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Mr. Bennet — An English gentleman with an estate in Hertfordshire. He is married with five daughters, a circumstance injurious to his family. The terms of Mr. Bennet's inheritance require a male heir. Because he has no son, upon his death, his property must go to his closest male relative, Mr. Collins, a clergyman who provides him with much amusement. Mr. Bennet, a gentle if eccentric man, is very close to his two eldest daughters, Jane and particularly Elizabeth. However, he has a poor opinion of the intelligence and sensibility of his wife and three youngest daughters, frequently declaring them "silly" and visiting them with insulting remarks as well as gentle teasing.

Mrs. Bennet —The querulous wife of Mr. Bennet. Her main concern in life is seeing her daughters married well. She angles for her new neighbour, Mr. Bingley, as a match for one of them. She also hopes for a match between one of her girls and Mr. Collins himself.

Jane Bennet — The eldest of the Bennets' five daughters and the one considered the most beautiful. She has a reserved personality and tends to hide her feelings. She is incapable of suspecting the worst of people, preferring to see only the good.

Elizabeth Bennet — The 20-year-old second sister, and the protagonist of the story. She is her father's favorite and inherits his intelligence and wit. She is generally regarded as one of the most enduring and popular female protagonists in English literature.

Mary Bennet —The third sister, bookish and shy. Mortified by unfavorable comparisons between her appearance and that of her beautiful sisters, she disdains their frivolous interests and seeks to impress others instead with her scholarly yet ill-timed aphorisms and limited musical abilities.

Catherine "Kitty" Bennet — The fourth sister, 17 years old, generally follows the lead of her younger sister, Lydia.



tries to analyze "arrogant and prejudice" leading character's disposition

abstract: regarding english female wr iter austin,her life has created six works,each very was all successful,always has had the dispute since regarding hers representative works,"loves masurium","with prejudice,author said arrogant" exceeds the former in rational and appeal aspect the latter,the process time examination,the latter reader have always been many the former。"with prejudice" has arrogant reflected three kind of marital views,just like a person's manner may reflect his disposition,in the treatment marriage may reflect similarly a person's disposition,in which most appealing is elizabeth and the darcy vicissitudes of life,from does not have the favorable impression to arrive the loathing,from had the favorable impression to arrive disappointedly,until finally concluded hopes good。“reads soul-stirringly,darcy bearing patiently,magnanimous,tolerant,to love constant。for human by mature,steady feeling。elizabeth's lively,humorous,charming。looks like spring breeze to give the human by fresh,the relaxed feeling。”therefo re,the writer together widely is also praised with darcy elizabeth。 key words:arrogant prejudice disposition elizabeth darcy

奥斯汀的小说出现是英国晚餐壁炉前的家庭阅读与以离奇恐怖情节的哥特式小说之后。正如作者自己说:“ 的小说所涉及的范围,只是一个村镇上的三四家人。”“范围也不外乎居室壁炉前和会亲访友”。[2]正当人们为家庭阅读和哥特式小说感到乏味千篇一律的时候,奥斯汀带来的却是日常生活的田园牧歌式的世外桃源,文字有清新幽默,给读者耳目一新。





如果此时们不看下文,单从此处设想一下伊丽莎白,她聪明,伶俐,在识人一方面必定不凡,不以自己的喜怒哀乐影响对人物的评价,但是后来的事实正好相反。试看她与达西的第一次见面,就因为她听到“她还算可以,但是没有标致到让动心。现在没有那种兴致。向那些遭到别的男士白眼的年轻小姐投去青睐。”这一句话,她对达西有了成见,她对妈妈说:“ 可以毫不








与对待达西形成鲜明对比的是对待魏肯,伊丽莎白之对魏肯的爱不同于娜塔莎对阿辽沙的爱“ 不是把他(阿辽沙)当作一个般配的人那样爱他,不是通常女人爱男人那样爱他,爱他就像是一个母亲爱孩子。”[7]她对魏肯的感情也不同于维特之对绿蒂,维特的爱带有少年的热情与冲动“绿蒂对你的回忆是多么的圣洁,多么的温馨,仁慈的上帝呀,最初的幸福时刻又得以重现了。”“她

看不到也感觉不到,她正在酝酿一种能毁掉和她的毒药,而也满怀喜悦地接过她欲置死地的酒杯一饮而尽。”[8]而是更多的像郝思嘉对艾思礼的感情“她如今能清楚的看到,他只不过是她自己的一个幼稚的幻想。假设她在那遥远的日子里最初就和他结婚而满足了自己的虚荣心,他也早就没有什么价值了。”[9]同样的伊丽莎白也是这样,她爱上了自己替魏肯编织的花环。 魏肯她只想到他的种种优点,缺点被她故意掩盖了,她在姨妈家发现魏肯非常明显地流露出向女人献殷勤的味道,她却欣然地接受了。魏肯说不怕见达西,说只要达西不先离


Jane Bennet—A Beautiful, Kindhearted and Restrained Woman

Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by British woman novelist--Jane Austen, which tells about love stories of the Bennets. In the novel, Austen brings readers many vivid images through her excellent skills of description. The character who impressed me most is Jane Bennet, which is a beautiful, kindhearted and restrained woman.

It is no doubt that Jane is beautiful. Mrs. Bennet thinks Jane is the most beautiful one among her daughters. Mr. Bingley considers her as “the most beautiful creature I ever beheld “and “could not conceive an angel more beautiful”. Even the most fastidious person, Mr. Darcy, has to admit “she is the most handsome girl in the room”. Austen shows readers Jane’s beauty through other’s words, which is much persuasive.

In the novel, readers can find out that Jane is kindhearted. “All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes. I never heard you speak ill of a human being in my life. “Elizabeth, who is the most smart and perspicacious person in the novel, tells reader Jane’s disposition in an indirect way. When Elizabeth guesses that Mr. Bingley goes to London because of Miss Bingley’s instigation, and considers Miss Bingley as an insincerity person who is not worth to making friends, Jane believes that Miss Bingley “is incapable of willfully deceiving any one”. That is not because Jane has adolescent mind. Jane is such a kindhearted person and she will never have sick opinion about others. Even if she thinks she will never had close relationship with Miss. Bingley after she knows the true reason of Mr. Bingley’s leaving, she still shows her hope of getting along well with Miss Bingley. Jane is also a restrained person. Darcy thinks Jane do not fall in love with Bingley. Therefore, he persuades Bindley to leave her. It is Jane’s attitude makes Darcy mistake her feeling of love to Bingley. That is why Mr. Bingley can accept Mr. Darcy and Miss Bingley’s ad vice of going to London, and also the reason she makes herself heartbroken. Jane does not show her love easily because she is restrained. As an unmarried woman, her reserve really shows she is educated; but in front of her love, it almost makes her miss her true love. It is surely her shortcoming.

