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The employee’s incentives mechanism in small and medium-sized enterprise

Author:Barney J B

Abstract:"Incentive" is a psychological term, psychologists point out that all behavior is caused by the motivation of associated with it, as one of the person's state of mind, this motive for human behavior has the effect of reinforcement, vertebral move and inspire, known as a motivation. Incentive is mainly to inspire people to inner potential, cause people intelligence, mobilize people's enthusiasm and creativity. In this paper, the construction of small and medium-sized enterprise employees incentive mechanism problem. From the use of different ideas, different angles, for enterprise employees incentive. Staff incentive mechanism is through the system, rational system to reflect the interaction between incentive subjects with incentive object, is the enterprise connect the ideal into reality. Small business managers should learn effective research method for reference, targeted to solve their practical problems, and strive for a breakthrough in terms of theory. In the research and construction of small and medium-sized enterprise incentive mechanism on the road to constantly innovation, divergent thinking, from surface to inside, and realize the goal of research. And summarizes a set of suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises for effective incentive mechanism, to promote the vigorous development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, incentive mechanism, staff requirements


In the increasingly fierce competition, more and more small and medium-sized enterprises begin to realize enterprise's competition is talented person's competition,actually only attach importance to talents,

pay attention to the development of human resources management, to constantly improve their own core competitiveness, make the enterprise in the incentive competition advantage. However, the construction of the incentive mechanism is the core of the construction of enterprise human resources management, and enterprise operation of each link, and employees are closely linked. Use reasonable effective employee incentive mechanism to attract talent, formed a set of scientific, perfect enterprise candidates, choose and employ persons, cultivate people's human resources management system, is to motivate employees continuously enterprising, the key to motivate staff morale; Is in motivating talents plays an important role in promoting the competition to attract talent, retain talent; Is to guide employees to establish scientific, and the basis of the strategic target of enterprise organization goal is consistent. But most of the small and medium-sized enterprise development history is short, the lack of management experience, management system is not mature, the understanding of human resource management is not deep, incentive mechanism is not sound, for enterprise employees cannot give a sufficient motivation, to arouse the enthusiasm of employees, lead to the market competition of enterprises is relatively weak. Therefore, how to strengthen the management of human resources, to establish scientific and effective employee incentive mechanism, and reasonable use of scientific and effective incentive mechanism, attract talent, talent of education development, to prevent the brain drain becomes the key to enterprise core competitiveness.

In the face of increasingly fierce market competition, establish a scientific and reasonable employee incentive mechanism for the production and business operation and sustainable development of enterprises play a vital role. Only retain talent, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of employees, play employees' creativity, to constantly strengthen the enterprise core competitive power, to give priority to occupy talent highland, finally to make small and medium-sized enterprises in the fierce competition of modern society.

Summary of incentive and incentive mechanism

The meaning of incentive

As a social people are engaged in all behaviors are caused by some kind of motivation, desire, motivation, desire is a kind of mental state, through the role of the mental state can inspire people to dig their own potential, fight, fight for the realization of self-worth. Incentive mechanism as one of the important content of enterprise human resources management has an irreplaceable role. In the enterprise staff work enthusiasm, motivation and ability to work effectively and use is one of the important factors of enterprise sustainable development, enterprise managers through scientific and effective means and ways of reasonable use of limited resources, to understand employees at the level of the rationalization of demand and, in turn, meet the demand of employees of rationalization, to motivate, inspire and guide the enterprise staff's work enthusiasm, goal setting and enhanced to enterprise's loyalty, to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise management process. Motivation mainly includes the trigger a desire, guide the target, etc.

The meaning of employee incentive mechanism

Employee motivation is to use some kind of external cause, use all kinds of effective measures to meet the diverse needs of employees or restrict, and through certain rules and regulations to regulate and constraint, penalties, employees, motivate employees, to constraint employee morale and employee motivation, arouse the enthusiasm of work, desire, etc., make the person has an inner motivated employees can form a certain goal, and keep a high mood and actively state to the desired goal of psychological process. This process relies on a system we defined as incentive mechanism can also be called incentive system. Incentive system concrete application in the process of the employee's incentive, in the process of the interaction, constraints, and incentive results closely linked to a kind of comprehensive function. In terms of enterprise employees incentive mechanism its essence lies in through scientific, perfect system construction, promote employees in the direction of the organization to make persistent efforts. Staff incentive mechanism in the

enterprise application is urge employees strive to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise incentive system. The type of staff incentive mechanism

In the era of global competition and knowledge-based economy, more and moresmall and medium-sized enterprises gradually realized that the competition between the enterprises is the result of the talent competition, talent as a resource is the first of all resources. The sustainable development of small and medium-sized enterprises, fundamentally, mainly depends on the enterprise the competitive advantage of human resources. Employee’s incentive mechanism as one of the main content of human resource management, contains a lot of ways, it not only through the every link of the enterprise, but also closely connected with the employee's personal interests. Employee incentive way is not the same, one of the main forms are:

Material aspects of the stimulus

Physiological needs is a kind of demand at the lowest level of all the requirements, it is mainly refers to people in their daily lives for clothing, housing, food, travel tools, air, water and other basic living needs and physiological needs. Physiological demand is people in social activities, maintain the basic survival motivation, the basis of the material aspects of the incentive is to be able to make people physiological demand and life needs are met. The implementation of the material incentive is can make employees work power source. Material things incentives also include wages, salary, promotion, bonuses, welfare, insurance, reward housing, echo managers in the use of employee wages, bonuses and other incentives in terms of money, should be aware of the value of money between employees have different value, cannot treat as the same, and each employee to earn the satisfaction is not the same, therefore, when using monetary rewards not should adopt the principle of distribution of average, should be targeted.

