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(1(A ny discussi on of the America n educati onal system would be less tha n complete if it did not mention the emphasis that many colleges and universities place upon the non academic, social, “ extracurricular ” aspect of educati on, astperdefiinied growth. Perhaps a useful way of viewing the notion of personal growth would be to

picture the very large and gen eral term subsets

educationembraKsirtog^irirgcuidi ng as

withi n it academic and non academic comp onents.

This may be one of the most difficult con cepts to convey to some one who is not in timately familiar with America n higher educati on. Few educati onal systems in other coun tries place the same emphasis on this ble nd of academic and pers onal educati on. The majority of colleges and uni versities in the Un ited States make some attempt to in tegrate pers onal and in tellectual growth in the un dergraduate years. (2( If the ultimate goal of un dergraduate educati on in America were simply to convey a set body of kno wledge, the term of studies could un doubtedly be reduced. Yet the terms of studies are exte nded in order to give stude nts a cha nee to grow and develop in other ways.

Numerous opport un ities are made available to stude nts to become invo Ived in sports, stude nt gover nment, musical and dramatic orga ni zati ons, and coun tless other orga ni zed and in dividual activities desig ned to enhance one ' s pers onal growth and provide some

recreati on and enjo yme nt outside of the classroom. (3(Experie nee with campus orga ni zati ons and off-campus com mun ity invo Iveme nt can be highly valuable in preparing international students for future leadership in their professional field upon their return home.

The typical American college ' s support for extracurricular activity is perhaps unique in the world, This special educatio nal dime nsion, bey ond the classroom and laboratory experie nee, does not mean that extracurricular participati on is required to gain an

America n degree. It rema ins an en tirely optio nal activity, but (4(it is no ted here because

America ns have tradti on ally viewed success in one ' s role as a citize n as closely lin ked to a “ wero un ded ” life that in corporates a variety of social, athletic, and cultural activities into a

person ' s experienee.

A great many America n campuses and com mun ities have orga ni zed special extracurricular activities for students from other countries. (5(On most campuses, one can find an international club, which includes Americans,where students can get to know and learn socially from stude nts from other coun tries, as well as America ns. Intern ati onal stude nts are almost always in vited, through orga ni zed hospitality activities, into the homes of America ns liv ing in or outside the academic com muni ty.


1. 如果对美国教育体系的讨论未能涉及许多学院及大学教育中非学术性的、社会的及课程外”的方面,即其对个性成长的重视,那么这种讨论就不全面。

2. 假如美国本科教育的最终目的只是传授一定量的知识,那么学习的期限无疑就可以缩短。

3. 参与校园内的各种组织活动和校外团体活动的经验在培养国际学生归国后在


4. 在这里特别提到的是因为美国人历来认为,一个人作为社会公民的成功是与包


5. 在大多数的校园里都有国际俱乐部,成员包括美国学生。在俱乐部里,学生(包括美国学生通过与来自其他国家的学生的社会交往相互认识并学习。



