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奥巴马成名演讲稿:无畏的希望 (英文版)

keynote address at the 2004 democratic national convention

july 27, 2004

on behalf of the great state of illinois, crossroads of a nation, land of lincoln, let me express my deep gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention. tonight is a particular honor for me bec ause, let’s face it, my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely. my father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in kenya. he grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack. his father, my grandfather, was a cook, a domestic servant.


but my grandfather had larger dreams for his son. through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place:America, which stood as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before. while studying here, my father met my mother. she was born in a town on the other side of the world, in kansas. her father worked on oil rigs and farms through most of the depression. the day after pearl harbor he signed up for duty, joined patton’s army and marched across europe. back home, my grandmother raised their baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line. after the war, they studied on the gi bill, bought a house through fha, and moved west in search of opportunity.

但祖父对父亲抱以厚望。凭借不懈的努力和坚忍不拔的毅力,父亲荣获赴美留学的机会,而且还拿到奖学金。美国这片神奇的土地,对于很多踏上这片国土的人而言,意味着自由和机遇。还在留学期间,父亲与母亲不期而遇。母亲来自完全不同的另一个世界,她生于堪萨斯的一个小镇。大萧条时期,外祖父为谋生计,曾在石油钻井打工,还曾在农场务农。日军偷袭珍珠港后的第二天,他就自愿应征入伍,在巴顿将军麾下,转战南北,横扫欧洲。在后方的家中,外祖母含辛茹苦,抚养子女,并在轰炸机装配线上找了份活计。战后,依据士兵福利法案, 他们通过联邦住宅管理局购置了一套房子,并举家西迁,谋求更大发展。

and they, too, had big dreams for their daughter, a common dream, born of two continents. my parents shared not only an improbable love; they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. they would give me an african name, barack, or "blessed," believing that in a tolerant america your name is no barrier to success. they imagined me going to the best schools in the land, even though they weren’t rich, because in a generous america you don’t have to be rich to achieve your potential. they are both passed away now. yet, i know that, on this night, they look down on me with pride.

他们对自己的女儿也寄予厚望,两家人虽然身在不同的非洲和美洲大陆,却有着共同的梦想。我的父母不仅不可思议地彼此相爱,而且还对这个国家有了不移的信念。他们赐予我一个非洲名字,巴拉克,意为“上天福佑”, 因为他们相信,在如此包容的国度中,这样的名字不应成为成功的羁绊。尽管他们生活并不宽裕,还是想方设法让我接受当地最好的教育,因为在这样一个富足的国度中,无论贫富贵贱,都同样有机会发展个人的潜力。现在他们都已不在人世,不过,我知道,他们的在天之灵,此时此刻正在骄傲地关注着我。

i stand here today, grateful for the diversity of my heritage, aware that my parents’ dreams live on in my precious daughters. i stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger american story, that i owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and that, in no other country on earth, is my story even possible. tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation, not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy. our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago, "we hold these truths to he self-evident, that all men are created equal. that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."


that is the true genius of america, a faith in the simple dreams of its people, the insistence on small miracles. that we can tuck in our children at night and know they are fed and clothed and safe from harm. that we can say what we think, write what we think, without hearing a sudden knock on the door. that we can have an idea and start our own business without paying a bribe or hiring somebo dy’s son. that we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution, and that our votes will he counted - or at least, most of the time.


this year, in this election, we are called to reaffirm our values and commitments, to hold them against a hard reality and see how we are measuring up, to the legacy

of our forbearers, and the promise of future generations. and fellow americans - democrats, republicans, independents - i say to you tonight: we have more work to do. more to do for the workers i met in gale□□urg, illinois, who are losing their union jobs at the maytag plant that’s moving to mexico, and now are having to compete with their own children for jobs that pay seven bucks an hour. more to do for the father i met who was losing his job and choking back tears, wondering how he would pay $4,500 a month for the drugs his son needs without the health benefits he counted on. more to do for the young woman in east st. louis, and thousands more like her, who has the grades, has the drive, has the will, but doesn’t have the money to go to college.

