当前位置:文档之家› 高考英语形容词,副词知识点专项训练解析附答案(3)





1.The players _____ found the right pace to play so they eventually won the game. A.gradually B.disgustingly C.disturbingly D.greedily

2.The happening of failure is unavoidable and ________of man’s will.

A.aware B.independent C.ahead D.short

3.It is ____ that the amateur singer beat a large number of professionals in the contest. A.identical B.intact C.incredible D.inconvenient 4.Among all pastimes, gathering around and listening to mother or father read a good story can almost bring a family ________ together.

A.closer B.closest C.the closer D.close

5.---Have you finished your experiment report, Peter?

---Oh, my God. I’ve fogotten all about it.

A.possibly B.selflessly C.exactly D.entirely

6., few of us admit that ex aminations can contribute anything really important to the students’ academic development.

A.Actually B.Frequently C.Especially D.Sincerely

7.A ________ discussion about whether men are brave than women is settled in a ________rude way.

A.warm… /B.lively… very

C.hot… rather D.spirited… fairly

8.The Jiangsu TV station is very popular with many people in China, as it deals with ______ subjects such as music, entertainment and fashion.

A.precise B.diverse C.casual D.efficient 9.Having considering all the ______ evidence, the court found him not guilty.

A.subjective B.steady C.severe D.solid

10.— Mr Smith was caught in a rainstorm yesterday.

— I have known that, and ______ his new car was completely destroyed.

A.fortunately B.hopefully C.thankfully D.unfortunately 11.The European members are afraid that the new deal will upset the _______ balance of political interests.

A.ambitious B.arbitrary

C.delicate D.compulsory

12.The campaign of garbage classification aims to make the public __________. A.environment conscious B.environmentally conscious C.environment consciousness D.environmental-conscious

13.Mary worked here as a _______ secretary and ended up getting a full-time job with the company.

A.contradictory B.contemporary C.permanent D.temporary 14.Teenagers should try to be____________ of their parents, doing something on their own. A.independent B.impressive C.aware D.proud

15.He was a friendly and _____ man, who gave freely to the poor.

A.rigid B.generous C.shallow D.competent 16.Mary is always ready to do some ______ work at the local nursing house in her spare time. A.responsible B.exhausting C.voluntary D.professional 17.After several failures, the US leaders are_____ being brought face-to-face with the fact that China today is undefeatable.

A.luckily B.firmly C.gradually D.appropriately 18.As we all know,_______medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible.

A.normal B.general C.common D.regular

19.He greeted us with a wave and a ________ smile, obviously happy.

A.forced B.broad C.blank D.narrow 20.After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ______ .

A.hungry and tiredly B.hungry and tired

C.hungrily and tiredly D.hungrily and tired

21.A new ________ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago. A.normal B.usual C.regular D.common 22.Progress so far has been very good. , we are sure that the project will be

completed on time.

A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Besides

23.It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ______journey.

A.three-hour B.a three hour C.a three-hour D.three hours 24.____________ by his behavior, I said all this to my best friend.

A.Disappointing B.To disappoint

C.Disappointed D.Being disappointed

25.Experiments show that when kids are encouraged to share what they have, they're roughly twice as likely to be ________ later.

A.generous B.outspoken C.intelligent D.liberal








考查副词词义辨析。句意:运动员们逐渐找到节奏,所以他们最终赢得了比赛。A. gradually逐渐,渐渐地;B. disgustingly令人厌恶地;C. disturbingly令人不安地;D.

greedily贪婪地。根据“so they eventually won the game”可知,此处指运动员们在比赛过程中“逐渐”掌握了节奏。故选A项。






考查形容词词义辨析。句意:失败的发生是不可避免的,是不受人的意志支配的。A. aware意识到的;B. independent独立的;C. ahead在前的;D. short短的。结合句意表示“不受……支配的”短语为independent of,故选B。






考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在比赛中那个业余歌手打败了众多专业歌手,这真令人难以置信。A. identical同一的;B. intact完整无缺的;C. incredible令人难以置信的;D. inconvenient不方便的。根据句意,“业余歌手打败了众多专业歌手”是“令人难以置信的”,故选C。












考查副词辨析。句意:——彼得,你的实验报告写完了吗?——哦,天哪。我完全忘记了这件事。A. possibly很可能;B. selflessly无私地;C. exactly精确地;D. entirely完全地,彻底地。由上文的“哦,天哪”可知,此处指“完全”忘记了写实验报告。故选D。





