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Unit 1 Can you PIay the guitar?



话题:Can you Play the guitar?



1、句型:Can you dance? Yes, I can. No, I Can '.What club do you Want to join? I Want to join the music club. What Can you do? I Can play the Pia no.

2、复习已学词汇:basketball volleyball

复习已学句型:Do you like…? I like….I don ' like….

LetS ….

3、新词汇:VerbS of activity SUCh as dance, swim, Sing

NameS of musical in StrUme nts SUCh as guitar, drums, Pia no, drums, trumpet,

4、Grammar focus: Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I Can 't.

Can he paint? Yes, he can. /No, he Can 't.

Can She SPeak En glish? Yes, She can. / No, She carit.

Can you SPeak English? Yes, We can. / No, We Can 't.

What club do you Want to join? We Want to join the CheSS club.

I Want to join the basketball club.






(2)要知道play +球、棋、牌

PIay + the + 乐器













第一课时SeCtiOn A

第二课时SeCtiOn A

第三课时SeCtiOn B



二、TeaChing PrOCedUreS

PeriOd 1:SeCtiOn A1a —c

AdditiOnal materials to bring to class

HarmoniCaand guitar or other two musical in StrUme nts to USe in the Ian guage goal SeCt ion

POWerP Oint With PiCtUreS of basketball, volleyball and some music in StrUme nts.

SteP 1 ReViSi on and lead in

The teacher SayS I like basketball. The n asks: Do you like basketball/ volleyball? Do you Want to join a basketball club?

SteP 2 PreSe ntatio n

ASk the StUdents to look at the PiCtUreS of , there are some clubs in it. Let ' S look at the CIUbSWhat are they? They are art club, En glish club, CheSS club, SWim ming club and music club. What club do you Want to join? HeIP the

StUdents to anSWerl Want to join the art ClUb and So on.

If the school has clubs, the teacher Can ask the StUde nts: What clubs do We have in OUr school?

The teacher WriteS What club do you Want to j oin? I Want to join … On the blackboard. ASk the StUdents to PraCtiCe it.

Thenintroduces the key VOCabUIarieS and the words Canand Can'.

The teacher SayS to the StUde nts who Say he/she WantS to join the basketball club: Can you play basketball? Help the StUde nts Say Yes, I can. No, I Can 't. Then repeat With other actions or pictures, SUCh as play volleyball.

Show the StUde nts the activities the people in each club Can do With the Same step.

Then repeat With dance, swim, play chess, paint, SPeak English and play the guitar With the help of doing the action. Or We Can USe the POWerPOint to help US to show the StUdents What We Can do. The teacher Can ask the StUde nts to PraCtiCe the follow ing dialogues With can.

Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I Can '

Can he paint? Yes, he can. /No, he Can'.

Can She SPeak En glish? Yes, She can. / No, She CarI t.

Can you SPeak English? Yes, We can. / No, We Can '.

Can you play it well? Yes, I Can. / No, I Can '.

Do the action and read the new words and phrases.

ASk the StUde nts to PraCtiCe CanandCan '. ASk the StUde nts to PraCtiCe Can you play it well?

At the Same time, the teacher Write dow n sing, dan ce, swim, play chess, paint, SPeak En glish, and play the guitar on the blackboard. ASk the StUdents to read after the teacher.

SteP 3 A game

To be more familiar With the words and phrases, the teacher Can Organize a game like this:

Write the words and PhraSeS On PieCeS of paper. ASk One of the StUde nts come to the front and choose One of the paper, the n do the acti on. ASk other StUde nts to guess What he or She Can do. Then excha nge.

SteP 4 EXerCiSe

TaSk 1:

Look at the PiCtUreS 1a. PointS to the activities the people in each club are doing. Say SOmeth ing about each club 'activity clearly. For example, ThiS is a CheSS club. See the chess? They are playing chess.

ASk the StUde nts to match each club activity in the PiCtUre With a word from the list. For example: A Candance, so We Can Write a" beside dance.

The anSWerS are: 1.dance a_ 2. SWim _e_ 3. Sing f_ 4. Play CheSS b_5. Paint _d_6. SPeak English _G 7.play the guitar g
