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英语课后题复习资料 Unit 1. 一. flexibility duration option definitely actually ignore convince survive 1.Economic crises destroy the capitalist system,and they grow in size and duration. 2.Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy. 3.He was sentenced to do hard labor without the option of a fine. 4.She states her views very definitely. 5.Did he actually say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure? 6.The baby felt ignored by her parents. 7.You need to convince the employers that you can do the job. https://www.doczj.com/doc/1112261439.html,panies will have to do more than this if they are to survive the earthquake.

二. 1.I only cautht a glimpse of him sitting in the car (瞥见他坐在车里),so I can’t tell exactly what he looked like. 2.They are seeking/searching for(寻求新的机会) to reach their final goals. 3.It happened without my being aware of it(在我不知不觉中). 4.We are/get involved in different activities(投入到各项课外活动中) on campus. 5.Some guys always do everything as they like,that ignore the feelings of others(却忽视了别人的感受) . 三. 1.你的老师在评卷的时候会把你生病的情况考虑在内。 Your teacher will take your illness into consideration when marking your exams. 2.因为他总是轻信别人,所以很容易受伤。 He is likely to be hurt because he always believes/trusts others easily. 3.他的肤色跟他是不是好律师无关。


21世纪大学实用英语课文翻译及课后答案 Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点 佚名 作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。我害怕独自一人在外,因为我是第 一次远离家人。这里周围都是我不认识的人,而他们也不认识我。我得和他们交朋友,或许还得在我要学的课程上 跟他们在分数上进行竞争。他们比我更聪明吗?我跟得上他们吗?他们会接受我吗? 我很快就认识到,我的生活现在就取决于我自己了。如果我要在学业上取得成功,我就必须制定一份学习计划。我 必须调整花在学习上的时间和花在社交上的时间。我必须决定什么时候上床睡觉,什么时候吃什么,什么时候喝什 么,对什么人表示友好。这些问题我都得自己回答。 开始时,生活有点艰难。我在怎样利用时间上犯了错误。我在交朋友上花的时间太多了。我还在怎样选择大学里的 第一批朋友上犯了一些错误。 然而不久,我就控制住了自己的生活。我做到了按时上课,完成并交上了第一批作业,而且以相当好的成绩通过了 前几次考试。此外,我还交了一些朋友,跟他们在一起我感到很自在,我能把我担心的事告诉他们。我建立了一种 真正属于我自己的常规——一种满足了我的需要的常规。 结果,我开始从一个不同的视角看待我自己了。我开始把自己看作是一个对自己负责也对朋友和家人负责的人。凡 事自己做决定并看到这些决定最终证明是明智的决定,这种感觉很好。我猜想这就是人们所说的“成长”的一部分 吧。 我未来的生活将会怎样呢?在人生的这一阶段,我真的不能确定我的人生之路最终将会走向何方,我真的不知道在 以后的几年中我会做什么。但我知道,我能应对未来,因为我已经成功地跃过了我生命中的这一重要障碍:我已经 完成了从一个依赖家人给予感情支持的人向一个对自己负责的人的过渡。 Practice 5 1. smart 2. succeed 3. shortly 4. managed 5. share 6. fear 7. responsible 8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11. handle 12. comfortable Practice 6 1. is up to 2. keep up with 3. under control 4. at first 5. grew up 6. make friends with 7. turned out 8. as a result 9. set up 10. in addition Practice 7 1. how to play the game 2. where I wanted to go 3. whether they would accept him or not 4. what to do and how to do it 5. whom to love and whom not to 6. when he made that decision Practice 8 1. I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and interests. 2. They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher. 3. We think of this place as our home. 4. They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life. Practice 9 1. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people. 2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too. 3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father’s illness under control. 4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies. 5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets out needs. 6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in


21世纪大学英语第2册课后翻译答案【Unit1】 1、老伴60多岁中风去世时,那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。无人依靠的生活对他来说将是非常困难的。 When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on. 2、两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。许多人前去参观,其中包括一些著名的专业画家。 Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it including a few celebrated professionals. 3、当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员在“挑战者”号的灾难中遇到困难时,全世界一下子陷入了震惊与悲痛之中。

When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s it plunged the whole world into shock and grief. 4、在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,她仍积极参与政治事务。当政府遇到困难时,她屡次前来帮忙。 After completing her second prime ministry she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty. 5、大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试工作。After his failure in the election campaign Dr. Smith retired to a small village where he tried his hand at farming. 6、只要你一辈子不停地努力工作,你在回忆里往事时就会感到心满意足的。 As long as you keep working hard all your life you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction.


