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中考模拟试卷 11

Part 1 Listening ( 第一部分 听力 )

I. Listening Comprehension ( 听力理解 ): (共 30 分 )

A. Listen and choose the right picture ( 根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片 ): ( 共 6 分 )

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false ( 判断下列句子是否符合

你听到的短文内容,符合的用 “T ”表示,不符合的用 “F ”表示 ): (共 7 分)

17. Mr. Black is the headmaster of a language school in Canada. 18. There are foreign students in the school.

19. Every morning from 8:00 to 11:00 the students will be in the classroom learning English. 20. The students can have lunch at 11:30 in the school.

21. In the afternoon, the students can do what they want to do.

22. The students may take dictionaries during the exam, because the exam is difficult. 23. The results of the exams will be sent to students in about a month.

D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话, 完成下列内容 。每空格限填一词)

(共 7 分)

24. The man has been invited to ____ tonight. 25. The man said the party would start at ____ .

26. The woman told the man that he could get there at ____ .

27. The advice is to make sure the man is not ____ than the right time. 28. The hostess maybe is ____ getting ready for the dinner at that time. 29. The woman tells the man to say sorry as soon as he ____ if he is late. 30. The man can bring a ____

present for the first time.

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear

( 出最恰当的答案 ): (共 10 分) 根据你听到的对话和问题,选

7. A) A dancer.

8. A) Her MP4 player. 9. A) Metal. 10. A) Once.

11. A) The red one.

C) The white one. 12. A) For half a day. 13. A) Science. 14. A) Ten yuan.

C) Sixty yuan. 15. A) Peter.

B) A scientist. B) Her walkman. B) Wood. B) Twice.

B) For one day. B)The environment. B) Jack. 16. A) Because she lives alone. C) Because she lives in another district.. C) A pilot. D) A driver. C) Her laptop. D) Her camera. C) Plastic. D) Silk. C) ) Three times. D) None. B) The blue one. D) The black one.

C) For two days. D) For three days C) Space. D) History.

B) Fifty yuan.

D) One hundred yuan.

C) Jim. D) John.

B) Because she ' s sick.

D) Because she ' s in hospital. C

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar ( 第二部分词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20 分)

31. On National Day I spent couple of hours in Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

32. Giant panda Yuan Yuan tastes her “ birthday cake ” as she celehbdr a tye sin h Tear ispiexit h birt

zoo , ____ August 29, 2010 .

A) from B) in C) of D) on

33. —Are the keys over there _ ?

—No. Go and ask Anna. They may belong to her.

A) you B) your C)yours D) yourself

34. There are _ mistakes in Mary 's exam paper, cshoe hr eisr pteleaased with her.

A) a little B) a few C) few D) little

35. The girl has some balloons in her hand. One is red, ____ are yellow.

A) others B) another C) the other D) the others

36. The thief denied ___ money from the old man in the shopping mall.

A) steal B) stealing C) stole D) stolen

37. My grandmother began to learn a traditional skill ——“ Paper Cutting ” in her _______ .

A) sixty B) sixtieth C) the sixtieth D) sixties

38. The game “ Hawk Catches Baby Chicks ” is _________ interestinthge t hcahti ladlrle n are interested

in it .

A) very B) so C) such D) quite

39. _ Thanksgiving Day is a western festival, it ' s still a chance for us to thank our parents.

A)If B)Because C) Although D) When

40. The teenagers are the future of our country, __ the hope of the world as well.

A) so B) but C) or D) and

41. Nowadays, I think Pleasant Sheep (喜羊羊) has become one of ___ stars in China.

A) hot B) hotter C) hottest D) the hottest

42. It is said that Jay Chou will come to our city. If he really ___, Helen will be happy because

she is a big fan of Jay Chou ' s.

A) came B) comes C) is coming D) will come

43. An engineer ' s job is ____ , build, or repair machines, engines, roads, bridges and so on.

A) designing B) design C) to design D) designs

44. These mobile phones can ____ to download news, songs, and movies in several minutes .

A) use B) used C)is used D) be used

45. —Must I deliver the newspapers right now?

—No, you ___ . You ___ do it tomorrow morning.

A) mustn ' t; may B) needn ' t; osuhld C) mustn ' t; ought to D) needn ' t; may

46. _ can cormorants stay underwater?

—For up to two minutes.

A) How soon B) How long C) How often D) How many times

47. _ cartoon character Garfield is!