当前位置:文档之家› 三年级英语儿歌大全




Mary had a little lamb

you're my sunshine


If you are happy

Jingle Bells,do re mi


Polly Wolly Doodle儿歌歌词 Polly Wolly Doodle Oh, I went down South for to see my Sal, singin” Polly wolly Doodle” all the day. My sally is a spunky gal, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. CHORUS Fare thee well, fare the well, fare thee well, my fairy fay. For I?m goin? to Louisiana for to see my susyanna. Singin? “Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Oh, my sal, she is a maiden fair, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Well a bullfrog sitin? on a railroad track. Singin? “Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Just a-pickin? his teeth with a carpet tack, singin?” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. Red River Valley儿歌歌词 Red River Valley From this valley they say you are going, I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile. For I know you are taking the sunshine. That has lighten my pathway a while. Come and sit by my side if you love me, Don?t? hasten to bid me do, But remember the Red River Valley, And the one that has loved you so true. Just remember the Red River Valley And the one who has loved you so true Sailing Medley儿歌歌词 Sailing Medley Blow the man down I?ll sing you a song, a good song of the sea. With a way! Hey! Blow the man down! And trust that you?ll join in the chorus wi th me. Give me some time to blow the man down. There was an old skipper, I don?t know his name.


儿歌在小学英语中的运用 儿歌是儿童口语传唱的、以押韵的语言描述事物并富有情趣的歌谣。它因篇幅短小、内容丰富、节奏明快、音韵和谐以及语言浅显等特点而深受小学生的喜爱。在小学生英语课堂中运用儿歌进行教学,既能激发学生对英语学习兴趣,又能培养学生的口语表达能力。 一、英文儿歌的语言特点 英文儿歌形式多样,包括摇篮歌、数数歌、问答歌、游戏歌和猜谜歌等,被称为“活在孩子们口头上的英语文学”英文儿歌的语言一般具有以下几个特征: 1、音韵自然和谐,具有音乐性 儿歌就像音乐一样,能满足儿童听觉上的需要。儿歌是用语言的“音律”组合成的富有节奏的“乐曲”,用语抒发感情、塑造形象。英文儿歌的节奏主要是有重读和轻读音节有规律的重复而形成的,其音乐感多依靠尾韵。例如,Rain, Rain, Go away这首儿歌: Rain, rain, go away, Come again some other day. Little Johnny wants to play, Rain, rain, go away. 2、语言儿化生动,具有形象性 儿歌的对象是儿童。因此,儿歌的选词和用词要符合儿童的理解能力和心理特点。儿语化词和拟声词的大量使用赋予了英文儿歌语言形象性的特点。英文儿歌儿语化的方式是给单词加上后缀,如-y,-ey,-ie,或表示“小”、“可爱”等前置修

饰词,如little和dear等。拟声词是语言中最比具有任意性的符号,能直接地体现语言的形象性。所以,运用拟声词能引起儿童的听觉直感,唤起他们对事物的注意、想象和理解。例如,Are You Sleeping这首儿歌中的ding,dang,dong 就是模拟钟声的拟声词. Are you sleeping, Brother Bear? Morning bells are ringing, ding,dang,dong. Are you sleeping,Little John? Morning bells are ringing, ding,dang,dong. 3、结构简单、内容重复,具有易懂性 英文儿歌的语句简单,语法结构单一,内容重复,易学易记,这些都符合儿童的思维特点,适合儿童的语言发展水平,有利于儿童接受和掌握语言,克服遗忘,加强记忆。 4、修辞丰富多彩,具有趣味性 儿歌的形式多样,内容广泛,使用的修辞手法也丰富多彩。其中,比喻、拟人和夸张是用得较多的三种修辞方式,深受儿童喜爱。例如,I Am a Bus 这首儿歌: I am a bus. I am a bus. I have seats inside. I am a bus. I am a bus. Come and take a ride. 这首儿歌运用了第一人称,把自己比喻成一辆公共汽车,富有想象力,符合小学生的心理特点。


