or buy a new but much less expensive model. A lease,therefore, allows you to drive the


中考英语综合填空题的答题技巧 做这类试题除了具备能正确拼写所学单词,具有一定的语法基础知识,掌握一定的阅读方法外,若具备一定的解题方法或技巧,做起题来往往会更加得心应手。 (一)、弄清文章大意 要跳过空格,浏览全文,理解文章的大意,特别要注意读懂文章的第一句,这一句通常不设空格,它对我们理解文章的主旨起着非常重要的作用。在理解文章的主旨大意之后才开始做题。 (二)、作好句法分析 通过句法分析弄清楚要填的词是在句中充当主语、谓语还是宾语等。如果是主语或宾语,要填的应当是名词或代词;如果是谓语,要填的就应是动词;如果是在名词前作定语或者在系动词后作表语,要填的应当是形容词;如像We ______busy. He ______fine.之类的句子,busy, fine 都是形容词,也就是说句中还无动词,这一定是填系动词be, look等。如果是已经在文章前用方框给出了供选择的单词,通过这样的句法分析,就会将范围大大的缩小,可能就会只剩下一、两个单词了。 (三)、考虑词形变化 是名词或代词要考虑是该用单数还是用复数;是人称代词是用主格还是宾格;如果是动词就要考虑是谓语动词还是非谓语动词;是谓语动词是主动语态还是被动语态,还要考虑该用哪一种时态;是非谓语动词是用-ing形式,不定式还是用过去分词。等等。切不可一确定是填哪个单词后,就在不作任何考虑的情况下填上去,放了不该放的错。 (四)、注意固定搭配 根据空格前后之间的固定搭配关系来分析。如be good at, be interested in, make progress,at least, at most, at last, in this way, pay a visit to, take care of, a lot of,have a population of, get on well with, have a party, give sb sth, ask sb to do sth,be / get used to, spend…doing, so…that…等等。 (五)、运用基本常识 如台湾是中国最大的岛,道路、街道、河流等两边或两岸,等等。 (六)、利用上下语境 就是利用上下文的意思与结构来填空,这个上下文可能是空格所处的那个句本身的前部分和后部分,也可能是空格前后的那个或那几句子,还有可能前后段落或对整篇文章的理解。有时甚至还要结合常识进行简单的逻辑推理才能准确判断出该填哪个词。 (七)、抓住语篇标志如but, although, first…then…finally等等。 (八)、别忘所给提示。一定要结合所给的首字母或者供选择的词汇来考虑。 以上几个方面必须综合起来考虑,才能迅速准确解答好这类大题。 例:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示补全文中所缺的单词, 答案写在题后的横线上。 “Sorry”is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life.One day while I was w 1 on the street, a young man ran by hurriedly, brushing(轻擦)against my handbag. He continued his way, but turned b 2 and said “sorry”to me. Even in a rush, he didn’t f 3 to say “sorry”. One day, after I bought some bananas, the shopkeeper was passing me the change, but I wasn’t ready for it and a coin dropped onto the ground. “Sorry, Madam,”he said w 4 bending to pick it up. I was s 5 why he said “sorry”to me. Another time, I stepped on a man’s f 6 at the entrance to a cinema. At the same time, we b 7 said “sorry”. Slowly, I got to know that when something unpleasant happens in daily life, the British don’t c 8 much about who is wrong. If someone is in trouble, a “sorry”is always n 9 . Perhaps that is w 10 I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain. 【主旨大意】 文章介绍了sorry这个词在英国人日常生活中被广泛使用,同时sorry也让人与人之间的关系更加和谐。


西安交通大学课程考试计算机应用基础作业考 核试题 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

西安交通大学18年3月课程考试《计算机应用基础》作业考核试题 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分) 1.以下说法正确的是()。 A.在Word中新建文档会替代原来的窗口 B.每次选择“保存”命令都会打开“另存为”对话框 C.使用Alt+F4组合键可以关闭Word窗口 D.以上都不对 正确答案:C 2.在Excel工作表第4行第D列交叉位置处的单元格,其绝对单元格名应是()。 A.D4 B.$D4 C.D$4 D.$D$4 正确答案:D 3.下面以()为扩展名的文件是不能直接运行的。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5810626521.html, B..BAT C..SYS D..EXE 正确答案:C 4.在Excel单元格中输入负数时,可以用“-”开始,也可以采用()的形式。 A.用[ ]括起来 B.用括起来 C.用()括起来 D.用{ }括起来 正确答案:C 5.个人计算机(PC)属于()类型。 A.微型计算机 B.大型计算机 C.小型机 D.超级计算机 正确答案:A 6.下列属于音频文件扩展名的是()。 A.WAV B.MID C.MP3 D.以上都是 正确答案:D 7.对于Excel数据库,排序是按照()进行的。 A.记录 B.字段

D.工作表 正确答案:B 8.下列关于“快捷方式”的说法中,错误的是()。 A.“快捷方式”是打开程序的捷径 B.“快捷方式”的图标可以更改 C.删除“快捷方式”,它所指向的应用程序也会被删除 D.可以在桌面上创建打印机的“快捷方式” 正确答案:C 9.在PowerPoint2003中,要使幻灯片在放映时能够自动播放,需要为其设置为()。 A.超接链接 B.排练计时 C.动作按钮 D.录制旁白 正确答案:B 10.Windows XP 任务栏不能设置为()。 A.自动隐藏 B.时钟显示 C.总在最前 D.总在底部 正确答案:D 11.在Windows系统中,下列不属于对话框的组成元素的是()。 A.标题栏 B.菜单 C.输入框 D.按钮 正确答案:B 12.在PowerPoint2003中,按()键可以停止幻灯片播放。 A.Ctrl B.Shift C.Esc D.Enter 正确答案:C 13.在Word中,要选定全文,可用的快捷键为()。 A.Ctrl+S B.Ctrl+V C.Ctrl+A D.Ctrl+C 正确答案:C 14.以下()不是常用的声音文件格式。 A.JPEG文件 B.WAV文件 C.MIDI文件


