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My Favorite Festival

What is the name of the festival?Spring Festival

When is it?First day of the Chinese lunar calendar

What do people eat? A big dinner niangao jiaozi meat fish

What do people do?

?Clean the house several days before the festival

?Buy new clothes

?Have a reunion dinner with the family on the eve

?Visit relatives after the festival

?Give “lucky” money to children

Why do you like it so much?

I think I can meet relatives.

I know receiving “lucky” money makes me happy.

I think that setting off fire crackers is interesting.

I wonder if I can do these things next year.


I think…He thinks…She thinks…

I believe…He thinks…She thinks…

I wonder…He wonders…She wonders…

Spring Festival

I know that Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people. It comes in January or February. People usually clean their houses before the Spring Festival. People have a big family dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival. Young people bow to old people and wish them a happy new year. Old people give children “lucky money”. The next morning people put on their new clothes, go to see their friends and relatives and say “Happy New Year” to each other. I think that Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. I love it very much.

Middle-Autumn Festival

People believe that the Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the most traditional Chinese festivals, it is often celebrated in September or October. During the festival, family members get together and eat moon cakes. There are many kinds of delicious moon cakes. I think they are very delicious. On the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people can enjoy the full moon in the dark sky. I like Mid-Autumn Festival because it makes me happy.

Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. There’s a folk story about this festival. Many years ago, There was a poet called Qu Yuan. He loved his country very much. However, the king asked him to leave the country. He felt very sad. When he learned that another country had seized his country, he didn’t want to live any more.On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, he jumped into Miluo River. The local people rowed the boat to save him, but it was too late. They didn’t want the fish to eat his body, So they dropped rice balls into the river. Nowadays, on this day, we watch dragon boat races and eat ZONGZI in memory of Qu Yuan.


中国饮食文化英文介绍 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:中国饮食文化——英文版 China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China’s local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,

还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重


传统节日的英语作文10篇 传统节日的英语作文10篇 传统节日的形成,是一个民族或国家的历史文化长期积淀凝聚的过程。以下是小编收集整理的传统节日的`英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 传统节日的英语作文篇1Falling on the first day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the Spring Festival is in fact the Chinese New Year. Before it, people usually give their house a thorough cleaning and do a lot of shopping. On the New Year’s Eve, people come home and the whole family have a big dinner together. On the New Year’s Day and the few days to follow, people often visit their relatives and friends to give one another their best wishes for the new year. Throughout this festival period firecrackers can be heard everywhere. This festival is the most important festival for the Chinese. 传统节日的英语作文篇2Chinese Spring Festival


My Favorite Festival What is the name of the festival?Spring Festival When is it?First day of the Chinese lunar calendar What do people eat? A big dinner niangao jiaozi meat fish What do people do? ?Clean the house several days before the festival ?Buy new clothes ?Have a reunion dinner with the family on the eve ?Visit relatives after the festival ?Give “lucky” money to children Why do you like it so much? I think I can meet relatives. I know receiving “lucky” money makes me happy. I think that setting off fire crackers is interesting. I wonder if I can do these things next year. 用下列句式造句,谈谈对不同节日的看法: I think…He thinks…She thinks… I believe…He thinks…She thinks… I wonder…He wonders…She wonders… Spring Festival I know that Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people. It comes in January or February. People usually clean their houses before the Spring Festival. People have a big family dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival. Young people bow to old people and wish them a happy new year. Old people give children “lucky money”. The next morning people put on their new clothes, go to see their friends and relatives and say “Happy New Year” to each other. I think that Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. I love it very much. Middle-Autumn Festival People believe that the Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the most traditional Chinese festivals, it is often celebrated in September or October. During the festival, family members get together and eat moon cakes. There are many kinds of delicious moon cakes. I think they are very delicious. On the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people can enjoy the full moon in the dark sky. I like Mid-Autumn Festival because it makes me happy. Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. There’s a folk story about this festival. Many years ago, There was a poet called Qu Yuan. He loved his country very much. However, the king asked him to leave the country. He felt very sad. When he learned that another country had seized his country, he didn’t want to live any more.On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, he jumped into Miluo River. The local people rowed the boat to save him, but it was too late. They didn’t want the fish to eat his body, So they dropped rice balls into the river. Nowadays, on this day, we watch dragon boat races and eat ZONGZI in memory of Qu Yuan.


