当前位置:文档之家› 树人初一英语期中试卷




七年级英语下册期中测试卷 一、听力 二. 单项选择 ( )21. Dogs are _________ .They are people's __________ . A. friendly; friends B. friends; friendly C. friendly; friend ( )22. –What ______ she ______? --She is a teacher. A. is…do B. is…doing C. does…d o ( )23. --What's your favorite ______? --England. A. world B. country C. city ( )24. The students ______ their classroom every afternoon . A. are cleaning B. clean C. cleans ( )25. The child ______ his homework in the evening . A. does B. do C. makes ( )26. ____right at First Street, the bank is _____the left. A. Go, on B. Turn, in C. Turn ,on ( )27. –Look at the monkeys. ______they cute ? A. Isn’t B. Aren’t C. Don’t ( )28. –I love Sports News .What about you ? --_____________, too . A. I do B. I can C. I am ( )29. Peter and I_____ chess . A. am playing B. are playing C. are play ( )30.It’s 8:00 now. Everyone in our class __________ homework . A. does B. are doing C. is doing ( )31.If you are hungry , you can buy some food in the ______________. A. supermarket B. post office C. library ( )32. The scarf looks __________ . I’ll take it . A. ugly B. terrible C. beautiful ( )33. She likes exciting jobs, so she wants to find a job_________ a reporter. A. like B. as C. be ( )34. She likes ______, so she wants to be a ______. A. cooking , cook B. cook, cooking C. cook, cook


2016 人教版七年级上册数学期中考试试卷 一、填得圆圆满满(每小题3分,共30分) 1.-1-(-3)= 。 2.的绝对值是 ,相反数是 ,倒数是 。 3.单项式22 xy π的系数是 ,次数是 。 4.若逆时针旋转90o 记作+1,则-2表示 。 5.如果a 、b 互为相反数,x 、y 互为倒数,那么(a+b )xy+a 2-b 2= 。 6.在数轴上,点A 表示数-1,距A 点个单位长度的点表示的数是 。 7.灾难无情人有情!某次在抗震救灾文艺汇演中,各界艺人和人士为地震灾区人民捐款捐物达万元。将这个数字用科学计数法表示并保留三个有效数字为 元。 8.长方形的长是a 米,宽比长的2倍少b 米,则宽为 米。 9.若m 、n 满足2)3(2++-n m =0,则.__________=m n 10.某厂10月份的产值是125万元,比3月份的产值的3倍少13万元,若设3月份的产值为x 万元,则可列出的方程为 二、做出你的选择(每小题3分,共30分) 11.如果向东走2km 记作+2km ,那么-3km 表示( ). A.向东走3km B.向南走3km C.向西走3km D.向北走3km 12.下列说法正确的是( )

的系数为0 B. a 1是一项式 是单项式 系数是4 13.下列各组数中是同类项的是( ) 和4y 和4xy 和-8x 2y 和4y 2x 14.下列各组数中,互为相反数的有( ) ①2)2(----和 ②221)1(--和 ③2332和 ④3 32)2(--和 A.④ B.①② C.①②③ D.①②④ 15.若a+b<0,ab<0,则下列说法正确的是( ) 、b 同号 、b 异号且负数的绝对值较大 、b 异号且正数的绝对值较大 D.以上均有可能 16.下列计算正确的是( ) +6x=-x =3xy =x 212 1=0 17.数轴上的点M 对应的数是-2,那么将点M 向右移动4个单位长度,此时点M 表示的数是( ) A. -6 B. 2 C. -6或2 D.都不正确 18.若x 的相反数是3,5y =,则x+y 的值为( ). A.-8 B. 2 C. 8或-2 D.-8或2 19.若 3x=6,2y=4则5x+4y 的值为( ) D. 6 三、用心解答(共60分) 21.(20分)计算 (1) -26-(-15) (2)(+7)+(-4)-(-3)-14


英语Go for it七年级(下)期中测试卷 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) Ⅰ单项选择(每空1分,共20分) ( )1 Kate and I doing homework now. A、am, their B、are, their C、is, our D、are, our ( )2 My father a new car. He it very much. A、have, like B、has, likes C、has, like D、have, likes ( )3 It is day. The children are playing in the garden. A、fine B、the fine C、a fine D、an fine ( )4 — Mimi cute?— Yes, I think so. A. Doesn’t B. Don’t C. Aren’t D. Isn’t ( )5 -Are you English or American? - . A、Yes, I am B、I’m America n C、No, I’m not D、Yes, you are ( )6. Please call me 536--6988. A. of B. in C. at D. the ( )7 Are you good at ? Yes, we are. A、swim B、swimming C、a swim D、play football ( )8. What ____ he _____? He is a reporter.

