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4. More than 1.超过
There are more than 60 students in our class. 2.不仅仅
He is more than a singer, he is also a writer.
3.no more than 只不过,仅仅 He is no more than a kid,why are you so strict
一、填空 1. The restaurant _r_u_n_ __b_y_ __th_e_ __c_o_u_p_le_ (由那对夫 妇经营) attracted many people. 2. I quite _a_p_p_r_o_v_e_ __o_f__(赞成)your plan. 3. Her father let her __s_e_le_c_t (挑选) gifts for her birthday. 4.The answer _r_eq__u_ir_e_s_ _c_h_e_c_k_in_g_ (需要再核对一次) once again.
5. The radio club used to _b_r_o_a_d_c_a_st_ _re_c_e_n_t_ _n_e_w__s__ ( 广播最近的新闻 ). 6. All my __c_lo_s_e_ __f_ri_e_n_d_s_(亲密的朋友)are in _p_r_e_p_a_r_a_ti_o_n(准备)for the coming exam, so I also must prepare for it. 7. Students are _r_e_q_u_ir_e_d_ _to_ _w_e_a_r_ ( 要求穿)school uniforms every day.
【拓展】running water 自来水 run across= run into 偶遇 (sb.) run out of (sth.) 某人用光某物 (sth.) run out 某物被用光 【即学即练】
1.A school is not easy to _r_u_n__(run). 2.I __r_a_n_i_n_t_o_/ _a_cr_o_s_s_(偶然遇上) him in the street the other day. 3.I ’d like _t_o_r_u_n__(经营) a company of my own in the future.
Language points
1. run vt. 管理,操作,经营 vi. 奔跑,流动,开始
It is great because it is run by the students for the school. 它很棒因为它是由学生为学校管理的。 I saw him running in the school playground. 跑步 Don't let the water run when you leave the bathroom. 流动
need doing=need to be done (3)required courses 必修课
(4) require + that… (从句中用 should +v.) 【即学即练】
① 他们需要我们的帮助。 _T_h_e_y__r_eq__u_ir_e_o_u__r_h_e_lp__. ② 这些桌子需要修。 _T_h_e__d_e_sk__s _r_e_q_u_i_r_e_r_e_p_a_ir_i_n_g_(__=__to__b_e_r_e_p_a_i_r_ed__)__.
with him?. 4. 与其……不如
He is more lucky than clever. 5.远非,远远超出,难以(与情态动词Can连用)
The grammar rules is more than I can understand.
5. inform vt. 通知,告知 We also inform the parents of events such as outing and school plays.我们还会广播一些通知,告诉家长们有关诸 如远足、校内戏剧表演之类的活动讯息。 1.inform sb. of / about sth. 通知某人某事 2. inform sb. that通知某人... 老师告知他们要开会。 ①The teacher informed them of the school meeting . ②The teacher informed that they had a school meeting to attend .
1. Have you taken down everything______ Mr Li has
A. that
B. which C. what
D. it
2. She studied ________ hard ________she caught up
with others very quickly.
Unit 1 School Life School Clubs
If you can only choose one of the following club ,which one would you like to join?Why?
so 后面+adj
This book is so wonderful that I can't stop reading it.
This is such a wonderful book that I can't stop reading it.
【即学即练】 (1)箱子那么重,我无法把它提到楼上去。 The box was _s_o_h_e_a_v_y__th_a_t_I couldn’t carry it upstairs. (2)他跑得那么快以致我们跟不上他。 He ran _s_o_q_u_i_c_k_ly__t_h_a_t we couldn’t keep up with him.
2. approve vt.&vi . 1.批准,通过(vt)----approve sth He approved the idea, and two years later I am in charge of the radio club as the oldest student member. 2.同意,赞成(vi)----approve of sth/sb. I approve of your choice. 我赞成你的选择。 3.approve of sb/sb's doing sth同意某人做某事 We all approve of his being elected as the monitor.
6. require vt. 需要,要求
n. requirement
When I attended the first meeting, I was required to
write a poem and I had to read it to the club.
【用法集锦】 (1) require sb to do sth要求某人做某事 sb is required to do sth 某人被要求做某事 (2) require + doing =require to be done,(某事需要 被做)有类似用法的还有want,need等
Our class is in the charge of our head teacher. 4.charge sb. with sth./with doing sth.指控某人做某事
He was charged with not abiding by the disciplines. 5.free of charge 免费 You can use my telephone free of charge.
3. charge
1.vt.向…… 要价 charge sb. for (doing)sth.因为某物/某事向某人要钱
He charged me 100 yuan for helping me with my homework.
2.in charge of sth.负责某物,掌管某物
The headteacher is in charge of our class. 3.in the charge of sb.在某人的掌管之下
③ 他爸爸要求他必须好好听课。
His father required that he (_s_h_o_u_l_d_)_a_t_te_n_d_the classes carefully.
His father required him _to__a_t_te_n_d_ the classes carefully. It is his fat源自文库er’s requirement that he _(s_h_o_u_l_d_)_a_t_te_n_d_ the classes carefully. He was required _to__a_t_te_n_d_ the classes carefully by his father.
【即学即练】 1.Her father will never _______ of her going to study in the United States alone. A. prove B. agree C. admit D. approve 2. 我不赞成你和父母吵架后离家出走。
I don’t _a_p_p_r_o_v_e__o_f _y_o_u_r_l_e_a_v_in_g__h_o_m__e_after you quarrel with your parents.
7. I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice
and friendly that I soon stopped worrying.
so…that 意为“如此……以致……”,引导结果状语从句。
such ...that 也意为“如此...以致于”
A.very; that
B. so;that
C. such;that
D. very; so
3. The travelers take a map with them _________ they
can find the way.
A. so B. so that C. in order to D. because