考查副词词义辨析。句意:事实上,我们很少有人承认考试能对学生的学术发展做出任何真正重要的贡献。A. Actually事实上;B. Frequently频繁地,经常地;C. Especially尤其是,特别是;D. Sincerely真诚地。根据句意和各选项分析,故选A。






考查形容词和副词词义辨析。句意:关于男人是否比女人勇敢的热烈的讨论是以一种相当粗鲁的方式解决的。A. warm温和的;B. lively活泼的、生动的;very非常;很;C. hot热烈的;rather相当地;D. spirited生气勃勃的;fairly相当地。根据句意,此处表示“激烈的/热烈的(讨论)”用hot,第二空表示“相当粗鲁”可知,修饰形容词用副词,根据句意,rather和fairly都合适,故C项正确。






考查形容词词义辨析。句意:江苏电视台在中国很受人欢迎,因为它涉及多样化的主题,如音乐,娱乐和时尚等。A. precise准确的;B. diverse不同的;多样的;C. casual不在乎的;D. efficient效率高的。根据下文的举例“music, entertainment and fashion.”可知,主题的多样的。故选B。





考查形容词辨析。句意:在考虑了所有确凿的证据后,法院认定他无罪。A. subjective主观的B. steady稳定的;C. severe严重的;D. solid可靠的,牢固的。形容词修饰名词evidence 证据,根据“法院宣布他无罪”可知,证据确凿,选项D切题,故选D。





考查副词词义辨析。句意:——昨天史密斯先生遇到暴雨了。——我已经知道了,不幸的是,他的新车被完全毁坏了。A. fortunately幸运地;B. hopefully有希望地;C. thankfully感谢地;D. unfortunately不幸地。根据句意可知,史密斯先生的车被毁坏是一件不幸的事,故选D项。




考查形容词辨析。句意:欧洲成员们担心这个新的交易会打破脆弱的政治利益的平衡。A. ambitious雄心的;有抱负的; B. arbitrary随意的,专制的; C. delicate脆弱的; D. compulsory强制的;义务的;根据句意可知C项正确。






考查短语辨析。句意:垃圾分类运动旨在提高公众的环保意识。分析可知,所填空应是句中的宾语补足语,可由形容词短语充当。conscious 为形容词,意为“意识到的”,应用副词environmentally(adv. 有关环境方面) 修饰,即environmentally conscious(有环境意识的)。故选B项。







A. contradictory矛盾的;

B. contemporary当代的;

C. permanent永久的;

D. temporary临时的。根据后文a full-time job可知此处Mary的工作是临时秘书。故选D。






考查形容词词义辨析。句意:青少年应该尽量不依赖父母,自己做一些事情。A. independent独立的;B. impressive令人印象深刻的;C. aware对……有意识的;D. proud骄傲的。根据doing something on their own可知,此处指青少年应该尽量不依赖父母,be independent of“不依赖”。故选A项。






考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他是个友好大方的人,对穷人慷慨解囊。A. rigid 严格的;B. generous 慷慨的;C. shallow 浅的; D. competent 有能力的。分析句子,后句提到“对穷人慷慨解囊”可知,他是一个慷慨的人。故选B项。






考查形容词词义辨析。句意:玛丽总是准备在业余时间到当地的养老院做一些自愿的工作。A. responsible 负责的;B. exhausting 使人筋疲力尽的;C. voluntary 志愿的;

D.professional 专业的。分析句子,根据后句的“业余时间在当地敬老院”可知,她做的是“志愿的”工作。故选C项。






考查副词词义辨析。句意:多次失败后,美国领导人正逐渐能面对这养一个事实:今天的中国是不可战胜的。A. luckily幸运地;B. firmly坚定地;C. gradually逐渐地;D. appropriately适当地。根据句意,尤其after several failures可知此处用“逐渐”符合语境,故选C项。






考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们都知道,定期体检会帮助我们尽早发现健康问题。A. normal正常的;B. general一般的;C. common普通的;D. regular定期的。结合后文medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible可知指“定期体检会帮助我们尽早发现健康问题。”故选D。






考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他挥着手,满脸笑容地跟我们打招呼,明显很开心。A. forced被迫的;B. broad宽阔的,广泛的;C. blank空白的;D. narrow狭窄的。根据“obviously happy”可知,他“满脸笑容”,a broad smile指“满脸笑容”。故选B项。











考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两个月前,一条通往天津机场的新班车开通了。A. normal正常的;B. usual通常的;C. regular定期的;D. common普通的。regular bus service班车,故选C。







