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•美国延长中国的最惠国待遇,有助于促进两国持续、稳定的贸易 关系。
The matter is receiving the serious consideration of the school.
学校正认真考虑这件事。 汉语没有“……受到考虑”的说法,因而原文的名词 “consideration”译为动词。
两位领导人声明,两国将在互相尊重主权和领土完整,互不 侵犯,互不干涉内政,平等互利与和平共处的基础上发展睦 邻友好关系。 原文中一系列并列的名词译为汉语的动词,使译文较为连贯 通顺。
The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other desert countries.
如果不进行词类的转换,这名话可能被译为 “在二十年中,我们是原料价格下跌、工业 品价格暴涨的消极目击者。”但是,这种说 法并不符合汉语的表达习惯,我们对witness 的词类进行转化,则表达起来就显得顺畅多 我了们在二十年内坐视原料价格下跌和工业品价格暴涨。
1. 名词转动词
(1)英语中许多由动词派生的名词(多见于 政论文体中)和具有动作意义的名词(多见 于记叙、描写文体中),往往可根据需要转 译成汉语中的动词
The settlement of Africa by white people started 500 years ago.
白人向非洲移民始于500年前。 名词“settlement” 译为动词。
The extension of China’s Most Favored Nation status by the U.S. is conductive to the advancement of sustained and stable trade relations between the two countries.
由于英语和汉语这两种语言表达习惯的不同,思维 着眼点的不同,由此也就产生了对于词类的不同的 使用方式和使用习惯,比如说,英语中有大量使用 名词作为中心词的句子,在汉语中往往用以动词作 为中心词的句子来进行表达,也就是说,英语中有 大量的静态的句子,而这些句子到了汉语中就必须 加以动态化英汉遣词造句的习惯不同,为了使译文 流畅易懂,也为了符合目的语的表达方式,在英汉 互译时译者经常有必要改变原词的词性。词类转换 是英汉互译时最常用的一种变通手法,通过词类的 转换可以突破原文的句式,引起句法的转换,词类 转换也是避免“中式英语”(Chinese English)或 “英式汉语”(Anglicized Chinese)的重要手段。 译者应根据上下文灵活处理,以求译文符合目的语 的表达习惯。
•由于世界普遍缺乏粮食,这就直接影响到科威特和其它沙漠国 家。
(原文里impact 是名词,译成汉语转换为动词“影响”。)
The pianist gave a fine performance.
He feared the withdrawal of his parents' permission.
Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.
The two leaders stated that both countries would develop good-neighborly and friendly relations on the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty(主权) and territorial integrity, non-aggression, no-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence.
He reported the theft of his passport to the police.
My recognition of him was immediate.
There were also those who agreed with everything about the book except its publication.
Too much exposure to TV programs will do great harm to the eyesight of children.
(2)英语中有些带后缀-er表示某种职业和身份的名词,在 句子中不一定真的指职业或者身份,而是含有很强的动作意 味,在这种情况下就可以把这些词转换成动词加以翻译。
I am afraid I can’t teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.
O. Henry is the creator of a new short story genre in literature.
For 20 years we were passive witnesses to
the deterioration of prices of our raw
materials and an excessive increases of the
prices of manufactured goods.
