当前位置:文档之家› 我最喜欢的季节夏天小学生英语作文





How glad I am that summer has come!

I like summer best because I can have a very happy time summer I stay at my uncle's house in the country for some time and enjoy the life can also catch worms that are not found in addition,we can see many kinds of think the country is certainly a better place than the city for vacation.

Summer is my favourite season.


I love summer very much. In summer, it's hot, and sometimes it's rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.

I love smimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if it's not very hot.

My favourite food in summer is ice-cream. It's very cold and sweet. It's delicious for me in summer.

Wow, summer is really my favourite season!


In summer,all kinds offruits areripe,have been listed,colorful,have everything that one expects to findthe rainy season,wecan taste thesour,sweetYang Mei;slippery,deliciousmango;not only refreshing,and thirst-quenchingwatermelon;andsparklinggrape;known

as the"Queen of fruit"!

Summer is so beautiful,is soattractive,seductive,let us have tolove summer,Ilikeyou,only one a year summer


我喜欢的夏天英语作文 一 The summer is coming. I like summer very much. In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such asswimming, eating ice cream, drinking cold water. Besides, the summer holiday ismy favorite time. I don't have to go to school in holidays, so I can play withmy friends. I can travel with my parents, too. I want to go many places, suchas Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and so on. This is why I love summer. 夏天来了。我非常喜欢夏天。在夏天,我可以做很多事情,比如:游泳,吃冰淇淋, 喝下的冰冷的水。此外,暑假是我最喜欢的时间。我不需要去学校假期,所以我可以和朋 友们一起玩耍。我可以旅行与我的父母,太。我想去很多地方,如北京,上海,厦门等。 这就是为什么我爱夏天。 二 The summer is coming. I like summer very much. In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such as swimming, eating ice cream, drinking cold water. Besides, the summer holiday is my favorite time. I don’t have to go to school in holidays, so I can play with my friends. I can travel with my parents, too. I want to go many places, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and so on. This is why I love summer. 夏天就要到了。我非常喜欢夏天。在夏天,我可以做很多事情,比如游泳,吃冰激凌,喝凉水。 此外,暑假是我最喜欢的时间。我不必在假期去上学,所以我可以和我的朋友们一起玩。我也可以和我的父母一起旅行。我想去很多地方,比如北京、上海、厦门等等。 这就是我喜欢夏天的原因。 三 It is true that summer is hot,very hot.But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me,for I don't usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read.I love to read,but during the school year I could


我最喜欢的动物英语作文3篇 英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。下面小编为大家带来我最喜欢的动物英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。 Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people. The dog can feel the human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly. I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous. They are special dogs. Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way. See, I say dogs are very competent. 我最喜欢的动物是狗。我最喜欢它的原因是因为它很能干。狗是人类最好的朋友。它也是老人们最好的伴侣。狗是通人性的。如果他们的孩子不在他们身边,很多老年人会养狗。老年人可以把对他们孩子的爱放到狗狗的身上,这也能温暖他们的心。导盲犬是非常有名的。他们是特殊的狗。这些狗会引导眼睛看不见的主人找到正确的路。看,我就说狗狗是非常能干的。


高中英语作文50字带翻译3篇 高中英语阅读理解解题技巧高中英语怎么学高中英语作文范文10篇高考英语单词表3500 高中英语作文范文 I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Gradually, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods. 我喜欢英语。我觉得我可以和你分享一下我的英语学习方法。首先,培养对英语的兴趣。我的方法是看国外电影。一开始,我会留着字幕一起看。之后我就会不看字幕,只留英文。渐渐地,我对英语表现出极大的兴趣。其次,背诵词汇。词汇是学习英语的必要根基。这一点你只能强迫自己去背了。第三,完全理解基本语法。如果我不懂基本语法,我会很难理解一整个句子的意思。最后但并非最不重要的是要多说。学习语言的基本目的就是进行沟通。因此,尽可能多的用英语交谈。不要担心丢脸,因为每个人都会犯错误的。这些就是我的方法。 优秀英语日记50字带翻译 1、Today, I saw a roadside beggar. He is a middle-aged man, only two arms, and no legs. His arms come the hard ground prowling, also holding the hand of a begging bowl. Really pathetic, I can not help giving him 10 yuan. If we sacrificed our love, the world will be brighter. 今天,我在路边看到了一个乞丐.他是一个中年男子,只有两只胳膊,双腿都没有了.他用胳膊撑着地面艰难地潜行,手中还拿着一个乞讨用的碗.真的很可怜,我不由自主地给了他十块钱.如果我们多献出我们的爱情,世界将更美好。