Chinese Food Culture 1.Characteristics of cuisines in southern part of China Chinese cuisine has a number of different genres, but the most influential and typical known by the public are the 'Eight Cuisines'. These are as follows: Shandong Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine and Anhui Cuisine. We have roughly separated Chinese cuisine into two genres. They are Cuisines of the north part and the southern part. Cuisines of the southern part of China are really featured. They have various differences with northern cuisine. Firstly, abundant rain drops and sunlight in South China provide favorable conditions for the growth of millet and rice. Compared with people in North China who have to spend much time in cold weather, people in South China are less preferable to meat diet, which contains lots of fat and protein. Southern Chinese prefer plant diet quite a lot. Many people are accustomed to drink soup both before and after the meal. Guangdong Soup(老火靓汤) Secondly, South China is one of the most developed areas in China. It welcomes people from the entire world. As a result, Southern Cuisine, especially Guangdong Cuisine, emphasizes a flavor which is clear but not light, refreshing but not common, tender but not crude. Thirdly,People in South China tend to be more careful and sensitive than northern people. As a result, their dishes as well as appearance are really cute and attractive. Just like dim sum(点心), which means “touch the heart”, is one of the most famous Cantonese meal. It consists of a variety of delicacies and is usually served for breakfast or dinner. Spicy-hot Fish麻辣鱼Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)麻婆豆腐Pork Rips排骨)Penaeus orientalis对虾 2.Characteristics of cuisines in northern part of China Cuisines of the north part of China have several characteristics. people in the north tend to eat cooked wheaten food. Or in other words, people eat more food made of flour. This is because the climate here is temperate continental climate, which means there are less rain drops and sunlight. And this climate provides favorable conditions for the growth of wheat. First,When it comes to cooked wheaten food, there is a place many people are familiar with. That is Shanxi(山西). As the saying goes, “east or west, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is best”. Shanxi is famous for its diverse and delicious cooked wheaten food. With a history of 2000years, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is gaining more and more popularity at home and even abroad. Cooked wheaten food in Shanxi,there are round 280 kinds of cooked wheaten food, among which the sliced noodles is the most renowned one. Apart from the sliced noodles刀削面, boiled food also includes hand-pulled noodles拉面, He lao饸饹)Tijian,剔尖Maoerduo猫耳朵, Jiupian(揪片) ,which are all delicious and tasty. As for the cooked food, it includes fried cake(炸糕)、Yi wo su(一窝酥)、fried dough twist (麻花),Shuai bing(甩饼) and so on. Other steamed wheaten food includes steamed bun、You mian kao lao(莜面栲栳)、Gao liang mian yu(高粱面鱼). Second, food in the north is often more salty and greasy than that in the south.


It is uni versally ack no wledged that Chin ese culture has a history of more tha n two thousa nd years, which once had great in flue nee on the world. Although China risks copying the Western lifestyle ' s worst aspects, especially of unhealthy eating and drinking, Which once gave rise to many problems. Fort un ately, Chi nese begin to realize the importanee of Chinese traditional culture. Such examples might be given easily, Chinese traditional culture was added into our CET4and CET6,which help us get hold of it better. All in all, Chin ese traditi onal culture accompa nies our growth all the time, which has already deeply rooted in our daily lives. As a Chinese, What we ought to do is to transmitte Chinese traditional culture from generation to generation. Only with these efforts adopted can we en sure that Chi nese traditional culture will be leaded to a brilliant future. The passage mainly tells us the importa nee of protect ing traditi onal Chin ese culture, which is challenged or facing extinction because of the developing society and cha nging lifestyle. Besides, China is n ati on wide spari ng no efforts to do it.(36 words) The protection of national and folk culture is of great significanee to Chinese cultural diversity and also to the harm onious developme nt betwee n local econo mic and social developme nt. In my opinion, some measures should be taken to protect traditional culture 1 / 21 / 2


