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Unit 1

1.今天我有很多吃的和喝地。I will have lots to eat and drink today.


Well, you shouldn’t worry about not having breakfast then


Millie is already familiar with the 12 animal signs of the Chinese horoscope.


She has just discovered that people in the West have 12 star signs.


She wants to find out more about them because she wants to learn more about Western culture. 6.一年被分为12个不同的星座。A year is divided into 12 star signs.

7.你出生的时间决定了你的星座。The time of your birthday decides your star sign. 8.一些人认为,出生与同一星座的人拥有相似的性格。Some people believe that people born under the same star signshare similar characteristics.

9.一些人认为你有的时候很自私。Some people think that you are selfish at times. 10.你很有耐心,不容易放弃。You are a patient and do not give up easily.

11.你喜欢朋友买一些漂亮的礼物。You like to buy your friends nice gifts.

12.你不停地过多的担忧。You worry too much at times.


You are practical and you always pay attention to details.

14.你很优雅,喜欢一些漂亮的事物。You are elegant and love beautiful things.

15.你不能原谅别人的错误是愚蠢的。It is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.

16.你热爱生活,有很好的幽默感。You enjoy life and have a good sense of humour. 17.你效率很高,经常获得成功。You are businesslike and are often successful.


You are patient enough to wait without getting angry.


However, some people think that your are strange as you hate to be like anyone else an

20.你总是尝试着与众不同。You try everything just to be different.

21.你喜欢对所有的事情充满着幻想。You like to dream about everything.


Do you think Peter would be a good chairperson?

23.我认为,他将不能很好的组织事情。I don’t think he’d be able to organize things well. 24.但是,他有足够的创新,而能产生一些新注意。

But he’s imaginative enough to come up with new ideas.

25.其他还有谁将会合适呢?Who else would be suitable?


I’d like to recommend David as the new chairperson of the Student s’ Union. 27.这就意味着,他极有可能即活泼又聪明。This means he is probably lively and clever. 28.我认为David应当做新主席,因为他象我的叔叔一样聪明。

I think David would be a great chairperson.


This is very important because he will have to speak in front of the whole school. 30.由于他非常的努力,他不会介意为学生会做一些额外的工作。

Since he is so hard-working, he would not mind doing extra work for the Student s’Union.


We think that David has all the qualities to be a good chairperson.


You should be confident enough to take this job.