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奥巴马演讲观后感英文观看了奥巴马宣誓就职仪式后,我觉得,Watch for Obama swearing-in ceremony, I think, 美国有很多地方值得我们国家去学习。其实人类的核心理念都是一致的,永不放弃的理想和希望,用勤奋、诚实、忍耐和勇气的品德去实现,用法制和人权的制度去保障。在这些基本的目标下,看哪个国家做得更好,哪个国家就会发展得更快。America has many places are worth our country to learn. Actually the core idea of humanity is consistent and never give up the ideal and hope, with diligence, honesty, patience and courage to realize the moral character, use legal system to safeguard and human rights. In these basic goals, see which country do better, which country will develop faster.

美国只所以能走在世界的前端,它的机制很好.选举公开,透明,公正,比一些国家,金钱选举,世袭,暗箱操做.更民主.所以能发挥全体美国人民的积极性和创造力。America only so can walk in front of the world, and its mechanism is very good. The election open, transparent, justice,

more than some countries, money elections, hereditary, camera obscura fuck do. The more democracy. So can play all the American people's enthusiasm and creativity.

奥巴马能够广得人心,博得广大民众的推崇和喜爱,其个人魅力深深地吸引着每一位美国民众,主要还是其个人能力,个人意愿符合美国人民的根本利益,或许他是下一个林肯,下一个罗斯福,全世界人民期待着他能够领导美国人民再创辉煌。Obama can widely popular evoked general public respected and loved, its individual glamour deeply attracts every American people, mainly still its individual ability, individual apiration accord with the fundamental interests of the American people, he may be the next Lincoln, next Roosevelt, people all over the world waiting for him to lead the American people create splendid future.

奥巴马演讲观后感英文School, and first class language teacher we watch Obama school speech, although this video is very short, but it does lead me!

Obama's speech is not like others, he is true, just like a father is educating children don't want to go to school.

Obama told us that learning is not an easy thing.

He cited himself as an example, an account of his childhood, his mother give him extra lessons in the morning. Obama also told us that learning on your own, because even if you have the most dedicated teachers, the best schools and the best parents, if you don't pay the necessary effort, all this would be meaningless.

He also tells us the significance of learning: learning can help us to find the talent. If you do not accept this training, you will not be able to find a good job, more likely to contribute to the country!

He tells us that there will always be factors that disturb your studying, he cites many examples: in your life, you need people who can be given without support. Of your family may be unemployed, financially. Maybe you live in the neighborhood safe enough or been behaving badly influence of peers. But these were not an excuse to avoid learning. You need to set yourself a target, can be very simple, but you must adhere to. Obama cited many examples, such as: gusimin·peileizi, anduoni·shuerzi, sweet teer·shidifu, and Michael Jordan. Success is not a simple thing, but it doesn't matter, failure doesn't mean that you can't, but you