Goal setting incentive

Goal setting incentive, namely through the guide staff according to their own actual situation to set realistic goals, causing employee morale, motivate and inspire employees to complete the goal setting and constantly struggle, make employees the purpose of energy. Staff has constantly encouraged by power and passion, striving to make progress constantly asked him to pursue higher goals. Managers in the process of human resource management, be good at discover employees inner expectations and goals, and moderate guide employees to achieve their goals and formulatedetailed implementation steps, the corresponding work objectives for each employee, the task assigned to each employee, can give employees the invisible pressure, in turn, into power, strengthening the staff's sense of responsibility. When employees own goal is to realize the satisfaction of, will strengthen their awareness of the enterprise goal, to strengthen the enterprise's loyalty, thus make the enterprise organizational goals be implemented step by step.

The respection of incentive

The respection of incentive is one of the most basic of incentives, is to speed up the staff passion of the catalyst. Respect for every employee, to win the respect of each employee and loyalty. As a manager to respect employees at all levels of the independent personality and value orientation, in particular, pay attention to the demands of grass-roots staff, timely grasp and meet the needs of staff rationalization, is the embodiment of the enterprises fully respect for employees, at the same time, the staff work hard, obey organization arrangement, is the employee feedback and enterprise managers' respect and obedience. Respect include mutual respect between employees, mutual respect between leadership and staff, between enterprises and enterprises such as mutual respect, the main performance for mutual respect between superiors and subordinates, friendly atmosphere of mutual respect and promote the affection between staff,staff and leadership, strong force mouth among employees, between employees and leadership, make the enterprise team to better cooperation, strengthen team cohesion.

The employee involvement of incentive

Staff participation motivation mainly refers to the enterprise should pay attention to the cultivation of enterprise employee ownership. Now the employees have to participate in the management of the appeal. As managers, establish reasonable mechanism of employee involvement, advice for mechanism and system of employee ownership, create and provide opportunity for employees to provide reasonable Suggestions for the development of enterprises, and the proportion of adopting staff have put forward opinions and Suggestions, and to adopt the opinions and Suggestions of certain rewards to employees, make employees really participate in themanagement of the enterprise, enhance the staff of the enterprise belonging, at the same time make the employees get the realization of self-worth, make employees in respect of expectations, the realization of self-worth, got fully meet the desire. At the same time, also can create more effective value for the enterprise. Can also set up the system of mutual selection between staff and departments, which respect the wishes of employees, allows employees to have jobs initiative, options, and conducive to business to choose jobs suitable for working people.


作者:Barney J B























企业员工激励机制的研究 毕业论文 目录 摘要 (i) ABSTRACT (ii) 目录 (iii) 1绪论 (1) 1.1选题背景、研究目的与意义 (1) 1.1.1选题的背景 (1) 1.1.2选题的目的和意义 (1) 1.2国外研究现状 (2) 1.21国外研究现状 (2) 1.2.2国研究现状 (2) 1.3总体研究方法与思路 (3) 2相关理论综述 (4) 2.1激励的相关理论 (4) 2.1.1激励的概述 (4) 2.1.2激励机制的作用 (4) 2.1.3激励理论概述 (5) 3公司员工激励现状调查及分析 (8) 3.1公司简介 (8) 3.2公司人力资源现状分析 (9) 3.3公司员工激励现状分析 (11) 3.3.1公司岗位及薪酬设计 (11) 3.3.3公司人力资源管理现状 (13) 3.4公司员工激励现状调查分析 (14) 3.4.1公司员工激励现状调查问卷的说明 (14)

3.4.2员工激励现状调查结果分析 (14) 4公司员工激励问题的主要原因分析 (16) 4.1缺乏合理的薪酬结构 (16) 4.1.1工资制度缺乏科学性 (16) 4.1.2员工福利单一缺乏制度化 (17) 4.2缺乏企业文化建设 (17) 4.3缺乏人性化管理 (18) 5完善公司员工激励机制的建议 (19) 5.1建立科学合理的薪酬结构 (19) 5.1.1完善工资制度 (19) 5.1.2完善福利制度 (20) 5.2创建优秀的企业文化 (21) 5.2.1深化以人为本的企业文化理念 (21) 5.3注重人性化管理 (22) 5.3.1注重员工培训 (22) 5.3.2注重营造良好的企业氛围 (24) 结论 (25) 致谢 (26) 参考文献 (27) 附录一员工激励现状调查问卷 (29) 1绪论 1.1选题背景、研究目的与意义 1.1.1选题的背景 科技,是一家合资企业。创立于2003年市科技园丰台园区,是从事医疗信息系统研发的专业化企业,为数字化医院建设和区域医疗卫生信息化建设提供软件产品、系统整合和运营服务。10余年来,天健秉承“专注、一流、协作、创新”的经营理念,密切关注国际医疗信息发展的最新动态,始终掌握核心技术,注重


浅谈现代企业人性化激励机制 摘要 当前无论什么样的企业要发挥咱都离不开人的创造力和积极性,因此企业一定要重视对员工的激励,根据实际情况,综合运用多种激励机制,把激励的手段和目的结合起来,改变思维模式,真正建立起适应企业特色,时代特点和员工需求的开发的激励体系,使得企业在当前激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。本文从正确认识激励和激励机制出发,阐述了企业里几种人性化激励的主要方式及其他内容。 关键字:激励激励机制人性化问题

