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九年级英语配套作业本答案参考 【Unit 1】 Section A 一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar 二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited 三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group 四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet 五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at 10.welcome Section B 一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges 二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right 三、1.First of all https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,ter on https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,ugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring 四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does 五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 AI (人工智能) makes our lives easier and better. Let's see the amazing AI. A. There is a driver in it B. the door is opened by the passenger C. there are 24 seats in it D. it stops every time it sees a stop light (2)Xiaoice CAN'T ________. A. go out to play with you B. talk with you if you feel lonely C. be your friend D. sing, write poems or tell stories (3)The painting is ________. A. a work painted by Vincent Van Gogh B. worth about 3, 000, 000 yuan at an auction C. studied by three French artists over 15,000 times D. among the most beautiful paintings in the world (4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Xianice is a 17-year-old girl. B. The AI anchor can only speak English.


Section A 一、https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,lion 2.charity 3.tie 4.medical 5.nervous 二、1.medical 2.going 3.friendly 4.won 5.to work 三、1~5 DFBGA 四、1.had;would go 2.what to write 3.What if someone else 4.would give; to charity Section B 一、1.circle 2.herself 3.bother 4.annoy 5.fairly 6.plenty 7.listener 二、1~5 BCDBA 三、1.energetic 2.not to run 3.speech 4.listener 5.would have 四、1.What if 2.doesn't;in the slightest 3.rather than/instead of 4.to get along; with 5.what to say 6.so that 五、1~5 ACDEB Self Check and Reading 一、knowledge 2.represent 3.correct 4.deep 5.offered 6.covers 二、1~5 CBDAD 三、1.in public 2.are sure 3.bother 4.get along with 5.in front of https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,es top 7.right away 8.plenty of 四、1.cut yourself by accident 2.make her comfortable https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,e up with https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,e out 5.stop working 五、1~5 DFEAB 六、1.were 2.would try 3.would not say 4.would allow 5.were 6.would give 7.would set 七、1.If I becameill rich/had lots of money, I would give you 1,000,000 dollars. 2. He fell seriously and couldn't afford to go to hospital. 3.肯鼓励他不要放弃希望。4. Because he knew about Tony’s illness from one of his classmates. 5. 1,000,000 dollars.


九年级下册英语练习册答案人教版2021 (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 Module 3 Unit 11 I. A.wealthy,personal,enjoyable,successful,sleepy\asleep,easil y,heavily, quietly,https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,rger,largest;more,most;better,best;more expensive,most expensive;farther\further,farthest\furthest less,least;hotter,hottest;more important,most important drier,driest;more slowly,most slowlyII.1.spare time\(an)exercise\the medicine\a disease\up 2.spare time\medicine\a disease 3.up 4.exercise\the medicine\up

5.deaf\ill 6.the spare time\the medicine\the disease 7.the exercise\medicine\the diseaseIII.1.a bit deaf,speak up 2.got ill\had a disease,get\take exercise 3.have\get,spare time 4.knew,about medicine IV.略2 I. 1.as....as... 2.in the past 3.Nearly finished. 4.spare time 5.speak up 6.a bit https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,ed to do sth. 8.know more about 9.how to deal with 10.the number ofII.1.allow 2.suppose 3.greatest 4.finished 5.quietly 6.healthier 7.most dangerous 8.fear III.1.B 2.C 3.A Unit 21 I. 1.candles 2.tiniest 3.having 4.Doing 5.more 6.worse 7.longer 8.marriedII.1.have a better education 2.getting married 3.all his life 4.cross the road 5.are busy III.1.A 2.B 3.B2 I.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,ed to work,day shorter than 2.more than 3.What’s more,the fastest way4.Generally speaking,the more,the healthier life III.略Unit 3I.unhealthy,impossible,useless,large\huge\big,poor,quickly \fast,well,noisy,unlucky 2.M:Hello,madam.Can I help you? II.1.space 2.to reduce https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,cation 4.seldom 5.young\small W:Yes.I want a skirt for my daughter.Have you got one in blue? 6.roles 7.doubled M:What about this one? III.1.In 1952 there was a smog that lasted for several days.And over five 3.W:Excuse me.Can you stop smoking?Here’s a sign on the wall.thousand people died because the air was so dirty. M:Sorry.I didn’t see


