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s o ft

furry (毛茸茸的)h ar d r ou gh How does this feel?1. 2. 3. 4. 5.sm oo th s o ft furry (毛茸茸的)h ar d r ou gh How does this feel?1. 2.

3. 4. 5.sm oo th


香港朗文英语教材Longman Welcome to English Teaching Plans for Chapter 6 Look at Me Part E 执教者华南师大附小肖靓 课型:任务课 教学内容分析: 本节课是Chapter 6的E部分内容,学生在A、B、C、D部分学了身体部位单词、描述人形体的形容词和有关于介绍自己身体特征的句型,如:I am …. I have …. He/She is …. He/She has …. 等,另外,学生还学了如何介绍他人及can, can’t 的用法,如:This/That is …. He/She can/can’t …. 本节课最重要 的是让学生学习如何连贯地用所学英语去介绍和描述自己的同学、朋友或家人,在这过程中能够运用英语句型: This is …. He/She is …. He/She has …. He/She can …. 进行表达。 教学对象分析: 学生从一年级就开始学习英语,每周6节英语课,能够书写英语字母、单词及简单的句子,能够认读较多的英语句子,有一定的口语基础,英语基础知识较为扎实。通过三个月在校的英语学习,他们对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,并已初步形成了良好的英语学习习惯,学生很喜欢上英语课,大部分孩子敢说英语、能说英语。孩子对单词的认读和课文的演读没有多大的问题,但由于英语知识的不断加深,特别是出现让孩子连贯表达一些英语句子时,学生表现起来会有点吃力。因此,在教学过程中,我通过给予学生大量的信息输入,将学习重点和难点较好地化解于活动教学、游戏教学和情景教学中,让学生自发地多开口说练英语。本课主要任务在于创造更多的机会让学生学习新知识和运用语言。 教学策略: 1、通过运用歌曲、游戏、情景、媒体和活动等教学方式让学生主动获取信 息。 2、结合课堂活动和游戏,促进老师与学生、学生与学生之间的交流。 3、让学生在“任务”活动中学习英语并用英语进行交流。 Objectives: Language Skill:Be able to understand and to use the sentence structures: “Who is …? ““That is ….”“He/She is ….”“He/She has ….”“He/She can ….” Language Knowledge:To know and to use the adjectives and the names of body parts and the sentence structures: “Who is …? ““That is ….” “He/She is ….”“He/She has ….”“He/She can ….” Affect and Attitude:Like to speak English and to communicate with others. Get to know their friends more by describing their appearance and ability. Learning Strategies: 1. Train the pupils to think, observe, imagine and cooperate


Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.1a 1 go to church 2 go to Brownies 3 go to Cub Scouts 4 have craft / art lessons 5 study with my tutor 6 visit my grandma / grandmother 7 have computer lessons Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.2a 1 Tuesday Visit Grandma in the afternoon 2 Thursday Have a computer lesson in the evening 3 Sunday Go to church in the morning 4 Saturday Go to Brownies in the morning 5 Wednesday Go horse riding in the afternoon 6 Friday Have a craft lesson in the evening 7 Monday Study with Miss Chow in the evening Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.2b 1 Tuesday Visit Grandma in the afternoon 2 Thursday Have a computer lesson in the evening 3 Sunday Go to church in the morning 4 Saturday Go to Brownies in the morning 5 Wednesday Go horse riding in the afternoon 6 Friday Have a craft lesson in the evening 7 Monday Study with Miss Chow in the evening Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.3a 1 What do you do on Mondays? I have craft lessons in the morning. 2 What does Sam do on Tuesdays? He goes to Cub Scouts in the afternoon. 3 What does your grandma do on Wednesdays? She has computer lessons in the evening. 4 What does your sister do on Thursdays? She goes to Brownies in the afternoon. 5 What do you do on Sundays? I go to church in the morning. Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.3b 1 What do you do on Mondays? I have craft lessons in the morning. 2 What does Sam do on Tuesdays? He goes to Cub Scouts in the afternoon. 3 What does your grandma do on Wednesdays? She has computer lessons in the evening. 4 What does your sister do on Thursdays? She goes to Brownies in the afternoon. 5 What do you do on Sundays? I go to church in the morning. Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.1b 1 go to church 2 go to Brownies 3 go to Cub Scouts 4 have craft / art lessons 5 study with my tutor 6 visit my grandma / grandmother 7 have computer lessons (Accept any reasonable answers.)