A. do, do B. is, does C. is, doing D. does do ( )9 . He likes _________ and _________ A. sing, dance B. to singing, dancing C. singing, dancing D. to sing, dance ( )10 .-Can you speak English? -Yes, but only______. A. a few B. a little C. a lot D. many ( )11. He helps his friends _______ their English. A. in B. at C. to D. with ( )12. Where _______ Michael _______ from? A. does, comes B. does, come C. do, come D. do, comes ( )13. His uncle ______ in that bank _______ a clerk. A. work, as B. works, for C. work, for D. works, as ( )14. Is Green Street a good place _______? A. have fun B. have funny C. to have fun D. to have funny ( ) 15. –Do you like giraffes? --Yes, I do. I think they’re _________. A. ugly B. smart C. terrible D. scary ( ) 16. Listen! They ________ about the movie. Let’s join them. A. are talking B. talk C. talking D. are talk ( ) 17. We have a ________ boy in our class.


七年级下英语半期复习题 Class___________ Name____________ No.____________ 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. My cat is ________ lazy in the day because she always sleeps. A.really B. kind of C. very much ( ) 2. Don’t ________ trees, or many animals have no ________ to live i n. A.cut down, classrooms B. cut down, homes C. be strict with, homes ( ) 3. Jack doesn’t like working. And he doesn’t do any housework either. He’s very _____. A.lazy B. cute C. smart ( ) 4. There is _____ elephant in Chengdu zoo. And _____ elep hant is old. He’s been there for many years. A.a, the B. an, an C. an, the ( ) 5. ----___________ ----Because they’re scary and they kill people sometimes. A.Why don’t you like kolas? B. Why don’t you like lions? C. What animals do you like? ( ) 6. --______ ----Some of them are from South Africa and some of them are from Thailand. A.What do the elephants like? B. Where are the elephants from? C. Where do the elephants live? ( ) 7. Bob always doesn’t ________ where his things are. He _______ ask his mom for help. A.forget, has to B. remember, has to C. remember, gets to ( ) 8. Elephants are ____ great danger. People kill them _____ their ivory. A.for, in B. in, with C. in, for ( ) 9. Lin Hai wishes _________ his grandparents again. He really ________ them. A. visiting, missing B. to visit, misses C. visit, thinks of ( ) 10. Dogs are _________ to people. Don’t kill and eat them. _________ them. A.friendly, Save B. smart, Save C. friendly, Cut ( ) 11. Elephants can walk ___ a long time. They can remember the places ____ water and food. A.for, in B. in, with C. for, with ( ) 12. –What are you doing now? --______________. A. I usually watch TV. B. I have lunch at school. C. I’m swimming.


初一数学上学期期中试卷(含答案) (时间:100分钟 满分100分) 2017.11 亲爱的同学们,这是你开始初中生活后的第一次期中考试,相信你能从容自信地交上一份满意的答卷。当然,要细心..哦! 一、细心选一选,慧眼识金!(本大题共8小题,每题3分,共24分) 1.在下列各数中,结果是负数的是…………………………………………( ) A .-(-3) B .-(-3)3 C .(-3)2 D .-|-3| 2.代数式-2x ,0, 3x -y ,4y x +, a b 中,单项式的个数有…………………… ( ) A.1个 B.2 个 C.3个 D.4个 3.3)2(-与32-的值…………………………………………………………( ) A .互为倒数 B .互为相反数 C .相等 D .的和为16 4.下列比较大小正确的是…………………………………………… ( ) A.5465-<- B .-(-21)<+(-21) C. D. 5.在数2,3π,-3.14,7 22,0.2,..32.0…( ) A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 6.)2(y x x --的运算结果是………………………………………………( ). A .y x - B .y x +- C .y x -- D .y x -3 7.下列变形正确的是……………………………………………………( ) A.3(x-1)=2变形得3x-1=2 B .7x-2=6变形得7x=-6+2 C.5x=6变形得x=65. D.x x 3 1121=-变形得3x-6=2x 8. 一根绳子弯曲成如图1所示的形状.当用剪刀像图2那样沿虚线a 把绳子剪断时,绳子被剪为5段;当用剪刀像图3那样沿虚线b (b 平行a )把绳子再剪一次时,绳子就被剪为9段.若用剪刀在虚线a ,b 之间把绳子再剪(n-2)次(剪刀的方向与a 平 行),这样一共剪n 次时绳子的段数是…………………( ) A. 4n+1 B .4n+2 C .4n+3 D .4n+5 二、耐心填一填,你一定能行!(本大题共10题,每空2分,共20分) 9.?34 1的倒数为 . 10.单项式5 22 ab -的系数是 . 11.平方得16的数为 . 12.据测算,我国每年因沙漠造成的直接经济损失超过5 400 000万元,这个数 用科学记数法表示为 万元. 13.若|x ?2|+(y +3 1)2=0,则y x 的值是 . 学 校 班级 学号 姓名 姓名 学号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 姓名 学号 )3 27(327--=--3282110>--