我最喜欢的季节初一英语作文 篇1 My favourite season is summer. I often wear my shorts and T-shirt. Sometimes I wear my jeans. In summer it is often sunny and hot. Sometimes rainy in summer. I usually swim with my father. Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home. 我喜欢的季节是夏季,我经常穿我的衬衫和运动衫。有时我穿牛仔裤。夏天,天气经 常是晴朗的、热的。有时是多雨的。我通常和我的父亲去游泳,有时在家吃冰激淋。 篇2 If you ask to me favorite season? I to say: my favorite season is fall. Because fall is cool and windy but isn't too hot and too cold. I like reader relaxed and happy feeling. The climate is cool and pleasant in autumn, not so hot in summer nor so cold in winter. Autumn is the harvest season, golden rice in the paddy fields are ripe. Under the rays of the Sun in a piece of gold, Maple fell on a piece of Red Maple leaves, dancing in the air like a beautiful butterfly. moreover fall will come, farmers can harvest theirs "fruits of lador" The most exciting still can eat many tasty fruits. Such as: oranges,mangos, bananas, apples, pears…… Autumn is a beautiful, happy! I like autumn。 Listen to my introduce, do you know why I like fall? 如果你问我最喜欢的季节?我说:我最喜欢的季节是秋天。因为秋天是凉爽多风,既 不冷也不热。我喜欢秋天这种心旷神怡的感觉。秋天的气候凉爽宜人,没有夏天那么热, 也没有冬季那么冷。秋天还是丰收的季节,稻田里金黄的稻谷都成熟了。在阳光的照射下 金灿灿的一片,枫树上失落下来了一片片红红的枫叶,像美丽的蝴蝶一样在空中翩翩起舞。秋天是美丽的,是快乐的!外,秋天的到来,农民也能收获他们的“水果”最令人兴奋的,还是可以吃很多好吃的水果。例如:橙子,芒果,香蕉,苹果,梨…… 听我的介绍,你知道我为什么喜欢秋天了吗? 篇3 There are four seasons in a year. My favourite season is spring. In spring, the trees become green, and there are flowers everywhere. The birds come back from the south and sing happily all day. Everything comes back to life again. People take off their heavy winter clothes and put on their light clothes.


My favorite movie Titanic This movie is well known to every one,and it moved many people, I am no exception. Its name stirs the imagination Titanic. The unsinkable ship. The unimaginable catastrophe. The untold stories that lay in mystery two and a half miles beneath the waves of the North Atlantic. What buried tale of love, bravery, treasure and treachery, hidden by time and tragedy, waits here to be discovered? A beautiful socialite. A penniless artist. A priceless diamond. A romance so passionate that nothing on earth could stop it. A destiny so incredible that no one could have imagined it. A collision of lives that could only have happened on Titanic, the ship of dreams. The secrets are about to unfold... I like it because three reasons. First ,the story tell us to respect life in every situation. Shipbuilding people disregard the safety of the passengers, only the pursuit of fame and interest, so leaded to big disaster occurred. Second, people should be survival plight. When ship start sinking, many people only knew crying, but Jack and Rose are trying to survival. Even they fall into the sea, they still try their best to find ways to stay long. Third , the best love people way is better living. When Jack dead, Rose still live beautiful. In the movie end, show Rose’s photo

