当前位置:文档之家› 月日雅思口语话题汇总(月份考生可做参考)



2012年6月30日雅思口语话题(7、8月份考生可做参考)本次雅思口语考试几乎没有新题,只是有些话题进行了旧题换新。第一部分问答题部分,Major,Hometown,House& apartment,healthy food等仍然是高频话题,在多个考场反复出现。第二部分话题卡出现了骨灰级旧题难题:Describe your favorite communication method。同时还出现了旧题换新的题,如A street you are familiar with, 以前常见的考题是A street you like in your city,在回答上思路不会有太大变化。A happy family news为6月16日出现的新题,不排除在接下来的考试中再次出现。

Part One

Name (大连、北京、合肥)

What's the meaning about your name?

Do you like your name?

Do you think name is very important for a person? why?

Hometown(哈尔滨、贵州、广州、南宁、武汉、杭州、西安、合肥、长春、乌鲁木齐)Do you think your hometown changed? How?

What is the way to know your hometown changed?

What kind of technology your hometown used to know it history?

Major (北京、重庆、杭州、澳洲、太原、广州、南宁、广州、南京、合肥)

Why did you choose that major?

Childhood Toy (新西兰、天津、广州、南京、大连)

healthy food(北京、哈尔滨、广州、福州、成都、南京、天津、武汉、西安)

House& apartment (北京、广州、天津、苏州、山西、长春、深圳、武汉、福州)Describe your favorite room.

How do you feel to be with your parents in apartment?

What kind of cars do you like?

What can make you feel pleasant in your room?

Relatives (重庆、武汉)

Primary & Elementary school (重庆、长春、北京)

Clothes &Fashion(重庆、杭州、长春)

Language (贵州、广州、福州、长春)

Sports (广州、南京)

Flower (澳洲、南宁、杭州)

Have you ever sent flowers to anyone?

Have you ever bought plastic flowers?

Color (天津、福州)

Driving (苏州、长春、南宁、乌鲁木齐)

Have you ever driven?

What kinds of cars do you like to own in the future? Transport (哈尔滨、太原、武汉、西安)

Friends (广州、贵州)


Do you think memory is important for you? Why?

How did people keep their memory?

Do you save photographs?

How do you take photos?

Leisure (合肥)

Future Job (合肥、贵州)

Part two


A vehicle you want to buy (澳洲)

Describe a car or vehicle you would like to have in the future You should say:

Which will you choose (motorbike or car)

How much it will cost

And explain why you'd like to buy it

Part 3:

Is it safe to travel by bicycle?

What is the most dangerous way to travel?

Why are there more and more cars on road?

What can government do to improve road safety?

An electronic device (厦门、太原)

Describe an electronic device you own or willing to own you should say: what is it.

how did you get it.

what do you use it for

why do you think it's useful.

Part 3

How does technology be used in Education?

Can you describe the change of technology used in Education?

Compare technology in the past and now

Describe your favorite communication method (新西兰、武汉、太原、杭州)骨灰级旧题You should say:

What it is

What it’s the advantage

When you use it

And explain why it is your favorite ways of communications

Part 3

Can you describe an advanced communication method applied in working place?

Compare telephone with letter, letter vs email?

Will our use of telephone change in the future?

Will letter not be used anymore?

Describe an advertisement that you think is successful. (广州、厦门、西安)

You should say:

what is advertised

what the advertisement contains

what kinds of people would be (or, are) interested in

and explain why you think this advertisement works well.

Part 3

Is advertisement interesting or stressful?

Is brand name important,?

Why people spend more money on famous brand products?

A family photograph (长春)

Describe one of your favorite family photographs.

You should say:

who took the photo

when it was taken

where it was taken

and explain why you like it.

A work of art (杭州)

Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen.

You should say:

when you saw this work of art

where you saw it

what it looked like

and explain your impression of it.

Describe a TV program that you like to watch(山西、南宁、大连)

You should say:

What type of program it is

When you watch it

Why you watch it

And explain what you learn from this program

Describe an item of cloth or jewelry you wear in a special occasion.(杭州)

You should say:

What this clothing or jewelry looks like

Where you bought it

On what special occasions you wear it

And explain why you wear it on special occasions or and explain what other people think about it

Your favorite weather(广州、南宁)

Describe your favorite weather.

You should say:

what kind of weather it is

when this weather usually occurs

what you usually do during this weather

and explain how this weather affects you.