英文儿歌歌词大合集(几百首) 英文儿歌歌词 are you sleeping are you sleeping, are you sleeping? brother john? brother john? morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing, ding ding dong, ding ding dong. 英文儿歌《Beanbag,Beanbag》 歌词: Beanbag,beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! Toss it first to Laura Lee, Then to Jenny,then to me. Beanbag,beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! Beanbag,beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! Toss it first to Mary Lou, Then to Billy,then to you. Beanbag,beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! 中文:豆子袋,豆子袋 豆子袋,豆子袋, 玩豆子袋的游戏! 先把它投给劳拉.李, 然后给詹妮,然后给我。 豆子袋,豆子袋, 玩豆子袋的游戏! 豆子袋,豆子袋, 玩豆子袋的游戏! 先把它投给玛利.卢。 然后给比利,然后给你。 豆子袋,豆子袋, 玩豆子袋的游戏! 英文儿歌《Cradle Song》

歌词: Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above. Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above. Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. (中文)摇篮曲 去睡觉,现在,亲爱的,在上面的玫瑰之下。 芳香的花朵,白色和红色的会在你的床边开放。 当黎明照亮天空,睁开你的亲爱的眼睛。 当黎明照亮天空,睁开你的亲爱的眼睛。 去睡觉,现在,亲爱的,在上面的玫瑰之下。 芳香的花朵,白色和红色的会在你的床边开放。 当黎明照亮天空,睁开你的亲爱的眼睛。 当黎明照亮天空,睁开你的亲爱的眼睛。 英文儿歌《Here I Come Here I Go》 歌词: Here I Come Here I Go riding on my little tricycle around the world around the world me and my little tricycle Here I Come Here I Go riding on my little tricycle around the world around the world me and my little tricycle 英文儿歌《Hokey Pokey》 歌词: You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out. You put your right hand in, and you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. That?s what it?s all about. You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out. You put your left hand in, and you shake it all about.


小学三年级英语歌曲 《Old Blue》 I had an old dog and his name was blue. Bet you five dollars hes a good dog, too. I had an old dog and his name was blue. I bet you five dollars hes a good dog, too. CHORUS Im saying, yah-hah, Blue, you good dog, you. Im a singing yah-hah, Blue, oh, yeah, you good dog, you. Well, Old Blue comes when I blow my horn. Old Blue comes when I blow my horn. Blue comes running through the yellow corn. Old blue comes when I blow my horn Late in the year of 93, I got pinned lsquo;neath a fallen tree. Old Blue turned, ran straight to town, came right back with old Doc Brown. I remember when Blue and I roamed the hills beneath the sky!

One day my old blue died, like a child. I knelt and cried. Well, when I get to Heaven, First thing Ill do, Grab my horn and call for Blue. When I get to Heaven, first thing Ill do. Grab my horn and blow for Blue. Apple round,apple red, Apple juicy,apple sweet. Apple,apple, I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat. Apple round,apple red, Apple juicy,apple sweet. Apple,apple, I love you.


小学英语儿歌教学设计 1Goodmorning教学目的(Teachingaims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣教学内容(Teachingcontent):学唱一首英文歌曲Goodmorning 教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD,或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲教学过程(Teachingprocess):1、教学主题导入T:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Ihaveagiftforyou.Let’slisten.教师在多媒体中播放《Goodmorning》,本堂课在美妙的歌声中展开了(这首歌曲欢快、富有童趣,渲染了欢快的课堂气氛,调动了学生学习英语歌曲的积极性同时让学生初步熟悉旋律,以便之后学习这首歌)T:Doyouhaveanysongswhichcanshare(分享)withus?S1:Ihave‘Hello!’S2:Ihave ‘Bodysong’.S3:Ihave‘Howareyou?’…学生交流搜集到的比较动听、优美的英文歌曲由于是三年级的学生,他们收集到的是比较简单的歌曲大家一起欣赏这些歌曲片段3、学唱歌曲,并且比赛T:Wehavemanybeautifulsongshere.Nowwouldyoulike tosingthesongs.Let’slearnthesong‘Goodmorning’andhaveacompetition.Ss:OK!全班同学学习,然后四人