小学生优秀作文 我最喜欢的季节

姓名:阅读两遍请家长签字 我最喜欢的季节 作者:朱晓燕 秋天带着一身金黄,迈着轻盈的脚步,悄悄地来到了人间。 秋天的果园里,那一棵棵茁壮的果树上结满了又大又红的苹果,苹果的颜色真像小朋友的脸蛋。梨树上,金灿灿的鸭梨挂满枝头,就像金色的小葫芦,不知道会不会在哪一天变成葫芦娃,掉下来跟我们一起玩游戏。葡萄架下,抬头一看,那一串串晶莹的紫色大珍珠,在阳光的映照下,一粒粒的籽都清晰可见。柿子树上挂满了红灯笼似的果实,你挤我碰,争着让人们去摘呢!这么多颜色鲜艳,味道香甜的水果,让人看了垂涎欲滴。 秋天的森林里,那里的树又高又粗,树枝像伞的骨架一样朝天空伸展,叶子密密麻麻,一片挨着一片,似乎约好了要跟阳光玩一个游戏,不让他偷偷钻进来。阳光也很调皮,看看这里,看看那里,想着法子往空隙里躲。小花躲在草丛里,把美丽的姿态悄悄地展示给我们看,空气中到处弥漫着清新的芬芳。蝴蝶在花朵旁流连,或时不时地来一场追逐的游戏。这时候,林中响起几声清脆的鸟叫,四下寻找,却不见小鸟的身影,也许它也爱上了森林里的游戏,跟我们捉迷藏呢! 秋天,永远是飘着甜味的季节;秋天,永远是绚丽多彩的季节;秋天,正是我最喜欢的一个季节。

【作文写作指导】——“我最喜欢的季节”这篇文章,关键在于一个“最”字,说明要同学们从四个季节中选择一个季节来写。最主要是看同学们能不能写清楚喜欢这个季节的原因。 我最喜欢的季节 作者:钱康夏天过去了,秋天悄悄地来了,我非常高兴,因为一年四季中,我最喜欢的季节就是秋天。 为什么我喜欢秋天呢?因为秋天到了,我家果园的果实都成熟了。葡萄像一颗颗紫色的水晶珠子,透亮透亮的,惹人喜爱。红艳艳的苹果,三个一伙,五个一群,在微风中向我点头,好像在说:“欢迎你,我的小主人。”一个个柿子压弯了枝头,好像快要掉到地上了。还有我最爱吃的番茄,一个个红彤彤的,真想马上吃上几颗!每天放学后,小伙伴们都成群结队地到我家的果园摘果子吃,别提有多热闹了。果园的前面是一片稻田,一眼望去,好像一片金色的海洋,一阵风吹过,金色的海洋泛起了一阵阵波浪,好看极了。 秋天的天空特别湛蓝,特别深远。那朵朵白云点缀在蓝色的大幕中,很是亮眼。云朵随风飘动,还能千变万化。有的像一匹匹骏马,在云海里飞快地奔跑;有的像一只只绵羊,在悠闲地吃草,有的像一群白色的小狗,互相追逐嬉戏,只要你愿意看,你就一定会有许许多多有趣地发现。 秋天好甜!好香!好美!我爱秋天。 。


我最喜欢的季节英语作文(10篇) 我最喜欢的季节英语作文第1篇: my favourate season My favourite season is summer。I often wear my shorts and T-shirt。Sometimes I wear my jeans。In summer it is often sunny and hot。Sometimes rainy in summer。I usually swim with my father。Sometimes I eat ice-cream at home。 我喜欢的季节是夏季,我经常穿我的短裤和运动衫。有时我穿牛仔裤。夏天,天气经常是晴朗的、热的。有时是多雨的。我通常和我的父亲去游泳,有时在家吃冰激淋。 我最喜欢的季节英语作文第2篇: Spring is my favourite season。At that time,every day is full of vitality。 The voice is covered with a green clothes,quietly came to earth,open the doors of the spring,the whole world is refreshed。 Morning,came to the grass,the grass brother leaned out of the green “heads” under the call of the mother earth,like you just wake up the baby,open your hazy sleep,greedily sucking the nature has given the sunshine rain and dew。The fog of the distance to ing here。The morning of the spring is so dim,the birds chirp started a beautiful day。 At noon,the sun with its gigantic gentle light into our heart。


