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新编大学英语第三版视听说教程2答案(外研社)Unit 6

新编大学英语第三版视听说教程2答案(外研社)Unit 6
新编大学英语第三版视听说教程2答案(外研社)Unit 6



Part 1 listening Ⅰ











8、two soft-boiled eggs



11、lemon tea

Listening Ⅱ


1、take out cardboard plastic plastic


2、board available food items microphone 20


3、knives forks everything tray



Listening Ⅲ


1、The big bakes black bread

2、is better buttered

3、cheap chip shop sells cheap chips


Fish fried fresh

Fresh fried fish

Fresh fish fried

fish fresh fried

5、proper cup of coffee

proper coffee pot

a cup of coffee

proper coffee pot

coffee pots

Iron coffee pots

Proper cup of coffee

Proper copper coffee pot

cup of tea

Listen Ⅳ






3、corns sweet potatoes pineapples

4、realize full

5、exercise perform better burns

Part 2 1:

A B D F G H√


1、plays an important role

2、eat animals

3、got used to like it

4、brought up on

5、slim even though

6、with the development of

7、be thought of

8、pleasant and nice-sounding

Part 3 1:













2、 F


4、 E

Part 4

Listening Ⅰ1:




Listening Ⅱ1:

A B D F G I J K L√


A B F I √

Listening Ⅲ1:



1、foreign owners foreign food

2、aware very good

3、time effort

4、slower a hurry

5、shopping sightseeing

Listening Ⅳ


C D E √



2、Meat and potatoes

3、Sugar-filled biscuits , cakes chips.

4、Because chemicals make the hamburgers look


5、One can remain healthy without meat


新编大学英语教案(第二册)_U n i t2 C o m m u n i c a t i o n P r o b l e m s -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit Two Communication problems Teaching Objectives 1. Let the students have some ideas of the common ways we usually use in our daily life to communicate. 2. Make the students find the efficient ways to communicate with each other. 3. Let the students come up with the ways to avoid misunderstandings. Teaching allotment six academic hours Focus points 1.key words and phrases assume, conflict, convey, emphasis, ignore, misinterpret, react, verge, feel like, for effect, on the verge of, pull out, take----lightly 2.difficult sentences 1) When Martians and Venusians first got together, they encountered many of the problems with relationships we have today. 2) So when communication problems emerged, they assumed it was just one of those expected misunderstandings and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other. 3) To fully express their feelings, women would tend to exaggerate the facts a little bit for effect and use various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations. 3.grammar focus prefix “mis---”的不同意义 Related Information It is well-known that learning a second language is never easy, and, generally speaking, the older one is when one attempts a new language, the more difficult it becomes. This is at least partly due to what is known as language interference, meaning that the linguistic patterns of our first language interfere with those of the second because no two languages have exactly the same sounds and grammatical structures. The English language has a very large vocabulary because it has incorporated words from many other languages over the centuries. This is nowhere more apparent than in its color words. For example, there are many words that express the color “purple”, describing its different shades and hues: mauve, violet, lilac, or lavender. An interesting 2

研究生英语视听说Unit 6原文与答案

Unit 6 Traveling and Sightseeing Thinking Ahead Students are asked to discuss the following questions in groups. The reference answers for the questions are offered below: 1. Do you like traveling? Where have you been before? Yes, I do. I have been to quite a lot of places, Mountain Tai, the Great Wall, Korea and Singapore, among which, Singapore impresses me the most for its combination of both a prosperous society and city of natural beauty. Believe me: you can never forget this country once you take a deep breath of fresh air there. 2. How to make a reservation in the hotel? Firstly, you should make it clear when you want to check in, how long you are supposed to stay there. Then, you should tell what kind of room and how many rooms you want. The last but not the least is that, you must leave your name and maybe your contact number, which will surely help you a lot afterwards. 3. What should you pay attention to when at table abroad? mind your manners at table; pay attention to your words and gestures; handle your knives and forks correctly; never talk with your mouth full; never make sounds when you’re eating or drinking something. Part I Video Time In this part, students will have 2 tasks to accomplish. Task 1 In task 1,students will watch a video clip from The Beach and then do the exercises as required. Before watching, they are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the video. Transcript First Visit to Bangkok My name is Richard.