小组练习,教师巡回指导在指导中教师要特别注意纠正学生的歌词读音以及音准问题全体学生当评委,选出三名优胜选手2Appletree教学目的(Teachingaims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣教学内容(Teachingcontent):学唱一首英文歌曲Appletree教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD,或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲教学过程(Teachingprocess):1、教学主题导入T:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Ihaveagiftforyou.Let’slisten.教师在多媒体中播放《Appletree》,本堂课在美妙的歌声中展开了(这首歌曲欢快、富有童趣,渲染了欢快的课堂气氛,调动了学生学习英语歌曲的积极性同时让学生初步熟悉旋律,以便之后学习这首歌)T:Doyouhaveanysongswhichcanshare(分享)withus?S1:Ihave‘Hello!’S2:Ihave ‘Bodysong’.S3:Ihave‘Howareyou?’…学生交流搜集到的比较动听、优美的英文歌曲由于是三年级的学生,他们收集到的是比较简单的歌曲大家一起欣赏这些歌曲片段3、学唱歌曲,并且比赛T:Wehavemanybeautifulsongshere.Nowwouldyoulike tosingthesongs.Let’slearnthesong‘Appletree’


2017最新128首英文儿歌大全最近,瑞思英语小编整理了很多英文儿歌资料以供孩子们学习英 语,收到了小朋友们的热烈欢迎和强烈反响,这激励着小编本人再接再 励,又进一步扩大的收集范围,从而整理出了128首英语儿歌,这些儿 歌都是中英文对照版的,而且还有歌词哦~接下来,瑞思英语小编还会 整理绘本、小故事等等,敬请期待哦~~~ 1.英文儿歌《Are you Sleeping》 are you sleeping, are you sleeping? brother john? brother john? morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing, ding ding dong, ding ding dong. 2.英文儿歌《Beanbag, Beanbag》 Beanbag, beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! Toss it first to Laura Lee, Then to Jenny, then to me. Beanbag, beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! Bean bag, bean bag, Play a game of beanbag! Toss it first to Mary Lou, Then to Billy, then to you. Beanbag, beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! 3.英文儿歌《Cradle Song》 Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above. Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes.


浅谈儿歌在小学英语教学中的运用 默认分类2008-11-12 13:18 阅读3 评论0 字号:大大中中小小“关注学生的学习情感”是新课程倡导的一个理念。英语课程目标把学生学习英语的情感态度放在了一个极为重要的位置。情感态度是指兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神等影响学生学习过程和学习效果的相关因素。因此,保持学生积极的学习态度是英语学习成功的关键。 儿歌因其简单、易上口的内容、抑扬顿挫的语音语调,明朗的节奏,隽永的韵味而深受小学生的喜爱。在实际课堂教学中,很多老师也喜欢用儿歌来进行辅助教学,它既可以激发和保持学生学习英语的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,同时也能帮助解决一些课堂教学中的难点。比如:词汇的扩充,语法知识的巩固和掌握,语音语调的培养等等。 一、激活课堂学习气氛,引导学生进入学习状态 1、吟诵儿歌,启动学生学习热情 俗语说:良好的开端是成功的一半。课堂教学亦是如此。每一节课正式开始之前 都有两分钟的预备时间,其目的是让学生浮躁的心能渐渐平静下来,以便较好地进入到学习状态中去。如果这两分钟,教师只是让学生手放平,背坐直,两眼直视老师,等待上课的话,那多数学生还未正式上课便已感到精神上的一种紧张,对教室后面将要展开的教学造成不利的影响。 而如果教师能把这两分钟充分地利用起来,带领学生吟诵一些能和教学主题结合 的儿歌,其优美动听的语调,明朗的节奏不仅能叫有效地启发学生的学习热情,而且也能为后面顺利开展教学做好准备。 比如,牛津教材3B的Module3Unit3的主题是Seasons。在引导学生进行这个主题 的学习时,几乎每节课前两分钟我都会和孩子一起吟诵一些有关四季的儿歌,比如: What do you do in the spring, in the spring? Go to the park, listen to the birds. Look at the leaves and smell the flowers. That’s what we do in the spring, in the spring! What do you do in the summer, in the summer? Swim in the sea, play on the beach. Eat ice-creams and drink soft drink drinks. That’s what we do in the summer, in the summer. What do you do in the autumn, in the autumn? Put on warm clothes and ride our bikes. Fly the kites and read our books. That’s what we do in the autumn, in the autumn. What do you do in the winter, in the winter? Wear thick clothes and have our barbecues. Sit by the fire and eat chicken wings. That’s what we do in the winter, in the winter. 儿歌中适切优美的用词每次都让孩子们沉醉其中,学习热情及其高涨,使我能非 常顺利地开展下面的教学。 2、吟诵儿歌,调节课堂学习气氛 小学生注意力集中的时间比较短。有时碰到比较乏味的语法练习,部分学生的思