【人教版】英语配套练习册(上册)答案 【Statement】 Unit1---Unit5(Not including essay) 【Unit 1】 Section A 一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar 二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited 三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group 四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet 五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at 10.welcome Section B 一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges 二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right 三、1.First of all https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,ter on https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,ugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring 四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does 五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves 9.pronunciation 10.dictionary Self Check and Reading 一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC 二、1.wactching 2.playing 3.making 4.singing 5.developing 6.would come 7.read 8.truly 9.speaking 10.(to) carry 三、1.Where to buy 2.pronunciation right 3.How often 4.How long 5.instead of 6.What was 四、1.worrying about 2.regard their pets as 3.goes by 4.try our best to 5.with the help of 6.look up 7.make up 五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC 六、1~5 BCADD Ⅶ.(One possible version) As a student, you may know the importance of English. I believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano; by practicing every day. We must use English every day. I not only answer the teacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can after class.


2019九年级上册英语配套练习册答案人教版【Unit 1】 Section A 一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar 二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited 三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group 四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet 五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at 10.welcome Section B 一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges 二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right 三、1.First of all https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,ter on https://www.doczj.com/doc/1519213941.html,ugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring 四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does


单词:(七下册u1) country, Canada, Japan, Australia, French, language, pal, live, United, Singapore 选择: ABDBBCAACD 句型: is from, Where from, What language(s), Where does, Does speak 翻译: Where is from is from, does live lives, language speak speaks, Chinese speaks Japanese

对话:EFBDA Section B 单词: write,favorite,difficult,world, wants, 介词:for, in ,to, from in, in, with, at, from in, to on 选择:CCAAC BCABC CBBDB翻译: speak speaks French, think interesting, a little,writes to his parents about, playing sports on u2A答案 1.library,restaurant,supermar

ket,bridge,post office, Avenue, neighborhood 2:CBCBCCDCCC 3Where are ,is a long bridge, Yes, there is, Are there any, There are two small restaurants in the neighborhood. SectionB答案 1:small, quiet,beginning, through,dirty,hungry,way,ga rden,visit,tour,supermarket,a irport,district,place,tour 2:BABBABCBAC 3:Go down/turn left,have a


九年级英语人教版下册配套练习册答案一: 1. prefer 2. dialogues 3. suppose 4. down 5. spare 6. smooth 7. war 8. director 二: 1. Australian 2. electronic 3. relaxing 4. songs 5. enjoyable 6. watching 7. dislike 8. Laughing 9. sadder 10. scary, scared 11. inexpensive 12. Salty 三: 1. has great lyrics 2. along with 3. dance to 4. may not be 5. different kinds of music 6. stick to, depending on 7. plenty of 8. shut off, in time 9. Once in a while/From time to time /Now and then 10. make, happy 11. don't mind 12. seem less serious 13. doesn't, anymore 四: 1. music that/which I love 2. that/who play different kinds 3. What kind of 4. that/which I lost 5. that/who looked after Section B 一: ACAA BCCC 二: 1. sensed 2. pain 3. reflected 三: 1. painful 2. beauty, sadness 3. musical 4. ability 5. popularity 6. interested, interesting 7. musicians 8. Scary 四: 1. looked up 2. in total/all 3. It is a pity 4. not only, but also 5. folk music 6. that/which was played on 7. musical instruments, such as 8. one of China's national treasures 9. during his lifetime 10.is famous/known for 11. grew worse 五: 1. who/that 2. which/that 3. which 4. whose 5. who/that/whom 6. That 七: CABCC AEDB 10. Yes, it is. 11. Four. 12. Because music is mathematical, with notes in order. 13. By working together. 14. It about why music is an important subject that every child should study. Unit 10 Section A 一: 1. bow 2. expected 3. customs 4. greet 5. value 6. capital 7. noon 8. mad 9. northern 10. seasons 11. worth 12. Manners 二:


九年级下册英语书面表达题20套(带答案) 一、英语书面表达 1.假如你是班长李华,今天你们班对即将到来的暑假计划进行了讨论。你们班的外教David对此很感兴趣。请你根据以下信息,给 David写一封电子邮件,告诉他讨论的情况及你自己本人的计划及原因。 注意: (1)邮件应包含所有要点 (2)词数80个左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数); (3)不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分 注:社会实践 social practice activities Dear David I'm writing to tell you something about our discussion today. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes! Yours Li Hua 【答案】Dear David I'm writing to tell you something about our discussion today. The students have their own plans about how to spend a meaningful summer vacation. Half of the students plan to travel at home and abroad. They want to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Thirty percent of students plan to read more books. They believe that reading can increase knowledge. Reading books can make people smart and develop interests. 20% of them plan to take part in social practice activities. They want to exercise themselves and make new friends. I'm going to take part in social practice activities, too. I want to learn something new and get good experience from these activities. Best wishes!


Section B (la~3b) 一、A根据句意及汉语提示,完成句中所缺单词。 1. I began feeling (尴尬的) when I realized that I had made such a stupid mistake. 2.I (取消)my appointment with a dentist yesterday because of the bad weather. 3.The message was so (可相信的)that everyone in our class believed it. 4. Don't tell a lie! Nobody should be (愚弄). 5. The (发现) of oil in Shandong was exciting news. 二、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The young man often does something (embarrass). 2. (hundred) of people are standing at the top of Mount Taishan to see the sunrise. 3. The young man is (believe). He never tells a lie.

4.Jane was very angry with her pet dog and she wanted to make it (appear) right away. 5. Attention, please. I have an important (announce) to make. 三、单项选择。 ( )1.--Your bike was broken. Were you late for class this morning, Linda? --No. Luckily, Mr. Green passed by and . A. waited for me B. let me down C. kicked me off D. gave me a lift ( )2. --Mum, I am hungry. --Here is a for you. Why not help yourself to it? A. spoon B. pie C. bowl D. lesson ( )3. --I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday evening by mistake! --Oh, dear. you must be very at the ball. A.embarrassed B. satisfied C. tired D. surprised


一、 Simon和Amy正在做猜图游戏。你能帮助Amy选择正确的图片吗?(听一遍)(5%) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 二、听句子选应答:(听两遍)(5%) ()6. A. He is forty. B. He likes singing. C. He is a singer. ()7. A. I like playing badminton. B. I would like some orange. C .I'd like to go out for a picnic. ()8. A. Half an hour. B. By bike. C. 1.2 kilometres . ()9. A. Yes, you can’t. B. I’m sorry. I don’t have one.C. No, thank you. ()10. A. She plays basketball. B. She does morning exercises. C. He likes swimming. 三、根据所听对话回答问题:(听两遍)(5%) ()11. A. Nanjing. B. England. C. America. ()12. A. In a book shop. B. In a clothes shop. C. In the classroom. ()13. A. On Saturday morning. B. On Sunday morning. C .On Sunday afternoon.()14. A. Because Tom doesn’t really like the film. B. Because Max doesn’t let Tom go. C. Because there is only one ticket. ()15. A. To travel by plane. B. To travel by truck. C. To travel by train. 四. 听一段介绍,从各题的选项中选出所提问题的答语。(听两遍)(5%) ()16. Where do the Greens live? A. They live in a big city. B. They live in a small town. C. They live in a small village. ()17. Where is his home? A. Near a building. B. Far from the hospital. C. Near the hospital. ()18. How does he go to the hospital? A. By bicycle. B. On foot. C. By bus. ()19. How old is Mr Green's daughter? A. She is 30. B. She is 12. C. She is 20. ()20. How far is his home from the hospital? A. 100 metres from his home. B. 300 metres from his home. C. 200 metres from his home.