英语初一下册期中考试卷含答案一,听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片5分 二,听对话,选择答案。 ( )6. What's Judy's favorite food? A. Bread. B. Zongzi. C. Rice. ( )7. Where’s Helen from? A. South Africa. B The USA. C. Australia. ( )8. What is Scott's sister doing now? A. Shopping. B.Sleeping C. Swimming. ( )9. What are they talking about? A. Food. B. Animals. C. Sports. ( )10. Where are they talking? A. In the classroom. B. In the library. C, In the hallways. 三,听长对话,选择答案。5分 ( )1l Cindy is now. A in the zoo B. at school C at home ( )12. Mike is _now. A. washing clothes B. reading a book C watching animals ( )13. Cindy's favorite animals are . A.lions B. tigers C pandas

( )14, Cindy can’t ___ on weekends. A, go out B. watch TV C. computer games ( )15. Mike thinks Cindy’s family rule is . A.bad B. boring C. Great 四,听短文,选择答案。 ( )16. Tony is a(n) boy. A. English B. Chinese C. American ( )17. At school, Tony ’ s favorite subject is A. math B. P.E. C.geography ( )18. Tony often practices in the sports club. A. basketball B. Baseball C. volleyball ( ) 19. Tony often goes to the on weekends.. A. zoo B. Library C. supermarket ( )20. Tony often helps his mother to at home. A. do the dishes B. clean the house C. wash the clothes Written test part(共100分) 二.单项选择15分 ( )21.There is elephant there. Near elephant,there is tall tree. A. an; an; a B. a; the; a C. an; the; a D. an; the; the ()22.Emma,come here,please. Here some newspapers for you.


初一数学上册期中考试 试卷及答案 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

2006~2007学年度上学期 七年级数学期中调考试卷 满分:120分 时间:120分钟 (A) 2 (B)2 - (C)2 (D) -2 2.武汉长江二桥是世界上第一座弧线形钢塔斜拉桥,该桥全长16800m ,用科学记数法表示这个数为( ). (A)×104m (B)×103 m (C)×104m (D)×103m 3.如果收入15元记作+15元,那么支出20元记作( )元. (A)+5 (B)+20 (C)-5 (D)-20 4.有理数2(1)-,3(1)-,21-, 1-,-(-1),1 1 - -中,其中等于1的个数是( ). (A)3个 (B)4个 (C)5个 (D)6个 5.已知p 与q 互为相反数,且p ≠0,那么下列关系式正确的是( ). (A).1p q = (B) 1q p = (C) 0p q += (D) 0p q -= 6.方程5-3x=8的解是( ). (A )x=1 (B )x=-1 (C )x= 133 (D )x=-133 7.下列变形中, 不正确的是( ). (A) a +(b +c -d)=a +b +c -d (B) a -(b -c +d)=a -b +c -d

