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Delegates, staff: Hello! i n the run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we held one se ssi on of four staff representatives Confere nce 2013-work shop, full back i n 2012, careful a nalysis of the current sit uation, discuss 2013 devel opme nt pla ns. Here, on behalf of my com pany 2013 work re ports to t he Ge neral Assembl y, for consi

deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opme nt, prom oting cost-leadershi p strategy, sta ndards, focus on impleme ntation, lean ma nagement, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situation of enter prise ma nagement, busi ness management a nd control scientific a nd sta ndar dized, and the dedi cation of staff, manage a harmoni ous a nd democratic atmosphere of the good sit uation. Mai n indicator s are as f ollow s:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 million kWh, an i ncre ase of 757 million k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billi on k Wh, exce edi ng sales of 330 million kWh the a nnual Exec utive budget, an i ncrea se of 729 milli on k Wh. --S ecurity mea sures: unpla nne d outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurre d, no major accident and a bove, no major fire acci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stabil ity to good posture. –Business financial i ndicat ors: total profits of 255 million Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yua n, bey ond t he Datang com pany index 41.89 million Yua n, an i ncre ase of 1.76 million Yuan, FCM assessme nt at grade four. --Energy: power supply sta ndard coal com pleting 312.25 g/k Wh, dow n 0.1 g/kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pollutant emi ssions performance greatly reduced compare d to last yea r, car bon 0.09 g/k Wh, sulfur di oxide 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/k Wh; dust removal efficiency of more t han