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综英3 U1--U7句子翻译

U1 1)What I didn’t count on was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker. 我不曾想到,随着时间的流逝,我果真以身为社工而自豪。 2)Shooting a quick look at the clock on the wall, Grandma let out a cry, “Oh, My dear /My goodness/My gracious, we’re going to miss the train!” 奶奶迅速撇了一眼墙上的时钟,发出一声惊呼:“天哪,我们要赶不及火车了!” 3)At the kindergarten entrance, I always see some kids/children holding firmly on to their parents. Should young parents be sterner towards their kids/children and leave immediately under these circumstances? 我总在幼儿园门口看到一些孩子抓住父母不让走。请问:在这种情形下,年轻的父母们是否得对孩子严厉些还是赶紧离开? 4)In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl/ a girl weeping. 昏暗的路灯下站着一个哭泣的小女孩 5)When making donations, rich people should be as considerate as possible in order not to put the recipient in an embarrassing situation. 富人捐赠时要尽量考虑周全,不要让受赠者陷入难堪境地。 6)Since last month, my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I am counting the days until the National Day


高中英语汉译英 1稍等一会儿,我会帮助你的。 请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机.(or) 2他们作了自我介绍。(introduce) 3请去查询下班火车什么时候开。(find out) 4昨天下午2时到4时你在做什么?(过去进行时) 5我正在吃晚饭,电话铃响了。 6不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢游泳。(be fond of) 7他今天感到身体好多了。(a lot) 8礼堂里早已挤满了高中学生。(be full of) 9我在街上走时,看到了一些古老的建筑物。(while) 10我走近花园时,几个男孩子在爬树。(用过去进行时) 11请脱下你的旧上衣,穿上这件新的。(take off, put on) 12这件事是什么时候发生的?(happen) 13他去办公室查询课程表.(ask abut) 14当我们到达车站时,火车已开出了。(过去完成时) 15他服药后,开始感到好些了.(过去完成时) 16 我观看体育节目你有意见吗? (mind) :介意做某事 17我还没有读完那本有关伦敦的书.(finish) finish doing:完成做某事 18 他没有跟我说一声就离开了山村。(without) 19我告诉她我已把餐具洗好了。(过去完成时) wash up 20汤姆上楼去他的卧室时,他的姐姐已把他的上衣改短了一英寸。(过去完成时) 21我和汤姆都盼望早日见到您。(look forward to). 22全世界的人都在电视上观看奥运会.(all over the world) 23我听说这场比赛将延期。(put off). 24这里要讲英语.(被动) 25这座体育馆将于明年建成.(被动语态) 26过马路时要小心.(be careful) 27这次车祸是什么引起的?(cause) 28她总是乐于助人.(be ready to). 29这个女孩由于不遵守交通规则,在车祸中受了伤。(被动). 30到时候会通知你的.(被动语态) 31我根本不喜欢这个铜的框架。(not…at all) not…at all:一点都不 32他把玫瑰栽在花园中间.(in the middle) 33他不知道她为什么在练习中有这么多的错误.(wonder) 34他告诉我一切都会好的。(过去将来时). 35谁也不知道我们什么时候举行下次会议. 36在新学校里有这么多的东西要学。 37当老师进来的时候,我们正在愉快地交谈。 38我们一读完初中就进入高中。 39我的老师比我想象的要年轻得多。 40晚饭后,我总是在厨房里洗碗碟. 41我们将在明天下午举行班会.(用被动语态) 42 老师看见他的学生们在教室里做功课。(…doing…) 43她说鲁宾逊先生将不得不为那张画付高价. 44我的母亲说我们将在北京逗留两个星期。(过去将来时)