中考英语综合填空题专项训练01.附详解 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺。每词限填一次。 on,friend,ask,and,have,until,but,cheap,invite,in,mother,beautiful,much,because,put We are going to have a party in our house this evening. It is my (1) ______ birthday, and she has (2)______ my uncles and aunts and some of her (3)______. Mother and I are (4)______ to cook most of the food for the party, and father is getting the drinks. The living-room looks very pretty. Balloons of all colours are hanging from the lights (5)______ we have taken the carpets away (6)______ we are going to dance there after dinner. In the dining-room we have (7)______ out the best plates and glasses and tablecloths, and it all looks (8)______. We are going to have soup, fish, chicken, fruit and cheese. We are going to dance (9)______ midnight, and after that, we will have (10)______ food, because we will be hungry after all that dancing. Last year my mother (11)______ her birthday party in a restaurant,(12)______ it is pleasanter and (13)______ at home. When it is my birthday, I am going to invite my friends and have a party in the garden. I will hang pretty lights (14)______ the trees and we will grill our food in the garden and dance (15)______ the grass. 「答案与解析」 本文讲述的是即将为母亲的生日party作准备的事情,以及对去年母亲生日party的回顾和对本人生日的设想。


综合填空A.用所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。11月26号圆满结束 2.You are not supposed t visit a friend’s house without_______first when you’re in Switzerland. 3.Don’t bring food to the classroom, or it__________. 4.Mr King_________ six countries over the years. 5.---Why are you still here The movie was over fifteen minutes ago. ---Oh, I________ my wallet. 6.---Do you like the exhibition ---The photos of the countryside are so great that they _______me a lot. 7.Nancy shut the door and __________the office. B.选择恰当的单词填空,将答案填写在文章下面的横线上,每词限用一次。(有性格多余的 Long long ago, all feelings lived on an island(岛):Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge and all of the others, ___8___Love. One day it was said that the island would sink, so all of the feelings were busy making boats and ready to go. The crucial moment came at last! When the island___9___ sank, Love gave her boat to por people who couldn’t make a boat. Now it was Love’s turn to ask for help. Richness(财富)was passing by Love in a boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take with you” Richness 10 , “No, I can’t. There is lots of treasure(金 银财宝) in my boat. There is no room here for you.”Just at that time, Sadness was nearer, so Love asked,“Sadness, let me go with you.”“Oh, Love, I am so sad that I need to be alone by 11 .”Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was too 12 to hear clearly what Love said to her. Suddenly, there was a 13 ,“Come on, Love, I will take you.”It was an elder. Love even forgot to ask him where they were going. When they 14 dry land, the elder went away. Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me” “It was Time.”Knowledge answered. “Time” asked Love. “But why did Time help me” Knowledge smiled 15 answered, “Because only Time can understand how important Love is.” 阅读表达阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。(5分) 10 million reptiles (爬行动物), such as snakes, crocodiles, tutles, are killed every year. Their skin is used to make fashion items, like handbags and shoes. The whales are in danger because man kills them for their meat and oils. Orangutans(猩猩) live in rainforests. They want to live in peace, but people are cutting down the trees for wood and farming. This is a big problem because the


西安交通大学16年3月课程考试《社会学概论》作业考核试题 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。) 1. 帕森斯提出社会行动有三个要素,即(C ) A. 动机、情境和规范 B. 动机、规范和制度 C. 目标、情境和规范 D. 目标、情境和制度 2. 符号互动论的主要倡导者是(B) A. 米德 B. 布鲁默 C. 库利 D. 戈夫曼 3. 在社区研究中,全貌研究就是(C) A. 分析“社会”和“社区”两种对立的社会联系形式的类型 B. 综合性的记录调查,较少理论分析 C. 描述社区的各个不同部分并解释这些不同部分的相互关系 D. 把社区视为人类聚居生活的特殊的空间现象 4. 体现统治阶级意志,最具有强制力的社会行为规范被称为(C) A. 习俗 B. 道德 C. 法律 D. 宗教 5. 价值冲突理论认为,造成社会问题的根本原因是(C) A. 个人社会化的失败 B. 社会解组 C. 社会价值崩溃 D. 文化价值或兴趣上的冲突

6. 在20世纪初的美国,开拓了现代城市社区研究,使社区研究进入了一个新阶段的是(A) A. 芝加哥学派 B. 哈佛学派 C. 地理学派 D. 功能学派 7. 通过收集现存的以文字、数字、符号、画面等信息形式出现的文献资料,分析和探讨各种个人与社会的关系及社会现象的一种研究方法,被称做(D) A. 问卷调查 B. 实地研究 C. 社会实验 D. 非介入性研究 8. 社会制度或社会政策失调诱发的社会问题,被称为(A) A. 结构性问题 B. 制度性问题 C. 规范性问题 D. 政治性问题 9. 以善恶评价的方式来评价和调节人们行为的观念和规范,是人类自我完善的一种价值标准,这指的是(B) A. 习俗 B. 道德 C. 法律 D. 宗教 10. 以与社会主流或主导文化所不同的文化表现出来的偏差行为,被称为(C) A. 偏差行动 B. 偏差习惯 C. 偏差文化 D. 偏差心理 11. 要把社会问题的防治放在全球环境中进行考察,这是社会问题防治的(C) A. 长期性思想

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