My favorite movie My favorite movie is Mr. and Mrs.smith, which is played by Julie and Pit. I appreciate the beauty, the dance with music, and the humorous and so on. For first reason, Julia and Pit are both beauty guys, a good vision could get from the movie. It also is reported they get married for this movie, which is may a real love feeling in it, including the sweet dancing time, having shopping together, and even fierce tussle between them. So, I watched it several times. Secondly, I like the movie, which is told to me from the romance loving to common marriage life, suddenly it is becoming an exciting killing life with the closet companion, finally find the best way to love and live together. it a good lesson to the couple tired of their marriage. Thirdly, I am fond of the comic plot from the movie. Just from seeing the doctor at the beginning and the ending, it would bring some fun. and I also like they are chatting at the car when they are pursued just behind them and have to deal with the problem survive and death in the moment of truth. That moment, the dialogue between them is very cool and interesting, filling with fun.


关于我喜欢的季节描述作文范文5篇 生活中我们如何讲好普通话?下面是由为大家整理的“我喜欢的季节普通话讲话三分钟范文”,欢迎大家阅读,仅供大家参考,希望对您有所帮助。 我喜欢的季节范文【一】 有人喜欢鸟语花香的春天,有人喜欢充满活力的夏天,也有的人喜欢银装素裹的冬天。而我,则喜爱硕果累累的金秋。 秋天,是个美丽的季节。虽然,许多鲜花和小草已经枯黄衰落。但是,在百花凋零的季节里,菊花却傲霜斗雪,迎着寒风,绽开了它的第一个花苞。那微微颤动的花瓣,修长美丽,好像一个正在翩翩起舞的少女。菊花的颜色也很多。白的像堆积起来的层层白雪。粉的像天边绚丽的晚霞。千姿百态,各具风韵。秋天的枫叶也是美的,远远望去,红的好像正在熊熊燃烧的火焰。给枯黄的山坡,增添了一抹绚丽的色彩。秋天树叶儿也枯黄了,但青松、翠柏、香樟的叶子却是那么的绿,直逼你的眼。在瑟瑟的秋风里,又增添了一抹新绿。我爱秋天的美丽。

秋天,是个凄凉的季节。要不,怎么会有“举头望明月,低头思故乡”的思念?怎么会有“夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯”的悲哀?怎么又会有“乡书何处达?归雁洛阳边”的期盼?在秋雨绵绵中,一曲《昭君出塞》,让人想起了远嫁边境的昭君。她带着自己心爱的琵琶和对家乡的恋恋不舍走了,为了汉匈的友好相处和文化交流去了大漠。但终因思念家乡,而病死异国他乡。可她临死前仍不忘抱着从家乡带来的唯一的物品-----琵琶,带着思念,带着痛苦,她,就这样走了。我爱秋天的凄凉。 我喜欢的季节范文【二】 一年的四季各有各的可爱之处。春天风景迷人,夏天热情奔放,秋天硕果累累,冬天白雪皑皑。每个季节都有我喜欢的地方,但是要我从这些季节里面,我最最喜欢的季节还是夏天。夏天虽然骄阳似火。但是夏天也有他那独特的风情。 夏天来了还可以到我们小区里游泳,在泳池里打水仗。夏天还可以开空调睡觉,凉爽的舒服的睡一个晚上。夏天来了到海边的沙滩上玩,可以在海边捡贝壳。夏天来了就要放暑假了,这是我最盼望的事情了。我还可以吃着各种各样的冰淇淋,草莓味的、香草味的、巧克力味的、西瓜味的等等。 我喜欢夏日的风景。夏日荷花别样红,说的没错,夏日的荷花的确特别美,而且还给人带来一种清新与活力。除了荷花,夏日的晚霞可谓是一道最独特的风景。夕阳西下,留下一片火红