按时完成。A . However然而;B . Otherwise否则;C. Therefore因此;D. Besides此外。Progress so far has been very good是原因,we are sure that the project will be

completed on time.是结果,两个句子之间是因果关系。C项“因此”符合语境,故选C。23.C





考查复合形容词的用法。句意:去游乐园花了很长的时间,它大约花了三个小时的时间。这里是时间做定语可用a three hours’ jou rney或a three-hour journey,故选C。






考查非谓语动词。句意:由于对他的行为很失望,我就把这一切告诉了我最好的朋友。分析句子可知,_____ by his behavior作伴随状语,说明主语I的感受,用ed形式形容词。故






考查形容词词义辨析。句意:实验证明当小孩被鼓励分享他们拥有的东西时,他们在很大程度上会在之后变得更加慷慨。A. generous慷慨的;B. outspoken直言不讳的;C. intelligent聪明的;D. liberal民主的。结合句意可知,此处用“慷慨的”符合语境,故选A 项。

2020年高考英语专题12 形容词和副词 解析版

2020年高考英语专题12 形容词和副词 【2020年】 1.(2020·新课标I卷)Landing on the moon’s far side is 62 (extreme) challenging. 【答案】extremely 【解析】考查副词。句意:登录月球的背面是极其有挑战性的。空处修饰形容词challenging,应使用extreme的副词形式,故填extremely。 2.(2020·新课标I卷)Data ab out the moon’s composition, such as how69 ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether its plans for a future lunar (月球的) base are practical. 【答案】much 【解析】考查形容词。句意:关于月亮构成的数据,比如它含有多少水和其他财富,可以帮助中国决定它未来月球基地的计划是否实用。ice是不可数名词,应使用much修饰,故填much。 3.(2020·新课标I卷)Today I tried cooking a simply dish myself. 【答案】将simply改为simple 【解析】考查形容词。句意:今天我自己尝试做一道简单的菜。根据名词dish可知,此处应用形容词作定语,故将simply改为simple。 4.(2020·新课标II卷)Bamboo: Chinese love their “Lucky Bamboo” plants and you will see them often in their homes and office. 66 (certain) during the holiday period, this plant is a must. 【答案】Certainly 【解析】考查副词。句意:当然在假期期间,这种植物是绝对必要的事物。介词短语做时间状语,因此只有改变成副词才能复合句子结构,用副词形式做状语。故填Certainly。 5.(2020·新课标II卷)The 69 (beauty) long branches covered with pink-colored buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decorations. 【答案】beautiful 【解析】考查形容词。句意:美丽的长枝上覆盖着粉红色的花蕾,做成漂亮的装饰。修饰名词branches,用形容词形式。故填beautiful。 6.(2020·新课标II卷)I’m surely you’ll have a good time. 【答案】将surely改为sure 【解析】考查形容词。句意:我相信你会玩得很开心的。分析句子,此处be动词am后面需用形容词作表语。故将surely改为sure。


形容词和副词(用法和比最级)第一形容词与副词的区别与用法 形容词,译为中文为:..... 的如:happy 副词,译为中文为:......... 地如:happily 1). 将下列形容词变为副词。 quiet --- _________________ hopeful --- _______________ hard-- _____________ fortunate --- _______________ correct --- ____________ lucky --- _________________ 快乐的beautiful 美丽的 快乐地slowly 慢慢地 beautiful --- _________ fast busy - terrible -- cheerful --- _______________ 根据位置来确定 形容词位置:系动词后+adj Adj+ 名词如: I am happy. 女口:I am a happy girl. 副词位置:Adv+ 动词Luckily, she can walk. 动词+Adv she walks in the bridge slowly 2). 词性转换 1. Please do your homework _______ . (careful) 2. She is ____ (careful )and never makes mistakes( 犯错误) 3. The work isn't hard. I can finish it ___ . (easy/easily) 4. The plane landed ______ (safe/safely) and we were _______________ (safe/safely). 5.I had a _______ (strange/strangely) dream last night. 6. Dogs can help blind people walk across the street ____________ . (safe) 7. Please read the test paper ___________ before you do it. (careful) 第二形容词的用法: 1. 系动词+ 形容词adj. 系动词: 1)Be :is am are 是 2)Seem :看上去 3)五种感官:look sound feel taste smell 4)变化的词:become get grow come prove go fall 5)保持的词:stay remain keep I am happy. The food tastes delicious. 练习:1. It's going to be ________ (rain, rainy). 2. This girl is very _______ (kind, kindly). She often helps others. 3. The idear sounds ________ (good/well). 4. She looks _______ (unhappy, unhappily). 5. She looks at the book __________ (careful carefully). 2、Adj+名词 ----------- 大多数形容词作定语修饰名词时放在名词前,说明名词的品质或特征。 She is a tall girl. She is weari ng a gree n coat good ---