最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案 课后练习答案 Unit1 Ways of Learning Part II Reading Task Comprehension Content Question Pair Work 1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing. 2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel. 3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly. 4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. 5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel. 6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself. 7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.


21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课后答案 第一单元 Text Comprehension II. 1.It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died.The effects on Churchill were()he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief. 2.He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems. 3.His sister-in-law’s painting inspired him to try his hand at it;his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need;and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas. 4.The blank whiteness of the canvas made him feel he didn’t know where to begin.This nervousness was not typical of Churchill,who was known publicly as a brave and strong-willed person. 5.Churchill was comparing the canvas to an opponent in a fight,and he could now see that he need not fear his“adversary”. 6.He meant that Churchill would have been a great painter,just as he was a great politician. 7.It was his great comfort when the death of his mother was followed quickly by the death of his daughter. 8.Because the judges suspected that it was not painted by an amateur;they were later surprised and delighted because Churchill was not just a famous political figure but also a talented untrained artist.


21世纪大学英语第一册课文的翻译 Unit1 TextA 优等生的奥秘 埃德温·基斯特莎莉·瓦伦丁·基斯特 现在是剑桥大学理科一年级学生的阿历克斯,曾在曼彻斯特的中学校队里踢足球,还导演过学校的戏剧演出——但他中学毕业时得了五个A。在布里斯托尔大学攻读英语的阿曼达在中学里参加过戏剧演出,还经常打网球,但她仍然得到了四个A。 像他们这样的优等生是如何做到这一点的呢?脑子好使并不是唯一的答案。最有天赋的学生未必在考试中取得最好的成绩。懂得如何充分利用自己的才能要重要得多。 学习刻苦也不能说明全部问题。在这些成绩优秀的学生中,有些人投入的时间其实比那些分数低的同学还少。班级中拔尖学生的成功之道在于他们掌握了一些基本的技巧,这些技巧其他人也能很容易地学到。根据教育专家和学生们自己的叙述,优等生成功的奥秘有以下几点。 1.全神贯注!拔尖生不允许他们的学习时间受到干扰。一旦书本打开,便电话不接,电视不看,报纸不读。“这并不意味着对生活中的重要事情置之不理,”阿曼达解释说,“这意味着要安排好学习时间,以便能全神贯注。要是我牵挂一位患病的朋友,我会在做功课之前先给她打个电话。这样我坐下来学习时,就能真正集中心思了。” 2.在任何地方——或所有的地方学习。亚利桑那州一位教授曾奉命辅导一些成绩欠佳的大学运动员。他记得有一名赛跑运动员每天都要训练。他曾说服他利用这段时间记忆生物学术语。另一名学生则把词汇表贴在盥洗室墙上,每天刷牙时都记住一个生词。 3.安排好资料。汤姆在中学时打过篮球。“我非常忙,不可能为了找一支铅笔或一本不见的笔记本而浪费时间。我把每样东西都放在随后可取的地方,”他说。新墨西哥州学生保罗为每门功课备有两个文件夹,一个放当天布置的作业,另一个放已完成要交的家庭作业。一个抽屉把必需的用品放在一起,这样就可减少因找东西而浪费的时间。 4.安排好时间。当教师布置写一篇长论文时,阿历克斯会花两三天时间去阅读与题目有关的资料并做笔记,然后写出草稿,再写成论文。他会计划好在作业该交的前两三天完成,以便如果花费的时间超过预期,他还能在规定的最后期限前完成。阿曼达严格遵守一张学习时间表,其中包括每两小时休息一次。“在你过度疲劳时还试图学习并不明智,”她指出,“短暂的休息,哪怕只是伸展一下身体,呼吸呼吸新鲜空气,也能带来意想不到的效果。” 5.学会阅读。“我过去常花许多时间阅读一些无关的资料,”阿曼达回忆说,“但后来我习惯了快读;如果一段文章的第一句话无关紧要,我便接着读下一段。”“我修过的最好的一门课便是快速阅读,”一名俄克拉荷马州的学生说,“我不仅提高了每分钟阅读的词数,而且学会了首先看书的目录和插图。这样,当我开始阅读时,我就对阅读材料先有了一些了解,而且能记住更多的内容。”在这些学生看来,有效阅读的奥秘就在于做一个主动的阅读者,即能不断提出一些能使自己充分理解所读材料的问题。 6.做好笔记。“在写任何东西之前,我先把一页纸分成两部分,”阿曼达说,“左边部分约占纸宽的三分之一;右边部分占三分之二。我把笔记写在宽的一边,而把中心思想写在左边。这在复习时非常有用,因为你马上就能看到为什么这些材料是有关的,而不用为信息量太大而发愁。”在下课铃响起之前,多数学生便已经合上书本,收好作业,和朋友们说说话儿,准备离开了。而聪明的学生却利用这几分钟,用两三句话写出这堂课的要点,下一次上课之前,他便可以把这些要点浏览一遍。 7.问问题。“如果你问问题,你立刻就会知道,你是否已经掌握了要点,”阿历克斯说。课堂参与是一种求知欲的显示。例如,在经济学课上,好奇的学生会问,中国经济怎么可能既是社会主义的,又是市场驱动的,从而使他们不仅对于“什么”,而且对于“为什么”和“怎么样”产生兴趣。 8.一起学习。一起学习的价值从加州大学伯克利分校的一项试验中显示了出来。该校的