假设你是王平,你的英国朋友harry正在学习汉语,想通过你了解中国的传统节日,请你根据所给的图画和提示,给harry写一封E-mail,向他介绍我国主要传统节日的情况,并告诉他你最喜欢的节日及理由。 提示: 1.内容要点:以上两个节日的时间,含义(家人团聚的日子)及主要活动。 2.参考词汇:lunar, play fireworks, lucky money, moon cake 3.词数:不少于80,开头和结尾已经写出,不计入总词数 4.春节和中秋节 Dear Harry, How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in Chinese traditional festivals. So,I’d like to tell you something about these festivals. Spring Festival is the most important festival in my country.It is to celebrate the lunar calendar’s new year. Before the festival,we clean our homes and sweep away all the bad luck. On the evening before Spring Festival we have a big family dinner. We eat jiaozi—a kind of dumpling and other delicious food. After dinner, we will go outside to play fireworks. In China, another important festival is Mid-autumn Day.It is on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.It is time for family getting together. On that night the moon is brighter and fuller than any other night. .I love it very much. Because on that day ,our families will stay outside in the open air to eat a big dinner and moon cakes. The most important thing is looking at the moon, the moon looks brighter and rounder. We call this moon the full moon. What great festivals ! I love them . I am sure you will love them too. Write and tell me something about your festivals. Moon Festival The Moon Festival or Mid -autumn Festival is one of the three major traditional festivals ce lebrated by Chinese people. Like harvest time in other countries, the Mid-autumn Festival actuall y began as a thanksgiving celebration, honoring the Soil God and the Crop God. This is also a tim e for family reunions. Chinese people enjoy moon cakes during this feast just as they eat rice du mplings for the Dragon Boat Festival. It is quite appropriate to bring moon cakes with you in tok en of festival greetings when calling on people during this season. The Mid-Autumn Day August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family will have the me mbers get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon. The moon is the brightest this night. People ate the delicious food while they were enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past e vents and tell the children a story about the rabbit. The children really believed that there was a rabbit on the moon. They wanted to go to the moon and have a look one day 中秋: Mid-autumn Day falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month(农历).On that night the moon is


传统文化英语作文 1.假定你是李华,是某高中的一名学生。为了让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化,你校近日将举办中国传统文化展(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。请给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括: 展会的宗旨,时间、地点以及参加人; 展出内容:相关书籍、图片、实物等; 注意:词数100左右;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Smith, I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm. Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture, the staff, all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome. At the Fair, related books, pictures, videos and objects will be exhibited, through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also definitely feel the unique beauty of it. If you're interested, please come and enjoy it. And I'd be glad to offer any help. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 2.假如你是李华,你校将举办中学生文化艺术节,请给你的英国朋友Peter写信,邀请他参加这次艺术节并请他表演一个节目.信的内容包括: 1.演出地点、时间及参加人员; 2.介绍艺术节主题:弘扬传统文化,促进文化交流. 注意:1.词数:100左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. 参考词汇:中学生文化艺术节the Middle School Art Festival 承办 host 弘扬 carry forward . Dear Peter, How is everything going?I'm honored and happy,hearing you are a fan of traditional Chinese Art and Culture.Here comes a piece of good news appealing to you.The Middle School Art Festival hosted by our school is drawing near. The festival is to carry forward traditional culture and promote cultural exchange.And it provides audience with a stage where they can sample different forms of traditional Chinese and foreign culture while putting on performance.Next Friday,on the 30th of June,the festival will be held in the Shiyu Building.All of us students will take part in it.I sincerely hope that you can join us in our performance.By the way,it will be nicer of you to show us something from your country,since it will satisfy our curiosity about Britain. All of us will feel graced with the presence of you and your family. Yours,Li Hua 3. 假定你是李华,你的留学生同学Smith对中国传统文化很感兴趣,想要了解端午节。请你写信向他介绍中国的传统节日——端午节。包括以下要点: 1)端午节的时间及起源(农历五月初五); 2)端午节的习俗; 3)邀请他端午节那天和你一起过节。 注意:1)词数100左右。 2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Smith,