语法复习专题四——形容词和副词 备考建议: 1.从几年来收集到的题目中可以看出高考对形容词和副词的考查主要集中在以下两点: (1)形容词的比较级和最高级; (2)在具体语境中辨析形容词和副词语义。 另外,考查形容词作定语时的语序问题的试题也不少。 2.对于比较级的考查,淡化结构,注重深层语义。“比较”的意思并不是直接能从“结构”中看出来的,而是从语句的深层意义中挖掘出来的。 3.在加强考查词义辨析的题目中,高考不但加强了对语义的考查(而不仅仅是语法),随着新教材词汇量的增大,而且注重对词汇扩展能力的考查。 要做好各类有关形容词和副词的试题应从这几方面去努力: 1.对单音节形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成、双音节和多音节的形容词及副词的比较级和最高级的构成,要加强记忆、找出其中规律;灵活掌握修饰比较级和最高级的副词和一些短语。 2.对某些副词的词义还需进一步认识,多数形容词在加-ly后,词义基本不变,而有些则不同,如:hard—hardly. 3.加强形容词、副词比较级考点的学习与应用,尤其是比较级在某些特定结构中的特殊含义,比较级及其修饰语的搭配和用法。巧记名词前多个形容词的排列顺序,形容词、副词等在不同语境下的辨析,要不断地提高分析试题的能力,克服思维定势,灵活运用所学的知识。 (1)加强对比较级和最高级表达法的学习,尤其是一些常见的句型,要做到张口能诵的程度。在理解上,不能留任何疑点。 (2)加强对形容词和副词的词义和用法的学习,要做到“词不离句,句不离义”。做题时,要结合语境,注意惯用法和固定搭配认真辨析从而做出最佳选择。 (3)判断句子成分,如果是作定语、表语等,一般是用形容词;如果是作状语、修饰谓语动词或形容词和副词,一般应用副词。但注意也有特殊情况,如形容词(短语)可作伴随或结果状语。 (4)分清句子结构,看看该句应该用原级、比较级还是最高级。 (5)注意特殊的含有形容词比较级的句型。 考点聚焦 1、形容词、副词的作用与位置 形容词是用来修饰名词的,常被放在名词前作定语,或放在系动词后面作表语。而副词则用来修饰形容词、动词,其他副词或者句子,一般位于形容词之前,动词之后或句子之首。以下属几种特殊情况,须牢记; (1)形容词短语作定语,定语后置。如:a language difficult to master (2)表语形容词(afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive等)作定语,定语后置。如a man alive。有些表身体健康状况的形容词如well、faint、ill只作表语。sick 既可作表语又可作定语,ill如作定语意为“bad”。 (3)用作定语,修饰由不定代词one、no、any、some和every构成的复合词如anything、something等时,通常后置。如:I have something important to tell you.


形容词和副词 形容词:修饰__________词 例:a nice bag, a beautiful lady ★-ed形容词,一般修饰人,指“(某人)感到……”;-ing形容词一般修饰事物,指“(某事物)令人……”或“令人……的(事物)”。如:bored烦人的,boring令人厌烦的。 ★有部分以-ly结尾的形容词,如:friendly友好的, lovely可爱的, weekly每周的, orderly有秩序的, brotherly兄弟般的, lively活泼的, lonely孤独的, likely可能的, deadly致命的。 副词:修饰__________词,__________词和__________词 例:run quickly, really beautiful,work very hard 一、原级:即原形 (1)有表示绝对概念的副词very, so, too, enough, quite等修饰时用形容词的原级。 例:The boy is very/too/quite young. (2)表示被比较双方在某一方面相等或相同时, 用as + adj / adv + as, 表示“…和…一样”。例:I think science is as important as math. (3)表示被比较双方在某一方面不相等或不同时, 用not as / so + adj / adv + as, 表示“…和…不一样”。 例:It is not so/as warm today as yesterday. 今天没有昨天暖和。 (4)表示“A是B的几倍”时用:“A+谓语+倍数+ as +原级+as +B”结构。 例:Our school is three times as big as theirs.我们学校是他们学校的三倍大。 二、比较级:两者进行比较 (1)比较级表示两者的比较,最明显的提示词是________, 其结构通常用:“主语+谓语+比较级+ than+比较对象”句型,比……更……。 例:I am taller than my sister. (2)形容词和副词比较级的构成


