当前位置:文档之家› 2023年1-4月雅思口语题库



Part 1 新题

1. Boring things

1) What kinds of things are boring to you?

2) What will you do when you feel bored?

3) What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?

4) Do you think school is boring?

2. Watch

1) Do you wear a watch?

2) Have you ever got a watch as a gift?

3) Why do some people wear expensive watches?

4) Do you think watch is important for you? Why?

3. Collecting things

1) Do you collect things?

2) Are there any things you keep from childhood?

3) Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?

4) Where do you usually keep things you need?

4. Talents

1) Do you have a talent or something you are good at?

2) Was it mastered recently or when you were young?

3) Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?

4) Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?

Part 2&3 新题

1. 让你惊讶的事情

Part 2

Describe something that surprised you

You should say:

What it is

How you found out about it

What you did

And explain whether it made you happy

Part 3

1) How do people express happiness in your culture?

2) Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?

3) How can people be happy?

4) Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?

2. 感兴趣的邻居

Part 2

Describe a neighbor you are interested in

You should say:

Who he/she is

How do you know him/her

What you do together

And explain why you are interested in him/her

Part 3

1) Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?

2) How can people improve their relationship with neighbors in a community?

3) How do children build relationships with others in a community?

4) Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?

3. 庆祝过的活动

Part 2

Describe an important event you celebrated

You should say:

What the event was

When it happened

Who attended the event

And explain how you feel about the event

Part 3

1) Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?

2) What kinds of events do people usually celebrate?

3) Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or just a few people?

4) Do people often celebrate festivals with families?

4. 重要河流/湖泊

Part 2

Describe an important river/lake in your country

You should say:

Where it is located

How big/long it is

What it looks like

And explain why it is important

Part 3

1) How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?

2) Do you think rivers/lakes attract tourists?

3) How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?

4) Are rivers/lakes good for transport? Why?

5. 想要共事的家人

Part 2

Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future

You should say:

Who he/she is

Whether you worked together before What kind of work you would like to do with him/her And explain how you feel about this family member

Part 3

1) What kinds of family businesses are common in China?

2) Is it good to work with family members? Why?

3) Why do people want to do family business?

4) What benefits are there when working for big companies?


2023年1-4月雅思口语题库 Part 1 新题 1. Boring things 1) What kinds of things are boring to you? 2) What will you do when you feel bored? 3) What was the most boring thing you did when you were young? 4) Do you think school is boring? 2. Watch 1) Do you wear a watch? 2) Have you ever got a watch as a gift? 3) Why do some people wear expensive watches? 4) Do you think watch is important for you? Why? 3. Collecting things 1) Do you collect things? 2) Are there any things you keep from childhood? 3) Would you keep old things for a long time? Why? 4) Where do you usually keep things you need? 4. Talents 1) Do you have a talent or something you are good at? 2) Was it mastered recently or when you were young? 3) Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why? 4) Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent? Part 2&3 新题 1. 让你惊讶的事情 Part 2 Describe something that surprised you You should say: What it is How you found out about it What you did And explain whether it made you happy


2023年1-4月P1新题 1.Weekends 1.Do you like weekends? 2.What did you do last weekends? 3.What do you usually do on weekends? Do you study or work? 4.Do you make plans for your weekends? 2.Jewelry 1.Do you often wear jewelry? 2.What type of jewelry do you like to buy? 3.Why do you think some people wear a piece ofjewelry for a long time? 4.Do you usually buy jewelry? 3.Happy things 1.What made you happy when you were little? 2.What do you think will make you feel happy in the future? 3.Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately? 4.When do you feel happy at work? Why? 5.Do you feel happy when buying new things? 6.Do you think people are happy when buying new things? 4.Small business 1.Do you know many small businesses? 2.Do you prefer buying things in big companies or small businesses? 3.Have you ever worked in small businesses? 4.Have you ever thought about starting your own business? 5. Chocolate 1.Do you like eating chocolate? Why/why not? 2.What's your favorite flavor? 3.Do you think it is good to use chocolate as gifts to others? 4.How often do you eat chocolate? 5.Did you often eat chocolate when you were a kid? 6.Why do you think chocolate is popular around the world? 6.Schools 1.Do you go to a good school? 2.Do you like your teachers? 3.Where do you go to school?


雅思口语1-4月题库 以下是针对1-4月雅思口语题库的参考内容,涵盖了各个话题的相关信息和建议性回答,希望能够对考生进行启发和帮助。 Part 1话题 1.姓名 这个话题是对考生英语基础的考察,一般会问到姓名的意义、发音等。建议练习自我介绍,同时可以考虑以下回答。 Q: What does your name mean? A: My name, which is Sarah, means "princess" in Hebrew. It was chosen by my parents because they wanted me to be a strong and confident woman. 2.家乡 这个话题主要考察考生对家乡的了解程度和描述能力。可以练习对家乡的地理、人口、文化、景点等方面的回答。 Q: Can you tell me something about your hometown? A: I come from a small town called X in China. It's located in the northern part of the country and has a population of about 50,000 people. X is known for its beautiful mountain scenery and its rich history.