目录 一、激励的定义 (一)激励由以下五个要素组成 (二)激励的内容 二、激励的作用 (一)激励是实现企业目标的需要 (二)激励是充分发挥企业各种生产要素效用的需要(三)激励可以提高员工的工作效率和业绩 (四)激励有利于员工素质的提高 三、人性化的管理手段 (一)授予员工恰当的权利 (二)目标激励 (三)鼓励竞争 (四)营造有归属感的企业文化 四、注意管理中的细节 五、激励的误区 (一)薪资制度 (二)管理艺术 (三)用人制度方面 (四)工作环境方面 六、企业激励机制现状及存在问题 (一)管理意识落后

(二)企业中存在盲目激励现象 (三)激励措施的无差别化 (四)激励就是奖励 (五)激励过程中缺乏沟通 (六)重激励轻约束 (七)过度激励 七、完善企业激励机制应遵循的原则 (一)在科学、公平的基础上,根据企业自身的特点,综合运用多种激励机制 (二)将激励的手段、方法与激励目的结合起来,使激励机制向多跑道、多层次方向发展 (三)在完善激励机制时还应充分考虑企业的特点和员工的个体差异,以获取最大的激励效应

一、激励的定义 激励的目的就是组织通过设计适当的外部奖酬形式和工作环境,以一定的行为规范和惩罚性措施,借助信息沟通,来激发、引导、保持和规划组织成员的行为,有效地实现组织及其成员个人目标的系统活动。 (一)激励由以下五个要素组成 激励主体,指世家激励的组织或个人。 激励客体,指激励的对象。 激励目标,指激励主体期望激励客体的行为所实现的成果。 激励因素,又称激励手段,或激励诱导物,指那些能导致激励客体去进行工作的东西,可以是物质的,也可以是精神的。激励因素反映人的各种欲望。 激励环境,指激励过程所处的环境因素,它会影响激励的效果。 管理学基本原来表明,人的工作技校取决于他们的能力和激励水平的高低,不管一个人的能力有多高,如果他的积极性不高,激励水平低,就始终做不出好的工作绩效来。所以能力和激励水平是人取得高工作绩效的两个关键因素。 (二)激励的内容 激励包含以下几方面的内容: 1、激励的出发点是满足组织成员的各种需要,即通过系统地设计适当的外部奖酬形式和工作环境,来满足企业员工的外在性需要和内在性需要。


本科生毕业设计(论文) 题目:公司的员工激励机制问题研究 姓名:林晓红 准考证号:020********* 学院:经济与管理学院 专业:会计学 指导教师:陈庆辉 2016年3月12 日

公司的员工激励机制问题研究 摘要 全球化的市场竞争,既使得企业特别关注员工的激励,也使得员工自身也对激励产生了重要的联想与期待,希望企业能够给予员工们自身所需要的一些希望得到的激励。我国企业的激励机制从历史发展的角度来看,大部分企业都沿袭了传统的激励机制,即奖金模式、表扬形式,虽然在一定的程度上起到了激励的作用,但是在根本上没有解决激励的问题,因此,我国企业如何树立起良好的激励机制,充分发挥人才的能动性和积极性,是当前企业发展中不可忽视的问题。本文就企业激励机制的定义入手,说明了企业激励机制的重要性,并分析了当前我国企业激励机制的问题及成因,通过案例的分析,现实化了激励机制的内涵,并提出科学构建我国企业激励机制的若干思考与建议,希望对企业有所帮助。 关键词:员工激励;激励机制;机制构建


一、绪论 (一)研究背景 随着人才的发展和企业的进步,人力资源的问题越来越被众多的企业所关注,如何提升员工在工作中的积极性,如何建立企业激励制度是现在人力资源管理和企业发展中的重要问题。 (二)研究目的 本文将先将激励制度中的相关理论进行陈述和分析,基于理论基础,论文将从我国企业激励机制的现状出发,找到现状中的问题以及企业建立激励制度中的误区,发现激励制度建立中的主要问题。根据主要问题做出详细的成因分析,例如:缺乏以人为本的管理思想,绩效考核制度不完善等最后提出如何完善我国企业激励制度。 (三)研究方法 文献法常用于历史研究中,但不限于历史研究,一般的研究工作都离不开它,尤其是研究的初步阶段。这是在总结前人研究工作的系统分析和筛选之后借以重构过去发生的事件和解释事件意义的系统过程。虽然是一种比较传统、古老的资料的收集与整理方法,但需要读者的敏锐的批判视角,要对资料进行深度加工,认真梳理概念理论发展的渊源,进行理论上的“证伪”和“证真”之后,在具体到日常的学习和生活体验中来分析资料的现实价值。由于文献法所接触到的是一些现存的书籍、刊物、出版资料、电子资料等材料,对于文献的搜集整理工作,要充分利用学校丰富的图书馆,资料室、网络资源和亲朋好友师长的帮助,搜集好所需的资料,分门别类地进行阅读摘录、梳理组织并研究分析,写出自己的一行行心得体会,整理成读书报告,并着手现在的研究工作。 (四)本章小结 众所周知,人力资源作为企业最活跃的资源,其作用已经为各行各业的人们所关注,随着市场经济的深入和知识经济的发展,人力资源将会在在企业的各种资源中日益突现其决定性的能动作用,为企业的成长和进步扮演重要的角色。那么,如何建立企业的激励机制就至关重要了。采用文献法的关键在于尽可能保证资料的质量,因此,在研究中尽可能保证研究资料的可信度与真实性。当然,其不足之处是这种研究方法所提出的观点、原理、办法、模式尚须在现实的研究中验证。 二、相关理论研究综述 (一)激励机制的概念及其特点 所谓激励,它包含了两层意义:正面的和负面的。正激励在于引导,负激励在于规范。正负激励的共同作用,就会产生一种向心力,使员工在保持高涨的工


