当前位置:文档之家› 剧本《睡美人》英文版







小孩: Anderson Uncle, please tell me a story! {目光闪烁,渴望的神情}安徒生 : Well, yes , " Sleeping Beauty " story.

安徒生 : {音乐起} The story takes place from long, long time ago, in a beautiful country , good hard-working people here , everything is very peaceful . However, the country 's king and queen have no children , for they are very distressed.

小孩:{音乐停} what happened? {疑惑极了}

安徒生 : {音乐起} So from Queen prayed every day, hoping that she wishes to achieve . Year after year, day after day, she was always so pious . Finally , a fairy touched her , gave her a child ......


剧 2:


G: {着急地跑入场}Amperor,amperor

A: housekeeper , is what makes you so anxious ?

G: Intrinsic His Majesty the King , as the Queen down a little princess {气喘吁吁}

A: Is it true? Haha {欣喜若狂}

A: come


A: ready to go fast . I want to hold a grand banquet , must be good to celebrate the birth of the little princess {似乎喋喋不休说不完}

士兵 : OK{下场}

A: housekeeper , we immediately went to see the Queen

{ Exit }{退场}

Drama 3:


A: You've worked hard , my queen

H: It is my honor to His Majesty the King . You quickly look,our kid,she is lovely

A:{抱起孩子} ah,she is very beautiful like you

G: give she a name of her , Your Majesty

A: You said it is called jasmine or Ilia good?

H: Yes, it is called Princess Jasmine

H: Your Majesty , you are always so clever

剧 4:

G:{纠结} Your Majesty , there are two messages, a good news , bad news , which one you want to listen to it

A: of course, is good news

G: Your Majesty , Princess Jasmine 's birthday party ready

A: The bad news?

G: Palace in a total of 11 sets of imported tableware, but the witch of a total of 12 , these utensils can not mimic , what should we invite witches do ?

A: queen, how do you see ?{看着王后}

H: housekeeper , please tell me which 12 they are witches , okay

G: They are Searcy , Claudia, Cinderella , Xiandiruila{拼音} , Medea , Zora{卓拉} , Daphne , Lena , Hecate , Salem , Blair and Lisa {一口气说完,然后累得不行}{人名可改}

H: They are all good people , except to say deadpan Blair {面无表情地说出}

A: You mean to say no to invite Blair ? {惊讶}

H: Your Majesty , she is a witch revenge , the princess is no good {语重心长}

A: housekeeper , you do it by the queen says

G: yes




A: Dear witches , thank you able to attend Princess Jasmine 's birthday party , please feel free to {手指餐桌}

女巫们 :My honored

A, H: Cheers {起立}

女巫们 : Cheers {起立}

女巫1: Look at our Princess Jasmine , and she is so beautiful{加手势}I want to give her beauty

女巫2 : I gave her kindness

女巫 3: I gave her wisdom


剧 6:

{音乐起,布莱尔闯进王宫吗,魔棒一挥,守门的士兵就倒下,后冲到餐座前,指着公主}G: What do you want ?

布莱尔 : Ah ha you these uppity people , I dare not invite Blair , you will be punished

布莱尔 :{念咒语} incantations princess 15th birthday that year, she will

eat apples and choke because the whole palace because the dead princess will be sealed ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...... {音乐停}

最后一个女巫: Do not worry, Princess Jasmine will not die, she just would sleep for centuries , as long as there is a prince broke the quiet palace , you can save everything.


剧 7:

H: King , what should we do{忧虑}

A: Maybe the only one way{无奈}

A: housekeeper , I command , all the apple trees are cut down, the whole city forbidden to eat apples, disobedience by cutting off

G: yes



安徒生 : It seems a long time, can also feel very quickly, the days passed, all of the princess who wishes are fulfilled , but ......{音乐停}

剧 8:

安徒生 :{音乐起} from the day the king and queen something out , leaving one at home Princess Jasmine . Princess wandering aimlessly in the castle , she suddenly smelled a strange odor . So she went around a small corridor along the attic , she pushed open the door and saw a table filled with apples, am very curious. Princess picked up an apple and gently bite , as prophecy says, pale princess slowly went down . When the sleeping princess , the entire palace are infected , everyone fell asleep , including horse stables , yard dogs , pigeons roof , and even fly on the wall . To make Princess Jasmine is not disturbed, the castle grow a black thorns , and then later everyone forgotten her. {语气稍慢}{音乐停}{可加舞蹈形式表达上一段的描述}