- (C) a -b -(c -d)=a -b -c -d (D) a +b -(-c -d)=a +b +c +d 8.如图,若数轴上的两点A 、B 表示的数分别为a 、b ,则下列结论正确的是( ). (A) b -a>0(B) a -b>0(C) ab >0(D) a +b>0 9(A)(精确到 (B)×103(保留2个有效数字(C)1020(精确到十位) (D)(10.“一个数比它的相反数大-4”,若设这数是x ,则可列出关于x 的方程为( ). (A)x=-x+4 (B)x=-x+(-4) (C)x=-x-(-4) (D)x-(-x )=4 11. 下列等式变形:①若a b =,则a b x x = ;②若a b x x =,则a b =;③若47a b =,则74 a b =;④若74 a b =,则47a b =.其中一定正确的个数是( ). (A)1个 (B)2个 (C)3个 (D)4个 12.已知a 、b 互为相反数,c 、d 互为倒数,x 等于-4的2次方,则式子 1 ()2 cd a b x x ---的值为( ). (A)2 (B)4 (C)-8 (D)8 二、填一填, 看看谁仔细(本大题共4小题, 每小题3分, 共12分, 请将你的答案写在“_______” 处) 13.写出一个比1 2 -小的整数: . 14.已知甲地的海拔高度是300m ,乙地的海拔高度是-50m ,那么甲地比乙地高____________m . 15.十一国庆节期间,吴家山某眼镜店开展优 惠学生配镜的活动,某款式眼镜的广告如图,请你 为广告牌补上原价. 16.小方利用计算机设计了一个计算程序,输入和输出的数据如下表: 那么,当输入数据为8时,输出的数据为 . 三、 解一解, 试试谁更棒(本大题共9小题,共72分) 17.(本题10分)计算(1)13 (1(48)64 -+?- (2)4)2(2)1(310÷-+?-


姓名 ********************************************************************************* 一、根据所述内容,选出正确答案,每个问题读两遍(每小题1分,共10分)。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A.My name is Sandy. B. It is an eraser. C. Yes, I can. D. It is thirty yuan. E. I like oranges. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A.How do you do? B. 10:45 C. On foot D. having dinner. E. 7:30 二、听句子,选择正确的答语(每小题1.5分,共15分)。 ( )11. A: My mother is happy. B: My mother is cooking. C: My mother is ill. ( )12. A: You can have a good time. B: Yes, it is. C: It’s sunny and warm. ( )13. A: An English book. B: A Chinese book. C: A newspaper. ( )14. A: Peter is reading B: Peter is watching TV. C: Peter is writing a letter. ( )15. A: They’re interesting. B: They’re clever. C: They’re cute. ( )16. A: At school. B: At restaurant. C: At home. ( )17. A: wear the uniforms. B. Clean the classroom. C: Don’t run in classroon. ( )18. A: Tow miles. B: One kilometer. C: on hundred meter. ( )19. A: Get up. B: Go to bed. C: Go to school. ( )20. A: Sports club. B: Art club. C: Chess club.


七年级下册英语期中试题 1 三、单项选择从下列每题所给的四个选项中, 选择一个最佳答案。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 31. Please don’t stand near the pandas. They are friendly but they can be _________,too. A. quiet B. lovely C. dangerous D. friends 32.—Which floor do you live on? —I live on ____________floor. A. ninety B. nineteen C. the ninth D. nine 33. It is fun to _____________the beach from the balcony so I want to buy a flat with a balcony. A. look out of B. look out at C. look into D. look out 34. The children share a bedroom with each other. They don’t have ____________ own bedroom. A. her B. his C. they D. their 35. Neil is from _____________, so he can show you around the CN Tower. A. Canada B. France C. Japan D. the UK 36. —Do you know ___________man over there?—Yes, he is __________artist. He draws well. A. the, an B. a, the C. a, an D. the, the 37. I am afraid they ____________ welcome boys like you, because you never do anything. A. will B. won’t C. can D. must 38. —There is ___________wrong with my bike. —Don’t worry, let me check it for you. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. some things 39. There _____________a meeting about the coming Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing. A. is going to have B. are going to be C. is going to be D. will have 40. —Why do you walk to school today?—My bicycle _______. So I have to walk here. A. is broken B. breaks C. is breaking D. will break 41.—I am sorry I can’t help you ________ your maths. —Thank you all the same. I can ask Millie ___________ help. A. with; for B. for; with C. about; for D. with; to 42. —I am good at drawing, and I am going to be an artist. —That _________a good idea. A. seem like B. looks like C. sounds like D. smells like 43. I am going to be a(n) __________to help the sick people in the future. A. doctor B. engineer C. artist D. postman 44. Sunshine Zoo is ___________our school. We may go there for a class trip this weekend. A. north of B. northern part C. north D. northern 45.—Jim, you shouldn’t cross the road here. There are too many cars. —Thanks, I ________. A. don’t B. do C. will D. won’t. 四、完型填空阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) A friend of mine named Paul 46 an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul comes out of his office, a street cleaner is 47 around the shining car. “Is this your car, Paul?”he asks. Paul answers, “Yes, my brother gives it to me for 48 .” The boy is surprised.