某企业员工激励机制的研究 摘要:员工激励是企业人力资源管理的一个重要内容,激励就是指企业通过设计适当的外部奖酬形式和工作环境,以一定的行为规范和奖惩措施,借助信息沟通来激发、引导、保持和规划组织成员的行为,以有效地实现组织及其成员个人目标的系统活动。员工激励是一项系统性综合性的工作,需要企业建立科学完善的员工激励机制,针对企业自身实际灵活运用各种激励手段和方法,制定各种激励措施和规章制度,从而持续激发员工为企业发展做出贡献。 本文在阅读大量有关企业员工激励机制文献的基础上,结合企业实地调查了解的情况,对云南省交通运输有限责任公司现有的员工激励机制存在的缺陷作出了具体分析,并就如何改进激励机制的不足提出了相应的对策,以期借此帮助企业完善员工激励机制,提高激励机制激励员工的水平。 关键词:人力资源管理;员工激励;激励机制

Abstract:Human resources staff motivation is an important part of management, motivation is an enterprise by designing an appropriate form of external rewards and work environment to a certain code of conduct and incentive measures to stimulate the use of information communication, guidance, and planning to keep members behavior in order to effectively achieve organizational and individual goals of the system activity. Motivation is a systematic comprehensive work, the enterprise needs to establish a sound scientific staff incentives, practical and flexible for their own means and methods of use of various incentives to develop a variety of incentives and regulations, which continue to motivate employees for business contribute to the development. In this paper, a lot of reading about the literature of employee incentives based on the combination of field surveys to understand the case of enterprise, Transport Yunnan limited liability Company existing staff incentives has made specific defects analysis, and on how to improve incentives. The lack of proposed countermeasures to take to help enterprises to improve their employee incentive mechanisms are inadequate to raise the level of incentives motivate employees. Key Words: Human Resource Management;staff motivation incentives;Incentive mechanism


The employee’s incentives mechanism in small and medium-sized enterprise Author:Barney J B Abstract:"Incentive" is a psychological term, psychologists point out that all behavior is caused by the motivation of associated with it, as one of the person's state of mind, this motive for human behavior has the effect of reinforcement, vertebral move and inspire, known as a motivation. Incentive is mainly to inspire people to inner potential, cause people intelligence, mobilize people's enthusiasm and creativity. In this paper, the construction of small and medium-sized enterprise employees incentive mechanism problem. From the use of different ideas, different angles, for enterprise employees incentive. Staff incentive mechanism is through the system, rational system to reflect the interaction between incentive subjects with incentive object, is the enterprise connect the ideal into reality. Small business managers should learn effective research method for reference, targeted to solve their practical problems, and strive for a breakthrough in terms of theory. In the research and construction of small and medium-sized enterprise incentive mechanism on the road to constantly innovation, divergent thinking, from surface to inside, and realize the goal of research. And summarizes a set of suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises for effective incentive mechanism, to promote the vigorous development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, incentive mechanism, staff requirements Introduction In the increasingly fierce competition, more and more small and medium-sized enterprises begin to realize enterprise's competition is talented person's competition,actually only attach importance to talents,


企业管理中的激励机制探讨 企业管理中的激励机制探讨 摘要:激励是现代企业管理中最重要和最基本的职能。目前,在大部分企业中,激励机制都存在着一些不容忽视的问题,主要表现在:形式缺乏多样性,效果缺乏实用性,措施缺乏针对性,评估缺乏准确性等。针对这些问题,如何研究和思考有针对性的改进思路,将是我们企业管理过程中的关键。 关键词:企业管理;激励;制度 中图分类号:F279.23文献标识码:A 一、激励机制的概念。 激励机制是在组织系统中,激励主体与激励客体之间通过激励因素相互作用的方式,也就是指企业激励内在关系结构运行方式和发展演变规律的总和。企业在管理过程中,必须充分了解企业员工多元化的需求,通过制定有针对性的需求满足原则、规章、制度,引导、调动员工的工作积极性和创造性,最终达到增加员工满意度的目的。 二、我国企业激励机制存在的问题。 当前,我国仍处于新旧经济体制的转换过程中,企业在经营管理方面仍受到旧的管理模式的影响,因此,建立有效的激励机制,并没有得到企业足够的重视,部分企业依然沿用着过去计划经济条件下的物质激励措施,即使政府或企业已出台的具有一定力度的激励办法,主要也是针对领导者的,从而造成领导者和员工在收入上的巨大差异。目前,我国企业建立的激励机制主要存在如下问题:(一)员工报酬没有真正拉开。 我国大多国有企业的工资报酬制度采取的是“分级制”,但是这种制度并没有真正拉开企业职工的薪金差距,尽管厂长经理的工作要比普通职工的复杂得多,承担的风险也大得多,但他们的报酬却和普通职工的相差并不大,造成了我国很多国有企业经理“不思进取”、谋求“隐性收入”甚至贪污;一些专业技术人员的创造能力


