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[误] I think it is an useful English dictionary.

[正] I think it is a useful English dictionary.

[析]在不定冠词a与an的用法中要注意的一点是:an用在以元音开头的词之前;而a则用在以辅音开头的词之前。要特别注意的是以u字母打头的单词,如useful,university等,其第一个音标是[j],所以要特别予以注意。[误] I need a hour to finish this letter.

[正] I need an hour to finish this letter.


[误] My teacher is a unknown man, but he is a very good man.

[正] My teacher is an unknown man, but he is a very good man.


[误] There is a "f" in the word "football".

[正] There is an "f" in the word "football".


[误] I have a little brother. He is a 8year old boy.

[正] I have a little brother. He is an 8year old boy.

[析]要注意这些字母的第一个发音为元音,如eight, eleven等。


[误] This bike is able to be repaired.

[正] This bike can be repaired.

[析] be able to 主要表达某事或某人具有某种能力去作某事,应译为"有本领"、"有能力"、"可以"作某事,如:I'm able to swim across this river. 而can可以

用来表示具有接受能力或吸收能力。如:This radio can be repaired here.


[误] This class is about to begin just now.

[正] This class is about to begin.

[析]要注意be about to 是"将要"的意思,含有将来时之意,不要与表示过去时的时间状语连用。另外,be about to 一般用作书面语,对应的口语是be going to.

about on

about与on都可以作"关于"讲,但却有所不同,例如:This book is about physics. 应译为"这是一本关于物理学的科普读物。"而:This book is on physics.则应译为"这是一本物理学方面的专著。"


[误] The temperature is five degrees over zero.

[正] The temperature is five degrees above zero.

[析]表达"在……上方"时,above与over是可以互换的,如:The sky is above(or over)our heads. 但是要表达在垂直方向上的上方时则应用above不可用over,如:The sun has risen above the horizon.

[误] There is often thick cloud above the South of China in summer.

[正] There is often thick cloud over the South of China in summer.


[误] There is a bridge above the river.

[正] There is a bridge over the river.

[析]用来表达"从……上方越过"时不能用above只能用over,如:The plane flew over the city. 但要注意There is waterfall above the bridge. 则应译为"在桥的上游有一个瀑布。"


[误] He ran across the wood.

[正] He ran through the wood.

[析] across是指某一动作在一平面内进行,而through则是指该动作在一三维立体空间的运动过程。如:The man came in through the window. He walked across the square.


across的主要用法有两个。其一,意为"对面",如:There is a school just across the street. 其二,意为"横过",如:He walked across the street.


[误] I dont't afraid of him.

[正] I am not afraid of him.



[误] Two weeks after he left.

[正] Two weeks later he left.

[正] He left after two weeks.

[析]要表达"在多少时间之后",英语中有两种表达法,即:用later时,要时间在前,如three hours later; 而用after时要时间在后,如after three hours.[误] My father will be back after a few hours.
