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1.上课(Beginning a class)

(1)Class begins!上课。

(2)Stand up,please.起立!Sit down,Please.请坐!

2. 问候(Greeting)

(3)Good morning/Good afternoon boys and girls/children.

(4)How are you today?

3. 考勤(Checking attendance)

(5)Who is on duty today?今天谁值日?

(6)Is everyone/everybody here?每个人都到了吗?(7)Go back to your seat,please.回到座位上。

(8)What day is it today?今天星期几?

(9)What is the date today?今天几号呀?

(10)What is the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?

4. 宣布(Announcing)

(11)Let’s learn Lesson One.我们学…课

(12)First,Let’s review. / Let’s have a revision. 首先,让我们复习一下。(13)What did we learn yesterday / last time?上节课我们学了什么?

5. 提起注意(Directing attention)

(14)Ready?/Are you ready?准备好了吗?

(15)Understand ? / Clear?/Do you understand?懂了吗?

(16)Be quiet,please./Quiet,please.安静!

(17)Listen /Look carefully,please 请仔细听/仔细看!

6. 课堂活动(Classroom activities)

(18)Read it together./All together.大家一起!

(19)Let’s do it one by one.一个人一个人的做。

(20)Now you,please./It’s your turn ,(Students name).轮到你了,….

(21) Next,please.下一个。Don’t speak out.别说出来。

7. 鼓励(Encouraging)

(22)Can you try it ?你能试一试吗?

(23)Try your best./Do your best.尽力试一试。

(24)Don’t be afraid/shy.别害怕/害羞。

8. 指令(Issuing a command)

(25)Follow / Read after /me,please。跟我读。

(26)Repeat,please./ Again. 重复。

(27)Once more,please./One more time,please.再来一次。(28)Hands up/ ,please.请举手。

(29)Hands down,please.放下手。

(30)Please take out your books.拿出本子。

(31)Please open your books at page…/Turn to Page…打开书到…页。

(32)Please answer my question(s).请回答问题。

(33)Please read it loudly. /Loudly ,please. 请大声读。

(34)Please stop now./Stop here,please.现在停止。

9. 评价

(35)Good,thank you.很好,谢谢。OK. / Good/Very good./Good job.很好,做的很好。Excellent./Great!/Well done.精彩!很好!太棒了。(36)I don’t think so.我可不这么认为。

10. 布置作业(Setting homework)

(37)Today’s homework…今天的作业是…

11. 下课(Dismissing the class)

(38)That is all for today.今天就讲到这里吧。

(39)Class is over.下课。Good bye.Bye.

(40)See you next time。下节课见


Good morning, class.

Good afternoon, class 4.

Good morning, everybody.

Good afternoon, everyone.

Good morning, boys and girls.

Good afternoon, children.

How are you all today?

Are you all well this morning?

打招呼之后,可以增加一两句(Beginning a chat) Well, did you have a good weekend?

Well, did you enjoy the holiday?

Well, what did you do yesterday evening?

Tell me what you did at the weekend?


Oh, you\'ve got a new dress on. It\'s very nice.

Oh, you\'ve got a new hair style.

二、考勤(Checking attendance)


Right ! I\'m going to call the row.

OK ! Listen while I call your names.

Now ! I\'ll take the register.

Quiet f now, please. Listen while I see if you\'re all here. 2.问缺席情况

Now ! Let\'s see who\'s absent.

Right ! Let\'s see if anyone\'s away.

Is anybody absent?

Is everybody here?