某企业激励机制现状分析及对策研究 摘要:企业的成败与企业的激励机制往往密不可分。企业的激励机制则是最大限度地激发企业员工的工作动机和工作积极性。企业应根据自身的特点,采取有效措施推进并建立灵活的分配激励机制和科学地考核激励机制与人才培养的激励机制。本文结合某公司的实际激励机制情况,选取主要的各项指标进行分析,并针对具体员工的个性激励,运用面向对象法最终构建企业的激励机制。 关键词:企业激励机制;个性激励;共性激励;面向对象法 Abstract:The success of enterprises and enterprise incentive mechanisms are often inseparable. Enterprise incentive mechanism is to stimulate enterprises to maximize the work of staff motivation and enthusiasm of the work. Enuld be in accordance with its own characteristics, and to take effective measures to promote the establishment of a flexible distribution and incentive mechanism and encourage scientific evaluation mechanism for personnel training and incentive mechanism. In this paper, a company with the actual incentive mechanism, select the main indicators for analysis and specific charactterprises shoer of staff motivation, the use of the final build object-oriented enterprise incentive mechanism Key Words:Enterprise incentive mechanism; Personalized incentive; Common incentive; Object-oriented


关于私营企业员工激励机制毕业论文 ——以苏州上声电子公司为例 【摘要】: 当前是市场竞争最为激烈的时期,私营企业要想在这其中生存和发展,具备优秀员工是关键因素。员工激励作为私营企业人力资源管理的重要环节,能够有效提高员工的工作效率,为私营企业发展注入更多活力。但眼下许多私营企业由于人力资源管理理念匮乏,导致其员工激励存在不少问题,激励效果低下,大大降低了员工的工作积极性。本文以私营企业员工激励机制为研究课题,首先介绍了激励的基本理论与当前私营企业员工激励机制的主要特点;其次,对私营企业员工激励常见问题、原因及对策进行了研究;再其次,结合现实案例,从薪酬激励、福利激励、公平激励、环境激励四个方面出发分析了私营企业员工激励机制存在的常见问题及原因;最后,针对性地提出了员工激励机制常见问题的解决对策,为私营企业员工激励提供有效借鉴。 【关键词】: 员工激励;激励机制;薪酬激励;环境激励 【正文】: 近年来,随着我国经济发展脚步的加快,私营企业逐步演变为我国市场经济形式中重要的组成部分,但由于起步较晚,众多私营企业管理者经验匮乏,难以科学合理的进行私营企业模式的创新和转化,面对市场中的挑战也显得力不从心。员工作为私营企业经营的“第二利润源泉”,其质量最为重要,而提高人才质量的关键在于完善的员工激励机制,因此私营企业若想得到快速发展,就必须重视员工激励机制的构建,去迎接市场变化带来的诸多挑战。

一、激励的基本理论 (一)激励的定义 激励指的是通过实行一整套较为理性化的措施来体现出企业与员工之间的相互作用的过程。换言之激励指的是通过采取各种较为有效的手段,针对员工对物质、精神等方面的各种需求予以不同程度的满足和控制,从而不断满足员工需求,激发员工积极性和创造能力,引导企业员工为追求某一特定的目标而不断提高自己的状态,始终保持高昂的斗志,并释放自己的潜力,从而全力地去实现预定目标的过程[1]。 (二)激励机制的定义 激励机制是指通过特定的方法与管理体系,将员工对组织及工作的承诺最大化的过程。“激励机制”是在组织系统中,激励主体系统运用多种激励手段并使之规范化和相对固定化,而与激励客体相互作用、相互制约的结构、方式、关系及演变规律的总和。激励机制是企业将远大理想转化为具体事实的连接手段[2]。 (三)激励的一般原则 激励也是人力资源的重要内容,是指激发人的行为的心理过程,激励工作的开展是根据一定的原则展开的。其一般原则有:(1)目标结合原则。在激励机制中,设置目标是一个关键环节。目标设置必须同时体现组织目标和员工需要的要求。(2)物质激励和精神激励相结合的原则。物质激励是基础,精神激励是根本。在两者结合的基础上,逐步过渡到以精神激励为主。(3)正激励与负激励相结合的原则。所谓正激励就是对员工的符合组织目标的期望行为进行奖励。所谓负激励就是对员工违背组织目的的非期望行为进行惩罚。正负激励都是必要而有效的,不仅作用于当事人,而且会间接地影响周围其他人。(4)按需激励原则。激励的


企业员工激励机制探讨 摘要:人力资源管理是确立企业总体竞争力的基石。激励机制运用好坏是决定企业兴衰的一个重要因素。 关键词:企业员工激励机制 0引言 管理工作中十分重要的一部分是对人的管理,人力资源管理主要是通过激励来实现的。激励机制作为现代企业制度的核心内容之一,是加强人力资源管理的重要手段,是确立企业总体竞争力的基石。所谓激励就是从满足人的多层次、多元化需要出发,针对不同员工设定绩效标准和奖酬值,以最大限度地激发员工工作的积极性和创造性去实现组织目标。诚然,激励是人力资源管理的根本特征。由此可见,激励机制运用好坏是决定企业兴衰的一个重要因素。当前,“以人为本”的经营理念,被企业广泛接受,并推到空前的高度。中国石化企业建成一个主业突出,资产优良,技术创新,管理科学,财务严谨的现代大型企业,迫切要求企业内部经营理念随之改革