学习必备欢迎下载 小学英语儿歌教学设计 1Goodmorning教学目的(Teachingaims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣教学内容(Teachingcontent):学唱一首英文歌曲Goodmorning教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD,或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲教学过程(Teachingprocess):1、教学主题导入 T:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Ihaveagiftforyou.Let'slisten.教师 在多媒体中播放《Goodmorning》,本堂课在美妙的歌声中展开了(这首歌曲欢快、富有童趣,渲染了欢快的课堂气氛,调动了学生学习英语歌曲的积极性同时让学生初步熟悉旋律,以便之后学习这首歌)T:Doyouhaveanysongswhichcanshare(分S2:Ihave'‘享Hello!)withus?S1:Ihave‘Bodysong'.S3:Ihave ‘Howareyou?'…学生交流搜集到的比较动听、优美的英文歌曲由于是三年级的学生,他们收集到的是比较简单的歌曲大家一起欣赏这些歌曲片段3、学唱歌曲,并且比赛T:Wehavemanybeautifulsongshere.Nowwouldyouliketosingtheso ngs.Let'slearnthesong‘Goodmorning'然后四人小组全班同学学习,andhaveacompetition.Ss:OK!. 学习必备欢迎下载 练习,教师巡回指导在指导中教师要特别注意纠正学生的歌


英语歌谣 dog dog汪汪汪,cat cat喵喵喵 bird bird天上飞,monkey monkey最顽皮 tiger tiger王中王,zebra zebra黑又白 panda panda吃竹子,elephant elephant鼻子长 我是你的好朋友,见面问候说Hello,good morning早上好good afternoon下午好,Zhangpeng,Zhangpeng 新朋友 This is Zhangpeng(新朋友)! 遇见你,我很高兴, nice to meet you. 遇见你,我也很高兴, nice to meet you, too. 水彩笔, 真漂亮, 色彩丰富又鲜艳 yellow yellow 是黄色, blue blue 蓝又蓝 red red 是红色, green green 绿油油 orange orange 是橙色, white white 白又白 brown brown 像咖啡, black black 黑黑黑 家庭成员我熟悉,,英语说来挺容易:,最忙碌的是爸爸 father,father, my father ,This is my father. 亲爱的妈妈是mother,my mother, my mother This is my mother. 调皮的兄弟my brother,my brother, my brother,This is my brother.

文静的姐姐/妹妹sister,my sister, my sister ,This is my sister. 香蕉香蕉banana,苹果苹果apple ,桔子桔子orange,桃子桃子peach ,梨子梨子pear ,西瓜西瓜watermelon,草莓草莓strawberry ,葡萄葡萄grape 叮铃铃, 闹钟响,get up, get up 快起床,背上书包go to school,go home , go home快回家,Bye bye, bye bye,See you, see you是再见,Good night 道晚安! 小朋友, 小朋友, 欢迎你到我家来,我家的东西/家具可多啦: sofa sofa是沙发, bed bed是小床,fridge fridge是冰箱, chair chair是椅子table, table是饭桌, desk, desk 是书桌 shelf, shelf是书柜, telephone , telephone电话机 Hello, hello, How are you ?Fine, fine, thank you. and you , and you, and you? I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, too! 同学们,开学啦! 文具用品少不了 pencil pencil是铅笔, pen pen是钢笔 ruler ruler是尺子, ball pen ball pen圆珠笔