In conclusion, Jane Bennet is a beautiful, kindhearted and restrained woman. Even she is not as smart as Elizabeth, she is still a welcome character in the novel. Readers can see the merits and the shortcomings, which they may have. Jane Bennet is the one of the most vivid images in Pride and Prejudice.



Mr. Bennet — An English gentleman with an estate in Hertfordshire. He is married with five daughters, a circumstance injurious to his family. The terms of Mr. Bennet's

inheritance require a male heir. Because he has no son, upon his death, his property must go to his closest male relative, Mr. Collins, a clergyman who provides him with much amusement. Mr. Bennet, a gentle if eccentric man, is very close to his two eldest daughters, Jane and particularly Elizabeth. However, he has a poor opinion of the intelligence and sensibility of his wife and three youngest daughters, frequently declaring them "silly" and visiting them with insulting remarks as well as gentle teasing.

Mrs. Bennet — The querulous wife of Mr. Bennet. Her main concern in life is seeing her daughters married well. She angles for her new neighbour, Mr. Bingley, as a match for one of them. She also hopes for a match between one of her girls and Mr. Collins himself.

Jane Bennet — The eldest of the Bennets' five daughters and the one considered the most beautiful. She has a reserved personality and tends to hide her feelings. She is incapable of suspecting the worst of people, preferring to see only the good.

Elizabeth Bennet — The 20-year-old second sister, and the protagonist of the story. She is her father's favorite and inherits his intelligence and wit. She is generally regarded as one of the most enduring and popular female protagonists in English literature.

Mary Bennet — The third sister, bookish and shy. Mortified by unfavorable comparisons between her appearance and that of her beautiful sisters, she disdains their frivolous interests and seeks to impress others instead with her scholarly yet ill-timed aphorisms and limited musical abilities.

Catherine "Kitty" Bennet — The fourth sister, 17 years old, generally follows the lead of her younger sister, Lydia.

Lydia Bennet — The youngest sister at 15 years of age. She is extremely flirtatious, naive, headstrong and reckless.

William Collins — A clergyman and cousin of Mr. Bennet. Mr. Collins, as the closest male relative, stands to inherit the Bennet estate. When not pompously full of himself, Collins is a narrow-minded sycophant, excessively devoted to his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. He is always keen to show his admiration and gratitude.

Charlotte Lucas — Elizabeth's close friend and daughter of a neighbouring landowner. She is willing to put up with Mr. Collins' flaws in return for a home and security.

Fitzwilliam Darcy — Mr. Bingley's close friend, an intelligent, wealthy and reserved man, who often appears haughty or proud to strangers. He is wary of his friend Bingley's romantic entanglements with unsuitable women.

Georgiana Darcy — Much younger sister of Mr. Darcy. The age difference is so great that he is more of a father figure than a brother. Since their parents' death, she has been under the joint guardianship of Darcy and their cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam. She became infatuated with George Wickham and was persuaded by him to elope. Fortunately, she felt it was her duty to inform her brother and he quickly put a stop to this ill-advised plan.

Charles Bingley — An outgoing, wealthy young man who leases property near the Bennets' estate.

Louisa Hurst and Caroline Bingley — Mr. Bingley's sisters, who look down upon the Bennets and their society.

George Wickham — A dashing, handsome young soldier who attracts the attention of Elizabeth Bennet. His father was the manager of the Darcy estate, so he grew up with Mr. Darcy and his sister. Though a favorite of Darcy's now-deceased father, there is bitter enmity between him and Darcy, due to his attempt to elope with Georgiana Darcy for her substantial inheritance.

Lady Catherine de Bourgh — Aunt of Mr. Darcy and patroness of Mr. Collins. A proud and domineering woman, she had planned for the marriage of Mr. Darcy and her daughter since they were infants.

Anne de Bourgh — Daughter of Lady Catherine and presumed betrothed of her cousin Mr. Darcy, suffers from some infirmity. A gently humorous running joke has the proud mother describing extraordinary talents her daughter would have possessed had she applied herself.

Colonel Fitzwilliam — Another nephew of Lady Catherine and friend and cousin of Mr. Darcy. He is attracted to Elizabeth Bennet, but is not wealthy enough to consider her seriously as a spouse.

Mrs. Philips — Sister of Mrs. Bennet

Edward Gardiner — Sensible brother of Mrs. Bennet and Mrs. Philips.

Mrs. Gardiner — Wife of Mr. Gardiner. She is the favorite aunt of Jane and Elizabeth Bennet.


The Character of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice

"Pride and Prejudice" the novel by Jane Austin has a main theme of romance, but many other sub themes are present. I intend to demonstrate that Elizabeth Bennet is an interesting character in the book.

The man plot of the story revolves around Elizabeth (or Eliza) Bennet, who belongs to a family of five sisters, and her relationship with eligible bachelor Mr Darcy. However, "Pride and Prejudice" is a very complex novel, with many different subplots going on. One of these is the relationship between Eliza's older sister Jane, and Bingley, Darcy's friend. There are many misunderstandings within their courtship which have an important role in the plot. Elizabeth's father and mother play a part, as do her relations, friends and acquaintances.

In the story, Eliza hates Darcy at first, thinking him proud, but overcomes her prejudice and comes round to loving him in the end, and the two marry, as do Jane and Bingley. Another marriage is between Lydia, Elizabeth's younger sister, and Wickham, a man who Eliza was initially interested in. However, his true character comes to light, and his marriage proves to be far from uneventful.

One reason why Elizabeth proves to be a very interesting character is her close friendship with her older sister Jane. The pair know each other very well, and they both feel a need to confide in one another due to the less that charming personality traits of the rest of their family. They are the only sensible ones if the household. Due to their constant contact, that are able to tell each other's moods with great ease, Eliza especially. When Jane returns from seeing Bingley "Elizabeth instantly read her feelings", so we know that they spend a lot of time in each other's company.

Elizabeth obviously cares deeply about Jane, because when the later becomes ill while at Netherfield, Darcy's home, Eliza takes it upon herself to walk three miles through the mud to visit her. This greatly surprises the Netherfield party, but Eliza appears unconcerned. She mostly stays by Jane's bedside during the visit, preferring her company to the superciliousness of Miss Bingley and Hurst. Jane becomes very fond of Mr Bingley, and she is quite upset when she hears of his departure. It is only Elizabeth that she confides in, and that tries to cheer her up. Her spirits raise for a short time, but when the letter arrives informing her that the Netherfield party intend to stay in London for the winter, she becomes downhearted once more. She attempt to conceal her emotions from Elizabeth, but to no avail

"Elizabeth looked at her sister with incredulous solicitude, but said nothing.

"You doubt me," cried Jane, slightly colouring"

Whilst visiting Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Elizabeth learns that Darcy discouraged Bingley from continuing his relationship with Jane, and this sets Elizabeth in a flurry of emotions. She feels a mixture of hatred for Darcy and anxiety and pity for her sister, "The agitation and tears which the subject occasioned...". When later, Darcy confesses his love for her, she holds no bars in expressing her opinion of his interference, "do you think consideration would tempt me to accept the man who has been the means of ruining, perhaps forever, the happiness of a beloved sister?" When Darcy explains his actions, Elizabeth can't bring herself to tell Jane about it, and so feels "anxiety on Jane's behalf". She "dared not relate" the information.

