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Harry Potter - The protagonist of the novel, goes to Hogwartz Witchcraft and Wizardry. Belongs to the Gryffindor house of Hogwartz. Also a Quidditch player for the Gryffindor house, Harry plays seeker. The leader of Dumbledore Army (DA).

Ron Weasley - One of Harry's best friends in Hogwartz school. He aslo belongs to the Gryffindor house. He joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team and play keeper. A DA member.

Hermoine Granger - Another one of Harry's best friend in Hogwartz school, who also belongs to the Gryffindor house. The smartest students of Harry's year. A DA memeber.

Albus Dumbledore - The headmaster of Hogwartz Witchcraft and Wizardry, who is known as the greatest wiziard alive. He is also the leader of The Order of the Phoenix.

Severus Snape - The head of the Slytherin house in Hogwartz. He is the Potion Master of Hogwartz. Harry's least favourite teacher. Also a memeber of The Order of the Phoenix.

This is a "harry potter" series of novels about dedicated to the wizard magic s chool, is Europe's most famous one of magic school. The school USES seven years teaching system, all the students need to boarding. The Christmas peri od, students can return home school leavers, also can choose to feast there; Grade three after the guardian on the weekends can sign to hogsmeade (UK only a pure wizarding village); During the summer vacation all students must l eave school. (这是一所《哈利·波特》系列小说中描写的专门培养巫师的魔法学校,是欧洲最著名的魔法学校之一。学校采用七年学制,所有学生需要寄宿。圣诞节期间,学生可离校返家,也可选择留校过节;三年级后经过监护人签字可以在周末的时候前往霍格莫德(英国唯一一个纯巫师的村庄);暑假期间所有学生必须离开学校。)School motto校训:Never tease a sleeping dragon

" Quidditch" is found only in the world of magic by the Wizards in ball games. With the normal game, it was in the stands surrounded by a court, both ends of the court by the three root of 50feet of gold on the top of pole pole, with a ring, the two contestants on broomsticks fly in the air combat, seven people per team, each having a goalkeeper, three chaser two hitter, and a seeker. Quidditch is the wizarding world the most important sport. Everyone is watching the quidditch. Quidditch is a high-speed, dangerous and exciting sport