1.Hello Hello. (Hello) It’s so nice to say. Hello. (Hello) Have a happy day. Hello. (Hello) How are you? Hello. (Hello) I’m fine, thanks, and you? 2.Red, yellow, blue Touch, touch, touch (Something red) Touch, touch, touch (Something yellow) Touch, touch, touch (Something blue) Touch, touch, touch (Something green) Touch, touch, touch (Something pink) Touch, touch, touch (Something orange) Touch, touch, touch (Something black) Touch, touch, touch (Something white) Touch, touch, touch (Something purple) Touch, touch, touch (Something brown) 3.Tables and chairs Touch, touch the table. Touch, (touch the table.) Touch, touch a chair. Touch, (touch a chair.) Now come here. Now come here. Very good. Very good. Touch, touch the door. Touch, (touch the door.) Touch, touch the window. Touch, (touch the window.) Now come here. Now come here. Very good. Very good. Touch, touch a book. Touch, (touch a book.) Touch, touch a bag. Touch, (touch a bag.) Now come here. Now come here. Very good. Very good. Touch, touch a boy. Touch, (touch a boy.) Touch, touch a girl. Touch, (touch a girl.) Now come here. Now come here. Very good. Very good. Touch, touch the teacher. Touch, (touch the teacher.) Touch, touch the teacher. Touch, (touch the teacher.) Touch. 4.What’s your name? My name is Andy. I am a teacher. I’m twenty-six. My name is (Andy.) I am a (teacher. I’m twenty-six.) What’s your name? (What’s your name?) How old are you? (How old are you?) What’s your name? (What’s your name?) How old are you? (How old are you?) My name is Sarah. I am a girl. I am five. My name is (Sarah.) I am a (girl. I am five.) What’s your name? (What’s your name?) How old are you? (How old are you?) What’s your name? (What’s your name?) How old are you? (How old are you?) My name is Stevie. I am a boy. I am four. My name is (Stevie.) I am a (boy. I am four.) What’s your name? (What’s your name?) How old are you? (How old are you?) What’s your name? (What’s your name?) How old are you? (How old are you?) 5.We like to walk Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Wake up. Wake up. Walk, walk, we like to walk. (Walk, walk), we like to walk. Walk, walk, we like to walk. (Walk, walk), we like to walk. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Wake up. Wake up. Jump, jump, we like to jump. (Jump, jump), we like to jump. Jump, jump, we like to jump. (Jump, jump), we like to jump. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Wake up. Wake up. Run, run, we like to run. (Run, run), we like to run. Run, run, we like to run. (Run, run), we like to run. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Wake up. Wake up. Skip, skip, we like to skip. (Skip, skip), we like to skip. Skip, skip, we like to skip. (Skip, skip), we like to skip. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Wake up. Wake up. Hop, hop, we like to hop. (Hop, hop), we like to hop. Hop, hop, we like to hop. (Hop, hop), we like to hop. 6.One, two, three One finger, two fingers, three fingers, four Four fingers, let’s count some more. Five fingers, six fingers, seven fingers, eight Nine fingers, ten fingers, numbers are great.


英文儿歌歌词大全 转载 1. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star(一闪,一闪,小星星) Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are! 2. ROW, ROW,ROW YOUR BOAT 划,划,划你的船 Row, Row, Row, Your Boat, Gently Down The Stream. Merrily ,Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, life Is But A Dream. 3. ROUND THE VILLAGE 绕着村落 Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, As we have done before. Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. As we have done before. Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. And bow before you go.