3.家庭 这个话题主要考察考生对家庭成员的描述和介绍能力。可以练习对家庭成员的姓名、职业、兴趣爱好等方面的回答。 Q: How many people are there in your family? A: There are five people in my family - my parents, my older brother, my younger sister and myself. My father is a doctor, my mother is a teacher, my brother is a lawyer, and my sister is a college student. We are a very close-knit family and enjoy spending time together during holidays and weekends. 4.工作/学习 这个话题主要考察考生对工作或学习的描述和感受。可以练习对工作或学习的内容、难度、收获等方面的回答。 Q: Can you describe your job? A: I work as a marketing manager for a global tech company. My job involves developing and executing marketing campaigns, analyzing market trends, and managing a team of marketing professionals. It's a challenging but rewarding job, and I enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving our marketing goals. Part 2话题

2023年1-4月雅思口语Part 1题库全

2023年1-4月口语part1 题库全新题 1. Keys Do you always bring a lot of keys with you? Have you ever lost your keys? Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out? D o you think it’s a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbor? 2. Small Businesses Do you know many small businesses where you live? Do you prefer buying things from big companies or small businesses? Have you ever worked in small businesses? Have you ever thought about starting your own business? 3. Happy Things Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately? What made you happy when you were little? What do you think will make you feel happy in the future? Do you feel happy when buying new things? 4. T-shirt Do you like wearing T-shirts?


2023年1-4月雅思口语保留题例 一、雅思口语Part 1 Home Country高分例句以及短语 雅思口语Part 1 Home Country。其实这组题目难度并不大,但是在学生们的实际学习中,很多人都表示这个题目不好回答,这里我们就为大家分享一些高分语句以及短语,帮助同学们更好的组织自己的语言,帮助自己在这一题目中取得比较好的分数! 中国这么大,选择自然很多。不过除了讲工作/发展机会意外以外,也可能是那个地方的气候、饮食、生活节奏、风景等等吸引了你,所以你想去那个地方生活、居住。另外呢,虽然是说want to live in, 也并不是说你一定要在那儿定居嘛!不同季节想待在不同的地方也是很正常的呀。类似地,你在自己的家乡土生土长,自然对这片土地爱得深沉,亲人朋友也都在这里,那可能也希望长久在这里生活、工作吧…… 1、Cosmopolitan cities like Beijing and Shanghai have so much to offer –better money-making opportunities, business opportunities, reliable transport links, vibrant nightlife and mouth-watering food. 重点词汇: cosmopolitan city 国际化大都市 money-making opportunities 挣钱的机会 reliable 可靠的 vibrant 充满活力的夜生活 mouth-watering food 令人垂涎欲滴的食物 2、F or those who’ve got tired of the craziness of bustling cities, it would be


2023年雅思英语考试口语新题库 2023年雅思英语考试口语新题库 1. describe your favorite animal 2. describe relaxation method 3. describe munication method 4. describe al job you are interested in 5. describe sth old in your family 可以谈礼物或jewelry或clothes 6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood 7. describe a library 8. describe a physical exercise 9. describe a store 10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper 11. an advertisement describe an advertisement you like. what what it is like why you like it

what it was the advantages of studying there your pleasure of learning there 13. a piece of clothes or jewelry you have describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special time? what it is what you look like when you wear it? how you feel when you wear it 14. a room of yours describe your favorite room in your home. what it is what it looks like what you often do in the room why you like it 15. change in your life describe a change in your life. when it happened what it was like why you changed 16. the part of a day you like most


2023年1月雅思口语新题part1:Library答案 Part 1: Library 1 Do you often go to the library? Rarely these days. I used to go in my first year at uni – mainly to study and do bits of research. This past two years I've not really been to the library – I rely on a lot of online resources for my studies now, and I have my own study room, so I work there. 2 What do you usually do in the library? Well, I don't go to the library these days, but when I did, I usually just took out a couple of books and sat in a quiet corner and read them and made notes in preparation for essays. 3 Did you go to a library when you were a kid? Not really, no. There were not really any libraries with kids books in my town when I grew up. So, I almost never went to the library. Apart from the school library, of course. 4 Do children in your country often go to a library? Not very often these days. They go to book corners and libraries in their schools, but that's about it really. People buy kids books now, online or from bookshops. They don't really go to libraries.