高考英语作文传统节日 中秋节 The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. There are various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people. 端午节 The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar (阴历)holiday, occurring (存正)on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (农历史五月第五天). Dragon Boat Festival is my favourite festival.During the holiday of Dragon Boat Festival,I got together with my family to have a big meal.We ofen ate the zongzi.It tasted very nice.And we saw the Dragon Boat Races.I felt excited because the race was bustling with noise and excitement.At Dragon Boat Festival,we also drank realgar wine.Some people thought drank realgar wine can protect themselves from illness.Dragon Boat Festival was interesting and I like it very much. The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant (有意义的)holiday celebrated (庆祝)in China, and the one with the longest history (历史最悠久). The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races (龙舟赛) in the shape of dragons. Competing teams (竞争团队) row their boats forward to a drumbeat (击古)racing to reach the finish end first. The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs (传统习俗)to attempts to (试图)rescue (搭救) the patriotic poet (爱国诗人)Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned (溺死) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves (竹叶) filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings(棕子). The celebration\'s is a time for protection (防护) from evil (邪恶) and disease (疾病) for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions (营养品), and displaying (展示) portraits (画像) of evil\'s nemesis(邪恶报应), Chung Kuei. If one manages to (成功做...) stand (直立)an egg on it\'s end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one. Today, people eat bamboo-wrapped steamed glutinous(粘的) rice dumplings called zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fish) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu's dramatic death. 清明节 Last Qingming Festival,I return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming


Improper expressions: 1.Spring Festival 2.For there is a long time …, we have to… 3.This phenomenon results in the doubt that whether Christmas will replace… 4.traditional festivals should be paid more attention than foreign festivals. 5.We exchange…, which results in more and more people get interested in foreign festivals. 6.The question that whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival leads to a heated discussion in society. 7.There are many people in the western countries celebrate the Spring Festival. Proper and good expressions: 1.With the tendency towards globalization 2.the Spring Festival should be passed on from generation to generation 3.It seems that some traditional festivals like the Spring Festival are gradually overshadowed By Christmas. 4.Globalization has encouraged the popularity of Christmas in Chinese. 5.The Spring Festival is an apparent symbol of Chinese culture which is engraved in every Chinese’s mind. 6.cultural heritage 7.Learning their culture is a must…. We learn English in order to make more people learn Chinese. 8.festival celebrating has been globalized 9.Some people suspect that the obsession with Christmas will lead us to neglect another traditional festival--- the Spring Festival. 10.Observing Christmas doesn’t mean abandoning the Spring Festival. 11.the Spring Festival is more than a festival 12.an exotic festival 13.Chinese are celebrating some western festivals, and vice versa. 14.some most celebrated festivals in our country are the essence of our long history and rich culture. 15.Currently, the word “Christmas” has evolved into a symbol of happiness and gifts. 16.people tend to have an increasing liking for observing western festivals 17.in the circumstances of globalization Modal In the course of globalization, western culture has flooded into China at an almost non-stop rate. Along with it come western festivals, the most influential of which is Christmas. As a result of this “culture invasion”, more and more Chinese people, particularly the youth, are abandoning traditional Chinese festivals. There is even a prediction that the Spring Festival will ultimately be replaced by Christmas. However, personally I’m not in favor of this statement, as the Spring Festival is a kind of cultural heritage serving as a spiritual legacy for all of us to cling to, regardless of any hindrance. First of all, observing Christmas does not mean that the Spring Festival can be neglected. The Spring Festival has its roots in Chinese history, from which it requires its identity and meaning irreplaceable by Christmas. As Christmas stemmed from Western civilization, it can’t easily fit in

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