香港朗文版小学英语教材各册目录 (1)

香港朗文版小学英语教材各册目录(武汉深圳广州等外国语学校专用教材) 香港朗文版小学英语1A Chapter 1 Starting school Chapter 2 Nice to meet you! Chapter 3 My toys Chapter 4 My pencil case Chapter 5 We can do it! Chapter 6 Look at me! 香港朗文版小学英语1B Chapter 1 Choosing a pet Chapter 2 Our pet friends Chapter 3 Wild animals Chapter 4 More about animals Chapter 5 Happy moments Chapter 6 A fashion show

香港朗文版小学英语2A Chapter 1 Coming to school Chapter 2 About me Chapter 3 People who help me Chapter 4 People at work Chapter 5 Signs we see Chapter 6 Places in the park 香港朗文版小学英语2B Chapter 1 Buying snacks Chapter 2 Our favourite food Chapter 3 My day Chapter 4 Helping at home Chapter 5 Sports we like Chapter 6 Activities we like 香港朗文版小学英语3A Chapter 1 Weather and seasons


教材单元学习内容语法知识 第一单元各种打招呼的方式 询问姓名和年龄 辅音字母c / k、g的发音句子开头和句中人名字母的大写特 殊疑问词的用法 第二单元学校里不同职务的人的称呼 向他人介绍自己的朋友或老师 辅音字母m、n的发音 人称代词的用法is / am / are 的用法 第三单元学习用品的名称 描述自己和他人文具用品的数量 辅音字母b、p的发音名词的单复数形式have / has的用法 第四单元校内设施的名称 听懂并正确回应老师的不同指令 辅音字母d、t的发音 指令性语言 动词和介词的搭配 第五单元身体部位 介绍他人并对他人特征进行描述 元音字母i的短音发音 形容词 形容词性物主代词的用法 第六单元动物名称 表达自己的喜好 元音字母a的短音发音指示代词this / that以及复数形式these / those的用法 第七单元水果名称 11-20的数字 辅音字母f、v的发音不定冠词a / an的用法There be 句型的用法 香港朗文小学英语1B教材教学内容 教材单元学习内容语法知识 第一单元常见玩具名称 对物品的颜色进行描述 元音字母e的短音发音 连词and的用法 It is与They are的用法复习is / are & have / has 第二单元各类衣服的名称 询问和表达某物是某人的 字母s以及字母组合sh的发音 名词所有格 Is this 与Are these的用法一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答 第三单元公园里的动植物和各类设施的名称 观察并表达物体的位置 元音字母u的短音发音定冠词the与不定冠词a / an的用法方位介词in,on,under,near的区别特殊疑问词where的用法 第四单元常见动物园里的动物名称 询问并回答关于动物的数量 辅音字母z的发音特殊疑问词How many的用法代词Some,all的用法 第五单元常见动作及其现在分词形式 询问并回答某人正在做什么 辅音字母l、r的发音现在进行时态复习人称代词 第六单元更多常见动作及其现在分词形式 表达不同人正在做不同的事情 辅音字母w和字母组合wh的发音巩固复习现在进行时态 复习介词 第七单元感觉、感受类及食品饮料类词汇 询问他人的感受,并提出建议 元音字母o的短音发音 一般疑问句Let's句型的用法


黄冈小学一年级朗文1B教材Chapter 3测试卷 Listening part听力部分(70%) I. Listen and circle the picture.10%(听音,圈图。) 12 34 5 II、Listen and match. 10%(听音,连线) 1. fifteen 2. twenty 3. twelve 4. eleven 5. thirteen III、listen and write down the numbers. 10%(听音,写数字)。 1.() 2 () 3.() 4. ( ) 5.( ) IV、listen and put a tick “√”or cross“×”10%(听音,判断对错)。