在今年的选举中,特别重申了我们主张的价值和肩负的责任,以此来应对当下的艰难现实:并希望了解怎样才能更好秉承前辈的遗产,实现对子孙的承诺。诸位美国国民,无论你是民主党,还是共和党,抑或是无党派人士,今晚我想对大家说的是:我们需要作的事情还有很多很多,在伊利诺伊州盖尔斯堡(gale□□urg), 由于maytag洗衣机厂要迁至墨西哥,很多工人将失去工作,而现在唯一的选择就是和自己的子女一起竞争每小时7美元的低薪工作。我曾遇到一位强忍泪水的父亲,他也因此丢掉了工作,没有了经济来源,不知怎样才能为儿子支付得起每月4500美元的高昂医药费用,本可救命的医疗保险对他而言却遥不可及,我们应该为他们做点什么;在东圣路易斯市,有这样一个年轻女孩,她品学兼优,成绩出色,却因为没有钱,无法完成学业,与大学无缘,而像她这样的孩子还有千千万万,我们应该为他们做点什么。

don’t get me wrong. the people i meet in small towns and big cities, in diners and Office parks, they don’t expect government to solve all th eir problems. they know they have to work hard to get ahead and they want to. go into the collar counties around chicago, and people will tell you they don’t want their tax money wasted by a welfare agency or the pentagon. go into any inner city neighborhood, and folks will tell you that government alone can’t teach kids to learn. they know that parents have to parent, that children can’t achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white. no, people don’t expect government to solve all their problems. but they sense, deep in their bones, that with just a change in priorities, we can make sure that every child in america has a decent shot at life, and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all. they know we can do better. and they want that choice.



in this election, we offer that choice. our party has chosen a man to lead us who embodies the best this country has to offer. that man is john kerry. john kerry understands the ideals of community, faith, and sacrifice, because they’ve defined his life. from his heroic service in vietnam to his years as prosecutor and lieutenant governor, through two decades in the united states senate, he has devoted himself to this country. again and again, we’ve seen him make tough choices when easier ones were available. his values and his record affirm what is best in us.

在本次选举中,我们做出了这样的选择。民主党已选出一国之中品行最为高尚的人作为我们的领袖,带领大家实现这样的选择。他就是约翰凯利, 他深刻地领悟了社区、信念和献身精神这些崇高的理想,因为这些铸就了他生命的全部。他曾在越南英勇作战,回国后出任过检察官和副州长,在美国参议院度过了20个春秋,把全部精力都投入到国家社稷大业之中。多少次,他面对艰难抉择,知难而上,不畏艰险,他的阅历和品行为我们树立了榜样。

john kerry believes in an america where hard work is rewarded. so instead of offering tax breaks to companies shipping jobs overseas, he’ll offer them to companies creating jobs here at home. john kerry believes in an america where all americans can afford the same health coverage our politicians in washington have for themselves. john kerry believes in energy independence, so we aren’t held hostage to the profits of oil companies or the sabotage of foreign oil fields. john kerry believes in the constitutional freedoms that have made our country the envy of the world, and he will never sacrifice our basic liberties nor use faith as a wedge to divide us. and john kerry believes that in a dangerous world, war must be an option, but it should never he the first option.


a while back, i met a young man named shamus at the vfw hall in east moline, illinois. he was a good-looking kid, six-two or six-three, clear-eyed, with an easy smile. he told me he’d joined the marines and was heading to iraq the following week. as i listened to him explain why he’d enli sted, his absolute faith in our country and its leaders, his devotion. to duty and service, i thought this young man was all any of us might hope for in a child. but then i asked myself: are we serving shamus as well as he was serving us i thought of more than 900 service men and women, sons and daughters, hu□□ands and wives, friends and neighbors, who will not be returning to their hometowns. i thought of families i had met who were struggling to get by without a loved one’s full income, or whose loved one s had returned with a limb

missing or with nerves shattered, but who still lacked long-term health benefits because they were reservists. when we send our young men and women into harm’s way, we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they’re going, to care for their families while they’re gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never ever go to war without enough troops to win the war, secure the peace, and earn the respect of the world.