[标签:标题] 篇一:2015汉译英句子翻译(包括参考译文) 2015年汉译英综合练习 1. 她就是这样风里来,雨里去,成年累月地工作着。 This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round. 2. 西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光奇丽。 The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with emerald hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 3. 但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变过来。 But it’s the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it. 4. 一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地地受到关怀和照顾。 From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 5. 袭人道:“一百年还记得呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起就忘了。”“I’ll remember it if I live to be a hundred!”said Aroma. “I am not like you, letting what I say go in at one ear and out at the other forgetting what’s said at night by the next morning.” 6. 要制造飞机,就必须仔细考虑空气阻力问题。 Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be made. 7. 为什么总把这些麻烦事推给我呢? Why should all the unpleasant jobs be pushed onto me? 8. 只有在我过于劳累,在我长时间无间断地工作,在我感到内心空虚,需要补充精神营养 的时候,我才感到寂寞。 I am lonely when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. 9. 中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。 The successful explosion of the first atomic bomb in China caused great repercussions all over the world. 10. 我们应该实行国民经济信息化和科研成果产业化。 We should build an information-based national economy and apply scientific research achievements to industrial production. 11. 你说的倒轻巧,你也给我捧个奖杯回来。 You talk as if it were very simple. Why not try yourself and see if you can bring back a trophy, too? 12. 中国应该用实践向世界表明,中国反对霸权主义、强权政治、永不称霸。 China should show the world through actions that she is opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony. 13. 中国明朝的著名旅行家徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍布全国。 Xu Xiake, a great traveler in China’s Ming Dynasty, visited 16 provinces in his lifetime, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. 14. 阿Q将衣服摔在地上,吐一口唾沫,说:“这毛虫”! Ah Q flung his jacket on the ground, spat, and swore, “Hairy worm!”


大学英语 2 1) 美国人一般早早就安排好他们的退休生活。 Americans usually make plans for their retirement well in advance. 2) 他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手。 They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers. 3) 我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话。 I’ve heard from your references that the employer had called them. 4) 请告诉我们具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备。 Would you please inform us the exact date so that we can make proper arrangements. 5) 我们对出席派对人数的估计与实际来的人数相差了一大截。 Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party missed by a mile. 6) 只要不成为阅读负担,你的报告可以包括足够多的细节。 Your report can include enough details without being a burden to read. Page21: 6 .Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. 1. ▲Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. (虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。) ▲Although he has only studied English for two years, he can speak it quite well now. (虽然他学习英语仅2年,但是他现在英语讲得相当好。) ▲虽然生态环境有所改善,但生态安全状况仍然严重。 (Although the ecological environment was becoming better, the problems were still serious.) ▲尽管天色已晚,我还是有点想出去 (Although it is late, I’d quite like to go out.) 2. ▲For most formal occasions, it’s best to invite guests three or four weeks in advance. (大多数正式场合,最好提前三到四个星期发出邀请。) ▲It’s best to slice into a rich cake from the middle. (最好从中间切油腻蛋糕。) ▲在中午太阳光线很强的时候,你最好避免外出。 (It’s best to avoid going out in the strong midday sun.) ▲如果你应邀去参加正式的聚会,你最好穿上西装,打上领带。 (If you are invited to a formal party, it’s best to wear a suit and a tie.) 3. ▲A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company’s image. (公司可以选择使用自己想要的任何颜色的纸张,只要它有利于维护和提升企业的形象。) ▲Your college or university will provide a report about your education as long as you continue to study there. (你的学院或大学将为你提供成绩报告单,只要你继续在哪里学习。) ▲只要我还有钱维持, 我就在墨西哥待下去。 (I’ll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.) ▲只要我还活着,我就不会忘记那件 (I’ll never forget that as long as I am alive.) 4.

综英五Text A句子翻译(Book 5)

