GRE真题题库精选 GRE历年真题填空解析_雷哥GRE

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1.As my eyesight began to _________, I spent a lot of time writing about it—both poems and “eye journals”—describing what I saw as I looked out through damaged eyes.

A deteriorate

B sharpen

C improve

D decline

E recover

F adjust



A deteriorate(to become worse)

B sharpen(to improve something so that it is up to the necessary standard)逻辑相反

C improve(to make something better, or to become better)逻辑相反

D decline(a decrease in the quality, quantity, or importance of something)

E recover(to get better after an illness, accident, shock etc)逻辑相反

F adjust(to change or move something slightly to improve it or make it more suitable for a particular purpose)无关

2.Ever a demanding reader of the fiction of others, the novelist Chase was likewise often the object of _________ analyses by his contemporaries.

A exacting

B copious

C respectful

D acerbic

E scathing

F meticulous


likewise表示出并列关系,逻辑正向发展。前半句说的是Chase是一个demanding(expecting a lot of attention or expecting to have things exactly the way you want them, especially in a way that is not fair)的人,后面要选择和demanding意思相近的词。选

A exacting(demanding a lot of effort, careful work, or skill)严格的,苛求的

B copious(existing or being produced in large quantities)无关

C respectful(feeling or showing respect)无关

D acerbic(criticizing someone or something in a clever but cruel way)

E scathing(a scathing remark criticizes someone or something very severely)

F meticulous(very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly)

3.A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought: the more convoluted the structure, the more _________ the ideas.

A complicated

B engaged

C essential

D fanciful

E inconsequential

F involved


冒号表示解释关系,逻辑正向发展。分号前说的是新手容易犯错,喜欢把句子结构和思想对应。冒号后面用的the more...the more的句型,表示结构越convolute(to form into a twisted, coiled, or rolled shape),则idea越复杂,选AF.

A complicated

B engaged 无关

C essential 无关

D fanciful(imaginary)无关

E inconsequential(1.not important;2.unreasonable)无关

F involved(having so many different parts that it is difficult to understand)

4.Overlarge, uneven, and ultimately disappointing, the retrospective exhibition seems too much like special pleading for a forgotten painter of real but _________ talents.

A limited

B partial

C undiscovered

D circumscribed

E prosaic

F hidden


句子开头给出了3个并列的不好的词,来修饰这个exhibiton,然后又说是plead for


A limited