前不久,在伊利诺伊州东莫林市的外战老兵俱乐部里,我偶遇一个年轻人,他叫沙莫斯,身高足有 2米,相貌英俊,目光清澈,笑容可掬。他说自己加入了海军陆战队, 一周后就将进驻伊拉克。当我听他讲述入伍的原因时,他讲到了对我们国家和领导人的绝对信赖,对军队的无上忠诚以及自身强烈的责任感,这让我感受到他身上具备的优良品质正是我们对子女的所有期待。然而,当我扪心自问:我们为他所做的一切,是否能与他的付出相当呢我想到这次战争中已有900多名军人战死沙场,他们也有自己的家人和邻友,也许已是为人父母,还有年迈的双亲,却再也无法回到这些关爱他们的人身边。我想到自己遇到的那些家庭,他们或是要应对亲人阵亡,收入锐减所来的经济窘境,或是要面对肢体残缺的家人复原归来,甚至精神崩溃,却因其预备役军人的身份而无法享受长期的健康补贴,生活变得举步维艰。当这些可爱的年轻人舍身踏上征程,我们责无旁贷地要确认做出出兵决定的所有数据和理由确凿无误;我们责无旁贷地要替他们照顾好家人,而当他们荣归故里时,要关照他们的生活;当决定要介入战争、保卫和平和赢得世界的尊重之时,我们责无旁贷地要派驻足够数量的军队,以确保战士能凯旋而归。

now let me be clear. we have real enemies in the world. these enemies must be found. they must be pursued and they must be defeated. john kerry knows this. and just as lieutenant kerry did not hesitate to risk his life to protect the men who served with him in vietnam, president kerry will not hesitate one moment to use our military might to keep america safe and secure. john kerry believes in america. and he knows it’s not enough for just some of us to prosper. for alongside our famous individualism, there’s another ingredient in t he american saga.


a belief that we are connected as one peop le. if there’s a child on the south side of chicago who can’t read, that matters to me, even if it’s not my child. if there’s a senior citizen somewhere who can’t pay for her prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it’s not my grandmother. if there’s an ara

b american family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties. it’s that fundamental belief - i am my brother’s keeper, i am my sister’s keeper - that makes this country work. it’s what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single american family. "e pluribus unum." out of many, one.


yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. well, i say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal america and a conservative america - there’s the united states of america. there’s not a black america and white america and latino america and asian a merica; there’s the united states of america. the pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into red states and blue states; red states for republicans, blue states for democrats. but i’ve got news for them, too. we worship an awesome god in the blue stat es, and we don’t like federal agents poking around our libraries in the red states. we coach little league in the blue states and have gay friends in the red states. there are patriots who opposed the war in iraq and patriots who supported it. we are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the united states of america.


in the end, that’s what this election is about. do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope john kerry calls on us to hope. john edwards calls on us to hope. i’m not talking about blind optimism here - the almost willful ignorance that thinks unemployment will go away if we just don’t talk about it, or the health care crisis will solve itself if we just ignore it. no, i’m talking about something more substantial. it’s the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs; the hope of immigrants setting out for distant shores; the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the mekong delta; the hope of a millworker’s son who dares to defy the odds; the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that america has a place for him, too. the audacity of hope!



in the end, that is god’s greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation; the belief in things not seen; the belief that there are better days ahead. i believe we can give our middle class relief and provide working families with a road to opportunity.

i believe we can provide jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across america from violence and despair. i believe that as we stand on the crossroads of history, we can make the right choices, and meet the challenges that face us. america!


tonight, if you feel the same energy i do, the same urgency i do, the same passion i do, the same hopefulness i do - if we do what we must do, then i have no doubt that all across the country, from florida to oregon, from washington to maine, the people will rise up in november, and john kerry will be sworn in as president, and john edwards will be sworn in as vice president, and this country will reclaim its promise, and out of this long political darkness a brighter day will come. thank you and god bless you.