1.( ) 2 ( ) 3.( ) 4. ( ) 5.( ) V 、Listen and circle the correct word.10%(听音,选择你听到的单词) 1. A: hippo B: hamster C: tiger 2. A: elephant B: monkey C: bird 3. A: panda B:sofa C: shelf 4. A:lion B: kangaroo C: snake 5. A: zebra B: turtle C: rabbit VI .Listen and number the pictures.听音,排序。10% 13 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VII 、 Listen and write the missing letter. 听音,写出单词中所缺的字母。10% 16 19 1 . __ixteen 2.__ion 3__ineteen 4 __ebra 5 .__nake Writing 笔试部分30%


Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.1a 1 I s w e e p the floor. 2 I f e e d the dog. 3 I f o l d the clothes. 4 I w a t e r the plants. 5 I m a k e the bed. 6 I s e t the table. 7 I w a l k the dog. 8 I c l e a r the table. Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.2a 1 A: Does he hang up the washing? B: No, he doesn’t. 2 A: Do you sweep the floor? B: Yes, I do. 3 A: Does she walk the dog? B: Yes, she does. 4 A: Does he make the bed? B: No, he doesn’t. 5 A: Do you water the plants? B: No, I don’t.Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.2b 1 A: Does he hang up the washing? B: No, he doesn’t. 2 A: Do you sweep the floor? B: Yes, I do. 3 A: Does she walk the dog? B: Yes, she does. 4 A: Does he make the bed? B: No, he doesn’t. 5 A: Do you water the plants? B: No, I don’t. Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.3a 1 He sets the table every day. 2 She makes the bed every day. 3 I water the plants every day. 4 David sweeps the floor every day. 5 Betty waters the plants every day. 6 I set the table every day. Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.3b 1 He s ets the table every day. 2 She m akes the bed every day. 3 I w ater the plants every day. 4 David s weeps the floor every day. 5 Betty w aters the plants every day. 6 I s et the table every day. Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.1b 1 I s weep the floor. 2 I f eed the dog. 3 I f old the clothes. 4 I w ater the plants. 5 I m ake the bed. 6 I s et the table. 7 I w alk the dog. 8 I c lear the table.


香港朗文英语教材Revised on November 25, 2020

香港朗文英语教材Longman Welcome to English 2A Teaching Plans forChapter 5《Signs we see》Part A 课型:新授课 教学内容分析: 本节课是《Longman Welcome to English 2A》Chapter 5 Part A的内容,第二课时。学生在第一节课时已经初步掌握6个短语:climb the trees, walk on the grass, pick the flowers, feed the ducks, throw litter , make a noise .本节课学生主要掌握用Don’t….的句型去表达生活中常见的禁止做的事情。从在公园中常见的标语拓展到校园生活中禁止做的事情。学生在上学期已经掌握十多个动作单词,如; walk , run ,write , draw , skip , swim , climb , sing ,fight,…等,教师利用学生学过的动词引导学生去总结在学校生活中必须 禁止的事。新旧知识相结合,激发学生说英语的兴趣,增强学生实际运用语言的能力。 教学对象分析: 学生为二年级的学生,该班的学生从一年级开始使用香港朗文英语教材, 一年级时每周有7节英语课,其中一节是外教课。本学期调整为每周有6节英语课,其中一节是外教课。学生在一年级第一学期已经掌握了26个字母的认 读及书写。学生已经积累了一定量的英语单词及句子,并且能熟练拼写单词。学生在朗读课文及课文演读没有多大的问题,也能进行基本对话。本节课在任务型教学中以轻松,活泼的气氛中帮助,鼓励学生说英语、学英语。 教学策略: 1、通过运用情景、媒体和活动等教学方式让学生主动获取信息。 2、结合课堂活动和游戏,加强学生对新、旧知识的记忆,达到新旧知识相 运用的目的。 3、让学生在“任务”活动中学习英语并用英语进行交流。