小孩: Does Princess Jasmine will always go to sleep , and when she did not wake up one morning to say not very poor innocent?{天真}

安徒生 : Of course not{音乐起} from 100 years later, there is a distant country where Princess Jasmine prince heard the story , he was determined to save her. Thus, the prince mounted his horse , running all the way trying to find her musical climax {音乐高潮部分}……



老人 :{拉住王子}Prince,do not go there

王子: Why is this ? {好奇}

老人 : 100 years , there have been countless princes because Princess Jasmine and ruined their lives, you can not fudge Yeah { grief , persuade } 王子 : Spirited Away , I have to save my princess{推开老人,热血沸腾}{退场}

剧 10:

安徒生 : {音乐起 } After starting trek , Prince went into the palace , he came to the princess 's bed . Prince looked at her quietly , glistening white skin , silky smooth hair, everything is just to let the prince heart. He had a hand on her cheek , long eyelashes and exquisite nose. Fortunately , this time a century elapsed. Suddenly, the princess woke up, she opened her eyes -clear pools , staring prince.


王子 : Good morning {轻轻地说}

Z: Good morning{睡眼朦胧地回答}

王子: Good morning {声音提高,兴奋开心}

Z: Good morning{声音更高,开心极了,&想象一下你十几年孤身一人生活,忽然见到亲人的感觉}

Z: Please give me a glass of water do{可爱的,卖个萌}

Prince : uh {递给Z}


王子 : The next time you want to eat apples careful yo !

Z: I know{5岁小孩的语气回答}


M: are you saved our daughter ? {诧异}

王子 : Yes, Your Majesty

H: How do you want us to repay you ? As long as you want we will give you 王子 : I hope Princess Jasmine live together forever longing for the future {表达对未来的向往}M: prince from afar , I will put my beloved daughter to marry you, please take care of her, and in the future will depend on you






安徒生:{音乐起} since held a grand wedding in the end, Princess Jasmine and Prince , so their happy life together until the music stops

forever ......{音乐停}

安徒生 : The story finished, my dear child you should go to bed

小孩: yeah


“六一”节剧本《睡美人》英文版 人物:安徒生(旁白)小孩国王(M)王后(H)公主(Z)管家(G) 仆人甲仆人乙士兵女巫王子布莱尔老人皇亲贵族 剧1: 小孩: Anderson Uncle, please tell me a story! {目光闪烁,渴望的神情}安徒生 : Well, yes , " Sleeping Beauty " story. 安徒生 : {音乐起} The story takes place from long, long time ago, in a beautiful country , good hard-working people here , everything is very peaceful . However, the country 's king and queen have no children , for they are very distressed. 小孩:{音乐停} what happened? {疑惑极了} 安徒生 : {音乐起} So from Queen prayed every day, hoping that she wishes to achieve . Year after year, day after day, she was always so pious . Finally , a fairy touched her , gave her a child ...... {音乐停} 剧 2: {M及仆人甲、乙在场} G: {着急地跑入场}Amperor,amperor A: housekeeper , is what makes you so anxious ? G: Intrinsic His Majesty the King , as the Queen down a little princess {气喘吁吁} A: Is it true? Haha {欣喜若狂} A: come 士兵:Here{小步跑上台} A: ready to go fast . I want to hold a grand banquet , must be good to celebrate the birth of the little princess {似乎喋喋不休说不完} 士兵 : OK{下场} A: housekeeper , we immediately went to see the Queen { Exit }{退场} Drama 3: {上道具:一张床,王后躺在其上,怀中抱有一子} A: You've worked hard , my queen H: It is my honor to His Majesty the King . You quickly look,our kid,she is lovely A:{抱起孩子} ah,she is very beautiful like you G: give she a name of her , Your Majesty A: You said it is called jasmine or Ilia good? H: Yes, it is called Princess Jasmine H: Your Majesty , you are always so clever

