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整份试卷包括试题集和答题纸两部份。考生应将试题集Paper One 部分的1 –80题的答案按要求用2B铅笔做在答题卡上,将Paper Two 部分的翻译和写作用蓝、黑色钢笔或水笔字迹工整地写在相应的答题纸上。


试题集有两部分构成:Paper One 为客观题,共四大项80题(占总分75%),包括词汇和句子结构(10%),辨错(10%),阅读(45%)和完形填空(10%);Paper Two 为主观题,共二大项,(占总分25%),包括翻译(汉译英10%)和写作(15%)。


由20题组成(20题 x 0.5分)。词汇题主要测试考生所掌握的词汇水平和运用词汇的能力。按原国家教委颁布的《硕士、博士英语教学大纲》明确的定性和定量要求的规定,硕士生毕业时应理解性地掌握大约6000个英语常用词(组)。


由10题组成(10题 x 1分)。主要测试考生掌握并正确运用语言的能力。考查的重点语法项目是:制约句子逻辑关系的连词和关系词;体现句子行为者主语其情感、意图、行为、判断的动词的时态、语态、情态动词和虚拟语气;使句子变得多姿多彩的非谓语动词、省略和倒装。


该部分为一篇240-280的文章,题材包括科技,经济,文化,教育,社会生活,人物传记等。文章有20 个空档,共20题。考试形式为多项选择,即要求考生从每题给出的四选项中选出一个最佳答案,填入文章空白处,使补足后的文章意思通顺,前后连贯,结构完整。










研究生博士生复试英语自我介绍范文 Introduce myself Good morning, Dear Professors: It’s my honor to introduce myself. My name is chenchen, I am from qingyang County anhui Province, April 6 I was born in a common family, and my parents are workers, I love and respect them very much. We were delight with my becoming a fresh man in September 1994. Luckily, I was permitted to be a graduate student after 5 years colorful life on campus. I received my Bachelor degree 2005 in anhui agriculture university Institute of (College of )Resources and Environmental Science, then a Master degree 2009 in anhui agriclture University of Science and Technology. For those 7 years my major was Die Design. Before I received my Master degree, I had done the subject of meteorology. For the past 3 years, I have been in anhui agriculture College, where I have been and still am a teacher. I teach students Machine Design etc. I have published more than 10 first-author papers.That’s all, thanks! 博士面试时英语自我介绍技巧 一、第一句话(first word)见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”.常见的开头有:1. Good morning! may I introduce myself ..2. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. I’m peter white, my NO is …(北大清


2013-2014年度英语口语课外活动总结 平遥县洪善镇洪善中心小学校姚更庭 在这个高速发展的信息时代,掌握英语成为我国公民的必备素质,英语教学成为我国基础教育的重要内容。小学开设英语口语活动小组的目的在于培养学生学习英语的积极情感,形成初步的英语语感,打好语音、语调的基础,具备用所学英语进行交流的初级能力。通过英语课程的学习,丰富社会生活经历、开拓视野、树立学习的自信心。在实践过程中我们能明确做到以下几点: 1.在教学总体目标上,重兴趣、重成就感、重自信心的培养。教师通过多种激励的方式,如奖品激励、任务激励、荣誉激励、信任激励和情感激励等,激发学生积极参与、大胆实践、体验成功的喜悦。有了成就感,就有了自信心,学生就会渴望学习英语;在课程实施上,重环境、重频率、重效率。语音语调的学习包括发音、重音、语调、节奏和语流等多方面,教学中要求教师防止以单音准确为目的的教学,通过多听、多模仿,在有意义的语境中进行训练,奠定语音语调的基础。强调要培养学生交流能力就要创设交流的情景,使学生通过交流发展交流的能力。 2.在教学模式和方法上,重体验、重实践、重参与、重创造。要求教学设计贴近生活,符合小学生兴趣的需求;教学内容能引起学生的兴趣,例如韵律诗歌、寓言故事、会话表演、游戏等;教学的语言材料要真实、实用。学生在课上通过用中学、学中用,反复实践,学用结合。功能、结构、话题、任务做到有机结合;通过视、听、说、玩、唱、画、游、读、写、译等饶有趣味的活动,让学生接触足够量的语言材料,保证输入量。设计任务型活动,开放空间,激活学生的思维,培养创造思维。 3.采用多种媒体的现代化教学手段,创设良好的语言环境和充分的语言实践机会,优化教学过程。利用英语教学音像资源——图画、图表、投影、录音、录像等多媒体软件,不仅能为学生提供规范的语音、语调,还可以提供真实自然的语言使用的示范,即语言使用的场合、时间、对象等,而且还有体态语——手势、动作、表情等的示范。多种媒体的运用使教学变得生动、形象、活泼,感染力强,容易激发学生兴趣,引起有意注意,加深印象,帮助学生持久记忆。