my dream初三英语作文50字

my dream初三英语作文50字 梦想会随着我们年龄的增长而不断的变化,但是唯一不会变的就是我们要实现梦想的心。你知道怎么写一篇我的梦想的英语吗?下面是第一给大家精心挑选的my dream初三英语作文50字,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! Everyone has a dream.I also have a dream. I want to be a puter programmer.Because I like playing puter games,and then I want to make my own games.Of courseI know it is difficult to be a good puter programmer.SoI have to learn more the knowledges about the puter.For exampleI'll have some puter lessons when I have time.And I will read more puter books everyday.What'sI'll join the puter club in high school. In conclusionI will do some things to improve my puter operation.I am sure my dream will e true one day. Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a doctor. When I was in Grade seven I was sick and often went to see doctors. The doctor were very friend to me and they often


我最喜欢的季节是夏天英语作文 有人喜欢生机勃勃的春天,有人喜欢骄阳似火的夏天,有人喜欢 瓜果飘香的秋天,而我却喜欢洁白无瑕的冬天。 Some people like the spring full of vigour, some people like the scorching summer, some people like melons and fruits of the autumn, and I was like pure white in winter. 早晨,天气骤然变冷,阴云一块一块地在天空中移动,到了中午,大片大片的雪花便从天空飘落先来。 Morning, the weather suddenly turned cold, dark clouds in a piece of land in the sky, at noon, a vast expanse of snow will fall from the sky come first. 雪纷纷扬扬地下着,它像玉一样润,像雾一样轻,被风刮地在天 空直打转。它们无拘无束地游荡着,大地慢慢地换上了洁白的银装。 There were numerous snow underground, it was like jade, like fog, like light, the wind in the sky. They are free to roam the earth, slowly put on the white snow. 过了一段时间,雪停了,整个大地好像被轻纱裹住,又好像被一 层银雾罩住。太阳出来了,马上安阳成了水晶般的城市。走在街上像 走在童话中的仙宫一样神奇异常。路旁的树上挂满了雪球,亮晶晶的。远方洁白万里。皑皑白雪在太阳光的照射下,发射出耀眼的光芒。街 上的雪不怎么厚,踩上去发出咯吱咯吱的响声,构成一曲美妙的音乐。孩子们也出去玩了,他们像一群刚出笼的小鸟一样,快活极了。 After a period of time, the snow stopped, the earth seems to be wrapped in gauze, and seems to be a layer of silver mist covered. The sun came out, immediately into the Crystal City in Anyang. Walking in the street, like walking in the


题目: When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless 无意义to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 官方给出的高分答案 Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed.(第一句话当中,作者直接说出了自己的观点,这有点区别于我们中国学生通常所使用的背景开头方式,但是它在这个开头中也使用了两个中国学生不大使用的结构,一个是overall,另外一个是过去分词做后置定语,既expressed)I would like to begin by pointing out that "traditional skills and ways of life" are not automatically of one country, but of a culture or community.(作者在这个地方所提出的观点非常的犀利,同时使用的结构也很不错,我们现在来看一下,I would like to do 我想做...,这个结构是中国学生都非常熟悉的,但是他随后使用的by doing就比较的标新立异,随后他又使用了一个宾语从句,这样结构就丰满起来了。同时,作者对于标点符号的使用也是非常具有特色的,这里面的符号确实起到了加强的作用,同学们以后要注意对于标点符号的使用。另外,这里面的连词but虽然不是很难,但是却是用的非常恰倒好处。希望大家可以借鉴这样的一种写法。再者,这里面,考官没有使belong to 这样的结构来表示属于,而是很简洁的使用了be of,这说明,简洁的表达受到了考官的关注。更为重要的是作者给出了一个别人都不大容易想到的观点,传统的技能以及生活方式并不是自然的属于某一个国家的,而是属于某一种文化和区域) In many ways, the history of civilization is the history of technology: from the discovery of fire to the invention of the wheel to the development of the Internet, we have been moving on from previous ways of doing things.(这个句子是由40个单词所组成的,其中含有的结构都是中国学生耳熟能详的,但是大家需要注意如下的3个特点:1、考官在这里所使用的开头句就非常具有震撼力,在很多方面来说,文明史就是科技史,大家想想,你们在写作文的时候有没有这样的一种思维观?2、考官再次显示了标点符号的重要性,大家在举例的时候是不是比较喜欢使用for