Unit 1 Conversation 1 2. 3.The true statements are: 2 and 8. Conversation 2 5. 1 Joe’s past career _Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK. 2 Andy’s future ambitions Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer. 6. 1 (d) 2 (d) 3 (a) 4 (c) 7. (1) It’s not always very easy working with (2) _How did he end up in London (3)the least experienced person (4)He’s good at his job (5)He’s confident and very competent (6)I get on with him quite well Outside view 2.The statements Samantha agrees with are: 1, 2, 3 and 4. 4. 1)She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job. 2) She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview. 3) She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for. 4) That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation, presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for. 5. 1) professional job coach 2)research on the position and the company 3)having not practised with some of the questions 4)how you present yourself 5)what the interviewer is actually looking for 6)preparation, presentation and understanding 7)in relationship to the job 8)some examples in your life 9)dealing with problems 7. The pieces of advice the speakers give are: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.

21世纪大学英语教程第一册01 - 网络英语教材

Unit 1 Text A Listening First Listening Before listening to the tape, have a quick look at the following words. grade 分数 concentrate 全神贯注 schedule 时间表 pressure 压力 selectively 有选择地 relevant 有关的 skip over 跳过;略过 approach 方法 Second Listening Listen to the tape again. Then, choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1. The purpose of this listening passage is ____. A) to describe college life B) to give advice for college success C) to warn against being lazy at college D) to increase college enrollment(入学人数) 2. According to the listening passage, the most important key to getting good grades at college is _____. A) asking questions in class B) doing assignments ahead of time C) working as hard as you can


Unit 1 subjects in schools would reduce some children's enjoyment of them? risk and danger — he'd be bored in a safe, steady job. 3. Elizabeth is certainly talented enough to succeed in her career; she just doesn't have in her own abilities. 4. I'm sorry you're in trouble, but as you made your decision on your own you'll just have to face 5. Many educators would be delighted to abolish exams, but they also worry that without for students to work hard. known as "dead-Eye Bean." it all in Internet companies. 8. Psychologists say that our behavior is influenced by many factors too subtle for us to 9. He's always had for books. If he could work in a library, it would be a dream come true. 10. Look at those three whispering in the corner again —something, I just don't know what! 参考答案: (1)compulsory (2)relish (3)confidence (4)consequences (5)incentive (6)h enceforth (7)invest (8)perceive (9)passion (10)scheming The suffix -ess can be added to some nouns to refer to female humans and animals.(U1TA) e.g.: prince →princess tiger →tigress A. Add this suffix to the following nouns so that they refer to a female person or animal. Be sure to make any necessary spelling changes.


