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Language Points
ups and downs (L2) n. alternate good and bad luck盛衰, 沉浮 e.g. Life is full of ups and downs.
人生充满了欢乐和痛苦。 He stood by her through all ups and downs.
e.g. Such conduct will compromise your reputation. n. e.g. make compromise with
compromise of principle 原则上的让步
a compromise of morality 道德的沦丧
Unit3 subtle: a.
1) so slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze; fine; delicate 难以察觉或描述的;细微的;精细的
e.g. a subtle distinction; subtle humor 细微的差别/巧妙的幽默
2) organized in a clever and complex way; ingenious; cunning 巧妙安排的,巧妙的,狡诈的
e.g. compromise with sb. We can not compromise on such terms. I would rather die than compromise.
vt. to expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute 连累(使暴露或容易引起危险、怀疑或败坏名声)
2. (~ sb with sth) to bring face to face with sth unpleasant or difficult 使面对面
e.g. I am confronted with many difficulties. 我面临很多困难。
Only when the police confronted her with evidence did she admit that she had stolen the money.
在警察让她面对证据时她才承认偷了钱。 confrontation: n. 面对; 对峙[抗]; 对质
enhance (L5) vt. to make greater; promote 提高,增强,促进 e.g. enhance one's political consciousness
Unit3 tolerance n. (L6)
1) the capacity for or the practice of bearing sth unpleasant (忍受困难或痛苦的)忍耐力
e.g. My tolerance of heat is greater after having lived in the south
for a couple of years.
2) the capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting
the beliefs or practices of others (承认并尊重他人信仰或行为)包容,宽容
e.g. religious / racial tolerance 宗教/种族上的宽容 tolerate: vt. 容忍 tolerant: a. 宽容的;容忍的
It has bee raining for a week continuously. 下了一星期的雨。(从未停过)
Filling the blanks with “continually” and “continuously” They chattered _co_nt_inu_ou_sl_y for an hour.
confront (L3) vt.
1. to come face to face with, especially with defiance or hostility 与…面对面(尤指带有挑衅性或敌对性的)
e.g. to confront danger(勇敢地)面对危险
e.g. subtle design / strategy 巧妙的设计/策略
subtlety: n. 微妙,细微之处
Uniபைடு நூலகம்3
continual & continuous (L11)
continual usually describes an action which is repeated again and again 频繁的 (有间断)
e.g. I’m a tolerant man but your behaviour is more than I can bear. 我是个能忍的人,但你的行为我已忍无可忍。
Unit3 compromise: vi. settle a difference, etc., by making concessions 妥协,折衷
continuous indicates that the action or object carries on without stopping or interruption 持续的(没有间断)
e.g. It has been raining for a week continually. 下了一星期的雨。(下下停停)
Health enhances beauty. 健康使人显得更美。
Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post.
通过了英语考试该会增加你获得这个职位的机会。 enhanced: a. 增强的, 提高的, 放大的 enhancement: n. 增进,促进