奥巴马励志演讲稿(精选多篇) 奥巴马竞选演讲稿 2014年11月07日星期五下午10:42 请在此处输入标题 hello, chicago! 芝加哥,你好! if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 假如还有人不相信美国是一个不存在不可能的地方,还有人怀疑开国之父们的梦想依然在影响着我们这个时代,还有人质

疑美利坚民主的力量,那么,他们的疑惑在今夜得到了解答。 it’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference. 在学校和教堂外面,人们排起了长长的队伍,人数之多在美国历史上前所未有。为了投上自己的一票,他们可以等待三个小时、四个小时。许多人是一生中第一次参加投票,因为他们坚信这一次必须有所变革,而他们的声音将举足轻重。 it’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, democrat and republican, black, white, latino, asian, native american, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled —americans who sent a


奥巴马在复旦大学演讲稿(全)-中英文 Nong hao! Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you. I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome. I'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations. I don't know what he said, but I hope it was good. (Laughter.) 侬好!诸位下午好。我感到很荣幸能够有机会到上海跟你们交谈,我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。我还想感谢我们出色的大使洪博培,他是我们两国间深厚的纽带。我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说得很好。 What I'd like to do is to make some opening comments, and then what I'm really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience, but also we've received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman. And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as your English, but I am looking forward to this chance to have a dialogue. 我今天准备这样,先做一个开场白,我真正希望做的是回答在座的问题,不但回答在座的学生问题,同时还可以从网上得到一些问题,由在座的一些学生和洪博培大使代为提问。很抱歉,我的中文远不如你们的英文,所以我期待和你们的对话。 This is my first time traveling to China, and I'm excited to see this majestic country. Here, in Shanghai, we see the growth that has caught the attention of the world -- the soaring skyscrapers, the bustling streets and entrepreneurial activity. And just as I'm impressed by these signs of China's journey to the 21st century, I'm eager to see those ancient places that speak to us from China's distant past. Tomorrow and the next day I hope to have a chance when I'm in Beijing to see the majesty of the Forbidden City and the wonder of the Great Wall. Truly, this is a nation that encompasses both a rich history and a belief in the promise of the future. 这是我首次访问中国,我看到你们博大的国家,感到很兴奋。在上海这里,我们看到了瞩目的增长,高耸的塔楼,繁忙的街道,还有企业家的精神。这些都是中国步入21世纪的迹象,让我感到赞叹。同时我也急切的要看到向我们展现中国古老的古迹,明天和后天我要到北京去看雄伟壮丽的故宫和令人叹为观止的长城,这个国度既有丰富的历史,又有对未来憧憬的信念。 The same can be said of the relationship between our two countries. Shanghai, of course, is a city that has great meaning in the history of the relationship between the United States and China. It was here, 37 years ago, that the Shanghai Communique opened the door to a new chapter of engagement between our governments and among our people. 而我们两国的关系也是如此,上海在美中关系的历史中是个具有意义的重大城市,在37年前,《上海公报》打开了我们两国政府和两国人民接触交往的新的篇章。 However, America's ties to this city -- and to this country -- stretch back further, to the earliest days of America's independence. In 1784, our founding father, George Washington, commissioned the Empress of China, a ship that set sail for these shores so that it could pursue trade with the Qing Dynasty. Washington wanted to see the ship carry the flag around the globe, and to forge new ties with nations like China. This is a common American impulse -- the desire to reach for new horizons, and to forge new partnerships that are mutually beneficial. 不过美国与这个国家的纽带可以追溯更久远的过去,追溯到美国独立的初期,乔治?华盛顿组织了皇后号的下水仪式,这个船成功前往大清王朝,华盛顿希望看到这艘船前往各地,与中国结成新的纽带。希望与中国开辟新的地平线,建立新的伙伴关系。 Over the two centuries that have followed, the currents of history have steered the relationship between our countries in many directions. And even in the midst of tumultuous winds, our people had opportunities to forge deep and even dramatic ties. For instance, Americans will never forget the hospitality shown to our pilots who were shot down over your soil during World War II, and cared for by Chinese civilians who risked all that they had by doing so. And Chinese veterans of that war still warmly greet those American veterans who return to the sites where they fought to help liberate China from occupation. 在其后的两个世纪中,历史洪流使我们两国关系向许多不同的方向发展,而即使在最动荡的方向中,我们的两国人民也打造了很深的,甚至有戏剧性的纽带,比如美国人永远不会忘记,在二战期间,美国飞行员在中国上空被击落后,当地人民对他们的款待,中国公民冒着失去一切的危险保护着他们。而参加二战的中国老兵仍然欢迎故地重游的美国老兵,他们在那里参战。 A different kind of connection was made nearly 40 years ago when the frost between our countries began to thaw through the simple game of table tennis. The very unlikely nature of this engagement contributed to its success -- because for all our differences, both our common humanity and our shared curiosity were revealed. As one American player described his visit to China -- "[The] people are just like us…The country is very similar to America, but still very different." Of course this small opening was followed by the achievement of the Shanghai Communique, and the eventual establishment of formal relations between the United States and China in 1979. And