Unit 1 1、有一次她满足了我的愿望,可是在我把黄油弄好之前,她就读完了故事。Once she granted my wish, but she read off my story before I brought her butter. 2、还没识字,我就想读书了,一心想读所有的书。 Still illiterate, I was ready for them, committed to all the reading I could give them. 3、多亏了我的父母,我很早就接触了受人喜爱的马克?吐温。 To both my parents I owe my early acquaintance with a beloved Mark Twain. 4、我一本接一本阅读摆在我面前的书,读着读着便发现一本又破又旧的书。Reading everything that stood before me was how I came upon a worn old book that had belonged to my father as a child. 5、我的父母真的是给我再多的书都嫌不够。 Indeed, my parents could not give me books enough. Unit 2 1、如果有一件事,既能增进健康、减少患上食物引起的疾病的危险。又有助于保护环境、保护千万动物安全生存,你做不做? If there was a single act that would improve your health, cut your risk of food-borne illnesses, and help preserve the environment and the welfare of millions of animals, would you do it? 2、推动人们转向素食的是医学研究提出的关于如何增进健康的建议。 Fuelling the shift toward vegetarianism have been the health recommendations of medical research. 3、我们一向利用不合适的燃料来维持人类生理引擎的运转。 We’ve been running the human biological en gine on the wrong fuel. 4、根据信息自由法案获得的有关文件记载,这些集团迫使加拿大最新食品指南在1993年公布前做出修改。 According to documents retrieved through the Freedom of Information Act, these groups forced changes to Canada’s latest food guide before it was


一、翻译下列句子,注意选词: 1. 人民现在为什么拥护我们?就是这十几年有发展。 2. 由于全球气候变暖,海平面在一点点地上升。 3. 改革开放也使民族精神获得了解放。 4. 我们的企业应着重提高国际竞争力。 5. 中国的现代化建设离不开与世界各国的经济合作与贸易往来。 6. 湖区水位提高可能要危及竹子的生长。这意味着以竹子为食物的大熊猫也将 受到威胁。 参考译文: 1. Why do people support us? Because our economy has been developing. 2. The sea level is rising little by little in the consequenee of global warmi ng. 3. Reforms and the open policy have also emancipated the minds of the people. 4. We need to be enhancing international petitiveness. 5. China' s moder ni zati on is in separable from her econo mic cooperati on and trade ties with other nations. 6. Higher water levels in the lake area mayendanger the growing of bamboos, which means gia nt pan das that feed on these pla nts will suffer, too. 二、物称与人称(翻译下列句子,注意运用物称表达法) T1我想到希望,忽然害怕起来了。 11他气得话也说不出来。 我一时想不起他的名字。 我疏忽了这个问题。 我兴奋得什么话都说不出来。 走过草地几步,我们就到了一个华丽的大酒店。 你只消仔细比较一下,就会发现不同。 一看到那棵大树,我便想起了童年的情景。 恕我孤陋寡闻,对此关系一无所知。 凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我却受之有愧。 参考译文: "T1 The access of hope made me sudde nly afraid. "T1 An ger choked his words. "H His name escaped me for the moment. "H This point slipped my attention. Excitement deprived me of all power of utteranee. Tl A few steps across the lawn brought me to a large, splendid hotel.


B5M1(句子翻译) 1.It_doesn’t_matter_whether you will attend the party or not. 你来不来参加派对并不重要。 2.Many students are hot on playing computer games, while Wang Chen likes playing Weiqi. 许多学生热衷于电脑游戏,而王琛却喜欢下围棋。 .They have a lot in common and get along well with each other. 3.他们有很多相同之处,相处得很融洽。 .They are twin sisters, yet they have_little_in_common in their hobbies. 4.她们是孪生姐妹,但是她们的业余爱好几乎没有相同之处。 .In_common_with other companies, they advertise widely as well. 5.和其他公司一样,他们也广泛地做广告。 .One false step will make a great difference. 6.失之毫厘,谬以千里。 .The twins look so similar that you can hardly tell_the_difference_between them. 7.这对双胞胎看起来太像了,你简直无法把他们区分开来。 .It might be obvious to you, but it isn’t to me. 8.这对你来说也许很容易理解,但对我却并非如此。 .It_is_obvious_that the two Englishes have much in common. 9.很显然,这两种英语有很多共同之处。 .Obviously (obvious), American spelling is simpler than British spelling. 10很显然,美式拼写要比英式拼写简单。