博士生英语Course outline_2015春_678205765

Academic English for Research Students Spring 2015Course lecturer / tutor: Dong Jie Office: 121 Wennanlou Email: dong-jie@https://www.doczj.com/doc/252403979.html, Phone: 135********Office hour: Friday 13:30-15:30; by appointment Description This course is designed for research students to develop their communicating skills in academic English. It aims to familiarize the students with some overt (but often covert) norms of the world of academic publishing, and to guide the students through the concrete procedure of producing an original English paper of high quality. It also aims to develop your skills in communicating academic ideas to fellow scientists at seminars and conferences. The course is organized around a research project either based on your current research or previous research. The course will be taught through a mixture of lecture input, group work, quiz, and student presentation. The students are required to read/listen to the key texts assigned to each session. Your learning on this course will be assessed through class involvement, peer review practice, presentations, and a 2,000-word paper which is a short version of a publishable paper. Text books:·Swales, J. M., & Feak, C.B. (2012). Academic writing for graduate students (3rd edition). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ·Open Forum 1-3 (2006), Oxford: Oxford University Press. Tasks ? Listening: There will be 30 lectures from Open Forum (1-3) for you to listen to. You need to practice listening through self-study. ? Speaking: There will be two presentations for each student. One is based on your research proposal, and the other is based on your final term paper. ? Reading: You are required to read 10 research articles from your chosen field. Your reading will be reflected in your writing and presentations.? Writing: You will writing a 2,000-word paper which is a short version of a publishable paper. Assessment Attendance and participation: 10%Writing: 50%-Homework (title, abstract, outline) 10%-First draft 15%-Term paper 25%Listening & speaking: 40% -Listening quizzes 10%-Proposal presentation 10%-Final presentation 20%Preliminary schedule Week Units Homework assignments Week 1Course overview Form study groups 1.Research your field and locate 3 international journals that you are keen to contribute to, and three international conferences you want to participate. 2.Listening: OF-1 Chpt1-2Week 2Seminar skills: introducing your research Small group presentation: Give a small talk on your research field and research interest 1.Select 10 articles to read for the semester 2.Listening: OF-1 Chpt 3-4


博士面试英语口语 下面是整理的博士面试英语口语,希望对大家有帮助。 英语面试问题集锦: 1 What is your greatest strength? I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a thing and it turns out just as I’d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis. 2 What is your greatest weakness? I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done. 3 How do you feel about your progress to date? I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class. As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years. 4 What has been your greatest accomplishment? My greatest accomplishment is that I was enrolled by China Agricultural University in 2009. 5 Tell me about your