香港朗文版小学英语教 材各册目录 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

香港朗文版小学英语教材各册目录 (武汉深圳广州等外国语学校专用教材)香港朗文版小学英语1A Chapter 1 Starting school Chapter 2 Nice to meet you! Chapter 3 My toys Chapter 4 My pencil case Chapter 5 We can do it! Chapter 6 Look at me! 香港朗文版小学英语1B Chapter 1 Choosing a pet Chapter 2 Our pet friends Chapter 3 Wild animals Chapter 4 More about animals Chapter 5 Happy moments

Chapter 6 A fashion show 香港朗文版小学英语2A Chapter 1 Coming to school Chapter 2 About me Chapter 3 People who help me Chapter 4 People at work Chapter 5 Signs we see Chapter 6 Places in the park 香港朗文版小学英语2B Chapter 1 Buying snacks Chapter 2 Our favourite food Chapter 3 My day Chapter 4 Helping at home Chapter 5 Sports we like Chapter 6 Activities we like 香港朗文版小学英语3A


Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.1a 1 b r u s h m y t e e t h 2 h a v e a s h o w e r 3 d o m y h o m e w o r k 4 g e t u p 5 h a v e a b a t h 6 h a v e b r e a k f a s t 7 g o t o s c h o o l 8 w a s h m y f a c e Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.2a 1 I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. 2 Tracy has a shower at four fifteen in the afternoon. 3 Sandra brushes her teeth at nine twenty at night. 4 Sam goes to school at six forty-five in the morning. 5 Irene does her homework at three thirty-five in the afternoon. 6 Terry goes to bed at nine thirty / half past nine at night. (Accept any reasonable answers.) Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.2b 1 I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. 2 Tracy has a shower at four fifteen in the afternoon. 3 Sandra brushes her teeth at nine twenty at night. 4 Sam goes to school at six forty-five in the morning. 5 Irene does her homework at three thirty-five in the afternoon. 6 Terry goes to bed a t nine thirty / half past nine at night. (Accept any reasonable answers.) Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.3a 1 A: What time do you go to bed? B: I go to bed at ten o’clock at night. 2 A: What time does he go to school? B: He goes to school at seven thirty / half past seven in the morning. 3 A: What time do they have breakfast? B: They have breakfast at six o’clock in the morning. 4 A: What time does she have a shower? B: She has a shower at nine forty-five at night / in the evening. (Accept any reasonable answers.) Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.3b 1 A: What time do you go to bed? B: I go to bed at ten o’clock at night. 2 A: What time does he go to school? B: He goes to school at seven thirty / half past seven in the morning. 3 A: What time do they have breakfast? B: They have breakfast at six o’clock in the morning. 4 A: What time does she have a shower? B: She has a shower at nine forty-five at night / in the evening. (Accept any reasonable answers.) Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.1b 1 brush my teeth 2 have a shower 3 do my homework 4 get up 5 have a bath 6 have breakfast 7 go to school 8 wash my face (Accept any reasonable answers.)


Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.1a 1 May is hard-working. 2 John is untidy. 3 Alice is helpful. 4 David is rude. 5 Cathy is honest. 6 Mr Tang is funny. 7 Derek is tidy. 8 Lisa is polite. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.2a 1 She studies every day. 2 He reads books every day. 3 She washes the dishes every day. 4 She tidies her bedroom every day. 5 He watches TV every day. 6 She plays games every day. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.2b 1 She studies every day. 2 He reads books every day. 3 She washes the dishes every day. 4 She tidies her bedroom every day. 5 He watches TV every day. 6 She plays games every day. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.3a 1 Derek studies every Monday. 2 Betty washes the dishes every F riday. 3 Ben does not watch TV. 4 Kay goes ice-skating every Sunday. 5 Sue does not tidy her bedroom. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.3b 1 Derek studies every Monday. 2 Betty washes the dishes every F riday. 3 Ben does not watch TV. 4 Kay goes ice-skating every Sunday. 5 Sue does not tidy her bedroom. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.1b 1 May is hard-working. 2 John is u ntidy. 3 Alice is helpful. 4 David is rude. 5 Cathy is honest. 6 Mr Tang is funny. 7 Derek is tidy. 8 Lisa is polite. (Accept any reasonable answers.)

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