英语泛读教程(第2册)参考答案 Unit One Comprehension Points 1.Every year at the same time the stars were in the same place in the sky. 2.They are the planets. 3.He thought that … (Page 2, parag. 12) 4.The idea was that the stars and the sun did not turn around the earth. Instead, it was the earth that was turning. The sun and the stars were not really moving. 5.Because they would upset the whole science of astronomy and cause cruel persecution by the Church. 6.Content/details. https://www.doczj.com/doc/1113380291.html,mon. 8.Because radio telescopes find out new stars by picking up radio waves from them. 9.It means the group of stars that our earth is a member of. 10.The implication is that probably by then the earth has already been melted. 11.Every three days it gets very dim. It stays dim for a few hours, then it gets bright again. 12.Because a comet isn’t solid. It is thin like a cloud. Its tail is nothing but glowing gas. And its head is made of small pieces that could not hurt the earth. Exercises I. True or false 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F II. 1.略。 2.Four stages. Childhood, manhood, old age, and the last stage. 3.The very hottest ones are blue. Those not quite so hot are white, and those less hot than the white ones are yellow and red. 4.略。 5.They help sailors to find their way and they help us to tell time. Unit Two Comprehension Points 1.It means to function properly. 2.电气史上最伟大的人物之一迈克尔·法拉第写了一篇报告,介绍了一种叫做gutta percha 的类似橡胶的物质,这种物质是从生在在马来西亚的一种树上提取出来的。 3.It means to bring out of the water on to the land. 4.To lay a cable under the Atlantic. 5.To become weaker. 6.第一个it指的是the telegraph failed,第二个it指的是it ever worked,第三个it指的是 the cable. 7.Because a big ship can’t carry the end of the cable on to the shore, it will get stranded.


泛读教程第四册参考答案 Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word Pretest 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 2. burns the midnight oil 3. falls down on the job 4. hits the books 5. does back-breaking work 6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.A Analogies 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.B Section C 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest


UNIT 1 ONE:When many people in the west China, the animal that they think of is the . For them, the dragon is an monster that fire. Many popular tell of how dragons killed brave knights and ate beautiful maidens. For Chinese people, however, the dragon is not an evil monster. It’s a cultural and symbol for ______and good luck. The dragon’s main task is to create and bring rain. Dragons are celebrated in art and , and of course the dragon dance is a very popular . Millions of Chinese have the word ‘long’, meaning dragon, as part of their name. 1. think of 2. Dragon 3. Aggressive 4. Breathes 5. Legends 6. Spiritual 7. Prosperity 8. Harmony 9. Architecture 10.ritual TWO: 1. English people, in general, are and not very open. Compared with the English people, Americans are more . 2. When the interviewee first went to England, she was considered and too too soon. 3. It takes a to make friends with the English people. But once a friend is made, it is a friend . 4. The Americans like to talk with an Englishman because they love his and his country, while Americans in England are considered inferior because of their and their language. 5. When talking with each other, Americans stand while English people like a certain . 1. cold…outgoing 2. Overpowering …friendly 3. Friendly for life 4. accent loud behavior 5. Closer distance UNIT 3 1. Oxford is the university in the English-speaking world, a city that and education, a place where you can think , where you can grow , an institution that has been world changing leaders for over 800 years, and the finest men across the globe. At Oxford, you have all the resources of Oxford University at your fingertips, some of the libraries, academic departments, and research labs in the world. 2. As a student at the Oxford University, you become a member of an Oxford College, which contains a wealth of and , the colleges have their own academic and individual . The College has its own , library, cultural groups and sports teams. 3. Oxford has excellent and it is one hour from London and Heathrow Airport. 1.Blend in. Make sure you are aware of British . Have a few and handy for your housemates and friends. 2.Be _ . Sometimes or even slices of can give you a head start in making friends. 3.Be . The more active you are, the more likely you’ll be to meet new people. 4.Bring a . Keep your door when you are in and that sends positive messages to your neighbors that you’re friendly. UNIT 4 1. The man in looks like the mayor of their city. 2. The besides our school gate is donated by them. 3. One girl wants to come back with her to this school when they are old. 4. Only the of this university are invited to the reunion.


Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1. Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2. The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3. He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4. That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5. The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6. They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 1. proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 2. percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 3. confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 4. affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 5. centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 6. exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose 3.strained 4.hold 5.defeat Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.T 11.T 12.F 13.F 14.T 15.T Section C 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.F


Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word pretest 1. A Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 2. burns the midnight oil 3. falls down on the job 4. hits the books 5. does back-breaking work 6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise Analogies Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B Section C

Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest 1. C Reading Comprehension 2. B Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. has a green thumb 2. is a breeze 3. has two left feet 4. has a golden touch 5. has a nose for 6. is easy as pie General Vocabulary Exercise 1. 2. ambitiously 3. discriminative 4. persistent 5. resistance 6. Contamination 9. specifically amused 11. magical 12. ignorant 13. survive 14. explored 15. intimidate 17. pilgrimage Analogies 1. B 2. A Cloze until Most reached from ice combined and deep over includes in


河海大学2015年1月份研究生英语一试卷结构 一、听力20分(10+3+3+4) 10条短对话+3篇小短文;听力用书原文,答案选项会乱序,有篇小短文的选项内容可能会变动,就比如这次的一篇关于熊猫的就变了,本来“吃得又慢又多”改成“吃得又快又多”,但仔细分析下选项还是可以判断出正确选项的。 二、词汇10分(5+5) 10题填空+10题划线同义词;课后练习原题。 三、完型15分 15个填空;这次是来自Unit 6 How to Read Body Language段落节选句子拼在一起;还有部分也出现在词汇练习里面。 四、阅读20分(5×4) 2篇课后阅读原文原题(P27 passage2,P58 passage 1)+2篇课外阅读 五、翻译20分(10+10) 第一道英译汉:来自Unit 5 Take a Lesson from the Economists 段落节选句子拼成一段Economics is the dismal science: so say the large number of people who heap scorn on the intellectural merits of the discipline.(第一段) Due to the general measurement difficulties, as well as unforeseen events such as wars or natural disasters, economic forecasts are almost always wrong, sometimes by wide margins. (第三段)


A :c B 1-5 baccd 6-8 cdd D.1-5 daaba 6-10 dadca Fast Reading:1 dbcca 2 cbbcd 3 dcdcd Home Reading:abcccbac Unit 2 A:c B 1-5 cdada 6-10 bdacb D 1-5 dcbad 6-10 cbbad 11-15 cabdc Fast Reading:1 bbcad 2 bbbdd 3 cddda Home Reading: abadcadbcd Unit 3 A :c B 1-5 dccad 6-10 ddcaa D 1-5 badcd 6-12 bbcdacb Fast Reading:1 dbacc 2 abdcbd 3 dabc Home Reading:abdccccbab Unit 4 A :c B bdcaab D 1-5 dbacb 6-12 ccdcdcb Fast Reading:1 cdabd 2 cdcdd 3 dccbb Home Reading:bcddcdccdd Unit 5 A: c B 1-5 cacbd 6-10 bdabc D 1-5 abacd 6-10 ababa Fast Reading:1 ddbdb 2 dbddc 3 cdbcd Home Reading:cbdcbaacbd Uint 6 A:a B 1-5 bbbad 6-10 bdddc D 1-5 ccbaa 6-12 dabada Fast Reading:1 cabdd 2 addaa 3 bccdb Home Reading:bcacbbbb Unit 7 A:b B 1-5 cadbd 6-11 abcbad D 1-5 badca 6-14 bcbbadcab Fast Reading:1 cabdb 2 dbbdd 3 dccbd Home Reading:dcdbaccadb Unit 8 A:b B 1-5 badda 6-8 bac D:dacdcabbdab Fast Reading:1 cdbbd 2 dcacb 3 adcab Home Reading:accbdbacdb Unit 9 A:c B 1-5 bdcac 6-8 bcd D:aaabccdacbb Fast Reading:1 bcdda 2 adccd 3 dcbdc Home Reading:bcbadcab Unit 10 A:a B 1-5 acdcb 6-10 dadcc D:aaadbbcdabb Fast Reading: 1 ddccc 2 bbbca 3 cdacc Home Reading:bddcddcba Unit 11 A:c B 1-5 bdbba 6-7 bc D:aabbadab Fast Reading:1 bcbcb 2 ccbdd 3 abccd Home Reading:cdddddbcba