奥巴马的英语演讲稿 想不想要知道那些名人的英语演讲稿?我特地为大家收集了几位名人的经典演讲稿,下面分享给大家。 刘慈欣英语演讲稿 Ladies and Gentleman, Good evening! It’s my great honor to receive the Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society. Thank you. This award is a reward for imagination. Imagination is a capability that should have exclusive belonged to God but we, as human beings, luckily have this too. It is far beyond our imagination to grasp the meaning of the existence of imagination. A historian used to say that the main reason why human beings have been able to surpass other species on earth and to build civilizations is that we are able to create something in our heads that does not exist in reality. In the future, when artificial intelligence becomes smarter than us, imagination may be the only advantage we have over AI. Science fiction is a literary genre based on imagination. And the first sci-fi works that impressed me were those by Arthur C. Clarke. Together with Jules Verne and George Wells,


奥巴马开学演讲稿——我们为什么要上学 阿文弗吉尼亚州,阿林顿市,2009年9月8日嗨,大家好!你们今天过得怎么样?我现在和弗吉尼亚州阿林顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起,全国各地也有从幼儿园到高三的众多学生们通过电视关注这里,我很高兴你们能共同分享这一时刻。 我知道,对你们中的许多人来说,今天是开学的第一天,你们中的有一些刚刚进入幼儿园或升上初高中,对你们来说,这是在新学校的第一天,因此,假如你们感到有些紧张,那也是很正常的。我想也会有许多毕业班的学生们正自信满满地准备最后一年的冲刺。不过,我想无论你有多大、在读哪个年级,许多人都打心底里希望现在还在放暑假,以及今天不用那么早起床。 我可以理解这份心情。小时候,我们家在印度尼西亚住过几年,而我妈妈没钱送我去其他美国孩子们上学的地方去读书,因此她决定自己给我上课——时间是每周一到周五的凌晨4点半。 显然,我不怎么喜欢那么早就爬起来,很多时候,我就这么在厨房的桌子前睡着了。每当我埋怨的时候,我妈总会用同一副表情看着我说:“小鬼,你以为教你我就很轻松?” 所以,我可以理解你们中的许多人对于开学还需要时间来调整和适应,但今天我站在这里,是为了和你们谈一些重要的事情。我要和你们谈一谈你们每个人的教育,以及在新的学年里,你们应当做些什么。 我做过许多关于教育的讲话,也常常用到“责任”这个词。 我谈到过教师们有责任激励和启迪你们,督促你们学习。 我谈到过家长们有责任看管你们认真学习、完成作业,不要成天只会看电视或打游戏机。 我也很多次谈到过政府有责任设定高标准严要求、协助老师和校长们的工作,改变在有些学校里学生得不到应有的学习机会的现状。 但哪怕这一切都达到最好,哪怕我们有最尽职的教师、最好的家长、和最优秀的学校,假如你们不去履行自己的责任的话,那么这一切努力都会白费。——除非你每天准时去上学、除非你认真地听老师讲课、除非你把父母、长辈和其他大人们说的话放在心上、除非你肯付出成功所必需的努力,否则这一切都会失去意义。 而这就是我今天讲话的主题:对于自己的教育,你们中每一个人的责任。首先,我想谈谈你们对于自己有什么责任。 你们中的每一个人都会有自己擅长的东西,每一个人都是有用之材,而发现自己的才能是什么,就是你们要对自己担起的责任。教育给你们提供了发现自己才能的机会。 或许你能写出优美的文字——甚至有一天能让那些文字出现在书籍和报刊上——但假如不在英语课上经常练习写作,你不会发现自己有这样的天赋;或许你能成为一个发明家、创造家——甚至设计出像今天的iPhone一样流行的产品,或研制出新的药物与疫苗——但假如不在自然科学课程上做上几次实验,你不会知道自己有这样的天赋;或许你能成为一名议员或最高法院法官,但假如你不去加入什么学生会或参加几次辩论赛,你也不会发现自己的才能。 而且,我可以向你保证,不管你将来想要做什么,你都需要相应的教育。——你想当名医生、当名教师或当名警官?你想成为护士、成为建筑设计师、律师