形容词与副词专项训练(一) 一、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级与最高级形式。 、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.Which is _______ (easy) to learn, fishing or swimming? 2.It makes _______ (little) time to go to Beijing by plane than by train. 3.This T-shirt is too small for me. Would you buy me a _______ (large) one? 4.Xi ' an is one of ________________ (old) capital in China. 5.It will be bad for your health to eat ___________ (much) food and take _________ (little) exercise. 6.I think English is ______________ (useful) than before. 7.The Great Wall of China is one of ____________ (great) wonders in the world. 8.She is becoming ____________ (beautiful) than before. 9.The weather is getting _______ and _______ (cold). 10.The ________ (much) you practice, the _______ (easy) it becomes. 三、单项选择。 1.My sister is getting ____



精品文档 高考英语高频形容词和副词 1.immediate adj立即的,即刻的;立刻的,马上 2.clear adj 清楚的,清晰的 3.cautious adj小心翼翼的 4.vivid adj 生动的,逼真的 5.exactly adv1.确切地,精确地;完全地 2.恰好地,正好地 6.fortunately adv.幸运地 3. (用于答语)完全正确。(的确这样) 7.surprisingly adv令人惊讶的 8.hardly adv 几乎不 9.instead adv代替,相反 10. properly adv 适当地;正确地;恰当地 11. specially adv专门 12.reliable adj 可靠的,可信赖的 13.simply adv 简单地;仅仅,只不过 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3510940143.html,ly adv即,也就是 15.not nearly = far from = nowhere near远非,远远不,一点也不 16.patient adj耐心的;n 病人17.plain adj简单的,朴素的 18.familiar adj熟悉的; 19.lucky adj 幸运的 20.amazing adj令人惊异的, 21.accidentally adv 1. 偶然地;意外地 2. 附带地22.silent adj沉默的 23.calm adj平静的 24.secret adj 秘密的 25.otherwise adv 否则 26.meanwhile adv期间,同时 27.besides adv除…..以外还有 28.efficient adj高效的,有效的 29. flexible adj 灵活的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3510940143.html,plex adj复杂的 awkward adj 尴尬的,笨拙的 clumsy complicated adj 难懂的,复杂的 31.smooth adj平稳的,光滑的,顺利的 32.regularly adv 定期的,有规律的 33.sensitive adj 敏感的,体贴的 34.honest adj诚实的 35.confident adj自信的 36.shy adj .1.害羞的,腼腆2.羞涩的 37.thoughtful adj 1. 深思的,沉思的 2. 富有思想的;经认真推敲的 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


形容词与副词专项训练 1. Norway is one of ________ European countries with a large land area than Britain, Ireland or Italy. A. as big B. the biggest C. so big D. the bigger 2. Five of Henry’s children were at the wedding party, including ________ , Daniel. A. an oldest one B. the oldest one C. the old one D. an old one 3. —Can Li Hua help me with my English? —I regret to tell you her English is ________ yours. A. as good as B. no more than C. not better than D. as much as 4. I can’t pay ________ as he asked for. A. a as high price B. as a high price C. as high price D. as high a price 5. —Are you satisfied with Jack’s job? —Not in the least. It couldn’t be ________ . A. so bad B. any worse C. much better D. the best 6. — What does the model plane look like? —Well, the wings of the plane are ________ of its body. A. more than the length twice B. twice more than the length C. more than twice the length D. more twice than the length 7. It was ________ that both my son and my daughter couldn’t put it down. A. such interesting a book B. so interesting a book C. a such interesting book D. so an interesting book 8. Miss Langham arm in arm with Mr Peabody —— ________ sight! A. how astonishing a B. so an astonishing C. what astonishing a D. such an astonishing 9. During the ________ , he enjoyed a good primary education. A. first few happy years abroad B. first happy few years abroad C. happy first few abroad years D. first abroad few happy years 10. In the 27th Olympic Games, Liu Hongyu was supposed to win the gold medal in jogging; she failed to, ________ . A. yet B. though C. although D. anyway 12. Don’t worry about me. I’ll forget it ________ . A. for long B. sooner C. any longer D. in time 13. —Would you like some wine?