初一数学上册期中复习卷(2) 姓名: 【基本知识】 1、已知 622=+y x ,82=-b a 的值为,则代数式=-++a y b x 2222 2 -10 . 2、代数式 21+π,0,π,yz x 23-,1 1+x ,a bc a 22-+中, 属于整式的有: 2 1+π,0,π,a bc a 22-+ ; 属于单项式的有: 21+π,0,π ; 属于多项式的有: a bc a 22 -+ ; 3、“24”点游戏,用5、 4、 5、4凑成24点(每一个数只用一次),算式是 24)455(4=-+? huo 245)544(=?÷+ .

4、已知a 、b 、c 在数轴上的位置如图所示,已知||||||b a c <<, 则化简|||2|||a c a b c b --+--的结果是 c b 2+ 5、若a <-5则|6-|2-a | | 等于 4--a 6、设多项式M d cx bx ax =+++35,已知当x =0时,12=M ;当2-=x 时,M=10,则当2=x 时,M = 14 7、用加减乘除四种运算计算“24点”: ①2,2,3,9: 24)39()22(=-?+ ②3,3,7,7 : 247)733(=?÷+ 8、 (1)满足4|5||1|=-+-x x 的x 的范围是 51≤≤x . (2)6|5||1|=-+-x x 的解为 60或=x

9、先化简,再求值:2x 2-3[2x -2(-x 2+2x -1)-4],其中x =- 21。 【解答】原式= 6642++-x x 原式= 2 10、大于-2.5而小于π的整数共有 6 个 11、已知代数式9322+-x x 的值为7,则92 32+- x x 的值为 8 12、每件a 元的上衣先提价10%,再打九折以后出售的价格是 0.99a 元/件; 13、先化简,再求值:?? ????+??? ??+--224231325x xy xy x 。其中21,2=-=y x 【解】原式= 62 +-xy x 原式= 11 14、 全班同学排成长方形长队,每排的同学数为a ,排数比每排同学数的3倍还多2,那么全班同学数是 a a 232+


七年级英语下册期中测试题 时间:90分钟分数:120分 I、单项选择。(20分) ( )1. Thank you for _____ the school play. A. joining B. to join C. join D. is joining ( )2. The students often ___ games after class. They ____ volleyball over there now. A. are playing, are playing B. are playing, play C. play, play D. play, are playing ( )3. ______ interesting news it is! A. What an B .How C. What D. How an ( )4. ---Isn’t it cute ? ---_______. I like it very much. A .Yes,it isn’t B .No,it is C .Yes,it is D. No, it isn’t. ( )5. Could you take a message ________ her ? A .as B .for C .to D .in ( )6. We usually go to school_____ the day and go home ____night. A .in ,in B .on, at C .at, during D .in, at ( )7.The girl ___ long hair and blue eyes is running _____ the hallway . A. with ,in B .has ,in C .with ,on D .has ,under ( )8.Everyone ______ him, because he is friendly. A. like B. likes C. to like D. liking ( ) 9. ——What language does the woman speak? ——She speaks______ . She' s from Australia. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. French D. English ( ) 10.The koalas are _________ cute. A. kinds of B. kind of C. all kinds of D. a kind of ( ) 11. Why not _____ for dinner with us? A. to go B. going C. goes D. go ( ) 12. ——Let’s ______ to the movies now. ――That _________ great. A. going, sounding B. go, sounds C. go, sound D. goes, sounds ( ) 13.He is having a great time ________ the movies . A. see B. to see C. seeing D. sees ( ) 14.Where _____ your pen pals _____ ? A. are, from B. do, from C. do, come D. is , from ( ) 15.______ is the weather in Beijing now?


