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Brief History of China

在我国古代,国家有时统一,有时分裂,中国一词的含义在不同时代也不同,大致统一时期略指全国,分裂时多指中原。随着皇帝统治疆土的变化,中国一词所包括的范围也相应有所不同。“中国”这一名称在西周周武王时期意为“中央之国”。相传3000年前,周公在阳城(今河南登封)用土圭测度日影,测得夏至这一天午时,八尺之表于周围景物均没有日影,便认为这是大地的中心,因此周朝谓之中国。 In ancient China, the National Unity sometimes, and sometimes separatist, the Chinese meaning of the word in different times different, generally refers to a unified national strategy, the split means more when the Central Plains. With the territory of the emperor rule changes, the Chinese word, including its coverage varies accordingly. "China" in the name of King Wu of Zhou period of the Western Zhou Dynasty agreed to "central country." Passed in 3000, the Duke of the Yangcheng (today Henan Dengfeng) with Tugui measure the shadow of the sun, measured Next day noontime, Bachimen's table in the surrounding landscape are not the shadow of the sun, we think this is the center of the earth, so that goes to China.


权自称中国政权,也未必代表它就真的是中国政权。根据史料,日本也常常自称“华夏”、“中华”。例如《大日本史》卷117,载奈良时代藤原广嗣在公元740年(唐代开元二十八年)上表日主:“北狄虾夷,西戎隼俗,狼性易乱,野心难驯。往古已来,中国有圣则后服,朝堂有变则先叛”。二战结束,日本天皇在《终战诏书》中还把日本称为“神州”,但是日本和中国显然是两国。判断历史上一个政权是否是中国政权,主要看它与前一个中国政权的关系,是以国内政权更换的形式取代前一个中国政权,还是以外来征服者的姿态取代前一个中国政权。 After the Han Dynasty, although some alien invasion originally established by the regime are calling themselves "Chinese" But this does not mean that the Chinese regime. Because they are the self-styled "China" usually refers to a geographical concept of "heartland," rather than a national sense of "China." Even in the history of any regime claiming the Chinese regime, it does not necessarily mean it really is the Chinese regime. According to historical data, the Japanese are often called himself "China" and "China." For example, "in connection with" Volume 117, Nara era Fujiwara containing widely Nations in the year 740 (Tang Dynasty 1939), Table Main : "Beidi Yezo. Xi Rong Falcon secular and Wolf easy chaotic, difficult to tame ambitions. to have come to ancient China after the St. clothes, Zhutang change, I will rebel. " The end of World War II, the Japanese emperor in "the end of the war rescript" Japan also known as "Divine", but Japan and China is obviously

the two. Historical judgment on whether a regime of the Chinese regime, it's important to see a China with the former regime, on the domestic regime change in the form of a place of the former Chinese regime, or outside conqueror posture to replace the former one Chinese regime.


China is not simply a geographical concept, it is a national and cultural concept. China is the establishment of China Han Han and China as the main countries. Ancient Chinese people will always resist foreign aggression, defend the homeland's glorious traditions, once the alien invasion, it would heroic resistance never allow foreign invaders usurp China orthodox position. Rock engraving of Huo Qubing "Huns not