中考英语形容词、副词专项题例及练习(含答案) 一、中考题例 ()1.–If you don’t like the red coat, how about the green one? –OK, but do you have _______ size in green? This one is a bit small for me.A. a bigB. a biggerC. the bigD. the bigger()2.–Mum, Ithink I’m _______ to get back to school. –Not really, my dear. You’d better stay at home for another day or two.A. so wellB. so goodC. well enoughD. good enough()3.–What delicious cakes!–They would taste _______ with butter. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse ()4.–Mr. Zhou , of all the students in our group, who lives _______ ? –I think Li Lei does. A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the farther()5. With a history of more than 1,400 years, ZhaoZhou Bridge is the _______ stone arch bridge in the world . A. old B. older C. oldest D. elder ()6. Bob never does him homework _______ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful as B. as carefully as C. carefully as D. as careful as()7. A: How can I speak English _______ you? B: You’d bett er speak more, I think. A. as good as B. more than C. as well as D. as much as()8. Your English is good. I’ll try my best to speak itas _______you do. A. clearly as B. clear as C. clearer than D. more clearly()9.–Is your mother badly ill? –No, _______ , only a little cold.


英语形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的练习题 (一)写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式: long_____ ______ wide ______ _______ fat ____ _____ heavy____ ______ slow ______ _______ few____ _____ brightly______ -_____ bably _____ _______ far____ _____ quickly _____ ______ happy_____ -______ unhappy________ (二)用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _______ (clever). 2. Gold(黄金) is ______ (little) useful than iron(铁). 3. My sister is two years _______ (old ) than I. 4. John’s parents have four daughters, and she is the _____ (young) child. 5. The _____ (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones. 6. The short one is by far _______ expensive of the five. 7. The boy is not so ______ (interesting) as his brother. 8. Dick sings _____ (well), she sings ______(well) than John, but Mary sings______(well) in her class. 9. She will be much ______ (happy) in her mew house. 10. This dress is ______ that.(twice, as…as…, expensive) (三)选择填空: 1.He feels _____ today than yesterday. A. tired B. more tired C. more tireder D. much tired 2. Which do you like _____, coffee, tea or milk? A. the worst B. worse C. the worse D. worst 3. Of the two toys, the child chose_____. A. the expensive one B. one most expensive C. a least expensive D. the most expensive of them 4. The line is ____ than that one.


中考英语总复习--形容词副词用法专题精讲 ⅰ形容词 -命题趋势 形容词是历年各省市中考必考知识点。从考查形式看,一般有单项选择、完形填空、词语运用等。所占分值通常为2~4分。从命题意图看,侧重考查考生在具体语言环境中使用形容词的能力。 -考查重点 中考试题对形容词的考查涉及形容词原级,比较级和最高级的各种句型、形容词作定语的位置、易混淆的形容词用法辨析等。其中,形容词比较等级句型、形容词修饰不定代词something,anything,everything,nothing时的位置,易混淆的形容词用法辨析等是考查的热点。 一、形容词的一般用法 1.作定语,一般放在所修饰词的前面。 例如,it?s a cold and windy day. 2.作表语,放在系动词的后面。 例如,he looks happy today. 3.形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything等复合不定代词时,须放在其后。 例如,would you like something hot to drink? 4.表示长、宽、高、深及年龄的形容词,应放在相应的名词之后。 例如,how long is the river?it?s about two hundred metres long.

5.只能作表语的形容词:afraid害怕;alone独自的;asleep睡着的;awake 醒着的;alive活着的;well健康的;ill病的;frightened害怕的 例如,the man is ill.(正) the ill man is my uncle.(误) 6.只能作定语的形容词:little小的;only唯一的;wooden木质的;woolen 羊毛质的;elder年长的 例如,my elder brother is in beijing.(正) my brother is elder. (误) 7.貌似副词的形容词:lonely独自的;friendly友好的;lively生动的;lovely 可爱的 8.复合形容词:snow-white雪白的english-speaking说英语的;glass-topped 玻璃罩的;full-time全日制的;well-known众所周知的;kind-hearted善良的;man-made人造的;take-away可以带走的;ten-year-old十岁的。 二、多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词(冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、数词)——描绘词(大小,长短,形状,新旧,长幼,颜色)——出处——材料性质——类别——名词 a small round table一张小圆桌 a tall white building一幢高大的白色建筑物 a dirty old black shirt一件又脏又旧的黑色衬衣 a famous american medical school一个非常著名的美国医学院 三、形容词常用句型