七年级下学期英语期中测试题·听力部分姓名 ********************************************************************* ************ 一、根据所述内容,选出正确答案,每个问题读两遍(每小题1分,共10分)。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A.My name is Sandy. B. It is an eraser. C. Yes, I can. D. It is thirty yuan. E. I like oranges. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A.How do you do? B. 10:45 C. On foot D. having dinner. E. 7:30 二、听句子,选择正确的答语(每小题1.5分,共15分)。 ( )11. A: My mother is happy. B: My mother is cooking. C: My mother is ill. ( )12. A: You can have a good time. B: Yes, it is. C: It's sunny and warm. ( )13. A: An English book. B: A Chinese book. C: A newspaper. ( )14. A: Peter is reading B: Peter is watching TV. C: Peter is writing a letter. ( )15. A: They're interesting. B: They're clever. C: They're cute. ( )16. A: At school. B: At restaurant. C: At home. ( )17. A: wear the uniforms. B. Clean the classroom. C: Don't run in classroon. ( )18. A: Tow miles. B: One kilometer. C: on hundred meter. ( )19. A: Get up. B: Go to bed. C: Go to school. ( )20. A: Sports club. B: Art club. C: Chess club. 七年级下学期英语期中测试题·笔试部分姓名 ******************************************************************** ************* 一、单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) ()26 ----Please be quiet in the library ! Look at the sign . It says, “No ___” -----I am sorry .


- 七年级数学上册期中测试试卷 一、选一选,比比谁细心(本大题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分) 1.1 2- 的绝对值是( ). (A) 12 (B)1 2 - (C)2 (D) -2 2.武汉长江二桥是世界上第一座弧线形钢塔斜拉桥,该桥全长16800m ,用科学记数法表示这个数为( ). (A)1.68×104m (B)16.8×103 m (C)0.168×104m (D)1.68×103 m 3.如果收入15元记作+15元,那么支出20元记作( )元. (A)+5 (B)+20 (C)-5 (D)-20 4.有理数2(1)-,3(1)-,21-, 1-,-(-1),1 1 --中,其中等于1的个数是( ). (A)3个 (B)4个 (C)5个 (D)6个 5.已知p 与q 互为相反数,且p ≠0,那么下列关系式正确的是( ). (A).1p q = (B) 1q p = (C) 0p q += (D) 0p q -= 6.方程5-3x=8的解是( ). (A )x=1 (B )x=-1 (C )x= 133 (D )x=-133 7.下列变形中, 不正确的是( ). (A) a +(b +c -d)=a +b +c -d (B) a -(b -c +d)=a -b +c -d (C) a -b -(c -d)=a -b -c -d (D) a +b -(-c -d)=a +b +c +d 8.如图,若数轴上的两点A 、B 表示的数分别为a 、b ,则下列结论正确的是( ). (A) b -a>0 (B) a -b>0 ab >0 (D) a +b>0 91022.0099取近似值, 其中错误的是( ). (A)1022.01(精确到0.01) (B)1.0×103 (保留2个有效数字) (C)1020(精确到十位) (D)1022.010(精确到千分位) 10.“一个数比它的相反数大-4”,若设这数是x ,则可列出关于x 的方程为( ). (A)x=-x+4 (B)x=-x+(-4) (C)x=-x-(-4) (D)x-(-x )=4 11. 下列等式变形:①若a b =,则a b x x =;②若a b x x =,则a b =;③若47a b =,则7 4 a b =; ④若 7 4 a b =,则47a b =.其中一定正确的个数是( ). (A)1个 (B)2个 (C)3个 (D)4个 12.已知a 、b 互为相反数,c 、d 互为倒数,x 等于-4的2次方,则式子 1 ()2 cd a b x x ---的值为( ) . (A)2 (B)4 (C)-8 (D)8 二、填一填, 看看谁仔细(本大题共4小题, 每小题3分, 共12分) 13.写出一个比1 2 - 小的整数: . 14.已知甲地的海拔高度是300m ,乙地的海拔高度是-50m ,那么甲地比乙地高____________m . 15.十一国庆节期间,吴家山某眼镜店开展优 惠学生配镜的活动,某款式眼镜的广告如图,请你 为广告牌补上原价. 16 那么,当输入数据为8时,输出的数据为 . 三、 解一解, 试试谁更棒(本大题共8小题,共72分) 17.(本题10分)计算(1)13 (1)(48)64 - +?- (2)4)2(2)1(310÷-+?- 解: 解: 18.(本题10分)解方程(1)37322x x +=- (2) 111326 x x -=- 解: 解:

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