创新。 1激励理论 激励就是激发人内在的行为动机并使之朝 着既定的目标前进的整个过程。当前比较流 行的激励理论有: 内容型激励理论 需要理论,激励因素是一种助推器,它促使人们尽力满足某些固有的生理和心理的需要。主要的需要理论包括马斯洛的需要层次理论和赫茨伯格的需要双因素理论。 马斯洛需要层次理论马斯洛在1943年所着的〈〈人的动机理论》一书中,提出了需要层次理论,它将人的动机由低到高分为五层,形成阶梯:生理需要一一安全需要一一社交需要——尊重需要——自我实现的需要。 以上五层需要可以大致分为两类:前三层为基本需要,这些需要的满足主要靠外部条件或因素,后两层为高级需要,这两层次的需要满足主要靠内在因素。一般认为,后两种需要很难达到。赫茨伯格的双因素理论赫茨伯格在他的专 着中,提出了“双因素理论”。他认为:工作中的满足因素与工作内容有关,称为激励


目录 1 引言 (1) 2 文献综述 (2) 2.1 激励的类型 (2) 2.2 相关理论回顾 (2) 2.2.1 马斯洛的需求层次理论 (3) 2.2.2 赫茨伯格的双因素理论 (3) 2.2.3 弗鲁姆的期望理论 (3) 2.2.3 其他相关理论 (3) 3 长兴华隆丝绸有限公司员工激励现状 (4) 3.1公司简介 (4) 3.2 长兴华隆丝绸有限公司激励机制调查 (4) 3.2.1 问卷设计 (4) 3.2.2 问卷调查结果 (4) 3.2.3 访谈调查 (5) 4 长兴华隆丝绸有限公司在员工激励机制上存在的问题 (5) 4.1 激励方式单一,缺乏精神激励 (5) 4.2 没有建立科学的薪酬激励体系 (6) 4.3 缺乏完善的培训体系 (6) 4.4 没有完善的绩效考核和晋升制度 (7) 4.5 管理人员自身素质和管理意识不够 (8) 4.6 缺乏一个明确的、科学的激励机制 (8) 5 解决问题的对策 (9) 5.1 实行差异化激励,重视精神激励 (9) 5.1.1 “对症下药”,实行差异化激励 (9) 5.1.2 重视精神激励,物质激励与精神激励并用 (9) 5.2 建立科学的薪酬机制 (9) 5.3 加强培训力度,完善培训体系 (10) 5.4 建立科学完善的绩效考评系统 (11) 5.5 管理者要提高自身素质,提高管理意识 (11) 5.6 构建一个科学有效的员工激励机制 (11) 总结 (12)

浙江农林大学天目学院本科生毕业论文 长兴华隆丝绸有限公司企业员工激励机制研究 摘要:激励机制在企业人力资源管理中具有重要的战略地位。建立健全有效的激励机制是促进企业发展的重要措施,能够正确引导员工,保持其积极性和创造性,提高工作效率,直接决定了企业在未来的市场地位。本文通过对长兴华隆丝绸有限公司的激励机制的研究,找出该公司在员工激励方面所存在的问题,并针对这些问题,提出相应的措施。 关键词:激励机制;问题;措施 The study of staff motivation in ChangXing HuaLong Silk Company Abstract:The staff motivation has an important strategic position in the human resource management in the corporate.Establish an effective incentive mechanism is an important measure to promote enterprise development.It can correctly guide the staff to maintain their enthusiasm and creativity,improve their work efficency,and it directly determines the market position of enterprises in the future.The text through the The study of staff motivation in ChangXing HuaLong Silk Company to identify the company’s employee incentive issue,and prose appropriate measures to these problem. Key Words:Staff Motivation;The Problem;The Measures 1 引言 随着人才的竞争的日益激烈,员工激励机制在企业经营管理工作中所起的重要作用也日益突现,并逐渐被人们所认同和接受。现代人力资源管理与开发理论认为,人力资源发展的终极目的是通过各种途径和方法,使得人与人以及人与其他生产要素之间的相互关系达到一个最佳状态, 1


员工激励机制外文文献 员工激励机制外文文献 有一个国外民意调查组织在研究以往二十年的数据后发现:在所有的工作分类中,员工们都将工资与收益视为最重要或次重要的指标。工资能极大地影响员工行为--在何处工作及是否好好干。 因此,如何让员工从薪酬上得到最大的满意,成为现代企业组织应当努力把握的课题。应该从以下方面把握: 一、为员工提供有竞争力的薪酬,使他们一进门便珍惜这份工作,竭尽全力,把自己的本领都使出来。 支付最高工资的企业最能吸引并且留住人才,尤其是那些出类拔萃的员工。这对于行业内的领先公司,尤其必要。较高的报酬会带来更高的满意度,与之俱来的还有较低的离职率。一个结构合理、管理良好的绩效付酬制度,应能留住优秀的员工,淘汰表现较差的员工。 二、重视内在报酬。 实际上,报酬可以划分为两类:外在的与内在的。外在报酬主要指:组织提供的金钱、津贴和晋升机会,以及来自于同事和上级的认同。而内在报酬是和外在报酬相对而言的,它是基于工作任务本身的报酬,如对工作的胜任感、成就感、责任感、受重视、有影响力、个人成长和富有价值的贡献等。事实上,对于知识型的员工,内在报酬和员工的工作满意感有相当之大的关系。因此,企业组织可以通过工作制度、员工影响力、人力资本流动政策来执行内在报酬,让员工从工作本身中得到最大的满足。 三、把收入和技能挂钩。

