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Revision 11

Module 7 Unit 4 Public Transport


Useful phrases:

1. drop off 让…下车(数量)减低,逐渐消失

2. choke off阻;阻止

3. line up连接;会合

4. function…as用作

5. accelerate the pace of 加快…的步伐

6. go sightseeing 去观光

7. permit /allow sb. to do允许某人做某事8. at a discount打折

9. rely on依赖,依靠10. end with以…结束

11. in the hope of / in hops of 怀着…的希望;

with the purpose of 带着…目的;for the purpose of 为了…目的

with the intention of doing

1) She went there in ______ of finding a good job.

2) She went there in ______ _______ of finding a good job.

3) She went there, _________ to find a good job.

4) She went there in the hope _______ she could find a good job.

12. take notice of注意到= take note of take notes of做笔记

take no notice of 不注意;不理踩= ignore; pass by

13. make better use of = make the best of = make the most of 更好地利用

make use of利用== take advantage of

14. make up for 补尝;弥补(recover sth. recover from)

15. news flash简明新闻16. wash away冲掉(走)

17. under repair在修理中~ discussion在讨论中~ examination在考试中

~ review 在复习中~ study在研究中~ consideration在考虑中

~ construction在兴建中~ investigation在调查中~ control在控制中

18. by ferry渡船by boat / by ship / by sea / by bike (plane; train; car; bus)

19. in addition to除…之外= apart from ; other than; except (for)

20. arise from 由……引起= result from; as a result of

21. be aimed at目的是be meant to do aim at sth.瞄准

aim at doing sth.目的是/力争达到aim to be 立志成为

22. traffic jam 交通堵塞;塞车23. a couple of 两个;两三个

24. May day五一25. cause damage to 使……受到损害

26. accelerate the pack of 加快27. in use 使用中

28. be powered by 由…提供能量. 29. the increased number of 急速增加的…数量30. lead to 导致31. it is decided that 决定32. beneath the surface 在地面下.

33. pull through 摆脱,度过难关. 34. under the authority of 在…的管理下. 35. In honor of 为记念…. 36. why not….? 为何不….

37. travel cards 乘车卡. 38. bomb shelters 防空避难所Important sentences:

1. They have done so in the hope that people will take notice of the problems caused by poisonous smoke and gas from cars.

2. This notice is aimed at increasing people’s awareness of the problem because it has become quite extreme.

3. Another cause of accident is that bicycles are not kept in good condition. Grammar and Usage:

过去分词和现在分词1) 作形容词用2)作副词用

3) 表示被动的和已完成的意义

4) 分词作状语其逻辑主语是句中的主语

5) 分词的否定形式


1) permit sb. to do permit doing (allow; forbid) permit n. 执照

2) undertake undertake a project承担项目undertake to do sth.同意某人做某事

Undertake that-clause保证做某事

3) distinction n.区别, 差别, 声望

have the distinction(=reputation) of doing sth.享有做某事的荣誉(盛名)

gain / win / obtain / attain distinction(=fame)出名= become famous

without distinction (= difference)没有区别

make a distinction between A and B = make a difference between A and B 区别A和B

= distinguish A from B (between A and B)

4. arise vt. 出现,发生,升起arose arisen

How did this quarrel arise?这场争吵是怎么发生的?

rise 升起; 上升, 上涨, 增长

The sun rises in the east. The river has risen.河水上涨了. Prices have risen.物价上涨了. raise vt. 举起,养育,饲养,提高,节蓄

~ one’s hand ~ a family ~ cattle ~ price ~ one’s voice ~ a question ~ money arouse 唤起, 激发, 引起

~ sb. from sleep唤醒某人~ attention引起注意

5. risk 冒…的危险, 冒风险, 冒着…的危险

take /run a risk冒风险at risk有风险at the risk of doing冒着…危险

risk doing sth.冒着做某事的危险risk one’s life冒着生命危险

6. It is up to sb. to do sth.由某人负责做某事

It is up to him to get us together.

He has been up for an hour.

What is he up to?

He is up to the horrible snake.


1. Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents didn’t ____ her to do so. A. forbid B. allow C. follow D. ask

2. The students were not ____ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.

A. permitted

B. admitted

C. hoped

D. allow

3. The thirty-storey building is one of the most challenging projects they have ever ____.

A. undergone

B. overtaken

C. understood

D. undertaken

4. Most of the projects ____ by the young engineer on his own.

A. are undertaking

B. are undertaken

C. undertaking

D. undertakes

5. These are the highest ____ that have ever been given by the government

A. distinctions

B. acquisitions

C. expansions

D. connections

6. Many difficulties have ____ as a result of change over a new type of fuel.

A. risen

B. arisen

C. raised

D. aroused

7. A completely new situation will ____ when examination system comes into existence.

A. arise

B. rise

C. raise

D. arouse