When she hears news of the family crisis (Lydia's elopement with Wickham) while visiting Pemberly, Darcy's residence, Elizabeth is desperate to return home, and the two have a tearful reunion.,

"she affectionately embraced her, whilst tears filled the eyes of both...". The conversations between the them greatly help to ease each other's fears over the elopement, and, as always, they are there for each other. When Bingley returns, Elizabeth is ecstatic for Jane, and when their engagement is announced "Elizabeth's congratulations were given with a sincerity, a warmth, a delight, which words could poorly express".

When Elizabeth herself becomes engaged to Darcy, Jane is the first person she tells. "My sole dependence was on you; I am sure nobody else will believe me if you do not". Jane is, of course, happy for Elizabeth, yet wonders on her change of opinion on Darcy. Here follows a touching a humorous scene in which Eliza and Darcy's relationship is discussed openly. Elizabeth and Jane share a very close friendship, and the way that Elizabeth gently teases Jane, and her huge affection for her sister make Elizabeth seem fascinating and adds great value to the character.

Other than Elizabeth, Darcy is probably the most crucial character, and their changing relationship is another interesting aspect of the novel. When the pair first meet, they do not get on well. Elizabeth takes a particular disliking to him after his haughty dismissal of her when they both attended a ball at Netherfield. "She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me". He is considered in low regard by all who attended, "Everybody is disgusted by his pride". From this point on, she finds several more reasons to dislike him, including her belief that he treated Wickham badly, and that he successfully discouraged his friend Bingley from continuing his relationship with Jane. Darcy shocks her by proposing, and despite her flat refusal, "she could not be insensible to the compliment of such a man's affection". When Darcy offers an explanation and an apology for all his actions via a letter, it is initially rejected. However she later begins to feel guilty over her harsh treatment of him, and regrets her rashness. "She grew absolutely ashamed of herself. "How despicably i have acted! How humiliating is this discovery! Till this moment i never knew myself"".

She now feels nervous about seeing Darcy again, and only agrees to visit his estate when it is confirmed that he will not be there. While touring the house she is surprised to hear that the housekeeper believes Darcy to be a fine master, and has "never had a cross work from him in my life, and I have known him ever since he was four years old". Much to Elizabeth's horror, she encounters Darcy whilst walking in the grounds, and discovers he arrived home early. When he requests that she might meet his sister she is "flattered and pleased", and greatly surprised by his sudden kindness. "Never in her life had she seen his manners so dignified...". Darcy lovingly defends her from abuse from Miss Bingley, who hasn't given up hope of winning Darcy's affection, showing that he isn't ashamed of his feelings for her, and no longer makes an attempt to hide them. Soon after, Darcy turns up at Loungbourne, where the Bennet family live. After a lot of awkwardness, he proposes again, and this time she accepts. They talk over their past relationship, clearing many misunderstandings. Darcy also tells Elizabeth that he has appologised to Bingley for his unhelpful advice, and that he is now much better informed.

Elizabeth initially feels prejudice against Darcy because of his "abominable pride". However, she gradually overcomes her preconceptions, and comes to realise that he isn't what she imagined him to be. He becomes the perfect gentlemen in her estimation and their solid relationship looks a promising base for marriage.

The character of Elizabeth is an fascinating one, and her personality only adds to the reader's interest in her, because she has many different sides and constantly changes opinions and ideas. Towards the beginning of the book we are given many different descriptions of Elizabeth, ranging from "She had a lively, cheerful disposition, which delighted in anything ridiculous", to "hardly a good feature in her face...". We can see that different people has varying views on her. However, through the course of the book we come to make our own opinion,

and I came to know her as being spontaneous, high-spirited, intelligent and above all a complex young woman.

Eliza tends to be a better judge of character than her sister Jane, who sees the good in everybody. However, she can be blinded by prejudice, as her encounters with Darcy and Wickham prove. She is very determined, shown by the way she walks through the mud to see Jane, and in her treatment of Darcy when she believes him to have done wrong. She is greatly embarrassed by her family, and sees both the "impropriety" of her father's behavior, and the less than perfect social habits of her mother. She is often the voice of reason in her family, and feels responsible for seeing that her family don't show themselves up in public, often fighting a losing battle.

Another intriguing aspect of Elizabeth's personality is her talent for observing people. Throughout the novel she watches people in order to find out more about their personality, and

this is obviously something that she enjoys. She is describes as having a "quickness of observation", and she finds that "intricate characters are the most interesting". While staying at Netherfield she is "amused in attending to what passed between Darcy and his companion". She tells Darcy whilst dancing with him at the ball that she wishes to discover more about his personality. "The illustration of your character ...I am trying to make it out...". She proves to be genuinely intuitive, but in Mr Darcy's case seems at first to have a blind spot. For all these reasons the personality of Elizabeth greatly adds to the reader's understanding and enjoyment of the novel.

In conclusion, Elizabeth makes the story what it is. Without such an intriguing main character, the novel would be nowhere near as interesting. She constantly develops, and this means out interest in her is held. Her misfortune in terms of family and relationships induces pity, as well as making her seem more true to life. Her observations lead us through the story, meaning that we see everything through her eyes, and her

intelligence and wit mean we enjoy her commentary. She is by far the most fascinating character in the book, and I believe all the reasons mentioned make her a first rate main character.