小学英语儿歌与英语教学 2011级英语本科学员:白光娜 学号:118150035 【摘要】:小学阶段是儿童获得语言的关键时期,是英语学习的入门阶段,英语歌曲教学作为愉快教学中强有力的一笔。英语歌曲、歌谣因其词句简单、内容生动、形式活泼、韵律优美等特点,读起来朗朗上口,深受孩子们的喜爱,正是这个阶段小学生学习英语的最有效方式。教师要发挥歌曲、歌谣的特点,运用于英语课堂中,达到最优化课堂教学的目的。 关键词:儿歌特点儿歌教学重要性儿歌教学方式优化课堂 一英语儿歌的特点。 英语儿歌的主要特点是语言浅显易懂、形象具体可感、音韵自然和谐、适于进行表演。 1.语言浅显易懂。儿童时期是学习语言的关键期,此时的孩子掌握的英语语句简单、语法结构单纯、语汇相对贫乏。因此,语言浅显的英语儿歌把正确的语法、语汇与儿童的口语结合起来,形成优美的、规范的少儿英语口语,适应了儿童语言发展的水平,能被孩子们理解和接受。英语儿歌中使用的词汇主要是名词(动物、植物、食物、日常用品、交通工具等)、动词(走、跑、跳、爬等基本动作)、形容词(颜色、形状、大小等),这些词反映的事物及其属性比较具体,契合了儿童的思维特点。同时,英语儿歌中简单句的大量使用,容易为

他们所接受和掌握。 2.形象具体可感。英语儿歌作品的语言特别强调形象性,着力于对人和事物的具体描绘,突出它的形态感、色彩感和动作感。所描绘的人、物,使幼儿念起来感到如临其境、如见其人、如闻其声、如触其物。英语儿歌中的摹声和拟人表现手法的运用,增强了儿歌的形象性。 3.音韵自然和谐。儿歌与音乐密切联系,儿歌中特有的悦耳和谐的音韵和鲜明的节奏能使幼儿产生愉悦感。有些儿歌在内容上没有多大意义,但其和谐的韵律从听觉上给人以愉悦。因而儿歌的语言不仅要求浅显、口语化,而且须有严格的韵律、明朗的节奏,或形成有规律的反复。节奏可以帮助推动情节的发展,同时带给作品内在的乐感; 反复的表现手法使同样的语言根据情节多次反复,给幼儿以深刻的印象。 4.适于进行表演。小学阶段的少年儿童主要是以具体形象性思维为主,用动作辅助儿歌教学既符合学生的这种思维方式,又顺应了学生表现欲强的心理特点。在英语儿歌作品中,富于动感的语言能有效地唤起幼儿的注意,加以动作表演更能增强他们对内容的理解,更能刺激孩子们的表现欲, 从而增强自信心。正因为英语儿歌具有这些其他英语文学形式所不能比拟的独特特点,因此在英语教学中我们提倡重视英语儿歌的教学,以此来陶冶学生的性情,开启他们的心智,从而促进他们英语听说能力的发展。 二、学习英语儿歌的重要性


《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 》 一闪一闪亮晶晶 这首家喻户晓的英文儿歌,陪伴无数个孩子度过夜晚时光。相信不止是孩子,这首简单而又温馨的经典儿歌,也陪我们度过了美好的童年岁月。 《The Wheels on the Bus 》 巴士上的轮子 《The wheels on the bus》是一首在英国耳熟能详的童谣。迪斯尼最爱儿歌系列收录了最受欢迎的100首迪斯尼童谣,它可是首当其冲,同时它也入选了廖彩杏书单。 这首歌通过坐公车看到的各种景物,让孩子一点点认识世界。它的歌词简单押韵,曲调轻松活泼,风趣幽默,给人带来一种非常欢快的感觉。 《Bingo 》 《Bingo》是一首节奏活泼、语言简单、旋律动听的拼字童谣。 这首歌的大意是: 有一个农夫有一只小狗 小狗的名字叫Bingo B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O (读一遍每个字母) 小狗的名字叫Bingo 怎么样,很简单吧,快快学起来唱给孩子听吧。 《Itsy Bitsy Spider 》 很忙的小蜘蛛 整首歌都在强调“never give up”:通往目的的路上,会有风雨,会有困难,但是我们不会放弃,因为我们拥有阳光。 歌词大意是:小蜘蛛爬上了排水口,下起了雨,把蜘蛛冲走了,太阳出来了,雨水干了,小蜘蛛又爬上了排水口。 《Old McDonald Had a Farm》 老麦克唐纳有个农场 这首家喻户晓的美国童谣,歌词大意是农民老麦当劳有个农场,那里有好多