《睡美人》英文台词 非剧本

Narrator: In a far away land, long ago, lived a king and his fair queen. Many years had they longed for a child and finally their wish was granted. A daughter was born, and they called her Aurora. Yes, they named her after the dawn for she filled their lives with sunshine. Then a great holiday was proclaimed throughout the kingdom, so that all of high or low estate might pay homage to the infant princess. And our story begins on that most joyful day. Choir: Joyfully now to our princess we come, Bringing gifts and all good wishes too. We pledge our loyalty anew. Hail to the princess Aurora! All of her subjects adore her! Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the princess Aurora! Health to the princess, Wealth to the princess, Long live the princess Aurora! Hail Aurora! Hail Aurora! Health to the princess, Wealth to the princess, Long live the princess Aurora! Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the princess Aurora! Narrator: Thus on this great and joyous day did all the kingdom celebrate the long awaited royal birth. And good King Stefan and his Queen made welcome their life long friend. Announcer: Their royal highnesses, King Hubert and prince Phillip Narrator: Fondly had these monarchs dreamed one day their kingdoms to unite. Thus today would they announce that Phillip, Huberts son and heir to Stefan's child would be betrothed. And so to her his gift he brought, and looked, unknowing, on his future bride. Announcer: The most honored and exaulted excellencies, the three good fairies. Mistress Flora, mistress Fauna, and mistress Merryweather. Fairies: [at the cradle] Oh, the little darling! [to the king] Your majesties, Flora:


襄樊职业技术学院 《英语童话剧创编与表演》课程标准 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:WYYTH 课程类型:理实一体化 总课时:92 理论课时:30 实践课时:62(含开放实训28学时)教学场地要求:配有大镜子、活动桌椅、多媒体设备 任课教师要求:具备英语本科及以上学历、高校教师资格证书,英语语音标准,音色好听,表情非常丰富,能够熟练掌握少儿英语童话剧的表演技能和创编技能。 二、课程定位 本课程是初等教育专业(英语教育方向)学生的一门专业必修课程。通过本课程的学习,培养学生在少儿英语培训机构以及小学英语教师岗位所需的英语童话剧的表演能力和创作改编能力,从而使学生在未来的职场中更具优势和竞争力,增强学生的可持续发展能力。本课程的前导课程是《综合英语》、《英语语音》、《英语语法》、《儿童教育心理学》、《儿童舞蹈》等课程,为《英语童话创编与表演》奠定了良好的语言与表演基础。 三、课程目标 1. 知识目标 (1)学会少儿常用的英语词汇、句型及表达方法; (2)掌握创作或改编适合少儿兴趣和爱好的童话剧本的方法; (3)掌握英语童话剧表演中常见的面部表情; (4)掌握英语童话剧表演中各种不同的声音和音色; (5)掌握适合少儿表演的肢体动作; (6)掌握根据人物角色的转换而进行舞台站位的方法。 2. 能力目标 (1)能够熟练掌握英语童话剧的创编技能:语言的童趣表达、语言的多情绪化表达、童话角色的设计和童话情节的趣味性设计; (2)能够独立创作或者改编适合少儿兴趣和心理的英语童话剧本; (3)能够熟练掌握英语童话剧的表演技能:对白模仿、感官动作、韵律动作; (4)能够形象生动的独立表演或与他人合作表演英语童话剧,具有良好的表现力。 3. 素质目标 培养学生具有活泼开朗的性格和积极向上的状态;善于观察、乐于思考,具有不断创新的意识和能力;具有良好的沟通和团队合作意识以及组织协调能力。 四、课程设计 1. 设计思路 本课程的设计思路是依据未来工作岗位中运用童话剧教学的要求,围绕课程目标中创编与表演两大技能,选取具有“针对性”和“适用性”的教学内容,基于工作过程序化学习任务,理论和实践齐头并进。该课程与小新星教育科技集团共同开发,充分体现教学内容与职业标准的对接。 本课程教学采用任务驱动教学模式。结合本专业学生和学习任务的特点,主要采用情境教学法、启发引导法、案例教学法等多种教学方法。以经典英语童话剧为载体,通过小组合作学习完成七个学习任务,培养学生英语童话剧的创编和表演能力。 本课程考核采用实践性、形成性、分项考核相结合的评价方式,两个课程单元均有相应的考核标准,对学生进行阶段性考核;评价主体多元化,采用自评、互评、教师评价和企业兼职教师评价;课程考核标准参照小新星教育科技集团的表演评价标准。 2. 课时分配