奥巴马演讲稿英文版 篇一:奥巴马中英文演讲稿 Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you. I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome. I'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations. I don't know what he said, but I hope it was good. 下午好。能够有机会在上海跟你们大家交谈,我深感荣幸。我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。我还要感谢我们出色的大使Jon Huntsman,他代表了我们两国之间的深远联系和相互尊重。我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说的是好的。 What I'd like to do is to make some opening comments, and then what I'm really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience, but also we've received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman. And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as


My fellow citizens: 各位同胞: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition. 今天我站在这里,为眼前的重责大任感到谦卑,对各位的信任心怀感激,对先贤的牺牲铭记在心。我要谢谢布什总统为这个国家的服务,也感谢他在政权转移期间的宽厚和配合。 Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents. 四十四位美国人发表过总统就职誓言,这些誓词或是在繁荣富强及和平宁静之际发表,或是在乌云密布,时局动荡之时。在艰困的时候,美国能箕裘相继,不仅因为居高位者有能力或愿景,也因为人民持续对先人的抱负有信心,也忠于创建我国的法统。 So it has been. So it must be with this generation of Americans. 因此,美国才能承继下来。因此,这一代美国人必须承继下去。 That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet. 现在大家都知道我们正置身危机核心,我国正处于对抗深远暴力和憎恨的战争。我们的经济元气大伤,是某些人贪婪且不负责任的后果,也是大众未能做出艰难的选择,为国家进入新时代做淮备所致。许多人失去房子,丢了工作,生意垮了。我们的医疗照护太昂贵,学校教育辜负了许多人。每天都有更多证据显示,我们利用能源的方式壮大我们的对敌,威胁我们的星球。 These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights. 这些都是得自资料和统计数据的危机指标。比较无法测量但同样深沉的,是举国信心尽失—持续担心美国将无可避免地衰退,也害怕下一代一定会眼界变低。 Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met. 今天我要告诉各位,我们面临的挑战是真的,挑战非常严重,且不在少数。它们不是可以轻易,或在短时间内解决。但是,美国要了解,这些挑战会被解决。 On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.


奥巴马80后励志演讲稿:男人的责任 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- “你的未来,并不取决于你现在的生活有多好或多坏。没有人为你编排好你的命运,在美国,你的命运由你自己书写,你的未来由你自己掌握。”这是奥巴马的演讲中的其中一句。下面跟着作者小编一起来看看奥巴马励志演讲稿:男人的责任。 【奥巴马80后励志演讲稿:男人的责任】U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Hello, Morehouse! (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Please be seated. AUDIENCE MEMBER: I love you! U.S. PRESIDENT OBAMA: I love you back. (Laughter.) That is why I am here. I have to say that it is one of the great honors of my life to be able to address this gathering here today. I want to thank Dr. Wilson for his outstanding leadership, and the Board of Trustees. We have Congressman Cedric Richmond and Sanford Bishop —both proud alumni of this school, as well as Congressman Hank Johnson. And one of my dear friends and a great inspiration to us all —the great John Lewis is here. (Applause.) We have your outstanding Mayor, Mr. Kasim Reed, in the house. (Applause.) To all the members of the Morehouse family. And most of all,