2023雅思口语试题库及答案 part 1 注意:部分问题也也许在 part 3 中被问到 1。 Basic Information what is your full name? what can I call you? what is your ID number? Characteristics: Authentic, Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence, Vocabulary, Communication Skills,idiom) 2.Working or Studying Are you working or studying? What do you usually do?(worker only) where do you work? what are the advantages and disadvantages of your work? what is your ideal job? where do you study? what are the advantages and disadvantages of your school or university? what subject/major do you have?(College students only) what are the advantages and disadvantages of your subject or major?(College students only) Characteristics: Special ldea, Vocabulary, Case, And fixed sentence structure


2023年1月雅思口语题part1:Geography答案 Part 1 Geography 1 Have you ever studied geography at school? I did study geography, yes. Physical geography, like plate tectonics –volcanoes and things like that, as well as land formation, and farming and the water cycle, and all of that type of stuff. We also studied human geography as well – population, demographics and things like that. 2 Do you like geography? I do, actually. I find it quite interesting – especially physical geography. I’m interested in things re lated to the natural environment and the planet. And I am concerned about climate change and environmental issues facing us today, so I find geography relevant as well as interesting. 3 Do you want to travel to a country because of its geographical conditions? Yes, I think so. At least it is one of the reasons I would choose to travel to a country, yes. For example, I am interested in lakes – I would like to spend some time in Sweden at the lakes – I heard they have a lot of lakes and it’s common to spend h olidays at the lakes, go in boats and things like that. So, yes, I would choose a country with lots of lakes and water.


2023年1月雅思口语题part1:Weather答案 Part 1 Weather 1 Do you prefer hot or cold weather? I much prefer it when the weather is nice and hot. Obviously, I don't like it when it's extremely hot, but I like it pretty hot. Perhaps around 35 is a good temperature for me. However, I prefer it when it's a dry heat and not a really humid heat. 2 Do you prefer dry or wet weather? I prefer dry weather, but it's nice to have a shower of rain from time to time. It clears the air and is good for the plants – I don't like it when it's months of hot dry weather with no rain. So, ideally, I like pretty hot weather, with a good shower of rain once a week or so. 3 What is the weather like in your hometown? In my hometown it is hot and very humid for about 6 months of the year. It's unbearable when it's too hot and humid to be honest – it's hard to breathe and you sweat profusely as soon as you leave the house. Like I mentioned before, hot and dry weather is my favourite, with the occasional rain shower. 4 Do you have the habit of checking the weather forecast? I check it fairly often actually. For no particular reason really, just because it pops up on my phone every morning when I wake up, so I look at it. Where I live in China the weather is highly predictable all year round, so we don't really need to be checking the weather forecast all the time, like people do in the UK, for example.


Part 1 1. Television What TV programs are you interested in? When do you watch TV? In China, have television programs changed much in recent years? How do you think TV programs in China could be improved? 2. Indoor Games Do you play any indoor games? Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games? What indoor games did you play when you were a child? Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a child)? What sorts of indoor games do children play now? 3. Friend Do you have many friends? How often do you talk to your friends? How do you communicate with your friends? How can people make friends in yourcountry? 4. Mirror How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day? Have you ever bought mirrors?

2023年1月雅思口语题part1:The area you live in答案

2023年1月雅思口语题part1:The area you live in答案Part 1 The area you live in 1.Where do you like to go in that area? The sports stadium next to the building I live in, is where I would like to go frequently. The stadium is not very spacious but well-equipped with plenty of sport facilities. Also, there is an indoor swimming pool with a small number of people so I can swim whenever I want. That's really awesome! 2.Do you know any famous people in your area? Actually yes! I am aware that a lot of movie stars come from where I live. I feel very proud every time I see them in a fantastic film. Also, there are some poets and writers who are living in the area that I come from. So, I suppose my city is an artistic and poetic area. 3.How has your area changed in recent years? Well, a lot of changes are taking place nowadays in my city. I can see more and more skyscrapers having been built and the public transportation system is becoming more diversified and completed. But for me, the most fantastic change is that there is greater diversity in restaurants! Now I can taste genuine foreign food in my city. How marvelous it is! 4.Do you like the area that you live in now? Of course, yes! There are so many aspects in this area that take my fancy. The climate of it is perfect to me, although the winter is a bit freezing. And the modernity there is what attracts me most. Living in this place, I feel that I can always keep pace with times.