Narrator: In a far away land, long ago, lived a king and his fair queen. Many years had they longed for a child and finally their wish was granted. A daughter was born, and they called her Aurora. Yes, they named her after the dawn for she filled their lives with sunshine. Then a great holiday was proclaimed throughout the kingdom, so that all of high or low estate might pay homage to the infant princess. And our story begins on that most joyful day. [a crowd is on its way to the castle] Choir: Joyfully now to our princess we come, bringing gifts and all good wishes too. We pledge our loyalty anew. Hail to the Princess Aurora! All of her subjects adore her! Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the Princess Aurora! Health to the princess, wealth to the princess, long live the Princess Aurora! Hail Aurora! Hail Aurora! Health to the princess, wealth to the princess, long live the Princess Aurora! Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the Princess Aurora! [inside the castle] Narrator: Thus on this great and joyous day did all the kingdom celebrate the long awaited royal birth. And good King Stefan and his Queen made welcome their live long friend. Announcer: Their royal highnesses, King Hubert and Prince Phillip. Narrator: Fondly had these monarchs dreamed one day their kingdoms to unite. Thus today would they announce that Phillip, Hubert's son and heir, to Stefan's child would be betrothed. And so to her his gift he brought, and looked, unknowing, on his future bride. Announcer: The most honored and exalted excellencies, the three good fairies. Mistress Flora, Mistress Fauna, and Mistress Merryweather. Fairies: [at the cradle] Oh, the little darling! [to the king] Your majesties, Flora: Each of us the child may bless with a single gift. No more, no less. [at the cradle] Little princess, my gift shall be the gift of beauty. Choir: One gift, beauty rare. Full of sunshine in her hair. Lips that shame the red, red rose. She'll walk with springtime wherever she goes. (The song now goes "Gold of sunshine in her hair".) Fauna: Tiny princess, my gift shall be the gift of song. Choir:One gift, the gift of song. Melody her whole life long. The nightingale's her troubadour. Bringing her sweet serenade to her door. Merryweather: Sweet princess, my gift shall be... [A blow of the wind, the door of the castle swings open. Lightening and thunder. Maleficent appears] Flora: Why, it's Maleficent! Merryweather: What does she want here? Fauna: Shhh! Maleficent:Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Stefan. Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and, how quaint, even the rebel. (I believe this line has been rewritten to read "even the rabble".) [Merryweather starts angrily starts to fly towards Maleficent but is held back by Flora] Maleficent: I really felt quite distressed of not receiving an invitation.


A long time ago and far away there lived a King and Queen .They were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born many year after they had got married. King: " What a lovely girl! Oh, my dear. What a gorgeous princess you have brought to us. How should we call her.” Queen:“Beauty? Dont you think it;s a beautiful name? God will bless our sweetie.” King: “We must have a grand christening for her.” Queen "We should invite all the fairies of the kingdom to bless her to have health and happiness forever." King: "How many faries are there now?" Queen: "Twelve or thirteen maybe, s end the invitations. We’ll soon find out." There were twelve fairies, and they were all sent invitations. A thirteenth fairy had not been heard of for so long that it was presumed that she was dead. No invitation was sent. The day of the christening was sunny and bright. The Princes was named Beauty, and the fairies began to give their gifts. "She shall be beautiful, "said the first. "She shall be wise,"said the second. "She shall be good,” said the third. "She shall be kind," said the fourth.


经典英语童话故事:睡美人 A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen .They were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born. " We must have a grand christening for her," said the King , who was delighted to have a daughter. "We must invite all the fairies of the kingdom to bless her," said the Queen. "How many are there now ?" asked the King. "Twelve or thirteen," said his wife. "Send the invitations . We'll soon find out ." There were twelve fairies, and they were all sent invitations. A thirteen fairy had not been heard of for so long that it was presumed that she was dead. No invitation was sent. The day of the christening was sunny and bright. The Princes was named Briar Rose, and the fairies began to give their gifts. "She shall be beautiful, "said the first. "She shall be wise ,"said the second. "She shall be good,"said the third. "She shall be kind ," said the fourth. The gifts continued in this way, wishing all that was good for Briar Rose. Eleven of the twelve fairies had given their gifts when the room suddenly went dark. After a great flash