傲慢与偏见人物特点 1.伊丽莎白·班内特(Elizabeth Bennet):班内特家二小姐,二十岁,故事的主角。活泼,聪明,机智,经常由第一印象来判断别人。她对于婚姻有着和当时社会不一样的看法,认为只有爱情才能带来幸福,不肯为钱随便找个有钱人结婚。她也看不起上流社会的虚伪和做作。因为达西先生的高傲脾气,加上韦汉先生散播的谣言,对达西先生产生种种误会,对他的人格打了极低的分数。但随着时间的过去、事件的发生,伊莉莎白对达西先生的看法开始有了改变。从原来的鄙视转为满心的钦佩和感激。 2.达西先生(Mr. Darcy),全名费兹威廉·达西(Fitzwilliam Darcy):一位富有的年轻人,故事主角。他是宾利先生的好友,外表英俊且风度翩翩的绅士,个性内敛和高傲,对宾利先生打算跟不适合的女子结婚一事十分不满,同时也看不起其他人的趋炎附势。因不习惯和人打交道,所以经常表现出高高在上的姿态,引来不少的毁谤声。但被伊莉莎白拒绝求婚后,也开始反省自己的行为,改掉了高傲的脾气。在莉蒂亚一事上,给予不少的帮助,使莉蒂亚的名声没有败坏。 3.班内特先生(Mr. Bennet):一个住在英国德福郡的绅士.他已婚并育有五名女儿。但他的财产需要由男性继承,所以在他死后,他的遗产将会由和他有着差劲关系的柯林斯先生(Mr Collins)继承。班内特先生是一个温柔而体贴的人,对他的两位大女儿,珍和伊丽莎白宠爱有加。不过,他不喜欢他的妻子和三位小女儿的愚昧和不理性,经常说她们愚蠢以及嘲笑她们。对自己失败的婚姻已绝望,是个沉默而善变、幽默却善讽的人。对于妻子的愚昧,保持着冷眼旁观的态度。 4.班内特太太(Mrs. Bennet):班内特先生的太太。她人生中最关注的事,是她将来的财产和屋子将会由柯林斯先生继承。因为这件事,她非常渴望她的五个女儿能嫁得好,并尽力撮合新邻居宾利先生和其中一个女儿。她亦希望能够令其中一个女儿和柯林斯先生结婚。是个非常平庸、见识浅薄而又长舌的女人。她的生活重心在于女儿的终生大事,想利用女儿钓金龟婿。 5.珍·班内特(Jane Bennet):伊莉莎白的姊姊,班内特五姐妹中最年长的,也是公认最美丽的一个。她温柔、善解人意,但性格矜持,经常收藏自己的情感。她相信人性本善,凡事都往好处想,认为世界上没有坏人。和宾利先生一见钟情,最后排除万难结为夫妻。 6.玛莉·班内特(Mary Bennet):排行第三,性格并不讨好,是一名书呆子。她鄙视其他姊妹的兴趣,并经常希望能展视自己的音乐才华,及以警世格言来警告身边的人。 7.凯瑟林(凯蒂)·班内特(Catherine "Kitty" Bennet):排行第四,十七岁,经常跟随妹妹丽迪亚。 8.丽迪亚·班内特(Lydia Bennet):排行最小,十五岁。她非常喜欢调情,个性天真而鲁葬。最终和韦克翰私奔,在达西的大力帮助下两人才能结婚。 9.查尔斯·宾利(Charles Bingley):一个单身的有钱人,在班内特的住宅附近租了房子。达西先生的朋友。性格温和,活泼,但易受人影响,所以常被朋友牵着鼻子走。一直爱慕珍·班



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传统与反传统矛盾下的理性思考 ——《傲慢与偏见》中的“偏见意识”的流露及分析 总论 《傲慢与偏见》是十八世纪末英国现实主义女作家简.奥斯丁的代表作,奥斯丁一生的主要作品有六部,分别是《理智与情感》、《傲慢与偏见》、《曼斯菲尔德花园》、《爱玛》、《劝导》和《诺桑觉寺》,其中有两部还是她去世后发表的。但是,这并不影响她的成就,她被称为世界上最伟大的艺术家之一。正如爱德蒙.威尔逊在《漫谈简.奥斯丁》中所说“英国文学最近这一又四分之一世纪的历史上,曾经发生过几次趣味革命。文学口味的翻新影响了几乎所有作家的声望,惟独莎士比亚和简.奥斯丁经久不衰。”他将煎.奥斯丁和莎士比亚相提并论,另外,像司各特、麦考莱等人对她的评价也很高,可见奥斯丁的成就不菲。所以,从奥斯丁发表作品以来就有很多人评论她的作品,喜欢的、不喜欢的、褒奖的、贬低的都不乏其人,本文则是对其《傲慢与偏见》加以分析的。 《傲慢与偏见》是简.奥斯丁最早的作品,起初简为它题名“初次印象”,但由于某些原因遭到回绝而未出版,继而,在《理智与情感》发表之后重新修改,并该名为《傲慢与偏见》出版取得成功。简自己也对这本书喜爱非常,她曾在给姐姐卡桑德拉的信里亲切地称其为“我的小宝贝”足以表明她对其喜欢程度。 简.奥斯丁的作品细致入微地描绘了18世纪末19世纪初英国绅士、地主、牧师的生活,她更擅长描写英国社会中中产阶级的生活。而仔细读她的作品会让人感觉到一切是那么合乎理性,没有过分的抒情或是激情,没有气势如鸿,没有撕心裂肺,好象一切的一切在她的眼中都是平凡无奇的,甚至于列奥.基尔什鲍姆曾经认为,简.奥斯丁宁愿视世界为冰一样凝滞不动。当然这并不是说简冷酷无情,而是衬托简作品中的理性思维的突出。同样的《傲慢与偏见》中的理性思考也是其特点之一,但不同的是这本书似乎可以让人读到波澜,读到非理性色彩的存在,这是有别于其他作品的一点。本文就是着眼于此来分析文中的理性色彩和非理性色彩的碰撞。 19世纪50年代,乔.亨.刘易斯曾说过“简.奥斯丁的创作才能全部见之于人物和主题”,“剧情展开了;人物说话、生情、行事;每有所言、所感、所为,无

英文版傲慢与偏见 人物剖析

When Prid e Encounters Prejudice, Everything is Different Ⅰ: Jane Austen (16 December 1775 –18 July 1817), one of the most famous novelists in Britain, was born in Hampshire. She lived in the villages throughout her life. Although there were 2 suitors, she never married. She finished her first novel when she was only 21 years old. This work’s name was First Impressions (After amending, it had a new name: Pride and Prejudice). Ⅱ: Pride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and marriage. Mr. Bennet was an English gentleman living in Hertfordshire with his wife. He had five daughters: the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia. Because of the law, after the death of Mr. Bennet, their house would be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met. This family's future happiness and security dependent on the 5 daughters’ marriages. One day, a rich gentleman Mr. Bingley came and rented a large house in this country. His sisters and his best friend Mr. Darcy came together. Love was soon in the air for one of the 5 sisters, while another had a prejudice against Mr. Darcy. Then they experienced many things, but at last, Mr. Bingley married the oldest sister Jane, and Elizabeth overcame the prejudice and married to Mr. Darcy. It’s a happy ending. Ⅲ: Although Mr. Song said the book report should be objective,but I had to say this book touched my heart d eeply. The women written by Jane Austen still live in our world. Some like Charlotte Lucas, they choose a marriage without love just for money and a stable life. Some like Lydia, they are so frivolous and foolish that they flatter themselves that they can do anything well. Some like Mary, they are not good-looking but think themselves are the best ones. They look down every man while they are eager for a man’s love in their hearts. Some like Jane, they are kind and beautiful, but they are also reserved and feminine。They don’t have courage to fight for the love of their own but wait here in vain. And there are also some girls like innocent Ms Darcy or like vainglorious and superficially clever Bingley sisters. Of course, some girls like Elizabeth, they are clever, gentle, open-minded, and they know their own hearts. They never give in even facing a difficult situation. They are good ladies who are worth loving and cherishing. Jane Austen’s wisdom always appeals to me, which makes me smile through the whole reading.