建立个人技能评估制度,以雇员的能力为基础确定其薪水,工资标准由技能最低直到最高划分出不同级别。基于技能的制度能在调 换岗位和引入新技术方面带来较大的灵活性,当员工证明自己能够 胜任更高一级工作时,他们所获的报酬也会顺理成章地提高。此外,基于技能的薪资制度还改变了管理的导向,实行按技能付酬后,管 理的重点不再是限制任务指派使其与岗位级别一致,相反,最大限 度地利用员工已有技能将成为新的着重点。这种评估制度最大的好 处是能传递信息使员工关注自身的发展。 四、增强沟通交流。 现在许多公司采用秘密工资制,提薪或奖金发放不公开,使得员工很难判断在报酬与绩效之间是否存在着联系。人们既看不到别人 的报酬,也不了解自己对公司的贡献价值的倾向,这样自然会削弱 制度的激励和满足功能,一种封闭式制度会伤害人们平等的感觉。 而平等,是实现报酬制度满足与激励机制的重要成分之一。 五、参与报酬制度的设计与管理。 国外公司在这方面的实践结果表明:与没有员工参加的绩效付酬制度相比,让员工参与报酬制度的设计与管理常令人满意且能长期 有效。员工对报酬制度设计与管理更多的参与,无疑有助于一个更 适合员工的需要和更符合实际的报酬制度的形成。在参与制度设计 的过程中,针对报酬政策及目的进行沟通、促进管理者与员工之间 的相互信任,这样能使带有缺陷的薪资系统变得更加有效。 六、增加意外性工资收入。 那什么时候你会感到手头宽松、阔绰?拿红包,还是突然得到一 笔奖金,或是股票赚了?--当你有了”额外″或″意外”收入的时候。 员工对薪酬的感觉同样如此。也就是说,当有了″正常收入以外”收入的时候,他们的满意度最高。 因此,管理者千万不要以为付出了一笔高薪就万事大吉,因为规律性不会提高员工对薪酬的满意度--这钱本来就是我该得的!


湘潭大学函授毕业论文题目: 企业激励机制的探讨 函授站: 湘潭光华函授站 院(系): 商学院 专业: 工商管理 学号: 姓名: 李慧娟 指导教师: 邱贤茂 完成日期:2012年5月25日

文献综述 一、该课题的目的和现实意义 21世纪以来,中国的企业正在以史无前例的速度迅猛发展,企业间的竞争也日趋激烈。为了在竞争中占有一席之地并脱颖而出,企业必须更加高效地利用和开发人力、物力和财力资源,特别是人力资源,离不开对员工的有效激励。激励机制是人力资源管理的重点,人力资源管理的核心就是以激励机制为杠杆,调动企业内部全体员工的积极性、主动性、创造性,从而推动企业的发展。激励也是企业管理的重点,它对于管理层如何调动员工的潜力,努力实组织目标具有十分重要的作用。在激励的作用下,员工的积极性得以调动,内在潜能得到激发,主动承担责任,并对企业产生认同感,从而促进组织目标的实现。 大部分的企业激励机制都有问题,因为现代很多企业都存在人才流失现象,企业留不住人才,企业人员流动率高,缺乏一定人员稳定性。这给企业持续发展带来了很大危害,也影响本企业内部员工的团队士气和凝聚力,间接导致生产能力和服务水平下降。所以,如何为企业寻找合适的人才、留住人才、发展人才,为组织保持强劲的生命力和竞争力,提供有力的人力支持成为人力资源部门面临的重要课题。 随着全球化市场竞争的加剧和知识经济的发展,能否有意识地合理运用激励理论和激励方法,在企业内建立起有效的激励机制,将直接决定着一个企业人才战略的成败,影响着企业的生存和持续发展。不同的激励方式、激励导向,其效果是不同的,不同的企业,不同的经营管理人,不同的环境对应的最佳激励方法也是不同的。企业需要根据不同的情况构建个性化的激励机制。综合运用各种动机激发手段使全体员工的积极性、创造性、企业的综合活力达到最佳状态,激励机制运用的好坏在一定程度上是决定企业兴衰的一个重要因素。因此,构建现代企业激励机制成为企业管理者迫切需要研究的任务。 二、该课题的国内外研究现状 对于激励问题的研究,自本世纪初以来西方管理界就对此进行了持续不断的研究,经过了一次次飞跃。以麦格雷戈(D .Mcgreor)的“X理论”及泰勒的“差别计件工资制”、“胡萝卜加大棒”、“任务——奖金”等为代表的强调“经济人”和单纯通过金钱刺激进行激励的观点,为激励理论的研究拉开了序幕。到目前为止,已形成了一些比较成熟而系统的激励理论。就对当前企业管理而言,被广泛使用的主要有两类:内容型激励理论和过程型激励理论。前者从激励的原因与起激励作用的具体内容出发研究人的心理和行为发展的一般规律,即人都会产生需求和满足这些需求的欲望,满足需求是调动人的积极性的原动力。它包括马斯洛(Maslow)的“需求层次论”,赫茨伯格(Herzberg)的“双因素理论”和大卫麦克利兰(David McCelland)的“成就激励理论”;后者从激励的过程出发着重研究动机的形成和行为目标的选择这一过程。它包括弗鲁姆(V.H.Vroom)的“期望理论”,亚当斯(J.S.Adama)的“公平理论”,洛克(E.A.Locke)和休斯(C.L.Huse)的“目标设置论”等。 在国内,由于对激励研究起步比较晚,故,直到最近二十几年才出现了一些有关激励问题