2017高考英语重点语法: 高考英语常考语法总结——形容词和副词形容词、副词是每年高考必考点之一,近几年语境综合化程度越来越高,难度加大。高考热点有:形容词、副词词义辨析;原级、比较级、最高级的使用;倍数的表达方法;比较等级的修饰语;多个形容词的排列顺序;常见形容词、副词的惯用法等。 关于形容词与副词这一考点,主要考查以下几个方面: 1. 考查形容词和副词的基本用法 形容词在句中一般作定语、表语、补语,而副词在句中主要作状语。 2. 考查形容词作定语的后置规律 形容词作定语一般位于所修饰的名词前,但下列三种情况形容词要后置: ①形容词短语作定语时;②表语形容词作定语时;③修饰复合不定代词时。 3. 考查多个形容词作定语的排序 多个形容词修饰名词时,其排序规律是:(限定词+程度副词+) 描绘+大小(长短、高低)+形状+年龄(新旧)+颜色+国籍或产地+物质材料+类别或用途+名词。 4. 考查副词在句中的位置规律 副词修饰形容词或其它副词时,一般位于被修饰词的前面,但enough却要放在被修饰的形容词或副词的后面。 5. 考查–ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别 -ed形容词,通常说明人,意为“(某人)感到……”;-ing形容词通常说明事物,意为“(某事物)令人……”或“令人……的(事物)”。 6. 考查两种不同形式的副词的用法差异 即考查与形容词同形的副词与形容词后加ly构成的副词的区别。 7. 考查形容词和副词的比较等级。 8. 考查比较等级的修饰语。 考点1:在具体的语境中辨析形容词与副词的语义 从复现的频率来看,此点是高考对形容词、副词考查的第一大热点。解答此类题关键是要分析具体的语境,结合基本词义、搭配等来选择正确的答案。


形容词和副词专项练习 一、用括号内词的正确形式填空。 1. Which is __________ (small), the sun, the moon or the earth? 2. She is ___________ (tall) of the two girls. 3. Bob never does his homework as _________ (careful) as Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. 4. In the exam, the _________ (careful) you are, the __________ (few) mistakes you’ll make. 5. We hope your children grow happily and _________ (health). 6. Of all the subjects, which do you think is __________ (difficult) to learn. 7. The ice in the lake is as _______ (thin) as it was before. 8. Cathy did quite well in the English competition, I did even ______ (well). 9. Which subject do you like _________ (well), maths, Chinese or English? 10. The population of China is _________(large) than that of any other country in the world. 11. The book is ____________ (interest). Most of the teachers are __________ in it. 12. Hainan Island is the second __________ (large) island in China. 13. Zhaozhou Bridge is ______ (old) stone arch bridge in the world. 14. Y ou’re ____________ (terri ble) late. He has already gone. 15. There is _________ (little) water in the glass than in the bottle. 16. This is the __________ (wet) summer for ten years. 17. He doesn’t run as _________ (fast) as you. 18. My ___________ (old) sister is three years ____________ (old) than I and my little brother is five years _________(young) than I. 19. I’m afraid that the old woman can’t go any __________ (far). 20. Who’s ____________ (thin), Tom or Mike? 21. She is the __________ (tall) of the twins. 22. It was _________ (hot) yesterday than it is today. 23. Of all the workers, he is _______________ (busy). 24. This question is one of the ________ (little) important of all. 25. It has __________ (much) rain this year than last year. 26. This is the _______ (short) way to Tian’anmen Square. 27. Among the subjects, I like maths ________(well). 28. I can work out the physics problem _________ (easy). 29. We must try to do __________ (much) work with _____________ (little) money. 30. When spring comes, the leaves get ________ (green) 二、单项选择 1. All of us are proud of the greatest changes in Shanghai. We’re sure Shanghai will be even _________. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 2. This kind of skirt looks ____ and sells __________. A. nice, well B. nice, good C. well, well D. good, nice 3. Cathy did quite _____ in the English competition, I did even __.