关于《傲慢与偏见》的研究综述 《傲慢与偏见》是英国著名女作家简?奥斯丁的代表作,这部作品以日常生活为素材,反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法。奥斯丁生活的十八世纪末期大英帝国正处于颠峰时期,而奥斯丁却把视线关注在英国乡间。简·奥斯丁注重表现英国乡间的惬意悠闲,纯朴中的平凡自然,但是整个英国社会始终影响着乡村,如势利、炫耀、虚荣和对婚姻的看法等,《傲慢与偏见》就是这一现象的真实写照。《傲慢与偏见》融入了作者简·奥斯丁个人对婚姻、女性意识的看法,在这部作品中,也能看出简·奥斯丁在语言运用方面的独特之处。曾有人说,“若说《红楼梦》是东方的贵妇人,《傲慢与偏见》则是西方的清秀佳人。” 一、关于《傲慢与偏见》语言的研究 英国当时流行夸张喜剧性的浪漫小说,已使人们厌倦,奥斯汀的朴素的现实主义开启清新之风。奥斯丁的语言幽默风趣,给作品带来轻松愉悦之感的同时,也让读者体味到其中的讽刺意味。 《傲慢与偏见》语言的幽默风趣,在书中处处都有所体现。聊城大学的研究生赵宝霞就在《<傲慢与偏见>人物对话的语用学分析》中,将这种语言的幽默体现从四个准则的违反来分析,有意违反质准则、有意违反量准则、有意违反关系准则、有意违反方式准则。同时,还提到准确地把握小说中极具喜剧性的时刻,与更深层次的问题相连,才能真正地认识简·奥斯汀作品的精髓。江苏盐城大学的俞娟也认为《傲慢与偏见》的语言幽默,是在人物语言打破合作原则中体现的,她提到《傲慢与偏见》成功的关键在于对人物形象的生动刻画,细腻的笔法及弥漫全书的幽默语言。 《傲慢与偏见》的成功还在于讽刺艺术的运用,书中语言的讽刺运用得如鱼得水。苏州市职业大学的王友华就发表了《论<傲慢与偏见>中人物形象的讽刺艺术》,在文中王友华提到奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中将讽刺艺术运用得炉火纯青,无论在情节以及语言上、在人物刻画上,还是在主题表达上,讽刺无所不在。 徐彦俐、尹贵俭在《<傲慢与偏见>中得幽默与讽刺》一文中,对《傲慢


《傲慢与偏见》人物关系介绍 1.伊丽莎白·班内特(Elizabeth Bennet):班内特家二小姐,二十岁,故事的主角。活泼,聪明,机智,经常由第一印象来判断别人。她对于婚姻有着和当时社会不一样的看法,认为只有爱情才能带来幸福,不肯为钱随便找个有钱人结婚。她也看不起上流社会的虚伪和做作。因为达西先生的高傲脾气,加上韦汉先生散播的谣言,对达西先生产生种种误会,对他的人格打了极低的分数。但随着时间的过去、事件的发生,伊莉莎白对达西先生的看法开始有了改变。从原来的鄙视转为满心的钦佩和感激。 2.达西先生(Mr. Darcy),全名费兹威廉·达西(Fitzwilliam Darcy):一位富有的年轻人,故事主角。他是宾利先生的好友,外表英俊且风度翩翩的绅士,个性内敛和高傲,对宾利先生打算跟不适合的女子结婚一事十分不满,同时也看不起其他人的趋炎附势。因不习惯和人打交道,所以经常表现出高高在上的姿态,引来不少的毁谤声。但被伊莉莎白拒绝求婚后,也开始反省自己的行为,改掉了高傲的脾气。在莉蒂亚一事上,给予不少的帮助,使莉蒂亚的名声没有败坏。 3.班内特先生(Mr. Bennet):一个住在英国德福郡的绅士.他已婚并育有五名女儿。但他的财产需要由男性继承,所以在他死后,他的遗产将会由和他有着差劲关系的柯林斯先生(Mr Collins)继承。班内特先生是一个温柔而体贴的人,对他的两位大女儿,珍和伊丽莎白宠爱有加。不过,他不喜欢他的妻子和三位小女儿的愚昧和不理性,经常说她们愚蠢以及嘲笑她们。对自己失败的婚姻已绝望,是个沉默而善变、幽默却善讽的人。对于妻子的愚昧,保持着冷眼旁观的态度。 4. 班内特太太(Mrs. Bennet):班内特先生的太太。她人生中最关注的事,是她将来的财产和屋子将会由柯林斯先生继承。因为这件事,她非常渴望她的五个女儿能嫁得好,并尽力撮合新邻居宾利先生和其中一个女儿。她亦希望能够令其中一个女儿和柯林斯先生结婚。是个非常平庸、见识浅薄而又长舌的女人。她的生活重心在于女儿的终生大事,想利用女儿钓金龟婿。 5.简·班内特(Jane Bennet):伊莉莎白的姊姊,班内特五姐妹中最年长的,也是公认最美丽的一个。她温柔、善解人意,但性格矜持,经常收藏自己的情感。她相信人性本善,凡事都往好处想,认为世界上没有坏人。和宾利先生一见钟情,最后排除万难结为夫妻。 6.玛莉·班内特(Mary Bennet):排行第三,性格并不讨好,是一名书呆子。她鄙视其他姊妹的兴趣,并经常希望能展视自己的音乐才华,及以警世格言来警告身边的人。 7. 凯瑟林(凯蒂)·班内特(Catherine "Kitty" Bennet):排行第四,十七岁,经常跟随妹妹丽