英语作文50字 英语作文50字(一): my day英语作文50字 Today was Sunday and I was very happy!In the morning,I stayed at home to do my homework and watch TV。In the afternoon,I went to a park with my best friends。There were many flowers,and some birds were singing songs。We played games and talked about our dreams。At last,we went home for dinner。Today, I had a great time! 这天是星期天,我十分高兴!早上,我呆在家里做作业看电视。下午,我和我最好的朋友去了公园。那里有许多花儿,一些鸟还在唱歌呢、我们一齐玩游戏,谈论我们的梦想。最后,我们就回家吃晚饭了。这天玩的真的很开心! 英语作文50字(二): my favourite animal英语作文50字 Most kids like animals。 Girls like cats, and boys like dogs。 However, my favorite animal is the horse。 The horses are strong, not like the tame cats or puppy dogs。They look wild and hard to get close。 Yet, they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you。 Horses remember


我喜爱夏天英语作文 It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I don't usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my heart's content. My room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but I'm free, I'm happy, I'm really living! Oh, how I love summer! ——文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考~ 1 ~


【篇一】英语作文最喜欢的季节范文 I think everyone has a favorite season. Then today I will talkabout my favorite season. In this season, I can do what I what. Such as, I can eat ice-cream in the coffee shop, I can ride bike with my good friends,I can take a walk in the evening and so on. In this season, I can wear T-shirt. I also can wear dress. Ihave many beautiful dress. And I can put on my yellow sun hat,too! That’s so pretty. Isn’t it? In this season, I can drink less drinks. Such as, cola, juice andso on. Wow, when I think it, I will so happy. Because in otherdays, I can’t drink cold drinks. And I only can drink boiled water.Because my health isn’t good. My mother tell me it two yearsago. Do you know my favorite season is what? Right, that is summer! Ilove summer. Do you like summer, too? If you don’t like summer,then what season do you like? 我想,每一个人都有自己喜欢的季节吧。那么今天我将要告诉你关于我最喜欢的季节。 在这个季节,我可以做任何我想做的事情。例如:我可以在咖啡店吃冰淇淋,我可以和我的好朋友一起骑自行车,我可以在晚上散步等等。 在这个季节,我可以穿T恤,可以穿裙子,我有很多美丽的裙子喔!我还可以带上我的黄色的太阳帽。很漂亮的,不是吗? 在这个季节,我可以喝一点点饮品。例如:可乐,果汁等等。当我想到这里,我会很开心。因为在别的日子里,我不能喝凉饮料,只能喝白开水。因为我的身体不是太好,妈妈两年前告诉我的。 你知道我最喜欢的季节是什么吗?对了,就是夏天。我喜欢夏天,你也喜欢夏天吗?如果你不喜欢夏天,那么你最喜欢的季节是什么呢? 【篇二】英语作文最喜欢的季节范文 Every time, when the sun shining brightly, I know summer is coming. Though it is very hot, I still prefer summer. In hot summer, I like lying in the sunshine, sometimes. Because it's too hot, I always stay for fifteen minutes. Always, you can see lots of people swimming in the sea, or in