谈如何改进英语精读教学 随着我国英语教育水平的不断提高,我国高等英语教学目标越来越明确,本科与专科英语教学区别也越来越大,要求也有所不同,现在对专科学生英语学习也有了级别的要求,那就是高职高专英语应用能力考试,因此专科学生英语教学应根据教育部高职高专英语教学大纲做适当的调整。 因此,针对这一教学要求我们教师要有针对性、目的性地调整教学态度、方法,采取高职高专学生乐于接受的、适合高职高专学生水平的英语教学手段,切实提高高职学生的英语综合运用能力。 一、教师要改变一贯的教学态度,转变思想观念 在这里,教师的任务不但是传授英语知识,同时更是学生学习的引导者、兴趣的培养者、学习的督促者、英语学习的组织者、鼓励者、英语学习方法和资源的建议者和英语学习效果的评估者。 1、按照“实用为主,够用为度”的指导思想,做到“够用”。摈弃原来英语教学越多越好,越全越好,越细越好的教学思路,针对学生英语水平,有重点,有难点,而不是面面俱到的备课、准备教学内容。 2、要把重点放在培养学生的英语综合应用能力上来。目前我国为考察高职高专学生英语水平而开设的《高职高专英语应用能力考试》目的就是考察学生听、读、写、译的综合能力。虽然当中没有设置口语的考试,但根据高职高专学生毕业后的就业趋势——他们是生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的高等技术应用型人才,口语也是必须重视的。因此,在教学中应注意把握这一点,合理组织安排精读当中不同部分的教学课时。 二、学生要转变观念,提高课堂参与意识,培养自主学习习惯 1. 提高课堂参与意识。很多学生上课极少发言或者不发言、不回答问题,只是被动的接受教师的输出,这大大降低了学生学习的积极主动性,授课效果大打折扣。要让学生意识到英语综合运用能力是他们今后毕业必然会用到的一种能力,这样才会提高学生课堂参与意识,认真抓住课上任何一个机会,回答教师的提问,锻炼自己的口语,阅读等能力。学生真正参与到课堂活动中来,才能很大程度上改善授课质量,使学生真正成为学习的主人。 2.提高自主学习意识。高职高专英语精读课一般是周四课时,教师讲授居多,在这么少的时间内掌握大量的知识,没有课下的自主学习是达不到教学目标要求的。况且教师不可能跟中学教师一样时刻告诉学生要做什么准备、催促学生要完成布置的作业。因此,只有学生提高自主学习意识,能够自己做好课前的预习准备工作,课后认真完成教师布置的任务,才有可能达到教学目标的要求,才会提高自己的英语水平。 通过提高课堂参与意识,培养自主学习习惯,学生在课堂上就会积极、主动参与课堂教学活动,配合教师,充分发挥学习主体这一角色的作用,活跃课堂气氛,获得好的学习效果。 三、针对高职高专学生特点,改进教学方法和手段 高职高专学生英语基础弱、词汇量少、听、说、读、写、译能力较差,自我约束、控制力差。这些特点决定了过分强调和突出教师的作用,以教师为中心的传统的、“填鸭式”的教学不适合高职高专学生。因此,要切实提高高职高专学生的英语综合运用能力水平,必须改进高职高专英语精读教学方法。 1、英语学习兴趣的培养 作为英语精读教师,大多数人对学生上课的不积极态度都有很深的了解和体会。作为


博士英语课自我介绍 博士的英语自我介绍该怎么说呢?博士有哪些英语自我介绍范文可以参考呢?下面WTT小雅为你整理了博士英语课自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 博士英语课自我介绍篇【1】 Good afternoon,professors!I am great honored to meet you here.Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction. My name is xx,xx years old,born in xx city,xx province. I have been working for nearly xx years.I am open-minded,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interest like many other youngers. In year xx,I entered xx,major in xx.After my graduation,I entered xx University to study my postgraduate course,major in xx.In those 7 years study,I worked hard,and I gained scholarship for many times. During 3 years study in xx University, under the strict guidance of my tutor,I have learned systematically the theory of xx.I benefit from working together with excellent colleague.xx University shares many same


考博英语语法总结 过去分词与形容词的语义差: 1.Destructive:causing damage to people or things the destructive power of modern weapons Damaged:being in a bad state emotionally damaged children 2.Respected:admired by many because of achievements He’s one of the most respected managers in the game. Respectful:feeling or showing respect They listened in respectful silence. 3. Preferred :Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides. Preferable: A big earthquake a long way off is preferable to a smaller one nearby. Preferential:Bank officials denied giving the senator any preferential treatment. 4. Unimagined:Others see a new golden age of business and technology that will lift the market to unimagined heights. Unimaginative:That means the traditional office layout of lined-up cubicles and work stations is seen as rigid and unimaginative. 5.Loving:She was a devoted wife and a very loving mother. Lovable: a sweet lovable child Lovely:We had a lovely holiday. 6. Tolerated:While Patches are generally well tolerated they are not always suitable for everyone.