第一单元 Text Comprehension II. 1. It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died. The effects on Churchill were () he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief. 2. He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems. 3. His sister-in-law?s painting inspired him to try his hand at it; his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need; and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas. 4. The blank whiteness of the c anvas made him feel he didn?t know where to begin. This nervousness was not typical of Churchill, who was known publicly as a brave and strong-willed person. 5. Churchill was comparing the canvas to an opponent in a fight, and he could now see that he need not fear his “adversary”. 6. He meant that Churchill would have been a great painter, just as he was a great politician. 7. It was his great comfort when the death of his mother was followed quickly by the death of his daughter. 8. Because the judges suspected that it was not painted by an amateur; they were later surprised and delighted because Churchill was not just a famous political figure but also a talented untrained artist. 9. No, she considers that decade an artistically fruitful one. 10. He meant that painting was like a friend who never betrayed or abandoned him. This seems to suggest that he often felt lonely, misunderstood and/or disappointed in his relationship with other people. V ocabulary III. 1.artistic 2.overcome 3.infinite 4.plunged 5.mission 6.camgpain 7.revived 8.distract 9.accustomed 10.retreat 11.precaution 12. disastrous IV. 1. delighted with 2. bore fruit 3. kept Clementine company 4. rely on 5. take refuge 6. awaken people to 7. pay the price 8. chanced upon; dated from 9. tried his hand at 10. fell upon; came to her rescue Word Building V. 1. broadens the mind 2. weakened 3. sweeten Diet Coke 4.hardens 5. strengthen 6. deepen your understanding of the course materiall 7. sharpen the kitchen knives 8. reddened 9. brighten; quickens 10. lightened VI. 1. lucky 2. wealthy 3. tasty 4. icy 5. wavy 6. smelly 7. sleepy 8. noisy (smelly is also plausible) 9. healthy 10. sunny Structure VII. 1. Amazed at the great changes that are taking place in shanghai, many foreign visitors leave


Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investig ate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomen a 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1)a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 5)principal 6)principal 7)principle 8)principles 9)principal III herself by herself/on her own by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercises (1) (1)contrast (2)exaggerating (3)priority (4)on the other hand (5)promoting


21世纪大学英语读写教程(第四册)Unit1课文原文 《Who Is Great?》 Michal Ryan As a young boy, Albert Einstein did so poorly in school that teachers thought he was slow. The young Napoleon Bonaparte was just one of hundreds of artillery lieutenants in the French Army. And the teenage George Washington, with little formal education, was being trained not as a soldier but as a land surveyor. Despite their unspectacular beginnings, each would go on to carve a place for himself in history. What was it that enabled them to become great? Were they born with something special? Or did their greatness have more to do with timing, devotion and, perhaps, an uncompromising personality? For decades, scientists have been asking such questions. And, in the past few years, they have found evidence to help explain why some people rise above, while others—similarly talented, perhaps—are left behind. Their findings could have implications for us all. Who is great? Defining who is great depends on how one measures success. But there are some criteria. "Someone who has made a lasting contribution to human civilization is great," said Dean Keith Simonton, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis and author of the 1994 book Greatness: Who Makes History and Why. But he added a word of caution: "Sometimes great people don't make it into the history books. A lot of women achieved great things or were influential but went unrecognized." In writing his book, Simonton combined historical knowledge about great figures with recent findings in genetics, psychiatry and the social sciences. The great figures he focused on include men and women who have won Nobel Prizes, led great nations or won wars, composed symphonies that have endured for centuries, or revolutionized science, philosophy, politics or the arts. Though he doesn't have a formula to define how or why certain people rise above (too many factors are involved), he has come up with a few common characteristics. A "never surrender" attitude. If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an unrelenting drive to succeed. "There's a tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal," he explained. "But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectual processes. It's a difference in degree. Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion." He cited Winston Churchill, Britain's prime minister during World War II, as an example of a risk-taker who would never give up. Thrust into office when his country's morale was at its lowest, Churchill rose brilliantly to lead the British people. In a speech following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, he inspired the nation when he said, "We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end...We shall never surrender."