大学英语2 1) 美国人一般早早就安排好他们的退休生活。 Americans usually make plans for their retirement well in advance. 2) 他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手。 They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers. 3) 我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话。 I' ve heard from your references that the employer had called them. 4) 请告诉我们具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备。 Would you please inform us the exact date so that we can make proper arrangements. 5) 我们对出席派对人数的估计与实际来的人数相差了一大截。 Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party missed by a mile. 6) 只要不成为阅读负担,你的报告可以包括足够多的细节。 Your report can include enough details without being a burden to read. Page21: 6 .Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. 1. ▲ Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. (虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。) ▲ Although he has only studied English for two years, he can speak it quite well now. (虽然他学习英语仅 2 年,但是他现在英语讲得相当好。 ) ▲虽然生态环境有所改善,但生态安全状况仍然严重。 ( Although the ecological environment was becoming better, the problems were still serious. )▲ 尽管天色已晚,我还是有点想出去 (Although it is late, I ' d quite like to go out. ) 2. ▲ For most formal occasions, it 's best to invite guests three or four weeks in advance. (大多数正式场合,最好提前三到四个星期发出邀请。 ) ▲ It ' s best to slice into a rich cake from the middle. (最好从中间切油腻蛋糕。 ) ▲在中午太阳光线很强的时候,你最好避免外出。 ( It ' s best to avoid going out in the strong midday sun. ) ▲如果你应邀去参加正式的聚会,你最好穿上西装,打上领带。 ( If you are invited to a formal party, it 's best to wear a suit and a tie. ) 3. ▲ A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company ' s image. (公司可以选择使用自己想要的任何颜色的纸张,只要它有利于维护和提升企业的形象。 ) ▲ Your college or university will provide a report about your education as long as you continue to study there. ( 你的学院或大学将为你提供成绩报告单,只要你继续在哪里学习。) ▲只要我还有钱维持, 我就在墨西哥待下去。 ( I' ll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on. )


一、翻译下列句子,注意选词: 1.人民现在为什么拥护我们?就是这十几年有发展。 2.由于全球气候变暖,海平面在一点点地上升。 3.改革开放也使民族精神获得了解放。 4.我们的企业应着重提高国际竞争力。 5.中国的现代化建设离不开与世界各国的经济合作与贸易往来。 6.湖区水位提高可能要危及竹子的生长。这意味着以竹子为食物的大熊猫也将 受到威胁。 参考译文: 1.Why do people support us? Because our economy has been developing. 2.The sea level is rising little by little in the consequence of global warming. 3.Reforms and the open policy have also emancipated the minds of the people. 4.We need to be enhancing international competitiveness. 5.China’s modernization is inseparable from her economic cooperation and trade ties with other nations. 6.Higher water levels in the lake area may endanger the growing of bamboos, which means giant pandas that feed on these plants will suffer, too. 二、物称与人称(翻译下列句子,注意运用物称表达法) 我想到希望,忽然害怕起来了。 他气得话也说不出来。 我一时想不起他的名字。 我疏忽了这个问题。 我兴奋得什么话都说不出来。 走过草地几步,我们就到了一个华丽的大酒店。 你只消仔细比较一下,就会发现不同。 一看到那棵大树,我便想起了童年的情景。 恕我孤陋寡闻,对此关系一无所知。 凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我却受之有愧。 参考译文: The access of hope made me suddenly afraid. Anger choked his words. His name escaped me for the moment. This point slipped my attention. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. A few steps across the lawn brought me to a large, splendid hotel.