1自我介绍 Good afternoon professors. it is my great honor to be here for this interview. Now, let me briefly introduce myself. My name is W Cf, 28 years old. I come from Hangzou, the capital of Zhejiang Province. I am a teacher of university. In order to improve my researching ability and expand my interests I come here to apply for doctoral admission qualification. (性格特点)Firstly, my character, I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of management. Frequently I exchange ideas with my friends. In addition, during my college years, I participated in ERP contest. This work has granted me active and responsible characters. I also like researching, I often read relative books carefully and analysis the study logically. (背景)Secondly, my Education background, In 2011, I entered university for my master degree. My major was management science and engineering, during the following three years study, my academic records kept distinguished among students. I have published a paper on Operations research and management science, then I entered …university as a teacher teaching logistics management. But I found my researching ability was not enough to write out a high level article, so I wanted to learn more knowledge about model and algorithm. (研究计划)Thirdly, my future plan, First of all, If I get the chance to study in this famous university, I will make full use of the resources of school library, learning management science theory and application. Secondly, I will try my best to involve in the major’s subject learning to further develop my own research capacity, after three years of study, I hope to write some doctoral article with certain academic level. That’s all, thank you for your attention. 2考博原因 Now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize the importance of doctoral degree. As for me, there are several reasons. I had been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere. when I was in shanghai university. In my opinion, as one of the most famous universities in our country, it provided people with enough room to get further enrichment. This is the first reason. The second one is I am long for doing research in management science throughout my life.Its a pleasure to study with a teacher like Professor…, and his valuable experience and profound knowledge could enlarge my thought.Her rigorous attitude toward academic will influence my lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision. Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my job. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future research life. 3 .介绍家乡(about hometown) My hometown is Zc, a famous city with a long history and lying in the soutern part of Shangdong province, it is famous for its famous person. 孟子was born here, You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it. Zch is a good place to travel, such as 孟府.孟庙.孟林. Yi Mountain. AT the same time you can enjoy delicious food of Shandong cuisine, which is famous all over the country. This is my brief introduce about hometown, if one day, you came to shangdong, welcome to Zc and I will be happy to be your travel guide. 4.家庭(about family)


和爱好有关的英语口语 今天给大家带来的是英语的口语,学习英语就是要花很多时间的,大家要好好看一看,背一背,这样才能更快的提升英语成绩哦,大家快点行动起来吧,有需要的可以收藏起来哦 一在酒吧At the bar AThe bartender just gave the last call. Let's order another round, okay? 酒保已经宣布要打烊了,我们再喝一杯如何? BSure, but let's get a pitcher this time We should be able to down it before they close. 没问题,但这次我们一定要喝大壶的!我想打烊之前我们应该可以喝完。 AThat sounds good. You order the beer while I go to the bathroom. Where is the can in this place? 听起来真不错。你去要酒,我要去洗手间。盥洗室在什么地方? BIt's all the way to the back. See that yellow door? 一直向后面走。看见那扇黄色的门了吗? AYeah. I think I can find it. 嗯,我想我能找到。 BYou're back already. That sure was quick.

你已经回来了,真快。 AThat's because I just took one step inside and turned right around. That bathroom is too gross for me. 因为我刚进门便转身回来了。那洗手间实在太脏了。 BWell, the bartender wouldn't give me the pitcher of beer. Anyway. He said it was too close to closing time. 对了,酒保不愿卖给我们大壶啤酒,因为下班时间马上就到了。 ALet's leave then.I could take some fresh air, anyway. 那我们走吧!不论如何我可以透透气儿。 BOkay,let's go! 好吧,走吧! 二在游乐公园 AWow, the ferris wheel over there is so big. I'd like to take a ride on it. 哇,那边的摩天轮好大啊。我想去坐。 BIt is called Energy Collector. 那叫聚能飞船。 ALook at your right-hand. Is it the zone of the Lost Maya Kingdom? 快看你的右手边。那时失落的玛雅王国吗? BMaybe. Oh.I see the Jungle Flying Train.I once rode it.It was very exciting.