2023年1月雅思口语题part1:Public Transport答案

2023年1月雅思口语题part1:Public Transport答案Part 1 Public Transport 1 What kind of public transport do you usually take? I usually take the subway and a bus on a daily basis, to go to work, and on the weekends I grab a taxi, to go out to meet friends in town – to go to a restaurant or a bar or so. So, I take a few different modes of transport usually – I don't own my own car, so I rely on public transport most of the time unless a friend gives me a lift somewhere. 2 Did you take public transport when you were a kid? I took public transport with my parents yes. We always used to go on the bus in those days, because there weren't many subway lines in our city, and none near to where we lived. Now, however, there's a lot more public transport. 3 Do most people prefer public transport? Well… not really. I think most people find public transport in Chinese cities a bit overcrowded. Everyone would prefer to have their own car, in an ideal world. Though, public transport is very cheap, it's not always convenient. 4 When do you usually take public transport? I usually take public transport each morning and evening on weekdays, to go to the office to work. And, on weekends I take public transport if I need to go somewhere to meet family and friends – I'll take a taxi if it's not convenient to get a bus or subway. Occasionally I take a hire-bike from the street if the distance isn't too far.


2023年1月雅思口语真题演练1 Part 1 Study or work 1.Do you work or are you a student? I'm a student at Tsinghua University in Beijing. I'm a student, and I'm a freshman in Tsinghua University. I'm a student, a high school student. 2.What subject are you studying? I'm studying for a Master's degree in Tsinghua University, specializing in the field of Math Studies. 3.Why did you choose that subject? I chose math because I liked it in high school. I was always strong in math and science, so it seemed like a natural progression. Also, I did some research on career opportunities, and it seemed to be a subject with a promising future. 4.What would you like to do in the future? I would love to be a teacher. Most of the women in my family are teachers, they have a huge impact on my life. I think it is wonderful to get to change people's lives by what I say or do on the stage. It requires a person to be responsible and caring, and I want to be such a person. 5.What are the most popular subjects in China?


2023年最新雅思口语真题4月回忆版 Part 1: Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes) Question: What is your favorite hobby? Answer: My favorite hobby is reading. I love getting lost in a good book and exploring different worlds, perspectives, and ideas. I enjoy a variety of genres, from classic literature to science fiction to memoirs. Reading also helps me improve my vocabulary and critical thinking skills, and it's a great way to relax and unwind after a busy day. Question: How do you typically spend your weekends? Answer: On weekends, I like to balance productivity and leisure time. I usually start the day with some exercise, whether it's going for a run or doing a yoga class. Then I'll tackle any errands or chores that need to be done, such as grocery shopping or cleaning. In the afternoon or evening, I'll usually spend time with friends or family, whether it's going out to eat, seeing a movie, or just hanging out at home. I also like to carve out some time for personal projects or hobbies, such as writing or learning a new skill. Question: What is your favorite season of the year? Answer: My favorite season of the year is autumn. I love the crisp, cool air and the colorful foliage, as well as the cozy feeling of wearing sweaters and drinking hot beverages. Autumn also marks the start of the holiday season, which is a time for connecting with loved ones and reflecting on the past year. It's a bittersweet season, as the leaves fall and the days grow shorter, but I find that it's a time of introspection and renewal. Part 2: Cue Card (3-4 minutes) Question: Describe a place you have visited that has a special meaning to you.


2023年雅思口语第一部分50道真题 1.What is your full name? 2.Where are you from? 3.What do you do for a living? 4.Do you enjoy your job? 5.What are your hobbies? 6.Have you ever traveled to another country? 7.What is your favorite type of food? 8.Do you prefer living in a city or a rural area? 9.What are your favorite books or movies? 10.What is your favorite type of music? 11.Do you play any instruments? 12.What is your favorite animal? 13.Do you have any pets? 14.What was the last movie you watched? 15.Have you ever been to a concert or music festival? 16.What is your favorite sport? 17.Do you follow any sports teams? 18.What is your favorite season? 19.What is your favorite holiday? 20.Do you like to cook? 21.Have you ever been to a museum or art gallery? 22.Do you enjoy hiking or camping? 23.Have you ever been to a theme park or amusement park? 24.Do you prefer coffee or tea? 25.Have you ever gone skiing or snowboarding? 26.Do you enjoy going to the beach? 27.What is your favorite type of fruit? 28.Do you prefer to travel alone or with others? 29.What is your favorite type of transportation? 30.Have you ever been to a zoo or aquarium? 31.Do you enjoy going to the theater or cinema? 32.What is your favorite type of movie or TV show? 33.Have you ever been on a cruise? 34.Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? 35.Have you ever been on a road trip? 36.Do you prefer hot or cold weather? 37.What is your favorite type of snack? 38.Have you ever gone scuba diving or snorkeling? 39.Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? 40.Have you ever been to a fashion show? 41.Do you prefer to travel by plane or train? 42.Do you enjoy going to the gym? 43.What is your favorite type of cookie?

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