睡美人 剧本

睡美人 旁白:在很久很久以前,有一个叫Super us的王国,里面住着国王一家人,还有若干仆人,但是,国王和王后没有孩子……王后祈祷状:神啊,请赐给我一孩子吧~PS:这个孩子一定要漂亮、诚实、善良、勇敢、助人为乐金子般的心。 旁白:神听到了王后的祈祷,于是,派了一只乌鸦叼了一个婴孩给王后。 [龙套王子上场。] 乌鸦上场:呱呱呱呱……(龙套过场,丢下一孩子) 王后惊喜的喊:国王,快来看看,这是上天赐给我们的礼物啊~ 国王上场:哦,我的上帝,真是个美丽的孩子,亲爱的,我们给他起个名字吧,就叫他看我们就叫他大灰狼吧,,,, 王后反对:不,我觉得叫小白兔更好听。 国王伸手:那好吧~老规矩! 王后和国王猜拳:石头、剪子、布! 王后雀跃的看着孩子:哦也~MY DEAR LITTLE BEAUTY,以后你的名字就叫小白兔了哦~国王国王宣布:为了庆祝我老来得子,我要宴请天下臣民,来啊,摆个三天三夜的流水席! 某财政长官哭喊着上:陛下,我们要工资![抱国王大腿~] 【国王完全无视,沉醉在海宝的美貌里==,财政部长重复,他一脸幸福看着他,发现他要工资,瞬间变脸:off his head!财政长官被士兵拖下。再瞬间变脸成幸福状】 国王沉思状:我一定要请一些仙女来祝福我的美丽的女儿……来人,请“十三点”仙女组合为公主洗礼! 仙女翩跹上场,绕场一圈,千年等一回音乐。 仙女1:我赐予小公主无与伦比的智慧,就像我一样!(旁白:2+2=?仙女1不假思索的回答:22!) 仙女2:我赐予小公主正直勇敢的心!【变身奥特曼】Stop!monster!!奔走下场 仙女3:我赐予小公主永远也不变形的身材!(大象的照片就此走过~) 仙女4:我要赐予小公主美妙的嗓音!(后台响起锯床腿的声音~) 旁白:正在最后一位仙女要赐予小公主祝福的时候,突然之间电闪雷鸣,世界发生了异变(语气异常的沉重~)是谁呢。?不明人物1登场:既然你诚心诚意的发问了. 不明人物2:我们就大发慈悲的告诉你``` 1:为了防止世界被破~~坏(抖几声~) 2:为了维护世界的和~~平(继续抖~) 1:贯彻爱与真实的邪恶 2:可爱又迷人的反派角色! 1指着自己:我是世界上最黑暗的反派人物黑暗之王 2同样指着自己:跟班儿…… 乌鸦跑龙套:大事不好了。。。。 旁白惊恐:大事不好了,万恶的魔女出现了! 魔女(一手指天一手指地,做唯我独尊状):这么大的一个宴会居然没有邀请我这个宇宙间第一玉树临风、英俊潇洒、风流倜傥的魔女?! 国王:那个,是因为您老老搬家,所以…… 魔女手一挥:既然大家都送了小公主礼物,那我也来送一样吧~ 小公主确实无忧无虑的生活着,但到了16岁生日那天(当当),她就会被一根香蕉给噎死,哇哈哈哈哈~~~噎死吧~~~ 旁白:停停停,不是应该被纺车给扎死吗? 魔女:都什么年代了,换点花样吧~ 旁白:但是…… 魔女(威胁):我说是噎死的就是噎死的,你再废话,我咬死你哦~