我喜欢的季节作文6篇 我喜爱的季节作文: 我喜爱的季节 每年都有四个季节――春、夏、秋、冬。春天鲜花烂漫,鸟语花香;夏天烈日炎炎,奇热无比;秋天万物长成,到处是丰收景象;冬天天寒地冻,滴水成冰。在这四个季节里我最喜爱春季和秋季。 春天来了,天气转暖,万物苏醒,鲜花盛开。燕子也飞回来了,到处是鸟语花香。每当这个时候,爸爸和妈妈都带我去春游。春天的郊外山野到处是飞舞的蝴蝶,各种各样,五彩斑斓。我和爸爸妈妈在山上追蝴蝶,捉蝴蝶,做蝴蝶标本;我们还一齐放风筝,爸爸和我放的风筝个性高,有时候高的快看不见了;我们还一齐在河边捞鱼,虽然我们不必须能捞到鱼,但我们能够挽起裤子在水里戏水,每次都玩得很开心。有时偶尔也能捞到一两条小鱼,这时我们更会无比兴奋。 秋天各种果实都熟了,这是个收获的季节,这时爸爸妈妈又会带我去游玩。有一年我们去打枣,爸爸在树上打,妈妈和我在地下拣。爸爸打下的枣不断地砸在我和妈妈的头上,我和妈妈不得不抱着脑袋在树下拾枣,好玩极了;我们还一齐去葡萄园摘葡萄,葡萄架上挂满了一串串紫红的葡萄。我们在园子里串来串去,一边吃一边拣熟透的采摘。我们摘满一袋子后便和园主结了帐,再找一块凉快的树阴,边玩边吃葡萄,真是快活;爸爸妈妈还带我回老家拾花生,农民伯伯刨花生时总会有一些花生落在地里。我们就带上小锄头到地里把土刨开,把落在地里的花生拾回去。我们一边拾花生,爸爸还一边给我讲花生是如何生长,如何开花结果的。虽然我们拾的花生并不多,可是我觉得很有好处,我不但增长了知识、锻炼了身体,还为农民伯伯减少了一点点损失。 我喜爱的季节作文: 我喜爱的季节 我喜爱的季节是春天和冬天。 春天,草儿调皮的钻出地面,迫不及待地要来到这个温暖的世界。杨柳舒展开它那柔美的枝条,还不时向人们招手。大雁和小燕子从南方飞回来了,小青蛙明白老朋友来了,揉了揉蒙眬的睡眼,在洞外呱呱的叫着:春天来了!我的老朋友回来了!小野花也开放了,粉的、黄的、红的……点缀在那绿茸茸的草地上。 人们穿着漂亮的衣服,去一片广阔的空地上放风筝。啊!五颜六色的风筝在天空中飞舞着,有蝴蝶、有蜻蜓、有孙悟空还有美羊羊……千姿百态,形态各异的风筝把天空装扮的格外妖娆,那是人们在放飞自我的情绪,孩子们放飞自我


我喜欢夏天英语作文范文带翻译 我喜欢夏天英语作文范文1: I love summer.There ia a summer vacation in summer.What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my heart's content. I hate summer.In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesn't blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired——except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I can't study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly. All in all,summer is a season in every year.Of course,Ican adjust to summer. 翻译: 我爱夏天。这是暑假在夏天。我最喜欢做在漫长的暑假是呆在自己的小房间里,阅读。我喜欢阅读,但是在上学时,我几乎不能找到一个免费阅读的时刻。无尽的作业压在我身上 像一座山。我觉得在和监禁。一旦暑假来临,然而,我有世界上所有的时间阅读和阅读和阅读。我读我想读的一切。我读我的心的内容。 我讨厌夏天。在夏天,天气很热,空气潮湿,风不吹。在夏天,一切都似乎累了,除了蚊 子和苍蝇。他们到处都是。他们给人带来疾病。没有人喜欢步行或在夏天的太阳下工作。 因为恶人的太阳会燃烧你的皮肤。因此,炎热的夏天限制您去您的房间。炎热的天气使我 昏昏欲睡,我不能有效地学习。我讨厌夏天。我希望它很快消失。 总之,夏天是一个季节在每年。当然,我适应的夏天。 我喜欢夏天英语作文范文2:

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