博士研究生英语教学 一.教学目的及目标 以感受语言,认识语言,应用语言为主导,以提高学生的实际应用能力为目标。在反思语言习得的过程中,探索一种全新的教学模式(源于且高于单一语言层面的教学,即基于语篇层面的文本结构,在语篇层面上对文本进行三位一体的诠释,了解英美族人的思维方式),增强论文和学术研究中的批判性思维的意识,培养批判性思维的习惯(通过洞察力达到更深层次的知识和理解),强化创造性技能(区别于侧重于以听力和阅读为主导的接受性技能),即提高学生交际和写作的能力,使之符合清晰性、准确性、精确性、相关性、深度、广度、逻辑和意义的评价标准(限于课时,故侧重于理念教学,本源教学,形态教学,方法论教学,从认识论的角度培养学生的解构能力)。 二.教学理念 从传统的侧重于语言层面的教学观念转移到以思维层面为主导,兼顾语言层面的全新的教学观念,即了解英美族人怎么想、怎么组织思想、怎么表达的思维层面,从而实现正确的交际目的(怎么用),完善学习的对象(学以致用),而不只停留在单一的体现语法与词汇的语句即语言层面。语言是表达思想的物质载体, 是逻辑思维的工具, 是思维过程的再现;而思维对世界的反映是借助于语言来实现的。 三.教学定位

以思维模式为切入点(显著区别于本科生,即通过纯粹的联想或死记硬背以及练习来完成的低阶段的学习;硕士生,即大量的知识积累却缺乏知识自身的相关逻辑;以及其他兄弟院校的英语教学,具有武汉大学特色的博士研究生英语教学),提高学生的综合分析能力,倡导英语学习的方法论,以期突破英语学习的瓶颈问题。知其然更力求知其所以然,强化实践过程中的批判性思维能力(分析性、逻辑性、系统化)。 四.教学手段/方法 以三位一体(角度的界定,文献的摘录,功能的区分)的训练方法完成对文本的解构,运用批判性思维的分析能力,以期了解英美族人的思维方式即what to write,组织布局即how to write和结构功能即why to write。如下所示: 五.教学内容及计划 在一学期的课堂教学实践中,重点比较,解析不同文章(分别为不同风格的书籍、评论及演讲的体裁,以及兼顾文理学科的有关计算机、经济与哲学的不同题材),通过异同点的比较,


考博英语词汇语法题考前恶补、 全真模拟试题 1. Although ______ Spanish, he attended the course. A. he was knowing B. he is knowing C. having a knowledge of D. knows 2. You ______th at letter to James. However, you didn’t. A. ought to write B. ought to have written C. should write D. should be writing 3. Joseph was very lucky ______ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room. A. to escape B. to have escaped C. to escaping D. to be escaping 4. Bread and butter ______liked by Westerners. A. is B. are C. were D. be 5. The back garden of our house contains a lawn, ______very pleasant to sit on in summer. A. which is B. which it is C. it is D. where it is 6. He set up in business ______ his own and was very successful. A. in B. of C. on D. by 7. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ______last night. A. must study B. should have studied C. must have studied D. is sure to study 8. Frank almost never received any education, ______? A. would he B. did he C. didn’t he D. wouldn’t he 9. Even if his letter ______ tomorrow, it ______too late to do anything. A. will arrive...is B. should arrive...were C. arrives...will be D. arrives...would be 10. We can hear ______from the back of the room. A. just as good B. just as easy C. just as well D. easily as well 11. To obtain a satisfactory result, one must apply two ______of paint on a clean surface. A. coats B. levels C. times D. courses 12. The small mountain village was ______ by the snow for more than one month. A. cut back B. cut out C. cut off D. cut away 13. Miss Green was ______ $100 for driving after drinking. A. fined B. charged C. punished D. posed 14. Modern ______ perhaps causes more problems than it solves. A. technique B. technology C. tactics D. tendency 15. Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ______ when she was trying to go to sleep. A. sounding B. ringing C. ticking D. humming 16. Under this ______ pressure some of the rocks even became liquid. A. intensive B. weighty C. intense D. bulky 17. Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ______of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. A. maximum B. minority C. majority D. minimum 18. Nancy was surprised that they have ______. They seemed to be a happy couple. A. split up B. broken down C. fallen through D. knocked out


