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Section B

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Overcoming Obstacles: How Your Biggest Failure Can Lead to Your Success There’s been a lot written on the theme of failure and how essential it is to success. In a world where ____31____ is given for people’s accomplishments, failing feels dangerous. The fear of failure can stop people taking risks that might lead to success.

Heidi Grant Halvorson, a psychologist, points out much of success is ____32____ not on talent but on learning from your mistakes.

About half of the people in the world hold that ability in an area --- be it creative or social skill --- is natural. The other half believes, instead, that someone might have a preference or something – say painting or speaking foreign languages – but this ability can be improved through ___33___ practice or training.

It’s almost impossible to think rationally(理性地) while shouting at yourself, “I’m a failure”. But when you ___34___ your thinking, you will probably see what you can control –your behavior, your planning, your reactions – and change them.

The primary ___35___ between successful people and unsuccessful people is that the successful people fail more. If you see failure as a monster approaching you, take another look.

Success is as scary as failure. Researchers report that satisfaction grows on challenges. Think about it – a computer game you can always win is boring; one you can win ___36___, and with considerable effort, is fun. In pursuit of success, failure exposes areas that you need to ___37___. So the failure serves as a brick wall to test how you apply yourself to ___38___ your objectives and how much you want them.

There is a way to distinguish whether a failure ___39___ you to double down or walk away, says Halvorson. If, when things get rough, you remain fascinated by your goal, you should keep going. If what you’re doing is costing you too much time and energy or it’s not bringing you joy, you should give a second thought to the ___40___ of your goal and even set a new one.

Key: 31-40 DEAHB FCIJG


Section B

Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

The Nile

The ancient Greek writer Herodotus once described Egypt-with some envy-as‘the gi ft of the Nile’. The Egyptians depend on the river for food, for water and for life. The Ancient Egyptians were able to control and use the Nile, creating the earliest irrigation systems and developing a prosperous ___31___.

Snaking through the deserts, the Nile would flood almost ___32___ each year in June. Once the water subsided, a rich deposit of sand was left behind, making an excellent topaoil. Seeds were sown, yielding wheat, barley, beans, lentils and leeks. Drought could spell disaster for the Egyptians, so during the dry seasons, they dug basins and channels to deliver water to their land. They also devised simple channels to transfer water at the peak of the flood.

An early system of ___33___ a Kilometer, was used to de determine the size of the floods. Later, during the New Kingdom, a lifting system called a Shauf was used to raise water from the river--___34___ to the way in which a well is used today.

The Egyptians took up some of the earliest trading missions. Without a(n) ___35___ system they exchanged goods, bringing back timber, precious stones, pottery, spices and animals. Their efforts in medicine were also ___36___ advanced: surgeons performed operations to remove cysts (囊肿). Mummification gave them great understanding of the human body-yet they also relied heavily on various medicines to prevent disease, and discoveries were often confused with superstition(迷信). And while a great deal of time was dedicated to ___37___ the Egyptians thought the stars were gods.

By the 16th century Egypt was under the Ottoman Empire until Britain seized control in 1882. What is now mostly Arabic Egypt only won ___38___ from Britain after World War Ⅱ. The Suez Canal, opened in 1869, __________the country as a center for world transportation. But it, and the completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1971 ___40___ the ecology of the Nile, which now struggles to satisfy the country’s rapidly growing population, currently more than 76 million-the largest in the Arab world.

Key: 31-40 G J A B D C E I H F


Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each