冀教版精品英语资料(精校版) Unit1 Stay Healthy 一、单项选择 1. Annie has a , and she is going to see her dentist today. A. cold B. fever C. cough D. toothache 2. Would you like to talk with ? A. German B. Germans C. Germen D. Germens 3. Smoking is to people's health. Most smokers have suffered from lung diseases. A. useful B. helpful C. beautiful D. harmful 4. you have a chance to speak English, you should take it. A. However B. Whatever C. Whenever D. Whichever 5. Linda to go to the cinema with us, although she was free last night. A. promised B. refused C. agreed D. decided 6. --- Look, is dancing under the tree. --- Oh, that's my cousin, Anna. A. everybody B. anybody C. nobody D. somebody 7. --- Whose Iphone 5 is this? --- It's not . I think it's . A. mine; her B. mine; hers C. my; her D. my; hers 8. --- I'll go to the museum this afternoon, so I can't go swimming with you. --- . A. It's my pleasure B. You're welcome C. That's a pity D. Don't mention it 9. Look up and you can see stars in the sky at night. A. million B. three millions C. million of D. millions of 10. an illness, she could not move her left leg. A. As result B. As a result of C. Result D. The result 11. She answer questions in class, because she is afraid of mistakes. A. doesn't dare; to make B. doesn't dare; make C. dare not; to make D. dare not; making 12. --- Lisa, we need to clean the kitchen. Could you the trash? --- Yes, sure. A. take after B. take off C. take place D. take out 13. --- Susan, what are the advantages of MP5 players?


(英语)九年级下册英语书面表达专题训练答案及解析 一、英语书面表达 1.如今,很多城市出现了一种绿色出行方式――共享单车(bike-sharing),它因环保、便捷而备受青睐,但同时也引发了一些问题。请你根据提示以"Bike-sharing"为题写一篇英语短文,表达自己的看法和建议。 要点提示: 注意: 1. 短文应包括以上要点,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯; 2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名及地名; 3. 词数:80-100(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 Bike-sharing Today, as a greener means of transportation, bike-sharing is becoming more and more popular in many cities. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________【答案】Today,as a greener means of transportation, bike-sharing is becoming more and more popular in many cities. It's known that it has many advantages. So it's enjoyed by lots of people. First of all, it's very convenient for people to go somewhere.【高分句型一】Also, it helps to reduce the traffic pressure. There will be less pollution because of bike-sharing. Besides, bike-sharing helps people take more exercise.In this way, it's helpful to people's health.(优势)However, it also brings some problems. For example, some people throw them away after using bikes. Even some people damage them, and some bikes are stolen.(难题) In my opinion, everyone should try to be civilized and follow the rules of using bikes. As long as we take good care of bikes, it will make our life better and better,and our environment will be more beautiful.【高分句型二】(建议) 【解析】


【人教版】英语配套练习册(九年级上册)答案 【Unit 1】 Section A 一、 二、 finish 三、 flashcards making vocabulary lists practicing conversations with his friends the teacher for help working with a group 四、 does; learn not years ago 't;ask ;had;yet 五、Certainly 9. at Section B 一、 二、 use 三、 of all on at lots of grammar notes 't pronounce sung suggestions ;boring 四、't;either study ;on ;to does 五、 Self Check and Reading 一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC 二、 come 10.(to) carry 三、 to buy right often long of was 四、 about their pets as by our best to the help of up up 五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC 六、1~5 BCADD Ⅶ.(One possible version) As a student, you may know the importance of English. I believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano; by practicing every day. We must use English every day. I not only answer the teacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can after class. I often practice conversations with my friends. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. I’ve learned a lot by working with a group. Watching English-language TV programs can help a lot. The most important rule for learning English is “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes”. 【Unit 2】 Section A 一、 二、 三、 you use to play the piano didn't use to like English used to have long hair, didn’t’ you 4. What did his father use to look like

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