睡美人译文 注:本译文由翻译组翻译,JEWEL妈审核,粽子爹修订。请注意,这种翻译的原则,完全是出于教学的目的,与正常的翻译目的不同。本译文尽量要体现出来每个单词的英文原始含义。对于颠三倒四的长句子,一定要把每个单元的中文意思解释明白。一些句子成分,实在没法解释的先放过,能解释的都要解释出来。 翻译:11妈、冻妈、月亮妈 校对:11妈、冻妈、月亮妈 审核:JEWEL妈 最终审核:粽子爹 Narrator: I know you 我认识你 I walked with you once upon a dream 我散步曾经和你在梦境中 I know you 我认识你 The gleam(闪光)in your eyes is so familiar熟悉a gleam你的眼神是如此的熟悉Yet I know it’s true 我知道它是真实的 That visions愿景are seldom all they seem那梦境是他们很少见到的 But if I know you I know what you’ll 但是如果我认识你我知道你会怎么做 You’ll love me at once你会立刻爱上我 The way you did once upon a dream你所做的在梦里 In a far away land, long ago, 在一个遥远的地方,很久以前, (注:以后我们翻译的时候,有可能的话,尽量按照原文语序) lived a king and his fair queen. 住着一位国王和他美丽的皇后

Many years had they longed for a child 很多年来他们(一直)渴望(有)一个孩子(注:原文中没有的,可是为了体现语感又必须加上的词要用括号括起来) and finally their wish was granted(应允). 最后他们愿望被(上帝)允诺下来。(注要尽可能体现出原文单词的本来面目,以及被动式的结构) A daughter was born, and they called her Aurora.一个女儿出生了,他们称她为(黎明的女神)奥罗拉 Yes, they named her after the dawn 是的,他们命名她用的是“黎明” for she filled their lives with sunshine.因为她让他们的生活充满阳光 Then a great holiday was proclaimed throughout the kingdom,然后,一个伟大的节日在整个王国中被宣布了。(这句话,妈妈对孩子解释时,一定要说明was proclaimed 是被宣布的意思,throughout the kingdom“遍及王国”或“整个王国”) so that all of high or low estate 所有高、低阶层的人们(体现出原文单词的本来面目) might (可以)pay homage to(致敬) the infant princess.婴儿公主And our story begins on that most joyful day. 我们的故事就从最快乐的那天开始 Choir: On that joyful day 在最快乐的那天On that joyful day 在最快乐的那天 Joyfully now to our princess we come,(倒装句,we come to our princess Joyfully 我们高兴地去(看望)公主) Bringing gifts and all good wishes too.也带来礼物和全部美好愿望 (妈妈一定要把后面的TOO单独解释一下,并趁机解释一下英文语序的习惯跟我们不一样)We pledge our loyalty anew.我们再次宣示我们的忠诚 Hail to the princess Aurora!向奥罗拉公主致意!


睡美人剧本 (背景音乐《秘密花园》)(话外音:在很久很久以前,有一个美丽的王国,但国王和王后一直没有孩子,他们为此非常伤心苦恼。后来有一天,王后终于生下了一个可爱的女儿。国王高兴得爱不释手,决定举行一个大型宴会。他不仅邀请了他的亲戚、朋友和外宾,而且邀来了几乎所有的女巫师,让她们为他的女儿送来善良美好的祝愿。(12位女巫师上台崔湘宜、苏笑妍、吕晓辰、赵秋叶、赵心玥、冯艾琳、李美卉、胡堃驰、赵潇潇、宗欣桐、杨宁、陈致文)他的王国里一共有十三个女巫师,而他只有十二个金盘子来招待她们进餐,所以只好留下一个没有邀请。) (音乐《亲爱的》,演唱:姜辛)十二个女巫舞蹈,(音乐《生日快乐》)国王(范泓骏)、王后(张萱)以及侍从(盖美竹、沈梓盈)上台,王后与前十一位女巫师互动(话外音:十二个女巫师分别送上了世上最好的礼物,希望公主聪明,美丽,温柔~~~),第十三个女巫师(刘鸿露)上台((音乐《琴房》))(话外音:就在大家为公主送来祝福之际,没被邀请的女巫师来了,(第十三个女巫(刘鸿露):国王的女儿在十五岁时会被一个纺锤弄伤,最后死去)),(特效音)第十二个女巫师出面说(话外音:(第十二个女巫(胡堃驰):这个凶险的咒语的确会应验,但公主能够化险为夷。她不会死去,而只是昏睡过去,而且一睡就是一百年。))所有人下台。 (音乐《风的歌声》+《angel》)公主(白璐)上台表演(话外音:随着时间的流逝,女巫师们的所有祝福都在公主身上应验了,她聪明美丽,性格温柔,举止优雅,人见人爱。)(音乐《Flash back》)(话外音:这一天,国王与王后不在家,恰恰公主今年十五岁,他来到一个房间,看见一个老婆婆在纺纱,她很感兴趣,就上前打算拿起纺锤,但她刚一碰,就立刻倒在了地上,失去了知觉,以前的咒语真的应验了。)(特效音) (音乐《Eyes On Me》)(话外音:她没有死,只是倒在那里沉沉地睡去了。当国王与王后都回来的时候,所有的一切……包括他们二人,全都深深的睡去了。)(音乐起,歌曲:《Dance to the death》)(钢琴演奏:张程宣)两名舞蹈演员(杜海阳、苏笑妍、高阳)分别上台舞蹈并与沉睡的公主互动,音乐结束下场。 (话外音:公主就这样一直沉睡着,从那以后,有不少王子来探险,他们披荆斩棘想穿过树篱到王宫里去)(音乐《精舞门》)男演员(史健、郑柏东、肖宇、吕鹏)上台舞蹈,然后王子(根儿~~)上台,齐舞后,其他演员下(音乐《first love》)(话外音:最后只有一位王子来到公主的面前,他慢慢地走到她身前,看到沉睡的公主是那么的美丽,他深深地吻了公主一口,然后~~~~公主竟然醒来过来)王子走到公主面前,深深吻一口,公主醒来,二人表演,舞蹈(《first love》或《爱的华尔兹》),之后王子带公主下场。(换音乐:歌曲《together》)舞蹈演员(十人)上场(话外音:与此同时,城堡的一切都恢复了往日的模样,王子也和公主举行了盛大的结婚典礼,他们幸福欢乐地生活在一起,白头到老。)全体演员都冲上台。结束~~~~