性格分析: 女主人公伊丽莎白聪敏机智,有胆识,有远见,有很强的自尊心,并善于思考问题。就当时一个待字闺中的小姐来讲,这是难能可贵的。正是由于这种品质,才使她在爱情问题上有独立的主见,并导致她与达西组成美满的家庭 赏析篇: 奥斯丁在这部小说中通过班纳特五个女儿对待终身大事的不同处理,表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度,从而反映了作者本人的婚姻观:为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错误的;而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。因此,她既反对为金钱而结婚,也反对把婚姻当儿戏。她强调理想婚姻的重要性,并把男女双方感情作为缔结理想婚姻的基石。书中的女主人公伊丽莎白出身于小地主家庭,为富豪子弟达西所热爱。达西不顾门第和财富的差距,向她求婚,却遭到拒绝。伊丽莎白对他的误会和偏见是一个原因,但主要的是她讨厌他的傲慢。因为达西的这种傲慢实际上是地位差异的反映,只要存在这种傲慢,他与伊丽莎白之间就不可能有共同的思想感情,也不可能有理想的婚姻。以后伊丽莎白亲眼观察了达西的为人处世和一系列所作所为,特别是看到他改变了过去那种骄傲自负的神态,消除了对他的误会和偏见,从而与他缔结了美满姻缘。伊丽莎白对达西先后几次求婚的不同态度,实际上反映了女性对人格独立和平等权利的追求。这是伊丽莎白这一人物形象的进步意义。从小说看,伊丽莎白聪敏机智,有胆识,有远见,有很强的自尊心,并善于思考问题。就当时一个待字闺中的小姐来讲,这是难能可贵的。正是由于这种品质,才使她在爱情问题上有独立的主见,并导致她与达西组成美满的家庭。 在《傲慢与偏见》中,奥斯丁还写了伊丽莎白的几个姐妹和女友的婚事,这些都是陪衬,用来与女主人公理想的婚姻相对照。如夏绿蒂和柯林斯尽管婚后过着舒适的物质生活,但他们之间没有爱情,这种婚姻实际上是掩盖在华丽外衣下的社会悲剧。 奥斯丁的小说尽管题材比较狭窄,故事相当平淡,但是她善于在日常平凡事物中塑造鲜明的人物形象,不论是伊丽莎白、达西那种作者认为值得肯定的人物,还是魏克翰、柯林斯这类遭到讽刺挖苦的对象,都写得真实动人。同时,奥斯丁的语言是经过锤炼的,她在对话艺术上讲究幽默、讽刺,常以风趣诙谐的语言来烘托人物的性格特征。这种艺术创新使她的作品具有自己的特色。 内容篇: 全书的主要情节是围绕在拥有五个千金女儿的班耐特一家人,虽然他们一家人家境并不是非常富有,也无任何显赫的社会地位,但班耐特太太却处心积虑想替五个女儿寻找到和上流社会的贵族联婚的机会,而美丽而善良的大女儿琴恩,和机智勇敢的二女儿莉琪,她们置身在整个附庸风雅、贵气逼人的上流生活圈中,仍执著面对自我,并勇於维护自尊,却也因而丧失了对真爱的判断和实情的追求,以致忽视了优柔温文的宾格利和恃才傲物的达希,在扑朔迷离的形势中所表现出的难得挚情。 然而就在重重误解、心机、成见与持续华丽表面生活的遮掩下,挡不住的爱情仍如结晶的璞玉一般,终究不能不脱颖而出,傲慢与偏见的人性两貌,在种种环环相扣的冲突中清晰的突出,作者以她圆润、敏锐、幽默而细致的笔触,十足荡气回肠的描绘这一群人的恩怨爱恨。 此书另一特色就是所有主人翁活动性,以达希为例,他是个不受人喜爱的傲慢男人,他向来亦不屑周围肤浅的人际关系,此种僵化的对立就在他终於为莉琪动心的那一刻起了剧变,他

Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见赏析

Pride and Prejudice 1.主题(Theme) -----Theme of Love In Pride and Prejudice, love is not a necessary component of marriage.At the same time, it is shown to be a completely special emotion that is available only for intelligent, mature adults. ------Theme of Marriage The novel shows us the miserable marriage of the Bennets and mercenary marriages of Charlotte and Lydia, And with the marriages of Jane and Elizabeth front and center, the novel does allow room for good partnership as well. ------Theme of Wealth Wealth is crucially important in Pride and Prejudice. There is almost no conversation about potential spouses that doesn't also calculate the annual income that the pair might have to live on. ------Theme of Society and Class Darcy's character arc is to become the ultimate gentleman –he starts out wealthy, aristocratic, and good-hearted. Conversely, although Wickham seems to have the outer polish of an aristocrat, he is proven to be thoroughly ungentlemanly. ------Theme of Women and Femininity The novel is actually concerned with the plight of the middle-class, single woman. Most of the women we see here are caught in a bind. Pride and Prejudice offers us a look into this rather intensely feminine world of courting, marriage decisions, and social realities. ------Theme of Family We all have families that embarrass us to some extent, but the Bennet family takes it to a whole new level, creating endless problems for the two eldest Bennet daughters. the joy and pain of love, the pursuit of happiness and the infulence of social opinion. The main themes of pride and prejudice: love, reputation, class, courtship and pride. the last part of the paper shows that this great novel not only attracted thousands of readers in austen’s time, but also gave a special feeling to today’s people. 1. love between darcy and elizabeth 2. reputation--a woman’s reputation is of the utmost important 3.class boundaries and prejudice 4.courtship --those between darcy and elizabeth and between bingley and jane 5. two ways of pride: positive and negative 2.情节 Pride and Prejudice is one of the representative works of Jane Austen, first published in 1813. Though the story's setting is characteristically turn-of-the-19th-century, it retains a fascination for modern readers, continuing near the top of lists of 'most loved books. Pride and Prejudice is Austen’s masterpiece. The story is mainly about Mrs. Bennet’s four daughters’marriage. Elizabeth, the second oldest daughter and Darcy’s love is used as the main plotline and the other three daughters’marriage as the subordinate plot. In the story, Charlotte


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 中学英语教师课堂反馈对学生焦虑的影响 2 大学英语课堂教学中师生互动的重要性 3 初中英语语法教学之我见 4 《紫色》中“家”的解读 5 《红字》中的丁梅斯代尔和齐灵渥斯谁更“恶”? 6 论《双城记》中的现实主义风格 7 从跨文化角度看电影标题汉译英 8 9 被忽略的人群--詹姆斯乔伊斯《都柏林人》女性角色分析 10 冰山原则在《老人与海》中的体现 11 浅析MSN交谈中的话语标记语 12 英汉工具类名转动词实时构建的整合分析--基于网络论坛语料 13 浅读不同语境下的跨文化沟通 14 海明威作品中女性意识的研究 15 Culture-oriented Strategies in Publicity Material Translation for Yangzhou City: a Perspective of Functionalism 16 论广告英语的人际沟通功能 17 从精神分析角度看《泄密的心》 18 从目的论角度分析中医药药品说明书的英译 19 情境创设在小学英语词汇教学中的运用 20 浅析合作原则在汉英广告语翻译中的运用 21 哥伦布和郑和航海的对比研究——两次航海所反映出的中西方文化差异 22 《荒原》隐喻探析 23 生与死的抗争——《厄舍古厦的倒塌》主题解读 24 文化视角下的中西方时间观对比研究 25 浅析英诗翻译的原则和方法——丁尼生《鹰》的不同译文比较 26 《远大前程》中的“远大”可以是“错误”的 27 从《悲悼三部曲》看尤金?奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承性超越 28 从中西文化差异对英语口语教学的探讨 29 商务英语的语用特点及翻译 30 英语委婉语的认知分析 31 从市场营销的角度论哈利?波特的成功 32 汉语政治话语中的隐喻研究 33 汉语喜剧小品中的模因现象研究 34 西方吸血鬼与中国鬼的文学形象比较(开题报告+论) 35 从《道连?格雷的画像》谈唯美主义艺术观 36 中国英语初探 37 安妮?赖斯小说《夜访吸血鬼》的新哥特世界 38 阿加莎?克里斯蒂探案小说《罗杰疑案》叙事独特性探究 39 A Tactics Study of English Listening Teaching in Basic Education Stage 40 论人性自私在《呼啸山庄》中的体现 41 模糊语言在商务英语谈判中的语用功能