1. 多尔蒂先生和他的家人目前正在农场忙于秋收。 Mr. Doherty and his family are engaged in autumn harvest on the farm. 2. 我们不能低估敌人,他们装备了最先进的武器。 We cant underestimate enemies, they have been equipped with the most advanced weapons. 3. 菲尔已三个月没有找到工作了,正变得越来越绝望。 Phil is becoming more and more desperate, because she has been out of work for 3 months. 4. 作为项目经理,山姆办事果断,工作效率高,且判断准确。 As a manager of project, Sam is decisive in action ,efficient in work, and accurate in j udgment. 5. 既然已证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会决定将其关闭,为此损失了一百个工作岗位。Since it has been proved that this chemistry factory is the source of pollution, the vil lage neighborhood committee decides to close it at the cost of one hundred jobs. 1. 空气中有一种不寻常的寂静,只有远处响着大炮的声音。 There was an unnatural silence in the air, only with the cannon undering far off. 2. 在某些非洲国家城市的扩展已引起生活水平相当大的下降和社会问题的增多。 The expansion of cities in some African countries has caused a considerable in living standard and increase in social problems. 3. 研究表明大气中的二氧化碳的含量与全球温度密切相关。 Studies have shown that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels correlate with global tem perature. 4. 最近公共汽车的车辆行驶频率已有改善,从15分钟缩短到12分钟一班。 Recently, the frequency of bus service has been improved, reduced from 15minutes to12minutes every run. 5. 那位跳水运动员立在跳水板边沿,只等教练发出信号便会立刻跳下。 That driver standing on the edge of the diving board, and is poised to dive as soon a s the coach sends out the signal. 1.尽管在此次紧急迫降中,飞机跑道不够长,但经验老到的飞行员还是让飞机滑行了一段时间后就停了下来。 Although the airstrip is not long enough in the urgent landing, the veteran pilot still stopped the plane after it slipped for some time. 2. 在记者反复追问下,该影星终于说漏了嘴,承认自己做过两次整容手术。 Grilled by the reporters, the movie star blurted that she had took plastic surgeries t wice.


B5M1(句子翻译) 1.It_doesn’t_matter_whether you will attend the party or not. 你来不来参加派对并不重要。 2.Many students are hot on playing computer games, while Wang Chen likes playing Weiqi. 许多学生热衷于电脑游戏,而王琛却喜欢下围棋。 .They have a lot in common and get along well with each other. 3.他们有很多相同之处,相处得很融洽。 .They are twin sisters, yet they have_little_in_common in their hobbies. 4.她们是孪生姐妹,但是她们的业余爱好几乎没有相同之处。 .In_common_with other companies, they advertise widely as well. 5.和其他公司一样,他们也广泛地做广告。 .One false step will make a great difference. 6.失之毫厘,谬以千里。 .The twins look so similar that you can hardly tell_the_difference_between them. 7.这对双胞胎看起来太像了,你简直无法把他们区分开来。 .It might be obvious to you, but it isn’t to me. 8.这对你来说也许很容易理解,但对我却并非如此。 .It_is_obvious_that the two Englishes have much in common. 9.很显然,这两种英语有很多共同之处。 .Obviously (obvious), American spelling is simpler than British spelling. 10很显然,美式拼写要比英式拼写简单。 .Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news gets around quickly. 11.好事不出门,坏事传千里。 .It’s time I got down to some serious work. 12.我该认真干点正事了。 .I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn’t get through. 13.昨天我试着给你打过几次电话,但是没有打通。 .A man in confusion (confuse) cannot focus on the required work. 14.思绪混乱的人不可能集中精力做他被要求做的工作。 ③The confused look on his face suggested that he was confused about the confusing questions asked by his parents.(confuse) 15.他脸上迷惑的表情表明他对父母问的那些令人迷惑的问题感到困惑。 They confused me by asking so many confusing questions. I was totally confused, standing there in confusion, not knowing what to do.


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use Unit 1 1. She doesn’t seem to get along with her new classmates. 她似乎与新同学相处不好。(get along with) 2. I’d been out of touch with Mary for year, but I managed to reach her by phone yesterday. 我与玛丽失去联系多年,但昨天我与她在电话里联系上了。(out of touch,reach)3. The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him. 那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章。(show off) 4. He husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad. 她丈夫似乎非常反对她出国。(opposed to) 5. As Thomas couldn’t settle down in his job, his parents were very worried. 因为托马斯不安心工作,他的父母非常担忧。(settle down) 6. I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets. 我口袋里总是装着各种各样的小东西。(bits and pieces) 7. Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle. 她母亲通过一些私人关系使她进入商界。(pull strings) 8. I hope the food is to your liking. 我希望这些菜合你的胃口。(to somebody’s liking.) 9. I told the boys off for making so much noise. 那些男孩太吵闹,我把他们骂了一顿。(tell off) Unit4 1. Obviously I overestimated my sense of direction. Net time, I will remember to bring along a map with me. 我显然是高估了自己的方向感,下次我一定记得带地图。(overestimate) 2. The mother is not thoroughly disillusioned with her selfish unfilial son. 母亲对她那个自私不孝的儿子彻底失望了。(be disillusioned) 3. She has no knack for saying the right thing at the right time. 她很不善于见什么人说什么话。(have no knack for) 4. He and football were meant for each other from the start. 从一开始他就和足球结下了不解之缘。(be meant for) 5. My boss assigned me the secretarial work for the first month. 老板指派我在第一个月里做秘书工作。(assign) 6. If a driver breaks traffic rules, are there any alternatives to a fire? 驾驶员违反交通规则,除了罚款之外,还有别的处罚办法吗?(alternative to) 7. Being a clumsy person, he often subjects himself to ridicule. 他老是笨手笨脚,因而常常遭人嘲笑。(subject to)


