研究生英语视听说教程 Unit 6

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综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5 3
sexual inequality
economic growth
get richer
better educated
wage gap More striking traditionally construction
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
Sex Vs Gender a) Sex: biological ________ differences between males and females primary sex characteristics (internal and i.________________________ external genitals) men have a penis and testes a. ____ women have a clitoris and ovaries b. _______ sex characteristics (nonii.secondary ___________________________ genital / hormonal differences) men produce more testosterone a. ____ b. ________ women produce more estrogen
no smaller dominate
F ___1.“Men are finished”, and a World Bank report has confirmed this proposition. T 2. Women’s occupations cluster in communications, ___ retail and public administration, including education and health. T 3. Men and women tended to separate themselves into ___ the same sorts of occupation in all the countries regardless of national income. F 4. Women have more assets that can be turned into ___ capital, a prime example is land. T 5. Food-processing firms prefer to sign export ___ contracts with men, since they fear women will find it harder to meet the terms of the contract.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5 12
This lesson defines institutional sexism, which is when a society perpetuates different opportunities or advantages for one sex over the other. It covers four contexts in which institutional sexism is common: in the workplace, at home, in politics, and in the military.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5 2
b) Gender:psychological ____________ differences/ experience of being male or female masculine or _________ feminine a person feels i. how __________ expresses those _____ ii. how he or she __________ traits to others e.g. a. stereotypes of men: — better at _____ math sports — like to watch _______ stinky and messy than the average women —more ___________________________________ b. stereotypes of women: bake — like to ______ children — enjoy being around _________ — like to wear ________________ pink frilly dresses
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5 9
1. 如果一种性别长期以来在社会中拥有比另一种性 别更多的机会和优势,这就被称为制度性性别歧 视。(perpetuate, institutional sexism) When a society perpetuates different opportunities or advantages for one sex over the other, this is called institutional sexism. 2. 平均起来,男人每挣1美元,和他干完全相同工 作的女人只能挣0.77美元。 On average, a woman will only make $0.77 for every $1.00 a man makes at the exact same job.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5 14
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5 5
T 6. The European Union found women less likely to ___ start business than men, largely for lack of credit. F 7. Since advances in female education are widespread, ___ they are universal. F ___ 8. Female workers tend to have been employed for longer than men, giving them more work experience. ___ T 9. According to the bank report, the main reason that women cluster in low-paid fields is that they do not control their own time. F 10. Women do at least three times as much housework ___ and child care as men, in rich or poor countries alike.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
4. 即便在双职工家庭也是如此,双职工家庭指除了 干家里的活之外,夫妻两人在外都有全职的工作。 (heterosexual household) This is true even in a heterosexual household in which both the man and woman work fulltime jobs outside of the home in addition to their work at home. 5. 政界是一个我们看到的男女比例悬殊巨大之处。 (a large disparity) Politics is one area in which we see a large disparity in the number of men versus women.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5 7
1. B
6. D
2. C
7. A
3. A
8. B
4. A
9. C
5Fra Baidu bibliotek C
10. A
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
1. across listed companies/ in OECD / only one woman for every 9 men/ boardroom table. 2. Norway/ 40% board members/ women/ mandatory quota / introduced in 2006. 3. Sweden, France, Finland / 15%- 20% board members/women/drops/ less than 5%/ Germany, Japan, Netherlands.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5 10
3. 对于很多女人来说,这种报酬上的差异是最令人 沮丧的,她们觉得男人和女人干一样的工作就应 该挣一样的钱,只有这样才公平。 This difference in pay is one of the most upsetting for many women, who feel it would only be fair for both people to make the same amount for the same work.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
1. What is this video clip mainly about? Gender inequality. 2. What problems are many countries facing? Aging population and falling fertility rate. 3. What does “glass ceiling” mean? It means that women can figuratively 'rise' so high in the company, but then they hit their heads of some kind of invisible barrier that stops them from rising all the way to the top.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
Section A 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B Section B 10. A 11.D
6.C 7.A
Section C 16. from surgical treatments. 17. Surgical Safety Checklist 18. 5-10% 19. patient's identity 20. nothing unnecessary