21世纪大学英语课文翻译第二册.txt﹃根网线''尽赚了多少人的青春い有时候感动的就是身边微不足道的小事。﹎破碎不是最残酷的最残酷的是踩着这些碎片却假装不疼痛固执的寻找﹎将来就算我遇见再怎么完美的人,都有一个缺点,他不是你,_____下辈子要做男生,娶一个像我这样的女生。第一单元 温斯顿?丘吉尔——他的另一种生活 玛丽?索姆斯 我的父亲温斯顿?丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。1915年,作为海军大臣,他深深地卷入了达达尼尔海峡的一场战役。原本那次战役是能够缩短一场血腥的世界大战的,但它却失败了,人员伤亡惨重,为此丘吉尔作为公务员和个人都付出了代价:他被免去了海军部的职务,失去了显赫的政治地位。 “我本以为他会因忧伤而死的。”他的妻子克莱门泰因说。被这一不幸压垮的他同家人一起退隐到萨里郡的一个乡间居处---耘锄农场。在那儿,正如丘吉尔日后所回忆的,“绘画女神拯救了我!” 一天他正在花园里漫步,正巧碰上他的弟妹在用水彩画素描。他观看了她几分钟,然后借过她的画笔,试了一下身手----于是缪斯女神施展了她的魔法。自那天以后,温斯顿便爱上了绘画。 任何能让沉浸在忧思中的温斯顿分心的事情都让克莱门泰因高兴。于是,她赶紧去买来她所能找到的各种颜料和画具。水彩颜料、油画颜料、纸张、帆布画布---很快耘锄农场里便堆满了一个绘画者可能想要或需要的各样东西。 画油画最终成了温斯顿的一大爱好---但是最初几步却出奇地艰难。他凝视着他的第一块空白画布,异乎寻常地紧张。他日后回忆道:“我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地在雪白的底子上的画上蚕豆般大小的一笔。就在这时,我听到车道上传来一辆汽车的声音,于是惊恐地丢下我的画笔。当我看清是谁从汽车里走出来时,更是惊慌失措。来者正是住在附近的著名画家约翰?莱佛利爵士的妻子。 “‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。‘多么有趣。可你还在等什么呢? 把画笔给我---大的那支。’她猛地用笔蘸起颜料,还没等我缓过神来,她已经挥笔泼墨在惊恐不已的画布上画下了有力的几道蓝色。谁都看得出画布无法回击。我不再迟疑。我抓起那支最大的画笔,迅猛异常地向我可怜的牺牲品扑了过去。自那以后,我再也不曾害怕过画布。” 后来教丘吉尔画画的莱佛利曾经说起过他这位不同寻常的学生的艺术才能:“如果他当初选择的是绘画而不是政治,他定会成为一位驾驭画笔的大师。” 在绘画中,丘吉尔发现了一个将陪他走过大半人生的伴侣。1921年,他的母亲去世,两个月后,他又失去了他和克莱门泰因的3岁爱女玛丽戈尔德。那时,绘画是他的慰藉。悲痛欲绝的温斯顿住到了苏格兰朋友们的家中---并在他的绘画中寻得安慰。他写信给克莱门泰因:“我外出画了一条在午后阳光下的美丽的河流,背景是红色和金黄色的山峦。爱怜的思绪油然而生……啊,我一直感受到失去玛丽戈尔德的痛楚。” 生命、爱和希望慢慢地复苏了。1922年9月,克莱门泰因和温斯顿的另一个孩子出生了:那就是我。同年,温斯顿买下了查特威尔,这是他将在以后40年里画出其所有不同风貌的他所钟爱的家。 20世纪20年代中期,我父亲在伦敦举行的一次享有盛名的业余画展中赢得了一等奖,当时他一定颇为得意。参赛作品不署名,所以一些评委坚持认为温斯顿的画---有关查特威尔的第一批画作中的一幅---是一位专业画家而不是一位业余画家的作品,所以应该取消其参赛资格。但最后,他们同意信赖那位艺术家的诚实,而在得知那幅画为丘吉尔所作时他们都很高兴。 史学家们一直把1929年温斯顿再次被免职后的10年称为他无所作为的十年。也许政治

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