不同的动物,它们都有各自独特的叫声。 《Row row row your boat 》 划船歌 这首划船歌,歌词简单,一学就会。歌曲描述的是小朋友划船时愉快的情景,可以一边听一边和孩子蹦蹦跳跳。 叮当最近在学说话,每次听这歌都特别兴奋,嘴里含糊不清地念叨“Row row”,这时,我会坐下来,双腿伸直加装是小船,然后把他放在穿上,抓住他的胳膊假装划船,左右摇摆,忽上忽下,划啊划…… 《Rain rain go away 》 雨,雨,快走开 这是一首关于下雨的儿歌,描述了孩子被雨困在家中的心情,很容易引起孩子的共鸣。歌词非常短,大意是小朋友因为下雨不能出门玩耍,内心惆怅,希望雨快快走开,改天再来。 Rain rain go away 雨儿雨儿快走开 Come again another day 改天再来吧 Little Betty wants to play 小Betty想要出去玩 Rain rain go away. 雨儿雨儿快走开 《Five little monkeys 》 五只猴子 《Five Little Monkeys》是我特别喜欢的一首儿歌,不仅韵律性很强,情节也特别有趣。歌词大意是五只小猴子,到了该睡觉的时候,却都在床上蹦蹦跳跳,他们一只接着一只地掉下床,摔疼了脑袋。最后五只猴子都受伤了,去老老实实地睡觉了……


I Am a Small Boat I am a small boat. The classroom is my harbour. I am a small boat. The desk is my sampan. I am a small boat. The pencil is my oar. I am a small boat. The book page is my sail. I am a small boat. I am sailing towards The sea of knowledge. 我是一艘小船, 教室是我的港湾; 我是一艘小船, 课桌是我的舢板; 我是一艘小船, 铅笔是我的船桨; 我是一艘小船, 书页是我的风帆; 我是一艘小船, 正驶向知识的海洋。

I Love Reading I love reading, Reading lots of books. I’m a bookworm, Books are my friends. I read and read and read, Until a story ends. There are lions, There are monsters, Big and small. There are islands, There are castles. Short and tall. I open up a book, I can see them all. 我酷爱看书,看了大量的书。我是个书虫,书是我的好友。 我看啊看啊看啊, 直到一个故事结束。 大大小小的狮子和怪物,高高低低的岛屿和城堡,翻开一本书,我全能看到。


01Edelweiss 雪绒花 Edelweiss,Edelweiss,雪绒花,雪绒花, Every morning you greet me.每天清晨你问候我. Small and white,clean and bright,小巧洁白,清纯亮丽. You look happy to meet me.看见我,你多高兴. Blossom of snow,盛开的雪花, may you bloom and grow,愿你开放生长. Bloom and grow forever.永远开放生长. Edelweiss,Edelweiss,雪绒花,雪绒花, Bless my hometown forever.永远保佑我的故乡. 03Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 小星星 Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥! Up above the world so high.远在天上高高挂. Like a diamond in the sky.闪闪发光大钻石, Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥! 04 Hello 哈罗 Hello,hello.哈罗,哈罗. Hello, how are you?哈罗,你好吗? I'm fine,I'm fine.我很好,我很好.

06 Hey Diddle Diddle 摇啊摇 Hey diddle,diddle,摇啊摇,摇啊摇, The cat and the fiddle,小提琴和小猫, The cow jumped over the moon,母牛跳过了月亮; The little dog laughed小狗见了哈哈笑, to see such sport,做做运动真美妙, And the dish ran away with the spoon.汤勺跟着盘子跑. 07 Mozart's Lullaby 摇篮曲 Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝. so peaceful the birds and the sheep.小鸟和羊群多么安静, Quiet are meadow and trees,牧场和树林静悄悄, even the buzz of the bees.蜜蜂也不再嗡嗡叫. The silvery moon beams so bright.银色的月光多么皎洁, Down through the window give light.通过窗子送来光亮. O'er you the moon beams will creep.噢,月光将会慢慢移动. Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝. Good night,good night.晚安,晚安. 08Six little Ducks 六只小鸭子 Six little ducks that I once knew,从前我认识六只小鸭子, Fat ones,skinny ones,fair ones too,有的胖,有的瘦,有的不胖也不瘦. But the one little duck有一只小鸭子

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