大学英语精读课的教学心得 本学期本人任教一年级大学英语课程,工作中自觉遵守教学规律,贯彻党的教育方针,以身作则,教书育人。关注本学科及相关的学术发展动态,刻苦钻研,努力提高自身业务水平,坚持学习,与同事进行交流合作,积极参加科组教研活动,例如到深圳职业技术学院参观学习,学院第二英语角活动,主动提出意见建议,促进教学教改。关心学院发展与建设,服从工作安排,遵守各规章纪律,保持全勤,参与学院的集体活动。以下是本人的几点教学心得: 我们的学生在中学阶段已经掌握了较系统的语法知识,故目前在教学中重点是提高学生的阅读理解能力,进而培养学生的书面表达能力。据学生反映,他们的难题主要是单词和课文内容。相应的教学方法是: 一、单独讲解单词。如果只是简单地解释词性、意思、词组,然后做翻译练习,不免显得枯燥,而且学生很难整节课都集中注意力,因而达不到良好教学效果。本人采用的方法是尽量地把本课单词有机地串联起来,帮助学生形成一种记忆链条,并且给他们定一个目标:Try to put everything in mind instead of on the notebook!例如,在这个单元中,主要探讨科学的发展及其对我们生活的影响。上课的时候,首先从手机(mobile phone)展开话题,由其体积大小、价格的变化,引出技术发展两个新词:technology,develop,(development),继而是技术发展的动力之一“竞争”(competition),而当今的竞争是激烈的(severe)、“全球性的”(global),创造力(inventiveness)、自创精神(initiative)尤为重要,接下来讨论科技发展(technology development)对我们日常生活的影响或关联(relevance)。到此,让学生尝试用几句话把这些词串连起来:Technology develops at a rapid rate nowadays. Anyway, the rapid development has been brought about by the force of competition, which is severe and global, and needs initiative. Does the development have any relevance to our daily life? Sure. Ten years ago, it was impossible for a student to have a mobile phone. 在讲解完一组相关的词后,让学生做课本的选词填空练习,巩固对单词词义的理解和掌握正确用法。其次,以游戏的方式练习词汇。由一或两名学生背对黑板,教师写上词或词组,全班同学给提示直到他们猜出词语。这样既活跃课堂又使学生有机会练习口头表达能力,也可锻炼当众表演的胆量。例如,dream一词,提示有:something in your mind when you sleep, sometimes it is true, sometimes it is imagination, people may appear, animal may also come into sight, you might be happy, might be frightened, even in horror……大量旧词汇得到复习。 二、课文讲解。由于课是两节或三节连堂,如果按照传统的语言点、加语法、再加句子分析翻译,学生很难完全接受。较可行的方法是分成三部分。第一,先完成整篇的理解性问题,课本的“content question”,让学生了解课文大概。第二,语言点、语法结构讲解,分段落完成。学生们逐段阅读,留一定时间给他们提问,然后就学生忽视的内容个别提问、再总结,形成教与学的互动,促使学生思考。第三,完成第一、第二阶段的教学后,再分析整篇文章的结构,每部分的main ideas,总结全文观点。让学生练习表达能力。同时回顾一些重要的细节或段落、句子,构成完整的篇章学习。部份故事性趣味性强的文章,采用分组表演,促进学生团对合作。很受欢迎。 三、课后练习:时间充裕的话,可让学生在课堂完成,再评讲,或者布置为家庭作业,课堂评讲。这也可作为语法、语言点的练习与复习。尽量运用本单元新学的知识,再与先前所掌握的作比较。 四、随堂测验。每讲完一小单元,如单词、语法或语言点之后,用十分钟左右进行随堂测验,可用口头或书面形式。可深化学生的记忆,达到良好的教学效果。 五、作业批改。学生首先关注的是分数,往往忽视错误部分,故批改时只圈出错的地方,学生自己改正后再上交,然后针对个别辅导。真正巩固知识。 以上是本人的教学心得。在今后的工作中,本人将继续努力,不断提高教学水平,高质量完成教学任务。

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