The Sleeping Beauty Long,long ago,there lived a king and a queen,who owned wide forests,great gardens,and beautiful palaces. Still they were not altogether happy,for they had no children. But at last on a bright spring morning, a daughter was born to them. Then great was the joy in the whole kingdom, flags were waving , bells were ringing, and the king decided to hold a party and to invited all the good people to come. To the party they also invited six good fairies, for you must know there lived seven in all, but the one who was dark and evil was not invited. The day for the party came with blue skies and merry songs. Rich and wonderful gifts were brought, gift of silver and gold ,diamonds,silk and necklaces. But the gifts of the fairies were the best. The fairies dacned in. all the guests around the king?s daughter held their breath to see their beauty and loveliness. One fairy stepped forward and whispered, “My gift to you is this, you shall become the most beautiful woman in all the kingdom.” ”And ,”added the second fairy,”you shall become as kind and good as you will be beautiful.” The third fairy said,”I give you the gift of wisdom.” “And I,”said the fourth,”the gift of love ,You shall love and be loved .?The fifth fairy whispered”. Mine is the gift of song and laughter.” Then before any one knew what had happened,the dark and evil fairy pushed others aside and stood deside the king?s daughter. “Why was I not invited to the party?Ah ,I shall show no mercy to yoi .My tift is this ,all mysisters?wishes sha ll come true; but when you are sixteen ,you shall hurt your finger on a spindle and die .”The king and queen cried and the quests all wept. Then the sixth good fairy stepped forward. She smiled lovingly on all.”Don?t fear ,”she said .”I can change it .Our king?s daughter shall not die ,but sleep---sleep until in due time a king …s son shall come .And with his kiss she shall de awake .”This comforted the people of all ranks .”She shall not die ,”they repeated. The king then raised his hand ,and all were sile nt .”I command ,”he cried ,”that all spindles in my kingdom be burned !”Gladly the people obeyed and now they all thought the little girl would be safe from harm .Then began the happy life of the king …s daughter. Onher sixteenth birthday,the king …s daugh ter felt tired of her palace .She wandered alone into the dark woods ,And in a very lonely spot she saw a castle among the bushes. She climbed the winding stairs into the tower, and pushed the door open, then sshe saw an old blind woman turning a stick around between her hands and long white cotton thread,soft and smooth, running thrugh her fingers. The king …s daughter begged the old woman to allow her to have a try.As soon as she got hold of the spindle, she hurt her finger, All at once she fell asleep, and at that very moment all else slept. The lovely birds stopped singing, the green leaves dropped off the trees, and the fresh flowers dried. The king ,queen and all the chief officials slept where they sat or stood .ln the kitchen the cook was just going to box the ear of the kitchen boy when all fell asleep .Everything slept-----slept for a hundred years . At last a king?s son came riding thruogh the land.When he was told the tale,he lifted his golden sword andtushed bravely into the tower room.There he found her, the sleeping