经典演讲稿:奥巴马上海演讲中文版 【奥巴马上海演讲中文版】 你好。诸位下午好。我感到很荣幸能够有机会到上海跟你们交谈,我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。 我还想感谢我们出色的大使洪博培,他是我们两国间深厚的纽带。 我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说得很好。 我今天准备这样,先做一个开场白,我真正希望做的是回答在座的问题,不但回答在座的学生问题,同时还可以从网上得到一 些问题,由在座的一些学生和洪博培大使代为提问。很抱歉,我的 中文远不如你们的英文,所以我期待和你们的对话。这是我首次访 问中国,我看到你们博大的国家,感到很兴奋。在上海这里,我们 看到了瞩目的增长,高耸的塔楼,繁忙的街道,还有企业家的精神。这些都是中国步入21世纪的迹象,让我感到赞叹。同时我也急切的

要看到向我们展现中国古老的古迹,明天和后天我要到北京去看雄伟壮丽的故宫和令人叹为观止的长城,这个国度既有丰富的历史,又有对未来憧憬的信念。 而我们两国的关系也是如此,上海在美中关系的历史中是个具有意义的重大城市,在30年前,《上海公报》打开了我们两国政府和两国人民接触交往的新的篇章。 不过美国与这个国家的纽带可以追溯更久远的过去,追溯到美国独立的初期,乔治-华盛顿组织了皇后号的下水仪式,这个船成功前往大清王朝,华盛顿希望看到这艘船前往各地,与中国结成新的纽带。希望中国开辟新的地平线,建立新的伙伴关系。在其后的两个世纪中,历史洪流使我们两国关系向许多不同的方向发展,而即使在最动荡的方向中,我们的两国人民打造深的,甚至有戏剧性的纽带,比如美国人永远不会忘记,在二战期间,美国飞行员在中国上空被击落后,当地人民对他们的款待,中国公民冒着失去一切的危险罩着他们。


奥巴马英语演讲稿 If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference. It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America. It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on


奥巴马悼念曼德拉英语演讲稿 presidentbarack obama remarks on the death of nelson mandela 奥巴马发表讲话悼念曼德拉英语演讲稿带中文翻译: at his trialin 1964, nelson mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, i havefought against white domination, and i have fought against black domination. ihave cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all personslive together in harmony and with equal opportunities. it is an ideal which ihope to live for and to achieve. but if needs be, it is an ideal for which i amprepared to die. 纳尔逊曼德拉在1964年接受审判时在被告席上结束他的陈述时说:我曾为反对白人统治而斗争,也曾为反 对黑人统治而斗争。我一直珍藏着一个民主、自由的社 会理想,让所有人都生活在一个和谐共处、机会均等的 社会中。我希望为这个理想而生并将其付诸实现。但是,如果需要,我也愿为这样一个理想献出生命。 and nelsonmandela lived for that ideal, and he made it real. he achieved more than couldbe expected


奥巴马经典演讲稿 奥巴马经典演讲稿Hello, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All right, everybody go ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doing today? (Applause.) How about Tim Spicer? (Applause.) I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we’ve got students tuning in from all across America, from kindergarten through 12th grade. And I am just so glad that all could join us today. And I want to thank Wakefield for being such an outstanding host. Give yourselves a big round of applause. (Applause.) 大家好!谢谢你们。谢谢你们。谢谢你们大家。好,大家请就坐。你们今天都好吗?(掌声)蒂姆·斯派塞(Tim Spicer)好吗?(掌声)我现在与弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起。美国各地从小学预备班到中学12年级的学生正在收听收看。我很高兴大家今天都能参与。我还要感谢韦克菲尔德高中出色的组织安排。请为你们自己热烈鼓掌。(掌声) I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s your first day