Pride and Prejudice :The analysis of the characters`characteristic 姓名:王艺铭 班级:英翻一班 学号:100114050131

Abstract: Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by British writer Jane Austen .The style of this novel is easy and humor.In this novel ,she describe the life of middle class in a small town in nineteenth-century Britain,especially Mr & Mrs Bennet and their daughters.This novel mainly tell us about the main character Elizabeth and her sisters`different attitude about marriage and love.Just because of their different attitude,at last they have their own different destinies.In this article,we will analysis Elizabeth and her sisters`character and destiny. Key Words:Elizabeth,character analysis,destiny analysis,pride,prejudice


《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的人物形象分析 摘要:《傲慢与偏见》是二十世纪世界文学史上一部占有重要地位的文学作品,被英国小说家毛姆列为世界十大经典名著之一。它不仅是英国文学中的一颗璀璨明珠,也是世界文库中的文明瑰宝。它的作者简?奥斯汀也被20世纪的文学评论家、文艺理论家和文学史学家们赞为真正伟大的英国小说家;不仅如此,英国19世纪著名的文学家、诗人和政论家托马斯?马科莱称之为“写散文的莎士比亚”,可见简?奥斯汀在世界文坛中的重要地位。作为小说中作者精心刻画的女主人公伊丽莎白,分析其在小说中的性格形象特点,对于阅读名著,理解小说深一层的含义,进一步体会作品中的思想情感,体会作者的表达意愿等等都具有非常深远的意义。本文在深入阅读小说,了解参照其他相关文学评论的基础上,主要分析了《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的人物形象特点。 关键词:傲慢与偏见;伊丽莎白;人物形象;分析 [中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A [文章编号]:1002-2139(2015)-06-0-02 《傲慢与偏见》中的女主人公伊丽莎白是一位非常具有魅力与吸引力的女性,无论是外表人物形象特点,还是在的心灵情感特征,作者都倾心刻画,使其具有非常高的评价研

究价值,受到后来文学作品研究者的广泛关注。在世界众多文学作品的文学人物形象中,伊丽莎白一角具有其鲜明的特点,分析这一文学人物形象,既要联系作者生平经历,情感价值取向,又要分析当时的创作背景环境,既要由作品到现实,又要由作者到读者的感受及其他文学评论家等,只有这样,才会得出一个全面、准确的伊丽莎白的人物形象,也才会被广大读者所认可和接受。 一、小说《傲慢与偏见》的创作背景分析 任何小说都是源于现实而又高于现实的产物,经过作者的深刻艺术加工而又不失是社会现实的反映。《傲慢与偏见》也反映了当时那个社会背景。小说原型完成于1797年,在当时的社会还处于法国大革命动荡不安的时期,真正出版与读者见面的时间是原型完成后十几年后的1813年,那时的英国统治者是乔治三世,在政治上参加第六次反法同盟并带领盟军击败拿破仑帝国,经济上进入工业革命的初期阶段,资本主义飞快发展,形成了许许多多的大小资本家。但有些资本主义者还保留有浓厚的封建主义色彩,与有着长久的封建制度意识的封建阶级还是显得过于弱小,英国社会划分成了多种阶级等级。这就是当时作者创作《傲慢与偏见》的主要环境背景。尤为值得重点一提的是,当时英国的社会中妇女的地位非常的低下,这对女性作家简?奥斯汀来说影响深远,希望塑造出一位不同于传统女性的形象。

英语论文 《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白人物性格分析

"Pride and prejudice" Elizabeth characters analysis 《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白人物性格分析Keywords: Social environment Marriage is love The:"Pride and prejudice" is Jane Austen's early, but also she has made the masterpiece of writing characteristics. She is in daily life, with the female's discriminating and exquisite, humorous and witty style represents a series of vivid female images, especially for novel heroine Elizabeth successfully molded reflects the Austin in matters of marriage values. "Pride and prejudice" durable minerals-each root cause is perhaps the most interested in "best skills and create a" : people. One, Elizabeth successfully molded image 1, the heroine Elizabeth life and social environment "Pride and prejudice" described the 18th century at the beginning of the 19th century British women, regardless of in the economic and social or family status, social rank in male attachment, marriage system of equal pay. Like Elizabeth such a middle-class origins and property of low intellectual women, want to get a decent life and status, the only way is to marry a good man. Anyhow, the marriage is seeking economic security and social status. 2, Elizabeth's marriage The center is a smart Elizabeth, frank, the thought is agile, humorous and educated young lady.


《傲慢与偏见》从情节删减、人物性格及主题意义三个方面进行比较分析 自电影电视诞生以来,文学名著的影视改编就一直是学术界不断探讨的话题。借助名著的魅力获取成功的愿望一直驱使着影视人不断前进。简·奥斯汀的小说一直以来深受影视界的青睐,一位评论家曾说:“文学口味的翻新影响了几乎所有作家的声望,唯独莎士比亚和简·奥斯汀经久不衰。”在搜狐视频主页上,10部海外剧推荐里就有5部是奥斯汀的作品,可见其受欢迎程度,而其中《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》又是最受欢迎的。 罗伯特·斯塔姆在《文学和电影》一书中指出“当我们考虑一部电影是否忠实原著时,我们总是从场景设置、情节、人物、主题意义和风格的角度考察”。笔者认为在场景设置和风格方面,若是电影以原著为噱头进行宣传,大多会忠实原著。所以本文将从情节删减、人物性格及主题意义三个方面进行比较分析。https://www.doczj.com/doc/542236304.html, 《傲慢与偏见》的影像化重现 英国BBC公司1995年改编的《傲慢与偏见》,重现了英国19世纪初的社会风貌。片中幽默的对白和浪漫的爱情使其得到了一致好评,荣获广播电视协会最佳男主角、英国电影电视协会最佳女主角、艾美奖、纽约电视节奖等16项大奖。笔者认为本片的改编属于“忠实移植式改编”。该片在很大程度上尊重了原著,无论是开篇最著名的评论性语言“凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太”借由伊丽莎白(后简称为伊)之口说出,还是影片的背景介绍,包括在当时大环境下,穷人不可选择婚姻的现实条件以及姐妹二人的婚姻观等,都借由简和伊的夜谈传达给了观众。可以说是原著的影像化再现。(1)本片的情节发展基本遵循原著。包括班内特太太催促先生去拜访宾利、几次舞会上简与宾利的情投意合、达西和伊几次“傲慢与偏见”的碰面、班内特一家其他成员的丑态、宾利小姐和其他人对班府小姐的评价、科林斯对班府的拜访、求婚、与夏洛特的成婚、达西的两次求婚等,除了删去了小说最后宾利一行重返班府后,达西和伊的一系列接触的机会,使两人后来的感情少了些发展时间外,基本重现了原著情节。在此基础上,为增强观赏趣味性,还添加了观众所期待的浪漫情节,增加了男女主角单独见面的桥段。比如,导演单独安排了达西看到伊徒步去看望简,裙子上全是泥土和她在花园里与狗嬉戏的样子;也创造了不少让观众怦然心动的画面,比如眉心紧锁的达西,衬衣湿漉漉、衣冠不整,却在达府外意外撞见心上人。这个增加的细节成就了当年倾倒亿万观众的“Mr.湿衬衫”。最为精湛的是,导演填补了原著中在达西被拒绝之后的性格转变的缺失,增加了表现达西失恋的痛苦——击剑一幕。所以在大量保留原著故事情节的基础上,导演适当增加的某些情节,不但增加了观赏性,还能使影片叙事更饱满。(2)在人物性格塑造方面,本片栩栩如生地重现了奥斯汀笔下的各类人物。简的素性娴静、心肠仁爱、和蔼可亲,宾利的天性谦和、诚恳率真,但缺乏勇气与独立的思想,班内特太太的聒噪愚蠢,班内特先生的含蓄幽默,科林斯的趋炎附势,夏洛特的果敢现实,威克姆的虚伪谄媚,莉迪亚的无知愚蠢等。特别是成功刻画了伊的机智聪颖、独立自尊,展现了其爱情至上的女性主义思想和达西的桀骜不驯,挑剔考究,但却内心仁爱、知错就改的饱满形象。值得一提的是,为表现三女儿玛丽的性格特点,导演增加了原著中没有的“玛丽式”话语,即有着非常强烈的书卷气息,但没有自己的主观见解。比如“不幸是来测试我们的坚韧”“远观和思量会更好”等。(3)《傲慢与偏见》被誉为在英国对女性影响最大,曾经改变了女性世界观的文学作品。书中体现了奥斯汀对于爱情、婚姻、金钱和人性这些人类永恒主题的态度和看法。它揭露和讽刺了虚伪、傲慢、愚蠢、无知、专横、庸俗等种种人性的弱点。而影片通过演员出色的演技和完美的台词设计,也将这些人性的弱点一一展现。这些观点就算在二百年后的今天仍极富讽刺性,有着不可辩驳的现实意义。比如:演员艾莉斯成功将班内特太太虚荣、爱财的性格和为了达到把女儿嫁入豪门的目的,不惜一切代价的丑恶嘴脸表现得淋漓尽致。同样地,现代社会也存在这样不正常的价值观,例如,很多人对“高富帅”或“白富美”趋之若鹜,“多金”成了婚姻中首要考虑的条件,为嫁入豪门用尽一切手段的现象等。然而尽管

