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20150228 Gap Year Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadva ntages?

20150314 儿童保育中心vs 幼儿园Some working parents believe childcare cen ters can provide best care for their childre n, others believe that family members like gran dpare nts can do a better job. Discuss both sides and give your opinion?

20150328 手机电脑影响年轻人的写作阅读

Some people say that com muni cati on by using computers and phones will have negative effects on young people ' w riting and reading skills. Do you agree or disagree?

20150418 学生奖励Some people think that only the best students should be rewarded. Others, however, thi nk that it is more importa nt to reward stude nts who show improveme nts. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

20150425 青少年犯罪惩罚You ng people who commit crimes should be treated

in the same way as adults by authorities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20150430 和父母同居In some countries, more and more adults are continuing

to live with their pare nts eve n after they have completed educati on and found jobs. Do the adva ntages outweigh the disadva ntages?

20150516 教学质量Many people argue that in order to improve educational

quality, high school stude nts should be en couraged to make comme nts or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipli ne in the classroom. Discuss and give your opinion.

20150618 青少年犯罪In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are

committed by tee nagers. Why has this happe ned? What can be done to deal with this? 20150912 课堂vs 其他学习资源Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources (e.g. Internet or TV). Do you agree or disagree?

20151008 中学教育In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a gen eral educatio n across a range of subjects. In others, childre n focus on a n arrow range of subjects related to a particular career. Which do you think is approp riate in today ' s world?

20151031B 卷:家长vs 老师For school children, their teachers have more in flue nce on their

in tellige nce and social developme nt tha n their pare nts. To what exte nt do you agree or disagree?


School leavers go travelling or work before they go directly to university. Are there more adva ntages or disadva ntage for their studies?

20151114A 卷:合作能力

The best way to teach childre n to cooperate is through team sports at school. To what exte nt do you agree or disagree?

20151121B 卷:教育类Too much emphasis is put on going to university for academic studies. We should en courage people to have vocati onal educati on since there are not eno ugh qualified bus in essme n, electricia ns and plumbers.

To what exte nt do you agree or disagree?

20151212 教育类Some people think reading stories in book is better than watch ing TV or playi ng computer games for childre n, To what exte nt do you agree or disagree?


20150117 噪音控制Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be con trolled strictly. Others say that people are free to make as much no ise as they wish. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

20150129 自然环境保护Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote n atural en vir onments such as the South Pole. Do you think the adva ntages of this developme nt outweigh the disadva ntages?

20150131 野生动物保护Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are give n to the protecti on of wild an imals and birds. To what exte nt do you agree or disagree?

20150509 科技&环境保护Developme nts of tech nology are caus ing

en vir onmen tal problems. Some people thi nk the soluti on is that every one accepts a simpler life, while others believe that tech no logy can solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

20150613 环境保护Because of traffic and housing problems in the cities, the gover nment en courages bus in ess to move to the rural area. Do you think the adva ntages outweigh the disadva ntages?