Hello, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All right, everybody go ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doing today? (Applause.) How about Tim Spicer? (Applause.) I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we’ve got students tuning in from all across America, from kindergarten through 12th grade. And I am just so glad that all could join us today. And I want to thank Wakefield for being such an outstanding host. Give yourselves a big round of applause. (Applause.) I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s your first day in a new school, so it’s understandable if you’re a little nervous. I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling pretty good right now -- (applause) -- with just one more year to go. And no matter what grade you’re in, some of you are probably wishing it were still summer and you could’ve stayed in bed just a little bit longer this morning. I know that feeling. When I was young, my family lived overseas. I lived in Indonesia for a few years. And my mother, she didn’t have the money to send me where all the American kids went to school, but she thought it was important for me to keep up with an American education. So she decided to teach me extra lessons herself, Monday through Friday. But because she had to go to work, the only time she could do it was at 4:30 in the morning. Now, as you might imagine, I wasn’t too happy about getting up that early. And a lot of times, I’d fall asleep right there at the kitchen table. But whenever I’d complain, my mother would just give me one of those looks and she’d say, "This is no picnic for me either, buster." (Laughter.) So I know that some of you are still adjusting to being back at school. But I’m here today because I have something important to discuss with you. I’m here because I want to talk with you about your education and what’s expected of all of you in this new school year. Now, I’ve given a lot of speeches about education. And I’ve talked about responsibility a lot. I’ve talked about teachers’responsibility for inspiring students and pushing you to learn.


奥巴马开学励志演讲稿 大家好!谢谢你们。谢谢你们,大家好,大家请就坐。你们今天都好吗?蒂姆·斯派塞(TimSpicer)好吗?我现在与弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起。美国各地从小学预备班到中学12年级的学生正在收听收看。我很高兴大家今天都能参与。我还要感谢韦克菲尔德高中出色的组织安排。请为你们自己热烈鼓掌。 我知道,今天是你们很多人开学的日子。对于进入小学预备班、初中或高中的学生,今天是你们来到新学校的第一天,心里可能有点紧张,这是可以理解的。我能想象有些毕业班学生现在感觉很不错--还有一年就毕业了。不论在哪个年级,你们有些人可能希望暑假更长一点,今天早上还能多睡一小会儿。 玩的时候痛快玩,学的时候认真学。一天到晚伏案苦读,不是良策。学习到一定程度就得休息、补充能量。学习之余,一定要注意休息。但学习时,一定要全身心地投入,手脑并用。我学习的时侯常有陶渊明的"虽处闹市,而无车马喧嚣"的境界,只有我的手和脑与课本交流。 我了解这种感觉。我小时候,我们家生活在海外。我在印度尼西亚住了几年。我妈妈没有钱送我上其他美国孩子上的学校,但她认为必须让我接受美式教育。因此,她决定从周一到周五自己给我补课。不过她还要上班,所以只能在清晨四点半给我上课。 你们可以想见,我不太情愿那么早起床。有很多次,我趴在餐桌上就睡着了。但每当我抱怨的时候,我妈妈都会那样地看我一眼,然后说:“小子,这对我也并不轻松。” 我知道你们有些人还在适应开学后的生活。但我今天来到这里是因为有重要的事情要和你们说。我来这里是要和你们谈谈你们的教育问题,以及在这个新学年对你们所有人的期望。 I’ve talked a lot about your government’s responsibility for setting high standards, and supporting teachers and principals, and turning around schools that aren’t working, where students aren’t getting the oppor tunities that they deserve. 我做过很多次有关教育问题的演讲。我多次谈到过责任问题。 我谈到过教师激励学生并督促他们学习的责任。 我谈到过家长的责任,要确保你们走正路,完成家庭作业,不要整天坐在电视前或玩Xbox游戏。 我多次谈到过政府的责任,要制定高标准,支持教师和校长的工作,彻底改善不能为学生提供应有机会的、教育质量差的学校。

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