上外泛读教程第四册答案 Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 2. burns the midnight oil 3. falls down on the job 4. hits the books 5. does back-breaking work 6. works like a dog General Vocabulary Exercise Analogies Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B Section C Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension

1. has a green thumb 2. is a breeze 3. has two left feet 4. has a golden touch 5. has a nose for 6. is easy as pie General Vocabulary Exercise 1. illegality 2. ambitiously 3. discriminative 4. persistent 5. resistance 6. Contamination 7. invalid 8. fantastically 9. specifically 10. have amused 11. magical 12. ignorant 13. survive 14. explored 15. intimidate 16. bulky 17. pilgrimage 18. galaxy 19. transformation 20. alienated Analogies Cloze until Most reached from ice combined and deep over includes in Section B Section C Unit 3 Refugee Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building


Unit 1 ●Part Two Reading centered activities Pre-reading Reading Comprehension 1.Understanding the structure of the passage Para.1-4 c para.5-7 a para.8-11 b para.12-13 d 2. 1) They would stare at them. 2) He felt embarrassed/ ashamed 3) He never let on. 4) He usually walked there with the help of his son 5) He was pulled on a child’s sleigh to the subway station 6) He like basketball, dances, and parties 7) He asked them to sit down and fight with him. 8) He was proud of his son 9) He missed him very much and was sorry for what he had thought about him. 10) He learned to have a good heart from his father. 3. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) D 6) A7) B 8) C 9) D 10) A 4. Understanding the reference Words. 1)the difficulty in coordination the steps 2)whether a person has a good heart 3) a good heart 4)the baseball team 5)sat down to fight 6)what the son has achieved 7)sensed 8)the reluctance to walk with him ●Vocabulary 1. 1) urged 2) halted 3) bother 4) embarrassed 5) adjusted 6) complain 7) kid 8)engage 9)subject 10)saw to it that 11)coordinate 12)participate 2.Word-building patience



Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments.

4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 7proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 8percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 9confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 10affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 11centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 12exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms

研究生英语视听说教程unit 1-重庆大学-杨瑾瑜主编

Unit 1 Physical Education p. 8 简答题 1. What is Carol Ray?s favorite sport? (Answer) Carol Ray…s favorite sport is football or rugby. 2. Why does Carol Ray become angry if you call her “sweetie” or “cup-cake”? (Answer) Because 'sweetie' or 'cup-cake' has negative meanings for women, implying the weaker sex. p. 8 填空题 Part Four Watching for Specific Information 1. outgrown; 2. entire perspective; 3. hits, grief; 4. sweetie; 5. timid; 6. go as far as she can; 7. fighting; 8. laying him out; 9. goal; 10. inspire p.11 简答题 Part Three Watching for Gist 1. What is the story about? (Answer) The story is about a handicapped boy realized his dream by playing basketball in a school team. 2. Why does a handicapped boy have amazing eye-and-hand coordination ability when he shoots a basketball? (Answer) His willpower has worked the wonder 填空题 p. 13-14 1. campaign 2. obsession 3. drought 4. depth 5. normal game 6. under water 7. Indian team lucky 8. sentiment 9. toiled for days 10. bat and ball 11. their devotion 12. hard core fans 13. shaving off 14. praying for 15. collective conscience 16. garment manufacturers 17. images of cricket stars 18. take home the cup 19. batting cricketers 20. enormous pressure p. 14 简答题 Part Three Questions and Answers 1. Why are Indian cricket fans go beyond the usual mania there days? Because India…s World Cup campaign gets on the way on Saturday. 2. How do Indian cricket fans cheer for their team? They are playing a game of cricket under water, shooting a song under water, making a World Cup, and shaving off their hair, etc. 3. What are some garment manufactures doing at that time? They are weaving images of cricket stars on Saris. 4. Which country will take home the cup according to most cricket pundits? Australia 5.What do all the captains promise to do?

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