国有企业员工激励机制研究 摘要随着社会的进步,经济的发展,国有企业作为现代社会中不可缺少的组成部分发挥着越来越重要的作用。人力资源是现代企业的战略性资源,对企业的兴衰成败起着重要的作用。而激励作为开发和管理人力资源的一个重要方法,已被越来越多的企业所采用。本文就有 摘要 随着社会的进步,经济的发展,国有企业作为现代社会中不可缺少的组成部分发挥着越来越重要的作用。人力资源是现代企业的战略性资源,对企业的兴衰成败起着重要的作用。而激励作为开发和管理人力资源的一个重要方法,已被越来越多的企业所采用。本文就有关激励的一般性问题做了简单阐述,对我国国有企业员工激励的现状进行了分析,并提出加强我国国有企业的员工激励的措施或对策,最后以GE公司为案例说明了有效的激励机制产生的成效。 关键词: 激励、激励理论、激励作用、激励机制、薪酬 Abstract Along with society's progress, the economical development, the state-owned enterprise took in the modern society the essential constituent is playing the more and more vital role. The human resources are the modern enterprise's strategic resources, is playing the vital role to enterprise's prosperity and decline success or failure. But drove took the development and a management human resources important method, has been used by more and more many enterprises. This article has made the simple elaboration on the related drive general question, The present situation drove which to our country state-owned enterprise staffs has carried on the analysis, And proposed strengthens the our country state-owned enterprise the staff drove measure or countermeasure, Finally explained take GE Corporation as the case the effective drive mechanism produces result. Keywords: Drive, drive theory, drive function, drive mechanism, salary 目录


本科毕业论文(设计) 任务书 题目某企业员工激励机制的研究 学院商学院 专业人力资源管理 班级 学号 学生姓名 指导教师

一、主要任务与目标 现代企业的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争。企业如果向在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,并且实现可持续发展,关键在于吸收和保留优秀的员工。吸引和留住优秀员工框架你就在于对他们施以有效的激励,充分调动他们的积极性和创造力。员工激励使企业人力资源管理的一个重要内容,激励就是指企业通过设计适当的外部奖酬形式和工作环境,以一定的行为规范和奖惩措施,借助信息沟通来激发、引导、保持和规划组织成员的行为,以有效地实现组织及其成员个人目标的系统活动。员工激励是一项系统性综合性的工作,需要企业建立科学完善的员工激励机制,针对企业自身实际灵活运用各种激励手段和方法,制定各种激励措施和规章制度,从而持续激发员工为企业发展做出贡献。 本课题的主要任务是:运用所学员工激励的有关理论知识,收集阅读国内外有关学者和相关管理人士对于员工激励机制的研究成果资料,结合具体企业实际,分析该企业在员工激励机制设计、建立、实施过程中的优缺点,研究探讨如何根据企业自身实际建立实施完善有利于企业发展的员工激励机制,以便企业更好的吸引和留住企业的优秀人才。 本课题的主要目标是:结合具体企业的实际情况,运用激励的相关理论知识,综合企业激励机制研究的相关成果,帮助企业设计出一套科学完善的激励体系。实现对企业员工激励持续性和高效性。凸显人力资源管理在企业发展中的重要作用。 二、主要内容与基本要求 ㈠主要内容 ⒈员工激励的概述:激励的定义,员工激励机制对企业发展的重要作用和意义,我国企业人力资源管理中激励机制存在的缺陷,员工激励机制的主要组成部分。 ⒉某企业员工激励机制概述:企业简介,员工激励机制的现状,现行激励机制存在的主要问题和不足。 ⒊某企业员工激励机制的完善:针对企业现有员工激励机制存在的缺陷提出


外文翻译 China's private enterprise employees incentive mechanism design principles should be followed Material Source: Springer-Verlag Author: Jadwiga Indulska, Jianhua Ma, Laurence T. Yang China's private enterprise employees incentive mechanism design principles should be followed: 1. One of the principles: incentives to vary from person to person Because of the different needs of different staff, therefore, the same incentive effects of policy incentives will play a different. Even with a staff, at different times or circumstances, will have different needs. Because of incentives depending on the internal and the subjective feelings of the staff are, therefore, incentive to vary from person to person. In the formulation and implementation of incentive policies, we must first investigate each employee clearly what is really required. Required to organize, classify, and then to formulate appropriate policies to help motivate employees to meet these needs. 2. Two principles: appropriate incentives Appropriate incentives and penalties will not affect the incentive effect, while increasing the cost of incentives. Award overweight employees would have to meet the mood of pride and lost the desire to further enhance their own; reward incentives too light will not achieve the effect, or so employees do not have a sense of attention. Heavy penalties are unfair to make employees, or loss of the company's identity, or even slow down or damage arising from the emotions; leniency error will underestimate the seriousness of the staff, which will probably make the same mistake. 3. The principle of three: fairness The fairness of the management staff are a very important principle, employees are any unfair treatment will affect his mood and work efficiency, and effectiveness of the impact of incentives. Employees to obtain the same score, we must receive the same level of incentives; the same token, employees committed the same error, but

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