A Present you gave to someone (福州、长沙)

Describe a Present you gave to someone

What it is

Who you gave


Explain his feeling when he received the present


A musician or group popular (重庆、南京、成都)

Describe a musician or group popular in your country

You should say:

Which person or band

Who often likes listening to their/his/her songs

What kind of music they/he/she sings

And explain why you admire then/him/her.

Part 3

Where do people usually go to listen to music?

Do you think that technology will change the development of music? What kinds of instruments do parents usually give to their children?

A Famous Person(深圳、成都)

Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

You should say:

who this person is (or, was)

how you first learnt about him or her

how/why this person is famous

and explain why you would like to meet this person.

A couple you know with a happy marriage (新西兰)

Describe a couple you know with a happy marriage

how long have they married

why and how they can they spend time together

why you think they have a happy marriage

A Child (福州、大连)

Describe a child you know

What is he/she like

What about his/her personality

And how do you know him/her

Part 3

Are there any disadvantages of the only-child family?

A family member who is very interesting(武汉、大连)Describe a past family member who led a interesting life

You should say:

Who the person is

What kind of person he or she is

What you and this person usually do together

And explain why you think why you think he/she is interesting?

Part 3

Do you introduce this family member to your friends?

Do you think history is important for you and your family?

How do you know your family’s history?

What technology do you used to save you and your family's history ?

A happiest person (杭州、长沙、大连)

Describe a happiest person you know

You should say:

Who the person is

How you know the person

How the person show happiness

And explain why you think the person is the happiest

Describe a friend you haven’t met for a long time (南京)

You should say:

Who this friend is

How long you have not met with each other

When you would like to meet him or her

What you would like to do together

And explain why you haven’t met for a long time


A happy family news(北京、厦门、南京)6月16日出现的新话题



And explain why it made you happy

Part 3

How do your family members communicate with each other?

Are there any differences of the communicating methods nowadays and in the past?

What kinds of communicating methods will appear as the technology develops?

An occasion you have to be polite(重庆、北京、乌鲁木齐)

Describe an occasion you have to be polite.



how to be polite

Part 3

What are the differences between being polite and being formal?

When do you need to express your true feelings?

An experience that make you laugh (重庆、长沙、长春)

Describe a thing or experience make you laugh

You should say:

What the event was

When and where it happened

Who participated in this event

What you saw or did

And explain why this event made you laugh

A free day (哈尔滨、广州、厦门、海南、合肥)

Describe a free day you want to enjoy/what you would do if you have a day off from your work or school

You should say:

Where you will go

What you will do

Who you will spend the day with

And explain how you think you would feel at the end of this day

Describe a historical event you know(苏州、西安、青岛)

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

What it was

And explain why you still remember it

The first day of school/course/job(哈尔滨、贵州)Describe your first day of school/course/job

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

What happened

And explain how you felt during that day.

A difficult thing you did (上海)

Describe something difficult you did.

You should say:

what is was

when and where you did it

who was with you

and explain why you think this was difficult.

A group activity you took part in (北京)Describe a group activity you took part in at college what did you do

who was with you

how the team influenced you

Your ideal job (武汉)

Describe your ideal job.

You should say:

What it is.

Where you want to do it.

What about the working hours.

Describe an exciting experience you had(合肥)You should say:

What it was

When and where you had it

Who with you was

And explain why this experinece was exciting for you


A natural beauty you want to visit in the future (杭州、成都、武汉、大连)Describe a place of natural beauty

You should say:

Where it is

What it is

What do you do there

and explain why do you it is nice

Part 3

What are the benefits the scenic spots can bring to the local people?

Would you like to visit modern city or go to a natural beauty when you go to another country? Should people bring on the mobile phones when the go to the scenic spots?

An important city in your country (重庆、福州)

Described an important city in your country

You should say:

Where the city is

What people do there

Whether you visited it before

And explain why you think the city is important

Part 3

What are the changes in recent 20 years?

What are the key factors in the development of the city?

In what aspects has the city changed?

Do you like these changes?

A street you are familiar with(郑州)旧题换新

Describe a street are familiar with

You should say:

Where it is

What the main buildings are in that street

What you usually do in(on)that street

And explain how you feel about this street


Describe a situation that you first came with wild animal (澳洲、广州、成都、西安、长沙、大连)

You should say:

Where you came with wild animal

With who

What it looks like

Where it lives

P art 3:

Why should we protect animals?

Is it good to keep animal in the zoo?

Which animal don’t adapt to be closed in the zoo?

To people ,is there anything can replacing animal?

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