傲慢与偏见 中文赏析

傲慢与偏见个人赏析 不是一部伟大的作品,却深深震撼我心。 ——题记 又一次翻开已经稍稍发黄的书,熟悉而亲切的文字,让我立刻想起伊丽莎白美丽的眼睛,达西似乎冷竣却隐藏着温柔的面容……这并不厚的一本初中就已读过的书,我却不惜千里之远从家里带到学校,让它时刻伴我身边。也许它并不是我所读过的最好的小说,却是让我最难忘的一本。 真的,这不是一部伟大的作品。薄薄300来页,不到30万字,没有波澜壮阔,也谈不上深奥,和例如长达4000余页、超过300万字的意识流小说《追忆似水年华》等等一比就相形见绌。就像作者奥斯汀本人一样无法和那些大文豪相提并论。或许有的人认为这本书太平常而根本就不屑于去评价它。然而这却是一部极具生命力的小说,历经200余年,仍然吸引着无数读者。在今天著名的腾讯BBS论坛外国文学版面上,只要出现与《傲慢与偏见》或者奥斯汀有关话题的帖子,点击率和回复率一定会直线上升,尽管这些话题已不知被讨论过多少次了。 和奥斯汀的其他几部小说一样,《傲慢与偏见》的取材事实上是相当狭窄的。正如夏洛蒂?勃朗特曾说:“我可不愿意在她们的那些高雅而狭窄的房子里跟她(奥斯汀)的那些绅士淑女们呆在一起。”在我看来,奥斯汀的小说有点像小女子文学,缺少一种大气的感觉。但我却喜欢这种“小女子文学”。你可以说她目光狭窄,也可以说她缺乏深度,你却无法抵挡她的魅力。事实上,取材范围的狭窄,并没有限制作者的视野,正如《傲慢与偏见》中达西和伊丽莎白的一段对话。达西说:“在乡下,你四周的环境非常闭塞,很少变化。”而伊丽莎白却回答到:“可是人本身变化那么多,你永远可以在他们身上看出新的东西。”这也许正代表了作者自己的看法吧。奥斯汀自己说“乡间村庄里的三、四户人家”是她“得心应手的好材料”,还把自己的艺术比作在“二寸象牙”上“细细地描画”。在我看来这正是作者的长处,也是其小说独到的地方。精工细致,一丝不苟,娓娓道来,细水长流,这就是我所喜欢的“小女子文学”的特点。无怪乎有人建议奥斯汀换一种写作方式的时候,奥斯汀拒绝道:“我必须保持自己的风格,按自己的方式写下去……”忽然联想到台湾作家三毛的文章,其最受欢迎的几本散文集如《撒哈拉的故事》《稻草人手记》等,无非也是写一些生活琐事,取材也不见得有多广泛多深刻,却如此受亲睐,大概也源于此吧。反映生活的作品即是美的作品,《傲慢与偏见》带给我们的是一种英国乡村浓郁的生活气息,让人倍感亲切自然。对大多数人来说,只有平平淡淡从从容容才是真。好的文学作品总是反应永恒的人性,普通人的心态,在读者中产生共鸣。评论家们始终把奥斯汀排在勃朗特之前,其地位仅次于莎士比亚,就在于她的平淡、安宁。更何况有道是于平凡之中见伟大,于细微之处见深情,取材虽小,反映的问题却不一定小。这一点下面将谈及。 爱情是小说永恒的主题,《傲慢与偏见》以爱情和婚姻为主要内容,自然是吸引读者的。但描写爱情的小说不计其数(言情小说似乎就很多产),要像《傲慢与偏见》这样在世界文学中占有一席之地,也并不是一件容易的事。《傲慢与偏见》之所以称得上世界文学名著而不流俗于一般爱情小说,自有它的魅力所在。那么到底是什么使它脱颖而出呢?一部好的小说,内容、情节是非常重要的。《傲慢与偏见》的内容并不复杂,情节却引人入胜。读过本书的读者应该对小说开篇的一句话记忆犹新:“凡是有财产的单身汉,必定需要娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。(It is a true universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.) ”在英文中in want of 是指客观需要,而不是主观想要;这简简单单的一句话却深深反映出资产阶级婚姻的实质无非是金钱交易与利益的结合,可见作者的目光之透彻犀利,也正应证了前面所说的细微之处却能反映大问题。小说开篇就这样牢牢抓住了读者,接着通过班纳特夫妇风趣的对话,把读者带进一个女儿多得发愁的中产阶级家庭中。这个家庭家道已经中

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