中考专题复习——形容词和副词考点布置:单项选择、完形填空、词语运用考 点内容:形容词、副词的词义辨析,形容词的比较级以及一些固定搭配等【一览无 余】形容词、副词的位置一、形容词是用来修饰说明名词的,一般放在名词前作 定语或系动词之后作表语一个细心的女孩1. 2.The girl is (careful,carefully) any,some,no构成的复合代词时,一般只能后置当形容词修饰由 4.我的收音机有点问题3.一些重要的事 )是用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或句子的,一般放在动词后或句 首作状语。如:副词(ⅰ,no one was hurt. luck)。6. (5.He is reading (认真得) )enough修饰形容词、副词时要后置。如:(ⅱ 7.你够上学的年龄了动词、情态动词或助 动词的be,never等常放在(ⅲ)表示时间、频率的副词always,often,usually 后面,行为 动词的前面。如:他总是来得很早8.他总是帮助别人 He is always helping others.9. 【牛刀小试】1. The girl's voice sounds________. Maybe she can become a good singer when she grows up. A. sweet B. sweetly C. beautifully 2. My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining____________. A. badly B. hardly C. probably D. heavily 3. That lady is a vegetarian(素食主义者). She _______ eats meat. A. often B. sometimes C. seldom D. usually 【一览无余】 二、形容词、副词级的构成 1、分类:形容词和副词有原级、比较级和最高级三级。 原级变为比较级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化两种。 2、规则变化: (1)单音节和部分双音节形容词和副词,在原级的后面加上er,est构成比较级和最高级。 :small-smaller-smallest,cold-colder-coldest; er,est a)直接加b)以不发音的字母e结尾的词加r,st : large-larger-largest,late-later-latest; :er,est加母,后一最后个辅音字双尾闭c) 以重读音节结的,要写wet— wetter-wettest,thin-thinner-thinnest; d)以辅音字母+y结尾的,先把y改为i再加上er,est : busy-busier-busiest,happy-happier-happiest. 以结尾的副词,除外,比较级、earlyly,在原级前加more / most.(两个音节或两个以上的音节的(2) 最高级均用、most)


形容词和副词用法与专项练习题 【形容词】 一【形容词的用法】 1.形容词是用来描述或修饰名词的词,表示人或事物的性质或特征,作定语。放在名词或代词的前面,当形容词修饰不定代词时,应放在不定代词之后。如:I have something important to tell you . 形容词短语作定语时应放在被修饰与之后。如:The box full of books is very heavy. 2形容词作表语。形容词作表语的位置在连系动词之后。如:The music sounds beautiful. 英语中有一部分形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,这种形容词叫做“表语形容词”,常见的有:sorry , afraid ,ill, glad, alone, worth, 3形容词作宾语补足语。形容词作宾语补足语的位置在宾语之后。The new teacher made us happy every class. 4 形容词名词化。某些形容词前加上定冠词后就相当于名词,指“某一类人或物。”We should look after the old and love the young .(我们应该尊老爱幼) 二【形容词的比较等级】 大多数的形容词有三个等级:原级,比较级,最高级。原级就是形容词的原形,比较级和最高级的词性有规则与不规则之分。 1形容词的比较级和最高级的构成 (1)规则变化(单音节和部分双音节词) a 一般在词尾加(e)r或(e)st b 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母再加er或est c 以“辅音字母+y” 结尾的,先变y为I再加er或est d多音节和部分双音节在词前加more或most (2)不规则变化 good/well- better-best bad/ill/badly- worse –worst little- many/much- far- old –elder-elder(年长的) 2 形容词比较等级的用法 (1)同级比较用法 英语中同级比较句型常用的有两种:as+形容词原级+as和not so(as) 形容词原级+as…句型。如: The box is as heavy as that one. 练习:She is older than Tom. She Tom. Tom her. (2 )比较级的用法 a形容词比较级用于表示两者或两部分之间进行比较。常用为“形容词比较级+than” 如:The flowers are more beautiful than those on the desk. 使用中,常在比较级前用much, even ,yet, still, a little, a bit, a lot 等词进行程度上的修饰。 如:My daughter is a little taller than his . b要表示“…比…多…倍”,用“倍数+比较级+than”句型来表达。 The sun is a million times larger than the earth. c英语中还有两个重要的句型使用比较级:表示“越来越…”使用“比较级+比较级” 句型;表示“越…就越…”使用“the+比较级,the+比较级” 句型。如:It gets hotter and hotter. The more careful you see ,the less mistakes you’ll make. d在比较中,还要注意参与比较的两者或不能互相包含。 如:I’m better in English than any students in our class.(错误。因为我也是我们班的学生之一,我不能比自己好。) I’m better in English than any other student in our class(正确) (3)最高级的用法 最高级用于表示三者或三者以上的多数之间进行比较,最高级前面要加定冠词,后面一般要跟表示范围的表达。 如:The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world. 使用中我们还要用到这样的表达:“最…之一”;“第几…最…”;在最高级前进行程度修饰等,我们可以用“one of +the +最高级”,“the +序数词(very等置于the之后)+最高级”或用much, even等词(置于the 之后)来修饰。

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