电影 睡美人《Sleeping_Beauty》原版英文剧本

Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, a beautiful princess was born ... a princess destined by a terrible curse to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and become Sleeping Beauty. Masterful Disney animation and Tchaikovsky's celebrated musical score enrich the romatic, humorous and suspenseful story of the lovely Princess Aurora, the tree magical fairies Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, and the valiant Prince Phillip, who vows to save his beloved princess. Phillips bravery and devotion are challenged when he must confront the overwhelming forces of evil conjured up by the wicked and terrifying Maleficent. Embark on a spectacular adventure of unprecedented scale and excitement in this thrilling, timeless Disney Classic. distributed by Buena Vista film distribution co., inc. Walt Disney presents Sleeping Beauty Technirama(r) Technicolor(r) With the Talents of Mary Costa Bill Shirley Eleanor Audley Verna Felton Barbara Luddy Barbara Jo Allen Taylor Holmes Bill Thompson Production Supervisor . . . . . Ken Peterson Sound Supervisor . . . . . . Robert O. Cook Film Editors . . . . . . Roy M. Brewer, Jr. Donald Halliday Music Editor . . . . . . . . Evelyn Kennedy


粽子英语《睡美人》学习入门心得 -----大粽子英语超级第37群,株洲遥妈0001G · 1、学习前一要加群,二要读博客,从最早的文章《大家跟着我一起学英语开始读起》,需要至少读一周。这个过程一定要经历,一定要有耐心,不然你永远不知道如何开始,即使知道如何开始了,也会有问不完的问题,同时,操作上会出差错,一旦出岔了,就会影响学习效果,最后就会丧失信心,坚持不下去。---粽子爹 遥妈:开始之前,不管您孩子是6岁,还是12岁,也不管您是准备从《迪斯尼神奇英语》还是从《睡美人》开始,请一定一定要仔细读完粽子爹的博文。想清楚自己是否能像粽子爹那样持之以恒(我觉得粽子英语学习的关键是孩子家长要坚持陪读!),再去加群、买书、着手学习。 《和大家一起来带孩子跟我学原版英文电影》,《我和儿子学习英语原版电影的故事(可复制的成功经验)》这两篇文章转帖到了我的博客,欢迎阅读! 我是9月下旬偶尔在论坛上才发现粽子英语的,如获至宝啊,反复看了三、四天,才决定开始。我的英语基础不好,但我希望能通过陪孩子学好英语,更希望孩子的英语学习少

走弯路。最重要的是我认为粽子英语的可操作性和可持续性非常强,按照他的方法开始学习后,只要在第一部电影学习中掌握方法并尝到甜头,那以后可以选择各种自己或孩子喜爱的英文动画片、英文电影或美剧做教材,坚持每天的跟读,我们也可以像粽子及粽子爹一样牛了! https://www.doczj.com/doc/569994697.html,/s/articlelist_1348540560_0_1.ht ml 粽子爹新浪博客 2、学习过程中有什么疑问,最好到粽子英语论坛去提问,可以得到及时完整的答复。论坛分三个版块,迪斯尼版块,睡美人版块,进阶电影版块。另外,大家可以在论坛里看看别人写的学习心得,会有很大启发和参考价值的。---粽子爹 遥妈:可以把适合自己的经验心得摘抄下来,我在论坛收集了很多家长的发言,借鉴已经完成第一阶段学习的父母们的经验。如①把《睡美人》的MP3做早上的morning call; ②一边在电脑上跟读,一边用MP4录音,便于检验跟读质量; ③需要毅力,孩子可能找各种借口借机摞挑子。这时,家长的态度、引导非常重要。只要家长明确表态,一定要坚持下来,孩子就会少些犹豫或懒散……每个家长的经验总结都是我探索学习的宝藏!

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