第一单元(一)1.自从有了移动电话后,他在也没有给朋友写信了。 He has no longer written to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone. 2.尽管很忙,他每天至少花两个小时上网,了解这个领域的最新动态。 Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet, aiming to know about the latest development in this area / field. 3.李教授在毕业典礼上作了一个简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中。 Professor Li made a short speech at the commencement, his words of which were deeply impressed upon my memory. 4.讲到期末考试,学生们一点都不紧张,他们满脸都是自信。 Talking of the final exams the students were not nervous at all. On their faces was confidence. 5.在30分钟内写出一篇约100个词的短文,对于他们班大多数学生来说不过是小菜一碟。 To write a short passage of about 100 words within 30 minutes would be a snap to most students in their class. (二)1.我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣。 I抳e found myself having great interest in spoken English. 2.驱车行驶在高速公路上,我意识到近几年来,中国的公路系统发生了巨大的变化。 Driving on the highway, I realized that enormous changes had taken place in China’s automobile way system in recent years. 3.我简直不敢相信他这么快就学会了操作计算机。 I can hardly believe that he has learned to how to work a computer in such a short time / period. 4.三年的时光已经过去,这一刻终于来临了:不到两周我就要回国了。 Three years has passed and the time has come. In less than two weeks, I will go back to my country. 5.许多我认识的人都迫不及待地想要出国,而我却宁愿和家人一起呆在国内。 Many people I know can抰 wait to go abroad, but I would rather stay with my family in my country. 第二单元(一)1.他的生活经历在他的学术生涯中一直扮演着一个重要角色。 His life experiences have always been playing an important role in his academic career. 2.那家餐厅最近已经延长了营业时间。 The restaurant has extended its opening hours recently. 3.我刚刚读完一本从一种新的视角研究莎士比亚的有趣的书籍。 I抳e just read an interesting book which has a new approach to Shakespeare. 4.随着电子邮件的广泛应用,垃圾邮件问题已引起人们的极大关注。 With the wide use of e-mail, the issue of junk mail / spam issue / problem has drawn much concern. 5.传统教育比起网络教育来说对学生和教师之间交流和互动有着更多的限制。 There are more limitations on communication and interaction between teachers and students in traditional/ conventional education than (there are) in online education. (二)1.谁是谁非昭然若揭,吉姆无意和他争论。Since it is obvious who was right and who was wrong, Jim had no intention of arguing/ to argue with him. 2.令人惊讶的是,那次与威尔逊教授的偶然相识,后来居然给了我一个机会去他们学校作交流学生。 To my surprise, it was the chance meeting with Prof. Wilson that later on afforded me an opportunity to study at his university as an exchange student. 3.学校延长图书馆和教室的开放时间,尽量满足学生的需求。 The university will extend the opening hours of its library and the classrooms to meet the students 4.信息技术的发展已经开始对社会生活的各个方面产生深远影响。 The development of information technology has begun to have profound effects on all aspects of social life. 5.凭他的英语水平,在这次校级英语演讲比赛中他将有上佳的表现,对此我们没有疑问。 We have no doubt that, with his high level of English, he will surely have an excellent performance in the university-wide English speech contest. 第三单元(一)1.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚 Something is wrong with the piano, but I cannot put my finger on it. 2.这条裤子不但太大,而且与我的夹克也不配 Apart from being too large, the trousers don抰 match my jacket, either. 3.不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐 Whatever the reason is, I like the pop music.

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